# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import requests import re import base64 import codecs import random import math from time import sleep from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid import bot, version from pagermaid.utils import alias_command from os import remove, path, mkdir, getcwd from os.path import exists from collections import defaultdict from telethon.tl.types import DocumentAttributeAudio class RetryError(Exception): # 重试错误,用于再次重试 pass @listener(is_plugin=True, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("nem"), description="网易云搜/点歌。\n指令s为搜索,p为点歌,id为歌曲ID点歌,r为随机热歌(无关键词)\n搜索在s后添加数字如`-nem` `s8` " "`<关键词>`调整结果数量\n搜索灰色歌曲请尽量**指定歌手**\n可回复搜索结果消息`-nem` `p` `<歌曲数字序号>`点歌", parameters="<指令> <关键词>") async def nem(context): proxies = {} proxynum = 0 headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36 Edge/15.15063', "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8," "application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", "X-Real-IP": ""} proxy = [{'http': 'http://music.lolico.me:39000', 'https': 'http://music.lolico.me:39000'}, {'http': 'http://netease.unlock.feiwuis.me:6958', 'https': 'https://netease.unlock.feiwuis.me:6958'}] helptext = "**使用方法:** `-nem` `<指令>` `<关键词>`\n\n指令s为搜索,p为点歌,id为歌曲ID点歌,r为随机热歌(无关键词)\n搜索在s后添加数字如`-nem` `s8` " \ "`<关键词>`调整结果数量\n搜索灰色歌曲请尽量**指定歌手**\n可回复搜索结果消息`-nem` `p` `<歌曲数字序号>`点歌 " apifailtext = "出错了呜呜呜 ~ 试了好多好多次都无法访问到 API 服务器 。" if len(context.parameter) < 2: if len(context.parameter) == 0: await context.edit(helptext) return elif context.parameter[0] == "r": # 随机热歌 await context.edit("随机中 . . .") for _ in range(20): # 最多重试20次 apinum = random.randint(0, 1) apitype = random.randint(0, 1) if apitype == 0: apitype = "飙升榜" else: apitype = "热歌榜" if apinum == 0: url = "https://api.vvhan.com/api/rand.music?type=json&sort=" + apitype else: url = "https://api.uomg.com/api/rand.music?sort=" + apitype + "&format=json" status = False try: randsong = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if randsong.status_code == 200: randsong = json.loads(randsong.content) if apinum == 0 and randsong['success'] is True: context.parameter[0] = "id" context.parameter.append( str(randsong['info']['id'])) status = True break elif apinum == 1 and randsong['code'] == 1: context.parameter[0] = "id" context.parameter.append( str(randsong['data']['url'][45:])) status = True break except: continue if status is False: await context.edit(apifailtext) sleep(3) await context.delete() return else: # 错误输入 await context.edit(helptext) return # 整理关键词 keyword = '' for i in range(1, len(context.parameter)): keyword += context.parameter[i] + " " keyword = keyword[:-1] idplay = False if context.parameter[0] == "id": # ID点歌功能 if len(context.parameter) > 2: await context.edit(helptext) return idplay = keyword context.parameter[0] = "p" if context.parameter[0][0] == "s": # 搜索功能 await context.edit(f"【{keyword}】搜索中 . . .") if len(context.parameter[0]) > 1: limit = str(context.parameter[0][1:]) else: limit = "5" url = "http://music.163.com/api/search/pc?&s=" + \ keyword + "&offset=0&limit=" + limit + "&type=1" for _ in range(20): # 最多尝试20次 status = False req = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) if req.status_code == 200: req = json.loads(req.content) if req['code'] == 200: result = req['result'] if req['result']['songCount'] == 0: result = False else: result = False if result: info = defaultdict() for i in range(len(req['result']['songs'])): info[i] = {'id': '', 'title': '', 'alias': '', 'album': '', 'albumpic': '', 'artist': ''} info[i]['id'] = req['result']['songs'][i]['id'] info[i]['title'] = req['result']['songs'][i]['name'] info[i]['alias'] = req['result']['songs'][i]['alias'] info[i]['album'] = req['result']['songs'][i]['album']['name'] info[i]['albumpic'] = req['result']['songs'][i]['album']['picUrl'] for j in