diff --git a/list.json b/list.json
index c69994b..5dbc8ce 100644
--- a/list.json
+++ b/list.json
@@ -286,19 +286,19 @@
"section": "daily",
"maintainer": "TNTcraftHIM",
"size": "28.8 kb",
- "supported": true,
+ "supported": false,
"des-short": "网易云搜歌/随机热歌/点歌",
"des": "可以在线搜索并且快速点歌(可回复信息点歌),也支持随机热歌功能,支持解锁VIP/灰色歌曲。命令:nem。"
"name": "neteasedown",
- "version": "1.121",
+ "version": "1.2",
"section": "daily",
"maintainer": "xtaodada",
- "size": "15.6 kb",
+ "size": "6.7 kb",
"supported": true,
"des-short": "网易云搜歌/点歌",
- "des": "可以在线搜索并且快速点歌(可回复信息点歌),不支持解锁VIP/灰色歌曲。命令:ned。"
+ "des": "可以在线搜索并且快速点歌(可回复信息点歌),支持解锁VIP歌曲。命令:ned。"
"name": "killallmembers",
diff --git a/neteasedown.py b/neteasedown.py
index 9f890fa..823eb28 100644
--- a/neteasedown.py
+++ b/neteasedown.py
@@ -1,368 +1,167 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
-import re
-import binascii
-import base64
-import json
-import copy
-import requests
-from time import sleep
-from sys import executable
-from os.path import exists
-from telethon.tl.types import DocumentAttributeAudio
-from pagermaid.listener import listener
-from pagermaid.utils import alias_command
-fake_headers = {"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", # noqa
- "Accept-Charset": "UTF-8,*;q=0.5",
- "Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate,sdch",
- "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.8",
- "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0", # noqa
- "referer": "https://www.google.com"}
-wget_headers = {"Accept": "*/*",
- "Accept-Encoding": "identity",
- "User-Agent": "Wget/1.19.5 (darwin17.5.0)"}
+from os import sep, remove, listdir
+from os.path import isfile
+from sys import executable
- from Crypto.Cipher import AES
+ from mutagen.id3 import ID3, APIC, TIT2, TPE1
+ from pyncm import GetCurrentSession, apis, DumpSessionAsString, SetCurrentSession, LoadSessionFromString
+ from pyncm.apis import LoginFailedException
+ from pyncm.apis.cloudsearch import CloudSearchType
- AES.new("0CoJUm6Qyw8W8jud".encode('utf-8'),
- AES.MODE_CBC, "0102030405060708".encode('utf-8'))
cc_imported = True
except ImportError:
+ print(f'[!] Please install {executable} -m pip install mutagen git+https://github.com/Xtao-Labs/pyncm.git')
cc_imported = False
- import eyed3
- eyed3_imported = True
-except ImportError:
- eyed3_imported = False
-class DataError(RuntimeError):
- """ 得到的data中没有预期的内容 """
+from telethon.tl.types import DocumentAttributeAudio
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
+from pagermaid.listener import listener
+from pagermaid.utils import alias_command, execute
-class MusicApi:
- # class property
- # 子类修改时使用 deepcopy
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- session = requests.Session()
- session.headers.update(fake_headers)
- @classmethod
- def request(cls, url, method="POST", data=None):
- if method == "GET":
- resp = cls.session.get(url, params=data, timeout=7)
- else:
- resp = cls.session.post(url, data=data, timeout=7)
- if resp.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
- raise RequestError(resp.text)
- if not resp.text:
- raise ResponseError("No response data.")
