from pagermaid import bot, log from pagermaid.listener import listener from telethon.errors import rpcerrorlist from asyncio import sleep from datetime import timedelta from import ChannelParticipantsAdmins @listener(is_plugin=True, outgoing=True, incoming=True, command="portball", description="回复你要临时禁言的人的消息来实现XX秒的禁言", parameters="<理由>(空格)<时间/秒>") async def portball(context): if context.is_group: admins = await context.client.get_participants(, filter=ChannelParticipantsAdmins) reply = await context.get_reply_message() # if message sender is one of admins or group anonymous bot if (context.sender in admins) or (context.sender_id == 1087968824): # if this msg reply to a message if reply: action = context.arguments.split() # get sender's last_name if reply.sender.last_name == None: last_name = '' else: last_name = reply.sender.last_name # if something wrong with the command if len(action) < 2: notification = await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '格式是\n-portball 理由 秒数\n真蠢', reply_to = await sleep(10) await notification.delete() try: await context.delete() except: pass return False # if time of portball less than 60 seconds if int(action[1])<60: notification = await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '诶呀不要小于60秒啦', reply_to = await sleep(10) await notification.delete() try: await context.delete() except: pass return False # portball try: await bot.edit_permissions(context.chat_id,, timedelta(seconds=int(action[1].replace(' ',''))), send_messages=False, send_media=False, send_stickers=False, send_gifs=False, send_games=False, send_inline=False, send_polls=False, invite_users=False, change_info=False, pin_messages=False) portball_message = await bot.send_message( context.chat_id, f'[{reply.sender.first_name}{last_name}](tg://user?id={}) 由于 {action[0]} 被塞了{action[1]}秒口球.\n' f'到期自动拔出,无后遗症.', reply_to = ) await context.delete() await sleep(int(action[1].replace(' ',''))) await portball_message.delete() except rpcerrorlist.UserAdminInvalidError: notification = await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '错误:我没有管理员权限或我的权限比被封禁的人要小', reply_to = await sleep(10) await notification.delete() except rpcerrorlist.ChatAdminRequiredError: notification = await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '错误:我没有管理员权限或我的权限比被封禁的人要小', reply_to = await sleep(10) await notification.delete() # if not reply to any message else: notification = await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '你好蠢诶,都没有回复人,我哪知道你要搞谁的事情……', reply_to = await sleep(10) await notification.delete() # if sender is not admin else: return else: notification = await bot.send_message(context.chat_id, '你好蠢诶,又不是群组,怎么禁言啦!', reply_to = await sleep(10) await notification.delete() try: await context.delete() except: pass