# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import requests import re import base64 import codecs import random import math from time import sleep from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid import bot from pagermaid.utils import obtain_message from os import remove, path, mkdir, getcwd from os.path import exists from collections import defaultdict from telethon.tl.types import DocumentAttributeAudio class RetryError(Exception): # 重试错误,用于再次重试 pass @listener(is_plugin=True, outgoing=True, command="nem", description="网易云搜/点歌。\n指令s为搜索,p为点歌,id为歌曲ID点歌,r为随机热歌(无关键词)\n搜索在s后添加数字如`-nem` `s8` `<关键词>`调整结果数量\n搜索灰色歌曲请尽量**指定歌手**\n可回复搜索结果消息`-nem` `p` `<歌曲数字序号>`点歌", parameters="<指令> <关键词>") async def nem(context): proxies = {} proxynum = 0 headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36 Edge/15.15063', "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", "X-Real-IP": ""} proxy = [{'http': '', 'https': ''}, {'http': 'http://music.lolico.me:39000', 'https': 'http://music.lolico.me:39000'}, {'http': 'http://aimer.one:2333', 'https': 'http://aimer.one:2333'}, {'http': 'http://fs2.ilogic.net.cn:5200', 'https': 'http://fs2.ilogic.net.cn:5200'}, {'http': '', 'https': ''}] helptext = "**使用方法:** `-nem` `<指令>` `<关键词>`\n\n指令s为搜索,p为点歌,id为歌曲ID点歌,r为随机热歌(无关键词)\n搜索在s后添加数字如`-nem` `s8` `<关键词>`调整结果数量\n搜索灰色歌曲请尽量**指定歌手**\n可回复搜索结果消息`-nem` `p` `<歌曲数字序号>`点歌" apifailtext = "出错了呜呜呜 ~ 试了好多好多次都无法访问到 API 服务器 。" if len(context.parameter) < 2: if len(context.parameter) == 0: await context.edit(helptext) return elif context.parameter[0] == "r": # 随机热歌 await context.edit("随机中 . . .") for _ in range(20): # 最多重试20次 apinum = random.randint(0, 1) apitype = random.randint(0, 1) if apitype == 0: apitype = "飙升榜" else: apitype = "热歌榜" if apinum == 0: url = "https://api.vvhan.com/api/rand.music?type=json&sort=" + apitype else: url = "https://api.uomg.com/api/rand.music?sort=" + apitype + "&format=json" status = False try: randsong = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if randsong.status_code == 200: randsong = json.loads(randsong.content) if apinum == 0 and randsong['success'] is True: context.parameter[0] = "id" context.parameter.append( str(randsong['info']['id'])) status = True break elif apinum == 1 and randsong['code'] == 1: context.parameter[0] = "id" context.parameter.append( str(randsong['data']['url'][45:])) status = True break except: continue if status is False: await context.edit(apifailtext) sleep(3) await context.delete() return else: # 错误输入 await context.edit(helptext) return # 整理关键词 keyword = '' for i in range(1, len(context.parameter)): keyword += context.parameter[i] + " " keyword = keyword[:-1] idplay = False if context.parameter[0] == "id": # ID点歌功能 if len(context.parameter) > 2: await context.edit(helptext) return idplay = keyword context.parameter[0] = "p" if context.parameter[0][0] == "s": # 搜索功能 await context.edit(f"【{keyword}】搜索中 . . .") if len(context.parameter[0]) > 1: limit = str(context.parameter[0][1:]) else: limit = "5" url = "http://music.163.com/api/search/pc?&s=" + \ keyword + "&offset=0&limit=" + limit + "&type=1" for _ in range(20): # 最多尝试20次 status = False req = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) if req.status_code == 200: req = json.loads(req.content) if req['code'] == 200: result = req['result'] if req['result']['songCount'] == 0: result = False else: result = False if result: info = defaultdict() for i in range(len(req['result']['songs'])): info[i] = {'id': '', 'title': '', 'alias': '', 'album': '', 'albumpic': '', 'artist': ''} info[i]['id'] = req['result']['songs'][i]['id'] info[i]['title'] = req['result']['songs'][i]['name'] info[i]['alias'] = req['result']['songs'][i]['alias'] info[i]['album'] = req['result']['songs'][i]['album']['name'] info[i]['albumpic'] = req['result']['songs'][i]['album']['picUrl'] for j in