- return resp.json()
+def download_by_url(url, dest):
+ # Downloads generic content
+ response = GetCurrentSession().get(url, stream=True)
+ with open(dest, 'wb') as f:
+ for chunk in response.iter_content(1024 * 2 ** 10):
+ f.write(chunk) # write every 1MB read
+ return dest
-class NeteaseApi(MusicApi):
- session = copy.deepcopy(MusicApi.session)
- session.headers.update({"referer": "http://music.163.com/"})
+def gen_author(song_info: dict) -> str:
+ data = []
+ for i in song_info["songs"][0]["ar"]:
+ data.append(i["name"])
+ return " ".join(data)
- @classmethod
- def encode_netease_data(cls, data) -> str:
- data = json.dumps(data)
- key = binascii.unhexlify("7246674226682325323F5E6544673A51")
- encryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
- # 补足data长度,使其是16的倍数
- pad = 16 - len(data) % 16
- fix = chr(pad) * pad
- byte_data = (data + fix).encode("utf-8")
- return binascii.hexlify(encryptor.encrypt(byte_data)).upper().decode()
- @classmethod
- def encrypted_request(cls, data) -> dict:
- "00e0b509f6259df8642dbc35662901477df22677ec152b5ff68ace615bb7"
- "b725152b3ab17a876aea8a5aa76d2e417629ec4ee341f56135fccf695280"
- "104e0312ecbda92557c93870114af6c9d05c4f7f0c3685b7a46bee255932"
- "575cce10b424d813cfe4875d3e82047b97ddef52741d546b8e289dc6935b"
- "3ece0462db0a22b8e7"
+async def netease_down(track_info: dict, song_info: dict) -> str:
+ if not isfile(f'data{sep}{song_info["songs"][0]["name"]}.{track_info["data"][0]["type"]}'):
+ # Downloding source audio
+ download_by_url(track_info["data"][0]["url"],
+ f'data{sep}{song_info["songs"][0]["name"]}.{track_info["data"][0]["type"]}')
+ # Downloading cover
+ download_by_url(song_info["songs"][0]["al"]["picUrl"],
+ f'data{sep}{song_info["songs"][0]["name"]}.jpg')
+ with open(f'data{sep}{song_info["songs"][0]["name"]}.jpg', 'rb') as f:
+ picData = f.read()
+ # 设置标签
+ info = {'picData': picData,
+ 'title': song_info["songs"][0]["name"],
+ 'artist': gen_author(song_info)}
+ songFile = ID3(f'data{sep}{song_info["songs"][0]["name"]}.{track_info["data"][0]["type"]}')
+ songFile['APIC'] = APIC( # 插入封面
+ encoding=3,
+ mime='image/jpeg',
+ type=3,
+ desc=u'Cover',
+ data=info['picData']
- PUBKEY = "010001"
- NONCE = b"0CoJUm6Qyw8W8jud"
- data = json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8")
- secret = cls.create_key(16)
- params = cls.aes(cls.aes(data, NONCE), secret)
- encseckey = cls.rsa(secret, PUBKEY, MODULUS)
- return {"params": params, "encSecKey": encseckey}
- @classmethod
- def aes(cls, text, key):
- pad = 16 - len(text) % 16
- text = text + bytearray([pad] * pad)
- encryptor = AES.new(key, 2, b"0102030405060708")
- ciphertext = encryptor.encrypt(text)
- return base64.b64encode(ciphertext)
- @classmethod
- def rsa(cls, text, pubkey, modulus):
- text = text[::-1]
- rs = pow(int(binascii.hexlify(text), 16), int(pubkey, 16), int(modulus, 16))
- return format(rs, "x").zfill(256)
- @classmethod
- def create_key(cls, size):
- return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(size))[:16]
-def netease_search(keyword) -> list:
- eparams = {
- "method": "POST",
- "url": "http://music.163.com/api/cloudsearch/pc",
- "params": {"s": keyword, "type": 1, "offset": 0, "limit": 5},
- }
- data = {"eparams": NeteaseApi.encode_netease_data(eparams)}
- songs_list = []
- res_data = (
- NeteaseApi.request(
- "http://music.163.com/api/linux/forward", method="POST", data=data
+ songFile['TIT2'] = TIT2( # 插入歌名
+ encoding=3,
+ text=info['title']
- .get("result", {})
- .get("songs", {})
- )
- try:
- for item in res_data:
- if item.get("privilege", {}).get("fl", {}) == 0:
- # 没有版权
- continue
- # 获得歌手名字
- singers = [s.get("name", "") for s in item.get("ar", [])]
- # 获得音乐的文件大小
- # TODO: 获取到的大小并不准确,考虑逐一获取歌曲详情
