""" PagerMaid module for channel help. """ from asyncio import sleep from random import uniform from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import FloodWaitError from pagermaid import redis, log, redis_status, version from pagermaid.utils import lang, alias_command from pagermaid.listener import listener @listener(is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command=alias_command('shift'), description='开启转发频道新消息功能,需要 Redis', parameters="set 自动转发频道新消息(可以使用频道用户名或者 id)\n" "del 删除转发\n" "backup 备份频道(可以使用频道用户名或者 id)") async def shift_set(context): if not redis_status(): await context.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('redis_dis')}") return if not 1 < len(context.parameter) < 4: await context.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('arg_error')}") return if context.parameter[0] == "set": if len(context.parameter) != 3: await context.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('arg_error')}") return # 检查来源频道 try: channel = await context.client.get_entity(int(context.parameter[1])) if not channel.broadcast: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法识别的来源对话。") return channel = int(f'-100{channel.id}') except Exception: try: channel = await context.client.get_entity(context.parameter[1]) if not channel.broadcast: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法识别的来源对话。") return channel = int(f'-100{channel.id}') except Exception: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法识别的来源对话。") return if channel in [-1001441461877]: await context.edit('出错了呜呜呜 ~ 此对话位于白名单中。') return # 检查目标频道 try: to = int(context.parameter[2]) except Exception: try: to = await context.client.get_entity(context.parameter[2]) if to.broadcast or to.gigagroup or to.megagroup: to = int(f'-100{to.id}') else: to = to.id except Exception: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法识别的目标对话。") return if to in [-1001441461877]: await context.edit('出错了呜呜呜 ~ 此对话位于白名单中。') return redis.set("shift." + str(channel), f"{to}") await context.edit(f"已成功配置将对话 {channel} 的新消息转发到 {to} 。") await log(f"已成功配置将对话 {channel} 的新消息转发到 {to} 。") elif context.parameter[0] == "del": if len(context.parameter) != 2: await context.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('arg_error')}") return # 检查来源频道 try: channel = int(context.parameter[1]) except Exception: try: channel = (await context.client.get_entity(context.parameter[1])).id if channel.broadcast or channel.gigagroup or channel.megagroup: channel = int(f'-100{channel.id}') except Exception: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法识别的来源对话。") return try: redis.delete("shift." + str(channel)) except: await context.edit('emm...当前对话不存在于自动转发列表中。') return await context.edit(f"已成功关闭对话 {str(channel)} 的自动转发功能。") await log(f"已成功关闭对话 {str(channel)} 的自动转发功能。") elif context.parameter[0] == "backup": if len(context.parameter) != 3: await context.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('arg_error')}") return # 检查来源频道 try: channel = await context.client.get_entity(int(context.parameter[1])) if not channel.broadcast: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法识别的来源对话。") return channel = int(f'-100{channel.id}') except Exception: try: channel = await context.client.get_entity(context.parameter[1]) if not channel.broadcast: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法识别的来源对话。") return channel = int(f'-100{channel.id}') except Exception: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法识别的来源对话。") return if channel in [-1001441461877]: await context.edit('出错了呜呜呜 ~ 此对话位于白名单中。') return # 检查目标频道 try: to = int(context.parameter[2]) except Exception: try: to = await context.client.get_entity(context.parameter[2]) if to.broadcast or to.gigagroup or to.megagroup: to = int(f'-100{to.id}') else: to = to.id except Exception: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法识别的目标对话。") return if to in [-1001441461877]: await context.edit('出错了呜呜呜 ~ 此对话位于白名单中。') return # 开始遍历消息 await context.edit(f'开始备份频道 {channel} 到 {to} 。') async for msg in context.client.iter_messages(int(channel), reverse=True): await sleep(uniform(0.5, 1.0)) try: await forward_msg(context, msg, to) except BaseException: pass await context.edit(f'备份频道 {channel} 到 {to} 已完成。') else: await context.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('arg_error')}") return @listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=True, ignore_edited=True) async def shift_channel_message(context): """ Event handler to auto forward channel messages. """ if not redis_status(): return if not redis.get("shift." + str(context.chat_id)): return if context.chat_id in [-1001441461877]: return cid = int(redis.get("shift." + str(context.chat_id)).decode()) try: await context.forward_to(cid) except Exception as e: pass async def forward_msg(context, msg, cid): try: await msg.forward_to(cid) except FloodWaitError as e: await context.edit(f'触发 Flood ,暂停 {e.seconds + uniform(0.5, 1.0)} 秒。') try: await sleep(e.seconds + uniform(0.5, 1.0)) except Exception as e: print(f"Wait flood error: {e}") return await forward_msg(context, msg, cid)