range(len(req['result']['songs'][i]['artists'])): info[i]['artist'] += req['result']['songs'][i]['artists'][j]['name'] + " " text = f"关于【{keyword}】的结果如下 \n" for i in range(len(info)): text += f"#{i+1}: \n歌名: {info[i]['title']}\n" if info[i]['alias']: text += f"别名{info[i]['alias'][0]}\n" if info[i]['album']: res = '' + \ info[i]['album'] + '' text += f"专辑: {res} \n" text += f"作者: {info[i]['artist']}\n歌曲ID{info[i]['id']}\n————————\n" text += "\n回复此消息-nem p <歌曲序号>即可点歌" await context.edit(text, parse_mode='html', link_preview=True) status = True break else: await context.edit("**未搜索到结果**") sleep(3) await context.delete() status = True break else: continue if status is False: await context.edit(apifailtext) sleep(3) await context.delete() return elif context.parameter[0] == "p": # 点歌功能 try: reply = await context.get_reply_message() except ValueError: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return search = "" title = "" if reply: msg = reply.message search = re.findall(".*【(.*)】.*", msg) if search: try: start = "#" + context.parameter[1] + ":" search = ".*" + start + "(.*?)" + '————————' + ".*" msg = re.findall(search, msg, re.S)[0] search = ".*歌曲ID: (.*)\n.*" title = ".*歌名: (.*?)\n.*" title = "【"+re.findall(title, msg, re.S)[0]+"】" idplay = re.findall(search, msg, re.S)[0] if reply.sender.is_self: await reply.edit(f"{title}点歌完成") except: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的歌曲序号。") return else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return await context.edit("获取中 . . .") try: import eyed3 imported = True except ImportError: imported = False await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '(`eyeD3`支持库未安装,歌曲文件信息将无法导入\n请使用 `-sh` `pip3` `install` `eyed3` 安装,或自行ssh安装)') url = "http://music.163.com/api/search/pc?&s=" + \ keyword + "&offset=0&limit=1&type=1" for _ in range(20): # 最多尝试20次 status = False if proxynum > (len(proxy) - 1): # 代理自动切换至下一个 proxynum = 0 proxies = proxy[proxynum] proxynum += 1 if idplay: # 指定ID播放 url = "http://music.163.com/api/song/detail?id=" + \ idplay + "&ids=[" + idplay + "]" # 搜索后播放 req = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) if req.status_code == 200: req = json.loads(req.content) if req['code'] == 200: if idplay: req['result'] = req result = req['result'] if not idplay: if req['result']['songCount'] == 0: result = False else: result = False if result: info = {'id': '', 'title': '', 'alias': '', 'album': '', 'albumpic': '', 'artist': '', 'br': ''} info['id'] = req['result']['songs'][0]['id'] info['title'] = req['result']['songs'][0]['name'] info['alias'] = req['result']['songs'][0]['alias'] info['album'] = req['result']['songs'][0]['album']['name'] info['albumpic'] = req['result']['songs'][0]['album']['picUrl'] if req['result']['songs'][0]['hMusic']: info['br'] = req['result']['songs'][0]['hMusic']['bitrate'] elif req['result']['songs'][0]['mMusic']: info['br'] = req['result']['songs'][0]['mMusic']['bitrate'] elif req['result']['songs'][0]['lMusic']: info['br'] = req['result']['songs'][0]['lMusic']['bitrate'] for j in range(len(req['result']['songs'][0]['artists'])): info['artist'] += req['result']['songs'][0]['artists'][j]['name'] + "; " info['artist'] = info['artist'][:-2] if title: title = "" else: title = f"【{info['title']}】" await context.edit(f"{title}下载中 . . .") try: from Crypto.Cipher import AES AES.new("0CoJUm6Qyw8W8jud".encode('utf-8'), AES.MODE_CBC, "0102030405060708".encode('utf-8')) ccimported = True except ImportError: ccimported = False await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '(`PyCryptodome`支持库未安装,音乐曲库/音质受限\n请使用 `-sh` `pip3` `install` `pycryptodome` 安装,或自行ssh安装)') name = info['title'].replace('/', " ") + ".mp3" name = name.