- if item.get("privilege", {}).get("fl", {}) >= 320000 and item.get("h", ""):
- size = item.get("h", {}).get("size", 0)
- elif item.get("privilege", {}).get("fl", {}) >= 192000 and item.get(
- "m", ""
- ):
- size = item.get("m", {}).get("size", 0)
- else:
- size = item.get("l", {}).get("size", 0)
- song = {"id": item.get("id", ""),
- "title": item.get("name", ""),
- "singer": "、".join(singers),
- "album": item.get("al", {}).get("name", ""),
- "duration": int(item.get("dt", 0) / 1000),
- "size": round(size / 1048576, 2),
- "cover_url": item.get("al", {}).get("picUrl", "")}
- songs_list.append(song)
- except Exception as e:
- raise DataError(e)
- return songs_list
-def netease_down(info):
- try:
- imagedata = requests.get(info['cover_url'], headers=wget_headers).content
- if not exists('data/' + info['title'] + '.mp3'):
- r = requests.get(
- info['song_url'],
- stream=True,
- headers=wget_headers,
- )
- with open('data/' + info['title'] + '.mp3', "wb") as f:
- for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
- if chunk:
- f.write(chunk)
- tag = eyed3.load(info['title'] + '.mp3')
- tag.initTag()
- tag = tag.tag
- tag.artist = info['singer']
- tag.title = info['title']
- tag.album = info['album']
- tag.images.remove('')
- tag.images.set(6, imagedata, "image/jpeg", u"Media")
- tag.save(version=eyed3.id3.ID3_DEFAULT_VERSION, encoding='utf-8')
- return imagedata
- except Exception as e:
- raise DataError
-def netease_single(id):
- song_id = id
- data_detail = NeteaseApi.encrypted_request(
- dict(c=json.dumps([{"id": song_id}]), ids=[song_id])
- )
- res_data_detail = NeteaseApi.request(
- "http://music.163.com/weapi/v3/song/detail", method="POST", data=data_detail
- ).get("songs", [])
- data = NeteaseApi.encrypted_request(dict(ids=[song_id], br=32000))
- res_data = NeteaseApi.request(
- "http://music.163.com/weapi/song/enhance/player/url",
- method="POST",
- data=data,
- ).get("data", [])
- if len(res_data_detail) > 0 and len(res_data) > 0:
- try:
- item = res_data_detail[0]
- singers = [s.get("name", "") for s in item.get("ar", {})]
- song = {"id": item.get("id", ""),
- "title": item.get("name", ""),
- "singers": singers,
- "singer": "、".join(singers),
- "album": item.get("al", {}).get("name", ""),
- "duration": int(item.get("dt", 0) / 1000),
- "cover_url": item.get("al", {}).get("picUrl", ""),
- "song_url": res_data[0].get("url", ""),
- "rate": int(res_data[0].get("br", 0) / 1000)}
- return song
- except TypeError:
- raise DataError("Get song detail failed.")
- else:
- raise DataError("Get song detail failed.")
+ songFile['TPE1'] = TPE1( # 插入第一演奏家、歌手、等
+ encoding=3,
+ text=info['artist']
+ )
+ songFile.save()
+ # 返回
+ return f'data{sep}{song_info["songs"][0]["name"]}.{track_info["data"][0]["type"]}'
@listener(is_plugin=True, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("ned"),
- parameters="<关键词/id>")
+ parameters="{关键词/id}/{login <账号> <密码>}/{clear}")
async def ned(context):
- if len(context.parameter) < 1:
- await context.edit("**使用方法:** `-ned` `<关键词/id>`")
+ if not cc_imported:
+ await context.edit(f"[!] Please run `-sh {executable} -m pip install "
+ f"mutagen git+https://github.com/Xtao-Labs/pyncm.git` and then restart pagermaid.")
- else:
- if not eyed3_imported or not cc_imported:
- try:
- await context.edit("支持库 `eyed3` `PyCryptodome` 未安装...\n正在尝试自动安装...")
- await execute(f'{executable} -m pip install eyed3')
- await execute(f'{executable} -m pip install pycryptodome')
- await sleep(10)
- result = await execute(f'{executable} -m pip show eyed3')
- result_1 = await execute(f'{executable} -m pip show pycryptodome')
- if len(result) > 0 and len(result_1) > 0:
- await context.edit('支持库 `eyed3` `pycryptodome` 安装成功...\n正在尝试自动重启...')
