""" Pagermaid Plugins AutoReplySticker """ # ______ _ # | ___ \ | | # | |_/ /__ _ __ | |_ __ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___ # | __/ _ \ '_ \| __/ _` |/ __/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ # | | | __/ | | | || (_| | (_| __/ | | | __/ # \_| \___|_| |_|\__\__,_|\___\___|_| |_|\___| # from os import mkdir from os.path import exists from asyncio import sleep from random import randint import yaml from telethon.tl.custom.message import Message from telethon.tl.functions.messages import GetAllStickersRequest from telethon.tl.functions.messages import GetStickerSetRequest from telethon.tl.types import InputStickerSetID from pagermaid import log from pagermaid.listener import listener async def ars_check(message: Message) -> None: try: config = yaml.load(open(r"./plugins/autoreplysticker/config.yml"), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) except FileNotFoundError: await message.edit("自动回复贴纸的相关设置不存在。\n请使用 `-ars help` 查看设置方法") return _sticker_id = config['sticker_id'] _sticker_hash = config['sticker_hash'] _num = config['num'] _time = config['time'] _white = config['whitelist'] _noti = await message.reply( '您当前的设置为:\n' f'sticker_id: {_sticker_id}\n' f'sticker_hash: {_sticker_hash}\n' f'time: {_time}\n' f'num: {_num}\n' f'白名单群组id: {_white}\n' '\n' '本消息15秒后自动删除') await message.delete() await sleep(15) await _noti.delete() async def ars_getall(message: Message) -> None: sticker_sets = await message.client(GetAllStickersRequest(0)) sticker_pack_list = [] for sticker_set in sticker_sets.sets: if len(sticker_pack_list) < 10: text = "我发现了一个Sticker Pack,名为\n" + sticker_set.title + "\n" + "ID为: `" + \ str(sticker_set.id) + "` \n" + "Hash为: `" + str(sticker_set.access_hash) + \ "` \n" + "共有" + str(sticker_set.count) + "张" sticker_pack_list.extend([text]) else: sticker_pack_list_old = sticker_pack_list send_text = '\n\n'.join(sticker_pack_list_old) await message.client.send_message(message.chat_id, send_text) sticker_pack_list = [] await sleep(2) sendtext = '\n\n'.join(sticker_pack_list) await message.client.send_message(message.chat_id, sendtext) await message.delete() async def ars_help(message: Message) -> None: await message.reply( '欢迎使用自动回复贴纸\n' '设置方法为\n' '先使用 `-ars getall` 获取贴纸包的id和hash\n' '之后使用 `-ars set` 贴纸包id 贴纸包hash 自动删除时间 第i张贴纸 第j张贴纸 ...\n' '比如 `-ars set 000 001 10 0 1 2 3` 的意义为\n' '设置贴纸包id为000, hash为001, 自动回复10秒后删除, 随机从第0, 1, 2, 3张贴纸中选择一张自动回复\n\n' '如果您想要在某个群内设置自动回复白名单,请在该群中回复`-ars w`' '如有使用问题,请前往 [这里](https://t.me/PagerMaid_Modify) 请求帮助') await message.delete() async def ars_whitelist(message: Message) -> None: chat_id = str(message.chat_id) try: config = yaml.load(open(r"./plugins/autoreplysticker/config.yml"), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) except FileNotFoundError: await message.edit("自动回复贴纸的相关设置不存在。\n请使用 `-ars help` 查看设置方法") return try: _white = config['whitelist'] except: white_list = ['0'] set_state('whitelist', white_list) _white = config['whitelist'] _white.append(chat_id) try: _white.remove('0') except: pass _white = list(set(_white)) set_state('whitelist', _white) _noti = await message.edit('OK') await sleep(5) await _noti.delete() def set_state(name: str, state: list) -> None: file_name = "./plugins/autoreplysticker/config.yml" if exists(file_name): with open(file_name) as f: doc = yaml.safe_load(f) doc[name] = state with open(file_name, 'w') as f: yaml.safe_dump(doc, f, default_flow_style=False) else: dc = {name: state} with open(file_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: yaml.dump(dc, f) def get_name(sender: Message.sender) -> str: """ get_name(Message.sender) """ username = sender.username first_name = sender.first_name last_name = sender.last_name _id = sender.id if username == None: if last_name == None: name = f'[{first_name}](tg://user?id={_id})' else: name = f'[{first_name}{last_name}](tg://user?id={_id})' else: name = f'@{username}' return name def process_link(chatid: int, msgid: int) -> str: """ process_link(chat_id, message_id) return https://t.me/c/chat_id/message_id """ if chatid < 0: if chatid < -1000000000000: chatid *= -1 chatid -= 1000000000000 else: chatid *= -1 link = f'https://t.me/c/{chatid}/{msgid}' return link @listener(is_plugin=True, outgoing=True, command="ars") async def ars(context): if not exists('./plugins/autoreplysticker'): mkdir('./plugins/autoreplysticker') if len(context.parameter) == 0: await ars_help(context) if context.parameter[0] == 'set': if len(context.parameter) < 5: await context.reply('请正确输入 `-ars set`