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') if ccimported: # 尝试使用高清音质下载 songid = str(info['id']) class WangyiyunDownload(object): def __init__(self): self.key = '0CoJUm6Qyw8W8jud' self.public_key = "010001" self.modulus = '00e0b509f6259df8642dbc35662901477df22677ec152b5ff68ace615bb7b725152b3ab17a876aea8a5aa76d2e417629ec4ee341f56135fccf695280104e0312ecbda92557c93870114af6c9d05c4f7f0c3685b7a46bee255932575cce10b424d813cfe4875d3e82047b97ddef52741d546b8e289dc6935b3ece0462db0a22b8e7' # 偏移量 self.iv = "0102030405060708" # 请求头 self.headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36', # 传入登录cookie, 'Cookie': 'MUSIC_U=f52f220df171da480dbf33ce89947961585a7fdf08c89a2a4bdd6efebd86544233a649814e309366;', "X-Real-IP": "", } # 请求url self.url = 'https://music.163.com/weapi/song/enhance/player/url/v1?csrf_token=' # 生成16位随机数字符串 def set_random_num(self): random_num = '' # 随机取16个字符 string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" for ___ in range(16): n = math.floor( random.uniform(0, 1) * len(string)) random_num += string[n] # 返回16位随机数字符串 return random_num # 生成encSecKey # 通过public_key和modulus对random_num进行RSA加密 def RSA_encrypt(self, random_num): # 将16位随机数字符串倒序并以utf-8编码 random_num = random_num[::-1].encode('utf-8') # 将其以hex(16进制)编码 random_num = codecs.encode( random_num, 'hex_codec') # 加密(三者均要从16进制转换为10进制) # int(n, 16) --> 将16进制字符串n转换为10进制 encryption = int( random_num, 16) ** int(self.public_key, 16) % int(self.modulus, 16) # 将加密后的数据转换为16进制字符串 encryption = format(encryption, 'x') # 返回加密后的字符串 return encryption # 生成params # 根据key和iv对msg进行AES加密,需调用两次 # key: # 第一次: key # 第二次: random_num # iv: 偏移量iv def AES_encrypt(self, msg, key, iv): # 先将msg按需补全至16的倍数 # 需补全的位数 pad = (16 - len(msg) % 16) # 补全 msg = msg + pad * chr(pad) # 将key,iv和msg均以utf-8编码 key = key.encode('utf-8') iv = iv.encode('utf-8') msg = msg.encode('utf-8') # 根据key和iv生成密钥,模式为CBC模式 encryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) # 加密 encrypt_aes = encryptor.encrypt(msg) # 先将加密后的值进行base64编码 encrypt_text = base64.encodebytes(encrypt_aes) # 将其转换为utf-8字符串 encrypt_text = str(encrypt_text, 'utf-8') # 返回加密后的字符串 return encrypt_text # 根据歌曲song_id,生成需要传输的data # 其中包括params和encSecKey def construct_data(self, song_id): # 生成16位随机数字符串 random_num = self.set_random_num() # 生成encSecKey encSecKey = self.RSA_encrypt( random_num=random_num) # 调用两次AES加密生成params # 初始化歌曲song_info song_info = '{"ids":"[%s]","level":"exhigh","encodeType":"mp3","csrf_token":"477c1bd99fddedb3adc074f47fee2d35"}' % song_id # 第一次加密,传入encText, key和iv first_encryption = self.AES_encrypt( msg=song_info, key=self.key, iv=self.iv) # 第二次加密, 传入first_encryption, random_num和iv encText = self.AES_encrypt( msg=first_encryption, key=random_num, iv=self.iv) # 生成data data = { 'params': encText, 'encSecKey': encSecKey } # 返回data return data # 发送请求,获取下载链接 def get_real_url(self): # 输入歌曲song_id self.song_id = songid # 获取data data = self.construct_data( song_id=self.song_id) # 发送请求 request = requests.post( url=self.url, headers=self.headers, data=data, proxies=proxies, verify=False) # 初始化real_url real_url = '' # 处理返回信息 try: js_text = json.loads(request.text) data = js_text['data'] if len(data) != 0: code = data[0]['code'] # 获取成功 if code == 200: # 歌曲真实地址 real_url = data[0]['url'] else: raise RetryError except: print('生成的params和encSecKey有误!重试中!') raise RetryError # 返回real_url return real_url def download(self): # 获取下载链接 real_url = self.get_real_url() if real_url == '': print('链接获取失败!') raise RetryError else: file = name # 开始下载 try: content = requests.get( url=real_url, headers=self.headers).content with open(file, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(content) except: print('服务器连接出错') raise RetryError for __ in range(6): # 最多尝试6次 if proxynum > (len(proxy) - 1): # 代理自动切换至下一个 proxynum = 0 proxies = proxy[proxynum] proxynum += 1 try: WangyiyunDownload().download() ccimported = True break except: ccimported = False if not exists(name): ccimported = False if ccimported is False: # 下载(普通音质) music = requests.request( "GET", "http://music.163.com/api/song/enhance/download/url?