- await context.client.disconnect()
- else:
- await context.edit(
- f"自动安装失败..\n请尝试手动安装 `-sh {executable} -m pip install eyed3` 和 "
- f"`-sh {executable} -m pip install pycryptodome` 随后,请重启 PagerMaid-Modify 。")
- return
- except:
+ if len(context.parameter) < 1:
+ # 使用方法
+ await context.edit(f"**使用方法:** `-{alias_command('ned')}" + " {关键词/id}/{login <账号> <密码>}`")
+ return
+ # 处理账号登录
+ if context.parameter[0] == "login":
+ # 显示登录信息
+ if len(context.parameter) == 1:
+ login_info = GetCurrentSession().login_info
+ if login_info["success"]:
+ await context.edit(f"已登录账号:**{login_info['content']['profile']['nickname']}**")
- return
- type = 'keyword'
- id = context.parameter[0]
- # 测试是否为 id
- try:
- id = int(id)
- type = 'id'
- except ValueError:
- pass
- if type == 'keyword':
- # 开始搜歌
- await context.edit(f"【{id}】搜索中 . . .")
- try:
- info = netease_search(id)
- except DataError:
- await context.edit(f"【{id}】搜索失败。")
- return
- if len(info) > 0:
- text = f"关于【{id}】的结果如下 \n"
- for i in range(len(info)):
- text += f"#{i + 1}: \n歌名: {info[i]['title']}\n"
- if info[i]['album']:
- res = '' + \
- info[i]['album'] + ''
- text += f"专辑: {res} \n"
- text += f"作者: {info[i]['singer']}\n" \
- f"歌曲ID: {info[i]['id']}
- await context.edit(text, parse_mode='html', link_preview=True)
- await context.edit("**未搜索到结果**")
- sleep(3)
- await context.delete()
- return
- elif type == 'id':
- # 开始点歌
- # 检查 id 是否为 1-5
- try:
- reply = await context.get_reply_message()
- except ValueError:
- await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。")
+ await context.edit(f"**未登录/登录失败**,错误信息:`{login_info['content']}`")
- if reply and 0 < id < 6:
- msg = reply.message
- search = re.findall(".*【(.*)】.*", msg)
- if search:
- try:
- start = "#" + context.parameter[0] + ":"
- search = ".*" + start + "(.*?)" + '————————' + ".*"
- msg = re.findall(search, msg, re.S)[0]
- search = ".*歌曲ID: (.*)\n.*"
- title = ".*歌名: (.*?)\n.*"
- title = "【" + re.findall(title, msg, re.S)[0] + "】"
- id = re.findall(search, msg, re.S)[0]
- if reply.sender.is_self:
- await reply.edit(f"{title}点歌完成")
- except:
- await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的歌曲序号。")
- return
- else:
- await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。")
- return
- await context.edit("获取中 . . .")
- try:
- data = netease_single(id)
- await context.edit(f"【{data['title']}】下载中 . . .")
- img_data = netease_down(data)
- except DataError:
- await context.edit(f"【{id}】获取失败。")
- return
- await context.edit(f"【{data['title']}】发送中 . . .")
