""" Send Msg At A Specified Time. """ # By tg @fruitymelon # extra requirements: dateparser import sys, time, traceback import asyncio from pagermaid import log, version from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.utils import alias_command, pip_install pip_install("dateparser") import dateparser DAY_SECS = 24 * 60 * 60 def logsync(message): sys.stdout.writelines(f"{message}\n") logsync("sendat: loading... If failed, please install dateparser first.") # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1111056/get-time-zone-information-of-the-system-in-python def local_time_offset(t=None): """Return offset of local zone from GMT, either at present or at time t.""" # python2.3 localtime() can't take None if t is None: t = time.time() if time.localtime(t).tm_isdst and time.daylight: return -time.altzone else: return -time.timezone offset = local_time_offset() // 3600 sign = "+" if offset >= 0 else "-" offset = abs(offset) offset_str = str(offset) offset_str = offset_str if len(offset_str) == 2 else f"0{offset_str}" settings = {'TIMEZONE': f'{sign}{offset_str}00'} logsync(f"sendat: local time zone offset is {sign}{abs(offset)}") mem = [] helpmsg = """ 定时发送消息。 -sendat 时间 | 消息内容 i.e. -sendat 16:00:00 | 投票截止! -sendat every 23:59:59 | 又是无所事事的一天呢。 -sendat every 1 minutes | 又过去了一分钟。 -sendat *3 1 minutes | 此消息将出现三次,间隔均为一分钟。 根据 Registered id,删除已注册的 timer: -sendat rm 2 此命令可与 autorespond(也是我写的插件), ghost, deny 命令串联: -sendat 10 minutes | -autorespond 我暂时有事离开一下。 """ @listener(is_plugin=True, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("sendat"), diagnostics=True, ignore_edited=True, description=helpmsg, parameters="") async def sendatwrap(context): await sendat(context) async def sendat(context): if not context.parameter: await context.edit(helpmsg) return mem_id = len(mem) mem.append("[NULL]") chat = await context.get_chat() args = " ".join(context.parameter).split("|") await context.edit(f"debug: tz data: {time.timezone} {time.tzname} {sign}{offset}") if len(args) != 2: if args[0].find("rm ") == 0: # clear timer target_ids = args[0][3:].strip().split(" ") for target_id in target_ids: if target_id.isnumeric(): if len(mem) > int(target_id): mem[int(target_id)] = "" await context.edit(f"id {target_id} successfully removed.") else: await context.edit("id out of range.") return else: await context.edit("id should be a integer.") return else: await context.edit("Invalid argument counts. Expecting: 2") return if offset is None: await context.edit("Failed to get your server's timezone.") return try: if args[0].find("every ") == 0: # at this point, let's assume args[0] contains relative time # i.e. -sendat every 3 minutes time_str = args[0][6:] if time_str.find(":") != -1: # then it should be absolute time target = dateparser.parse(time_str, settings=settings).timestamp() % DAY_SECS if target >= DAY_SECS - 6: # 太接近午夜,小概率直接 sleep 过头,特殊处理 target = 0 mem[mem_id] = "|".join(args) await sendmsg(context, chat, f"{args[0]} -> {target} sec after 00:00:00 UTC+0") await context.edit(f"Registered: id {mem_id}. You can use this id to cancel the timer.") last_sent = 0 while mem[mem_id] != "": if time.time() % DAY_SECS < target: # 时间没到 await asyncio.sleep(2) continue if time.time() % DAY_SECS >= target and time.time() - last_sent < DAY_SECS - 10: # 时间过了,第二天的没到 await asyncio.sleep(2) continue if mem[mem_id] != "": await sendmsg(context, chat, args[1]) last_sent = time.time() mem[mem_id] = "" return sleep_time = time.time() - dateparser.parse(time_str, settings=settings).timestamp() if sleep_time < 5: await context.edit(f"Sleep time too short. Should be longer than 5 seconds. Got {sleep_time}") return mem[mem_id] = "|".join(args) await context.edit(f"Registered: id {mem_id}. You can use this id to cancel the timer.") while mem[mem_id] != "": last_time = time.time() while time.time() < last_time + sleep_time and mem[mem_id] != "": await asyncio.sleep(2) if mem[mem_id] != "": await sendmsg(context, chat, args[1]) mem[mem_id] = "" return elif args[0].find("*") == 0: times = int(args[0][1:].split(" ")[0]) rest = " ".join(args[0][1:].split(" ")[1:]) if rest.find(":") != -1: # then it should be absolute time target = dateparser.parse(rest, settings=settings).timestamp() % DAY_SECS if target >= DAY_SECS - 6: # 太接近午夜,小概率直接 sleep 过头,特殊处理 target = 0 count = 0 mem[mem_id] = "|".join(args) await context.edit(f"Registered: id {mem_id}. You can use this id to cancel the timer.") last_sent = 0 while count <= times and mem[mem_id] != "": if time.time() % DAY_SECS < target: # 时间没到 await asyncio.sleep(2) continue if time.time() % DAY_SECS >= target and time.time() - last_sent < DAY_SECS - 10: # 时间过了,第二天的没到 await asyncio.sleep(2) continue if mem[mem_id] != "": await sendmsg(context, chat, args[1]) count += 1 last_sent = time.time() mem[mem_id] = "" return sleep_time = time.time() - dateparser.parse(rest, settings=settings).timestamp() if sleep_time < 5: await context.edit(f"Sleep time too short. Should be longer than 5 seconds. got {sleep_time}") return count = 0 mem[mem_id] = "|".join(args) await context.edit(f"Registered: id {mem_id}. You can use this id to cancel the timer.") while count <= times and mem[mem_id] != "": last_time = time.time() while time.time() < last_time + sleep_time and mem[mem_id] != "": await asyncio.sleep(2) if mem[mem_id] != "": await sendmsg(context, chat, args[1]) count += 1 mem[mem_id] = "" return if args[0].find(":") == -1: # relative time dt = dateparser.parse(args[0]) delta = time.time() - dt.timestamp() if delta < 3: await context.edit("Target time before now.") return mem[mem_id] = "|".join(args) await context.edit(f"Registered: id {mem_id}. You can use this id to cancel the timer.") while dt.timestamp() + 2 * delta > time.time() and mem[mem_id] != "": await asyncio.sleep(2) if mem[mem_id] != "": await sendmsg(context, chat, args[1]) mem[mem_id] = "" return # absolute time target_time = dateparser.parse(args[0], settings=settings).timestamp() if target_time - time.time() < 3: await context.edit("Target time before now.") return mem[mem_id] = "|".join(args) await context.edit(f"Registered: id {mem_id}. You can use this id to cancel the timer.") while target_time - time.time() > 0 and mem[mem_id] != "": await asyncio.sleep(2) if mem[mem_id] != "": await sendmsg(context, chat, args[1]) mem[mem_id] = "" except Exception as e: await log(str(e)) await log(str(traceback.format_stack())) return @listener(outgoing=True, command=alias_command("sendatdump"), diagnostics=True, ignore_edited=True, description="导出并转储内存中的 sendat 配置") async def sendatdump(context): clean_mem = mem[:] if clean_mem.count("[NULL]") != 0: clean_mem.remove("[NULL]") if clean_mem.count("") != 0: clean_mem.remove("") await context.edit(".\n-sendat " + "\n-sendat ".join(clean_mem)) @listener(outgoing=True, command=alias_command("sendatparse"), diagnostics=True, ignore_edited=True, description="导入已导出的 sendat 配置。用法:-sendatparse 在此处粘贴 -sendatdump 命令的输出结果") async def sendatparse(context): chat = await context.get_chat() text = "\n".join(context.message.text.split("\n")[1:]) if text == "": return if text.find(".\n") == 0: text = "\n".join(text.split("\n")[1:]) lines = text.split("\n") pms = [] for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i] sent = await sendmsg(context, chat, line) sent.parameter = line.replace("-sendat ", "").split(" ") pms.append(sendat(sent)) await asyncio.wait(pms) """ Modified pagermaid autorespond plugin. """ from telethon.events import StopPropagation from pagermaid import persistent_vars async def autorespond(context): """ Enables the auto responder. """ message = "我还在睡觉... ZzZzZzZzZZz" if context.arguments: message = context.arguments await context.edit("成功启用自动响应器。") await log(f"启用自动响应器,将自动回复 `{message}`.") persistent_vars.update({'autorespond': {'enabled': True, 'message': message, 'amount': 0}}) from pagermaid import redis, redis_status async def ghost(context): """ Toggles ghosting of a user. """ if not redis_status(): await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ Redis 好像离线了,无法执行命令。") return if len(context.parameter) != 1: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return myself = await context.client.get_me() self_user_id = myself.id if context.parameter[0] == "true": if context.chat_id == self_user_id: await context.edit("在?为什么要在收藏夹里面用?") return redis.set("ghosted.chat_id." + str(context.chat_id), "true") await context.delete() await log(f"已成功将 ChatID {str(context.chat_id)} 添加到自动已读对话列表中。") elif context.parameter[0] == "false": if context.chat_id == self_user_id: await context.edit("在?为什么要在收藏夹里面用?") return redis.delete("ghosted.chat_id." + str(context.chat_id)) await context.delete() await log(f"已成功将 ChatID {str(context.chat_id)} 从自动已读对话列表中移除。") elif context.parameter[0] == "status": if redis.get("ghosted.chat_id." + str(context.chat_id)): await context.edit("emm...当前对话已被加入自动已读对话列表中。") else: await context.edit("emm...当前对话已从自动已读对话列表中移除。") else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") async def deny(context): """ Toggles denying of a user. """ if not redis_status(): await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ Redis 离线,无法运行。") return if len(context.parameter) != 1: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return myself = await context.client.get_me() self_user_id = myself.id if context.parameter[0] == "true": if context.chat_id == self_user_id: await context.edit("在?为什么要在收藏夹里面用?") return redis.set("denied.chat_id." + str(context.chat_id), "true") await context.delete() await log(f"ChatID {str(context.chat_id)} 已被添加到自动拒绝对话列表中。") elif context.parameter[0] == "false": if context.chat_id == self_user_id: await context.edit("在?为什么要在收藏夹里面用?") return redis.delete("denied.chat_id." + str(context.chat_id)) await context.delete() await log(f"ChatID {str(context.chat_id)} 已从自动拒绝对话列表中移除。") elif context.parameter[0] == "status": if redis.get("denied.chat_id." + str(context.chat_id)): await context.edit("emm...当前对话已被加入自动拒绝对话列表中。") else: await context.edit("emm...当前对话已从自动拒绝对话列表移除。") else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") async def sendmsg(context, chat, origin_text): text = origin_text.strip() msg = await context.client.send_message(chat, text) if text.find("-autorespond") == 0: msg.arguments = text.replace("-autorespond", "").lstrip() await autorespond(msg) elif text.find("-ghost ") == 0: msg.parameter = [text[7:]] await ghost(msg) elif text.find("-deny ") == 0: msg.parameter = [text[6:]] await deny(msg) return msg