&br=" + str(info['br']) + "&id=" + str(info['id']), headers=headers, proxies=proxies, verify=False) if music.status_code == 200: music = json.loads(music.content) if not music['data']['url']: music = requests.request( "GET", "https://music.163.com/song/media/outer/url?id=" + str(info['id']) + ".mp3", headers=headers, verify=False) if music.status_code != 200: continue else: music = requests.request( "GET", music['data']['url'], headers=headers) else: continue performers = info['artist'].replace(';', ',') cap = performers + " - " + "**" + info['title'] + "**" if ccimported is False: with open(name, 'wb') as f: f.write(music.content) if (path.getsize(name) / 1024) < 100: remove(name) try: if reply.sender.is_self: await reply.delete() except: pass await context.delete() res = '或者你可以点击' + \ ' 这里 ' + '' + '前往网页版收听' await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, f"【{info['title']}】\n" + "歌曲获取失败,资源获取可能受限,你可以再次尝试。\n" + res, parse_mode='html', link_preview=True) return duration = 0 imagedata = requests.get( info['albumpic'], headers=headers).content if imported is True: await context.edit(f"{title}信息导入中 . . .") tag = eyed3.load(name) duration = int(tag.info.time_secs) tag.initTag() tag = tag.tag tag.artist = info['artist'] tag.title = info['title'] tag.album = info['album'] tag.images.remove('') tag.images.set(6, imagedata, "image/jpeg", u"Media") tag.save(version=eyed3.id3.ID3_DEFAULT_VERSION, encoding='utf-8') br = "" if imported is True: br = "#" + \ str(eyed3.mp3.Mp3AudioFile( name).info.bit_rate[1]) + "kbps " alias = "" if info['alias']: alias = "\n\n__" + info['alias'][0] + "__" cap += "\n#NeteaseMusic " + br + alias await context.edit(f"{title}上传中 . . .") if not exists("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/FastTelethon.py"): if not exists("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra"): mkdir("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra") for ____ in range(6): # 最多尝试6次 faster = requests.request( "GET", "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/TNTcraftHIM/ca2e6066ed5892f67947eb2289dd6439/raw/86244b02c7824a3ca32ce01b2649f5d9badd2e49/FastTelethon.py") if faster.status_code == 200: with open("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/FastTelethon.py", "wb") as f: f.write(faster.content) break else: if exists("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/NoFastTelethon.txt"): break try: from NeteaseMusicExtra.FastTelethon import upload_file file = await upload_file(context.client, open(name, 'rb'), name) except: file = name if not exists("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/NoFastTelethon.txt"): with open("plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/NoFastTelethon.txt", "w") as f: f.write("此文件出现表示FastTelethon支持文件在首次运行NeteaseMusic插件时导入失败\n这可能是因为Github服务器暂时性的访问出错导致的\nFastTelethon可以提升低网络性能机型在上传文件时的效率,但是正常情况提升并不明显\n如想要手动导入,可以手动下载:\nhttps://gist.githubusercontent.com/TNTcraftHIM/ca2e6066ed5892f67947eb2289dd6439/raw/86244b02c7824a3ca32ce01b2649f5d9badd2e49/FastTelethon.py\n并放入当前文件夹") await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '`FastTelethon`支持文件导入失败,上传速度可能受到影响\n此提示仅出现**一次**,手动导入可参考:\n`' + getcwd() + '/plugins/NeteaseMusicExtra/NoFastTelethon.txt`') await context.client.send_file( context.chat_id, file, caption=cap, link_preview=False, force_document=False, thumb=imagedata, attributes=(DocumentAttributeAudio( duration, False, info['title'], performers),) ) try: if reply.sender.is_self: await reply.delete() except: pass try: remove(name) except: pass await context.delete() status = True break else: await context.edit("**未搜索到结果**") sleep(3) await context.delete() status = True break else: continue if status is False: await context.edit(apifailtext) sleep(3) await context.delete() else: # 错误输入 await context.edit(helptext) return