- cap = data['singer'] + " - " + "**" + data['title'] + f"**\n#NeteaseMusic #{data['rate']}kbps "
- if not exists("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/FastTelethon.py"):
- if not exists("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra"):
- os.mkdir("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra")
- faster = requests.request(
- "GET", "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/TNTcraftHIM"
- "/ca2e6066ed5892f67947eb2289dd6439/raw"
- "/86244b02c7824a3ca32ce01b2649f5d9badd2e49/FastTelethon.py")
- if faster.status_code == 200:
- with open("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/FastTelethon.py", "wb") as f:
- f.write(faster.content)
- else:
- pass
- try:
- from NeteaseMusicExtra.FastTelethon import upload_file
- file = await upload_file(context.client, open('data/' + data['title'] + '.mp3', 'rb'),
- 'data/' + data['title'] + '.mp3')
- except:
- file = 'data/' + data['title'] + '.mp3'
- if not exists("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/NoFastTelethon.txt"):
- with open("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/NoFastTelethon.txt", "w") as f:
- f.write("此文件出现表示 FastTelethon 支持文件在首次运行 NeteaseMusic 插件时导入失败\n这可能是因为Github"
- "服务器暂时性的访问出错导致的\nFastTelethon可以提升低网络性能机型在上传文件时的效率,但是正常情况提升并不明显\n"
- "如想要手动导入,可以手动下载:\nhttps://gist.githubusercontent.com/TNTcraftHIM"
- "/ca2e6066ed5892f67947eb2289dd6439/raw"
- "/86244b02c7824a3ca32ce01b2649f5d9badd2e49/FastTelethon.py\n并放入当前文件夹")
- await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '`FastTelethon`支持文件导入失败,上传速度可能受到影响\n'
- '此提示仅出现**一次**,手动导入可参考:\n`' + os.getcwd() +
- '/plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/NoFastTelethon.txt`')
- await context.client.send_file(
- context.chat_id,
- file,
- caption=cap,
- link_preview=False,
- force_document=False,
- thumb=img_data,
- attributes=(DocumentAttributeAudio(
- data['duration'], False, data['title'], data['singer']),)
- )
- await context.delete()
+ # 过滤空参数
+ if len(context.parameter) == 2:
+ # 登录命令格式错误
+ await context.edit(f"**使用方法:** `-{alias_command('ned')} <账号> <密码>`")
+ # 开始登录
+ try:
+ apis.login.LoginViaCellphone(context.parameter[1], context.parameter[2])
+ except LoginFailedException:
+ await context.edit("**登录失败**,请检查账号密码是否正确。")
+ return
+ # 获取登录信息
+ login_info = GetCurrentSession().login_info
+ await context.edit(f"**登录成功**,已登录账号:**{login_info['content']['profile']['nickname']}**")
+ # 保存登录信息
+ with open(f"data{sep}session.ncm", 'w+') as f:
+ f.write(DumpSessionAsString(GetCurrentSession()))
+ return
+ if context.parameter[0] == "clear":
+ # 清除歌曲缓存
+ for i in listdir("data"):
+ if i.find(".mp3") != -1 or i.find(".jpg") != -1:
+ remove(f"data{sep}{i}")
+ await context.edit("**已清除缓存**")
+ return
+ # 加载登录信息
+ if isfile(f"data{sep}session.ncm"):
+ with open(f"data{sep}session.ncm") as f:
+ SetCurrentSession(LoadSessionFromString(f.read()))
+ # 搜索歌曲
+ song_id = context.arguments
+ # id
+ if song_id.isdigit():
+ song_id = int(song_id)
+ else:
+ search_data = apis.cloudsearch.GetSearchResult(song_id, CloudSearchType(1), 1)
+ if len(search_data["result"]["songs"]) == 1:
+ song_id = search_data["result"]["songs"][0]["id"]
+ else:
+ await context.edit(f"**没有找到歌曲**,请检查歌曲名称是否正确。")
+ return
+ # 获取歌曲信息小于等于 320k HQ
+ track_info = apis.track.GetTrackAudio([song_id])
+ # 获取歌曲详情
+ song_info = apis.track.GetTrackDetail([song_id])
+ if track_info["data"][0]["code"] == 404:
+ await context.edit(f"**没有找到歌曲**,请检查歌曲id是否正确。")
+ return
+ await context.edit(f"正在下载歌曲:**{song_info['songs'][0]['name']} - {gen_author(song_info)}**")
+ # 下载歌曲并且设置歌曲标签
+ path = await netease_down(track_info, song_info)
+ await context.edit("正在上传歌曲。。。")
+ # 上传歌曲
+ cap = f"「**{song_info['songs'][0]['name']}**」\n" \
+ f"{gen_author(song_info)}\n" \
+ f"\n" \
+ f"#netease #{int(track_info['data'][0]['br'] / 1000)}kbps #{track_info['data'][0]['type']}"
+ duration = int(song_info['songs'][0]['dt'] / 1000)
+ await context.client.send_file(
+ context.chat_id,
+ path,
+ caption=cap,
+ link_preview=False,
+ force_document=False,
+ thumb=path[:-3] + 'jpg',
+ attributes=(DocumentAttributeAudio(
+ duration, False, song_info['songs'][0]['name'], gen_author(song_info)),)
+ )
+ await context.delete()