""" PagerMaid Plugin Coin by Pentacene """ # ______ _ # | ___ \ | | # | |_/ /__ _ __ | |_ __ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___ # | __/ _ \ '_ \| __/ _` |/ __/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ # | | | __/ | | | || (_| | (_| __/ | | | __/ # \_| \___|_| |_|\__\__,_|\___\___|_| |_|\___| # from asyncio import sleep from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError from time import strftime import json import urllib.request import time from telethon.tl.custom.message import Message from pagermaid import log from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.utils import execute imported = True try: from binance.client import Client import xmltodict except ImportError: imported = False API = "https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml" CURRENCIES = [] DATA = {} BINANCE_API_KEY = '8PDfQ2lSIyHPWdNAHNIaIoNy3MiiMuvgwYADbmtsKo867B0xnIhIGjPULsOtvMRk' BINANCE_API_SECRET = 'tbUiyZ94l0zpYOlKs3eO1dvLNMOSbOb2T1T0eT0I1eogH9Fh8Htvli05eZ1iDvra' def init() -> None: """ INIT """ with urllib.request.urlopen(API) as response: result = response.read() try: global CURRENCIES, DATA rate_data = xmltodict.parse(result) rate_data = rate_data['gesmes:Envelope']['Cube']['Cube']['Cube'] for i in rate_data: CURRENCIES.append(i['@currency']) DATA[i['@currency']] = float(i['@rate']) CURRENCIES.sort() except Exception as e: raise e @listener(is_plugin=True, outgoing=True, command="bc", description="coins", parameters=" ") async def coin(context: Message) -> None: """ coin change """ if not imported: await context.edit("支持库 `python-binance` `xmltodict` 未安装...\n正在尝试自动安装...") await execute('python3 -m pip install python-binance') await execute('python3 -m pip install xmltodict') await sleep(10) result = await execute('python3 show python-binance') result1 = await execute('python3 show xmltodict') if len(result) > 0 and len(result1) > 0: await context.edit('支持库 `python-binance` `xmltodict` 安装成功...\n正在尝试自动重启...') await context.client.disconnect() else: await context.edit("自动安装失败..请尝试手动安装 `python3 -m pip install python-binance`\n\n`python3 -m pip install xmltodict`\n随后,请重启 PagerMaid") return init() action = context.arguments.split() binanceclient = Client(BINANCE_API_KEY, BINANCE_API_SECRET) if len(action) < 3: await context.edit('输入错误.\n-bc 数量 币种1 币种2') return else: prices = binanceclient.get_all_tickers() number = float(action[0]) _from = action[1].upper().strip() _to = action[2].upper().strip() front_text = '' text = '' rear_text = '' price = 0.0 if ((CURRENCIES.count(_from) != 0) and (CURRENCIES.count(_to) != 0)): # both are real currency text = f'{action[0]} {action[1].upper().strip()} = {float(action[0])*DATA[_to]/DATA[_from]:.2f} {action[2].upper().strip()}' else: if CURRENCIES.count(_from) != 0: # from virtual currency to real currency number = number * DATA["USD"] / DATA[_from] _from = 'USDT' front_text = f'{action[0]} {action[1]} = \n' if CURRENCIES.count(_to) != 0: # from real currency to virtual currency _to_USD_rate = DATA[_to] / DATA["USD"] _to = 'USDT' for _a in prices: if _a['symbol'] == str(f'{_from}{_to}'): price = _a['price'] if _to == 'USDT': if action[2].upper().strip() == 'USDT': rear_text = f'\n= {number * float(price) * DATA["CNY"]/DATA["USD"]:.2f} CNY' else: rear_text = f'\n= {number * float(price) * _to_USD_rate:.2f} {action[2].upper().strip()}' if float(price) < 1: text = f'{number} {_from} = {number * float(price):.8f} {_to}' else: text = f'{number} {_from} = {number * float(price):.2f} {_to}' break elif _a['symbol'] == str(f'{_to}{_from}'): price = 1 / float(_a['price']) text = f'{number} {_from} = {number * float(price):.8f} {_to}' break else: price = None if price is None: text = f'Cannot find coinpair {action[1].upper().strip()}{action[2].upper().strip()} or {action[2].upper().strip()}{action[1].upper().strip()}' await context.edit(f'{front_text}{text}{rear_text}')