range(len(req['result']['songs'][i]['artists'])): info[i]['artist'] += req['result']['songs'][i]['artists'][j]['name'] + " " text = f"关于【{keyword}】的结果如下 \n" for i in range(len(info)): text += f"#{i+1}: \n歌名: {info[i]['title']}\n" if info[i]['alias']: text += f"别名{info[i]['alias'][0]}\n" if info[i]['album']: res = '' + \ info[i]['album'] + '' text += f"专辑: {res} \n" text += f"作者: {info[i]['artist']}\n歌曲ID{info[i]['id']}\n————————\n" text += "\n回复此消息-nem p <歌曲序号>即可点歌" await context.edit(text, parse_mode='html', link_preview=True) status = True break else: await context.edit("**未搜索到结果**") sleep(3) await context.delete() status = True break else: continue if status is False: await context.edit(apifailtext) sleep(3) await context.delete() return elif context.parameter[0] == "p": # 点歌功能 try: reply = await context.get_reply_message() except ValueError: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return search = "" title = "" if reply: msg = reply.message search = re.findall(".*【(.*)】.*", msg) if search: try: start = "#" + context.parameter[1] + ":" search = ".*" + start + "(.*?)" + '————————' + ".*" msg = re.findall(search, msg, re.S)[0] search = ".*歌曲ID: (.*)\n.*" title = ".*歌名: (.*?)\n.*" title = "【"+re.findall(title, msg, re.S)[0]+"】" idplay = re.findall(search, msg, re.S)[0] if reply.sender.is_self: await reply.edit(f"{title}点歌完成") except: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的歌曲序号。") return else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return await context.edit("获取中 . . .") try: import eyed3 imported = True except ImportError: imported = False await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '(`eyeD3`支持库未安装,歌曲文件信息将无法导入\n请使用 `-sh` `pip3` `install` `eyed3` ' '安装,或自行ssh安装)') url = "http://music.163.com/api/search/pc?&s=" + \ keyword + "&offset=0&limit=1&type=1" for _ in range(20): # 最多尝试20次 status = False if proxynum > (len(proxy) - 1): # 代理自动切换至下一个 proxynum = 0 proxies = proxy[proxynum] proxynum += 1 if idplay: # 指定ID播放 url = "http://music.163.com/api/song/detail?id=" + \ idplay + "&ids=[" + idplay + "]" # 搜索后播放 req = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) if req.status_code == 200: req = json.loads(req.content) if req['code'] == 200: if idplay: req['result'] = req result = req['result'] if not idplay: if req['result']['songCount'] == 0: result = False else: result = False if result: info = {'id': req['result']['songs'][0]['id'], 'title': req['result']['songs'][0]['name'], 'alias': req['result']['songs'][0]['alias'], 'album': req['result']['songs'][0]['album']['name'], 'albumpic': req['result']['songs'][0]['album']['picUrl'], 'artist': '', 'br': ''} if req['result']['songs'][0]['hMusic']: info['br'] = req['result']['songs'][0]['hMusic']['bitrate'] elif req['result']['songs'][0]['mMusic']: info['br'] = req['result']['songs'][0]['mMusic']['bitrate'] elif req['result']['songs'][0]['lMusic']: info['br'] = req['result']['songs'][0]['lMusic']['bitrate'] for j in range(len(req['result']['songs'][0]['artists'])): info['artist'] += req['result']['songs'][0]['artists'][j]['name'] + "; " info['artist'] = info['artist'][:-2] if title: title = "" else: title = f"【{info['title']}】" await context.edit(f"{title}下载中 . . .") try: from Crypto.Cipher import AES AES.new("0CoJUm6Qyw8W8jud".encode('utf-8'), AES.MODE_CBC, "0102030405060708".encode('utf-8')) ccimported = True except ImportError: ccimported = False await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '(`PyCryptodome`支持库未安装,音乐曲库/音质受限\n请使用 `-sh` `pip3` ' '`install` `pycryptodome` 安装,或自行ssh安装)') name = info['title'].replace('/', " ") + ".mp3" name = name.