""" PagerMaid module to handle sticker collection. """ from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFilter from os.path import exists from os import remove from requests import get from random import randint from telethon.tl.functions.users import GetFullUserRequest from telethon.tl.types import MessageEntityMentionName from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import ChatSendStickersForbiddenError from struct import error as StructError from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.utils import alias_command def crop_max_square(pil_img): return crop_center(pil_img, min(pil_img.size), min(pil_img.size)) def crop_center(pil_img, crop_width, crop_height): img_width, img_height = pil_img.size return pil_img.crop(((img_width - crop_width) // 2, (img_height - crop_height) // 2, (img_width + crop_width) // 2, (img_height + crop_height) // 2)) def mask_circle_transparent(pil_img, blur_radius, offset=0): offset = blur_radius * 2 + offset mask = Image.new("L", pil_img.size, 0) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask) draw.ellipse((offset, offset, pil_img.size[0] - offset, pil_img.size[1] - offset), fill=255) mask = mask.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(blur_radius)) result = pil_img.copy() result.putalpha(mask) return result @listener(is_plugin=True, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("diu"), description="生成一张 扔头像 图片,(可选:当第二个参数存在时,旋转用户头像 180°)", parameters=" [随意内容]") async def throwit(context): if len(context.parameter) > 2: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return diu_round = False await context.edit("正在生成 扔头像 图片中 . . .") if context.reply_to_msg_id: reply_message = await context.get_reply_message() user_id = reply_message.from_id target_user = await context.client(GetFullUserRequest(user_id)) if len(context.parameter) == 1: diu_round = True else: if len(context.parameter) == 1 or len(context.parameter) == 2: user = context.parameter[0] if user.isnumeric(): user = int(user) else: user_object = await context.client.get_me() user = user_object.id if context.message.entities is not None: if isinstance(context.message.entities[0], MessageEntityMentionName): return await context.client(GetFullUserRequest(context.message.entities[0].user_id)) try: user_object = await context.client.get_entity(user) target_user = await context.client(GetFullUserRequest(user_object.id)) except (TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError, StructError) as exception: if str(exception).startswith("Cannot find any entity corresponding to"): await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 指定的用户不存在。") return if str(exception).startswith("No user has"): await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 指定的道纹不存在。") return if str(exception).startswith("Could not find the input entity for") or isinstance(exception, StructError): await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法通过此 UserID 找到对应的用户。") return if isinstance(exception, OverflowError): await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 指定的 UserID 已超出长度限制,您确定输对了?") return raise exception photo = await context.client.download_profile_photo( target_user.user.id, "plugins/throwit/" + str(target_user.user.id) + ".jpg", download_big=True ) reply_to = context.message.reply_to_msg_id if exists("plugins/throwit/" + str(target_user.user.id) + ".jpg"): if not exists('plugins/throwit/1.png'): r = get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xtaodada/PagerMaid_Plugins/master/throwit/1.png') with open("plugins/throwit/1.png", "wb") as code: code.write(r.content) if not exists('plugins/throwit/2.png'): r = get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xtaodada/PagerMaid_Plugins/master/throwit/2.png') with open("plugins/throwit/2.png", "wb") as code: code.write(r.content) if not exists('plugins/throwit/3.png'): r = get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xtaodada/PagerMaid_Plugins/master/throwit/3.png') with open("plugins/throwit/3.png", "wb") as code: code.write(r.content) # 随机数生成 randint_r = randint(1, 3) # 将头像转为圆形 markImg = Image.open("plugins/throwit/" + str(target_user.user.id) + ".jpg") if randint_r == 1: thumb_width = 136 elif randint_r == 2: thumb_width = 122 elif randint_r == 3: thumb_width = 180 im_square = crop_max_square(markImg).resize((thumb_width, thumb_width), Image.LANCZOS) im_thumb = mask_circle_transparent(im_square, 0) im_thumb.save("plugins/throwit/" + str(target_user.user.id) + ".png") # 将头像复制到模板上 if randint_r == 1: background = Image.open("plugins/throwit/2.png") elif randint_r == 2: background = Image.open("plugins/throwit/1.png") elif randint_r == 3: background = Image.open("plugins/throwit/3.png") foreground = Image.open("plugins/throwit/" + str(target_user.user.id) + ".png") if len(context.parameter) == 2: diu_round = True if diu_round: foreground = foreground.rotate(180) # 对图片进行旋转 if randint_r == 1: background.paste(foreground, (19, 181), foreground) elif randint_r == 2: background.paste(foreground, (368, 16), foreground) elif randint_r == 3: background.paste(foreground, (331, 281), foreground) background.save('plugins/throwit/throwout.webp') target_file = await context.client.upload_file('plugins/throwit/throwout.webp') try: remove("plugins/throwit/" + str(target_user.user.id) + ".jpg") remove("plugins/throwit/" + str(target_user.user.id) + ".png") remove("plugins/throwit/throwout.webp") remove(photo) except: pass else: await context.edit("此用户未设置头像或头像对您不可见。") return if reply_to: try: await context.client.send_file( context.chat_id, target_file, link_preview=False, force_document=False, reply_to=reply_to ) await context.delete() try: remove(photo) except: pass return except TypeError: await context.edit("此用户未设置头像或头像对您不可见。") except ChatSendStickersForbiddenError: await context.edit("此群组无法发送贴纸。") else: try: await context.client.send_file( context.chat_id, target_file, link_preview=False, force_document=False ) await context.delete() try: remove(photo) except: pass return except TypeError: await context.edit("此用户未设置头像或头像对您不可见。") except ChatSendStickersForbiddenError: await context.edit("此群组无法发送贴纸。")