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') if ccimported: # 尝试使用高清音质下载 songid = str(info['id']) class WangyiyunDownload(object): def __init__(self): self.key = '0CoJUm6Qyw8W8jud' self.public_key = "010001" self.modulus = '00e0b509f6259df8642dbc35662901477df22677ec152b5ff68ace615bb7b72515' \ '2b3ab17a876aea8a5aa76d2e417629ec4ee341f56135fccf695280104e0312ecbda92' \ '557c93870114af6c9d05c4f7f0c3685b7a46bee255932575cce10b424d813cfe4875d' \ '3e82047b97ddef52741d546b8e289dc6935b3ece0462db0a22b8e7 ' # 偏移量 self.iv = "0102030405060708" # 请求头 self.headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (' 'KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36', # 传入登录cookie, 'Cookie': 'MUSIC_U=f52f220df171da480dbf33ce899479615' '85a7fdf08c89a2a4bdd6efebd86544233a649814e309366;', "X-Real-IP": "", } # 请求url self.url = 'https://music.163.com/weapi/song/enhance/player/url/v1?csrf_token=' # 生成16位随机数字符串 def set_random_num(self): random_num = '' # 随机取16个字符 string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" for ___ in range(16): n = math.floor( random.uniform(0, 1) * len(string)) random_num += string[n] # 返回16位随机数字符串 return random_num # 生成encSecKey # 通过public_key和modulus对random_num进行RSA加密 def RSA_encrypt(self, random_num): # 将16位随机数字符串倒序并以utf-8编码 random_num = random_num[::-1].encode('utf-8') # 将其以hex(16进制)编码 random_num = codecs.encode( random_num, 'hex_codec') # 加密(三者均要从16进制转换为10进制) # int(n, 16) --> 将16进制字符串n转换为10进制 encryption = int( random_num, 16) ** int(self.public_key, 16) % int(self.modulus, 16) # 将加密后的数据转换为16进制字符串 encryption = format(encryption, 'x') # 返回加密后的字符串 return encryption # 生成params # 根据key和iv对msg进行AES加密,需调用两次 # key: # 第一次: key # 第二次: random_num # iv: 偏移量iv def AES_encrypt(self, msg, key, iv): # 先将msg按需补全至16的倍数 # 需补全的位数 pad = (16 - len(msg) % 16) # 补全 msg = msg + pad * chr(pad) # 将key,iv和msg均以utf-8编码 key = key.encode('utf-8') iv = iv.encode('utf-8') msg = msg.encode('utf-8') # 根据key和iv生成密钥,模式为CBC模式 encryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) # 加密 encrypt_aes = encryptor.encrypt(msg) # 先将加密后的值进行base64编码 encrypt_text = base64.encodebytes(encrypt_aes) # 将其转换为utf-8字符串 encrypt_text = str(encrypt_text, 'utf-8') # 返回加密后的字符串 return encrypt_text # 根据歌曲song_id,生成需要传输的data # 其中包括params和encSecKey def construct_data(self, song_id): # 生成16位随机数字符串 random_num = self.set_random_num() # 生成encSecKey encSecKey = self.RSA_encrypt( random_num=random_num) # 调用两次AES加密生成params # 初始化歌曲song_info song_info = '{"ids":"[%s]","level":"exhigh","encodeType":"mp3",' \ '"csrf_token":"477c1bd99fddedb3adc074f47fee2d35"}' % song_id # 第一次加密,传入encText, key和iv first_encryption = self.AES_encrypt( msg=song_info, key=self.key, iv=self.iv) # 第二次加密, 传入first_encryption, random_num和iv encText = self.AES_encrypt( msg=first_encryption, key=random_num, iv=self.iv) # 生成data data = { 'params': encText, 'encSecKey': encSecKey } # 返回data return data # 发送请求,获取下载链接 def get_real_url(self): # 输入歌曲song_id self.song_id = songid # 获取data data = self.construct_data( song_id=self.song_id) # 发送请求 request = requests.post( url=self.url, headers=self.headers, data=data, proxies=proxies, verify=False) # 初始化real_url real_url = '' # 处理返回信息 try: js_text = json.loads(request.text) data = js_text['data'] if len(data) != 0: code = data[0]['code'] # 获取成功 if code == 200: # 歌曲真实地址 real_url = data[0]['url'] else: raise RetryError except: print('生成的params和encSecKey有误!重试中!') raise RetryError # 返回real_url return real_url def download(self): # 获取下载链接 real_url = self.get_real_url() if real_url == '': print('链接获取失败!') raise RetryError else: file = name # 开始下载 try: content = requests.get( url=real_url, headers=self.headers).content with open(file, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(content) except: print('服务器连接出错') raise RetryError for __ in range(6): # 最多尝试6次 if proxynum > (len(proxy) - 1): # 代理自动切换至下一个 proxynum = 0 proxies = proxy[proxynum] proxynum += 1 try: WangyiyunDownload().download() ccimported = True break except: ccimported = False if not exists(name): ccimported = False if ccimported is False: # 下载(普通音质) music = requests.request( "GET", "http://music.163.com/api/song/enhance/download/url?&br=" + str(info['br']) + "&id=" + str(info['id']), headers=headers, proxies=proxies, verify=False) if music.status_code == 200: music = json.loads(music.content) if not music['data']['url']: music = requests.request( "GET", "https://music.163.com/song/media/outer/url?id=" + str(info['id']) + ".mp3", headers=headers, verify=False) if music.status_code != 200: continue else: music = requests.request( "GET", music['data']['url'], headers=headers) else: continue performers = info['artist'].replace(';', ',') cap = performers + " - " + "**" + info['title'] + "**" if ccimported is False: with open(name, 'wb') as f: f.write(music.content) if (path.getsize(name) / 1024) < 100: remove(name) try: if reply.sender.is_self: await reply.delete() except: pass await context.delete() res = '或者你可以点击' + \ ' 这里 ' + '' + '前往网页版收听' await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, f"【{info['title']}】\n" + "歌曲获取失败,资源获取可能受限,你可以再次尝试。\n" + res, parse_mode='html', link_preview=True) return duration = 0 imagedata = requests.get( info['albumpic'], headers=headers).content if imported is True: await context.edit(f"{title}信息导入中 . . .") tag = eyed3.load(name) duration = int(tag.info.time_secs) tag.initTag() tag = tag.tag tag.artist = info['artist'] tag.title = info['title'] tag.album = info['album'] tag.images.remove('') tag.images.set(6, imagedata, "image/jpeg", u"Media") tag.save(version=eyed3.id3.ID3_DEFAULT_VERSION, encoding='utf-8') br = "" if imported is True: br = "#" + \ str(eyed3.mp3.Mp3AudioFile( name).info.bit_rate[1]) + "kbps " alias = "" if info['alias']: alias = "\n\n__" + info['alias'][0] + "__" cap += "\n#NeteaseMusic " + br + alias await context.edit(f"{title}上传中 . . .") if not exists("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/FastTelethon.py"): if not exists("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra"): mkdir("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra") for ____ in range(6): # 最多尝试6次 faster = requests.request( "GET", "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/TNTcraftHIM" "/ca2e6066ed5892f67947eb2289dd6439/raw" "/86244b02c7824a3ca32ce01b2649f5d9badd2e49/FastTelethon.py") if faster.status_code == 200: with open("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/FastTelethon.py", "wb") as f: f.write(faster.content) break else: if exists("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/NoFastTelethon.txt"): break try: from NeteaseMusicExtra.FastTelethon import upload_file file = await upload_file(context.client, open(name, 'rb'), name) except: file = name if not exists("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/NoFastTelethon.txt"): with open("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/NoFastTelethon.txt", "w") as f: f.write("此文件出现表示FastTelethon支持文件在首次运行NeteaseMusic插件时导入失败\n这可能是因为Github" "服务器暂时性的访问出错导致的\nFastTelethon可以提升低网络性能机型在上传文件时的效率,但是正常情况提升并不明显\n" "如想要手动导入,可以手动下载:\nhttps://gist.githubusercontent.com/TNTcraftHIM" "/ca2e6066ed5892f67947eb2289dd6439/raw" "/86244b02c7824a3ca32ce01b2649f5d9badd2e49/FastTelethon.py\n并放入当前文件夹") await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '`FastTelethon`支持文件导入失败,上传速度可能受到影响\n' '此提示仅出现**一次**,手动导入可参考:\n`' + getcwd() + '/plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/NoFastTelethon.txt`') await context.client.send_file( context.chat_id, file, caption=cap, link_preview=False, force_document=False, thumb=imagedata, attributes=(DocumentAttributeAudio( duration, False, info['title'], performers),) ) try: if reply.sender.is_self: await reply.delete() except: pass try: remove(name) except: pass await context.delete() status = True break else: await context.edit("**未搜索到结果**") sleep(3) await context.delete() status = True break else: continue if status is False: await context.edit(apifailtext) sleep(3) await context.delete() else: # 错误输入 await context.edit(helptext) return