# pmcaptcha - a pagermaid-pyro plugin by cloudreflection # https://t.me/cloudreflection_channel/268 # ver 2022/06/06 from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.enums.chat_type import ChatType from pyrogram.raw.functions.account import UpdateNotifySettings from pyrogram.raw.types import InputNotifyPeer, InputPeerNotifySettings from pagermaid.utils import Message from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.single_utils import sqlite from pagermaid.sub_utils import Sub import asyncio import random captcha_success = Sub("pmcaptcha.success") @listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=False, outgoing=True, ignore_edited=True, privates_only=True) async def process_pm_captcha_self(_: Client, message: Message): cid = message.chat.id if message.text: try: if message.text[0] == ",": #忽略命令 return except UnicodeDecodeError: pass if captcha_success.check_id(cid): return else: return captcha_success.add_id(cid) @listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=True, outgoing=False, ignore_edited=True, privates_only=True) async def process_pm_captcha(client: Client, message: Message): cid = message.chat.id data = sqlite.get("pmcaptcha", {}) if not captcha_success.check_id(cid) and sqlite.get("pmcaptcha." + str(cid)) is None: # 忽略联系人、服务消息、机器人消息 if message.from_user.is_contact or message.from_user.id == 777000 or message.chat.type == ChatType.BOT: return await client.read_chat_history(message.chat.id) if data.get("blacklist", "") and message.text is not None: for i in data.get("blacklist", "").split(","): if i in message.text: await message.reply('您触犯了黑名单规则,已被封禁\n\nYou have violated the blacklist rules and been banned') await client.block_user(user_id=cid) await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000) return await client.archive_chats(chat_ids=cid) try: await client.invoke(UpdateNotifySettings(peer=InputNotifyPeer(peer=await client.resolve_peer(cid)), settings=InputPeerNotifySettings(silent=True))) except: # noqa pass await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000) await client.archive_chats(chat_ids=cid) wait = data.get("wait", 20) key1 = random.randint(1, 10) key2 = random.randint(1, 10) await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000) sqlite['pmcaptcha.' + str(cid)] = str(key1 + key2) msg = await message.reply( '已启用私聊验证。请发送 \"' + str(key1) + '+' + str(key2) + '\" 的答案(阿拉伯数字)来与我私聊\n请在' + str(wait) + '秒内完成验证。您只有一次验证机会\n\nHuman verification is enabled.Please send the answer of this question \"' + str(key1) + '+' + str(key2) + '\" (numbers only) first.\nYou have ' + str(wait) + ' seconds to complete the verification.') await asyncio.sleep(wait) await msg.safe_delete() if sqlite.get('pmcaptcha.' + str(cid)) is not None: del sqlite['pmcaptcha.' + str(cid)] await message.reply('验证超时,您已被封禁\n\nVerification timeout.You have been banned.') await client.block_user(user_id=cid) await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000) await client.archive_chats(chat_ids=cid) elif sqlite.get("pmcaptcha." + str(cid)): if message.text == sqlite.get("pmcaptcha." + str(cid)): await message.safe_delete() del sqlite['pmcaptcha.' + str(cid)] captcha_success.add_id(cid) try: await client.invoke(UpdateNotifySettings(peer=InputNotifyPeer(peer=await client.resolve_peer(cid)), settings=InputPeerNotifySettings(silent=False))) except: # noqa pass await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000) msg = await message.reply(data.get("welcome", "验证通过\n\nVerification Passed")) await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000) await client.unarchive_chats(chat_ids=cid) else: del sqlite['pmcaptcha.' + str(cid)] await message.reply('验证错误,您已被封禁\n\nVerification failed.You have been banned.') await client.block_user(user_id=cid) await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000) await client.archive_chats(chat_ids=cid) @listener(is_plugin=True, outgoing=True, command="pmcaptcha", need_admin=True, description='一个简单的私聊人机验证 请使用 ,pmcaptcha h 查看可用命令') async def pm_captcha(client: Client, message: Message): cid_ = str(message.chat.id) data = sqlite.get("pmcaptcha", {}) if len(message.parameter) == 0: if message.chat.type != ChatType.PRIVATE: await message.edit('请在私聊时使用此命令,或添加参数执行') await asyncio.sleep(3) await message.safe_delete() if captcha_success.check_id(message.chat.id): text = "已验证用户" else: text = "未验证/验证中用户" await message.edit(text) elif len(message.parameter) == 1: if message.parameter[0] == "bl": await message.edit( '当前黑名单规则:\n' + str(data.get('blacklist', '无')) + '\n如需编辑,请使用 ,pmcaptcha bl +关键词(英文逗号分隔)') elif message.parameter[0] == 'wel': await message.edit( '当前通过时消息规则:\n' + str(data.get('welcome', '无')) + '\n如需编辑,请使用 ,pmcaptcha wel +要发送的消息') elif message.parameter[0] == 'wait': await message.edit( '当前验证等待时间(秒): ' + str(data.get('wait', '无')) + '\n如需编辑,请使用 ,pmcaptcha wait +等待秒数(整数)') elif message.parameter[0] == 'h': await message.edit(''',pmcaptcha 查询当前私聊用户验证状态 ,pmcaptcha chk [id] 查询指定id用户验证状态 ,pmcaptcha add 将id加入已验证,如未指定为当前私聊用户id ,pmcaptcha del 将id移除验证状态,如未指定为当前私聊用户id ,pmcaptcha wel 查看或设置验证通过时发送的消息(不能有空格) ,pmcaptcha bl 查看或设置黑名单列表(英文逗号分隔,不能有空格) ,pmcaptcha wait 查看或设置超时时间 ''') elif message.chat.type != ChatType.PRIVATE: await message.edit('请在私聊时使用此命令,或添加id参数执行') await asyncio.sleep(3) await message.safe_delete() elif message.parameter[0] == 'add': await message.edit('已将id ' + cid_ + ' 添加至白名单') captcha_success.add_id(message.chat.id) elif message.parameter[0] == 'del': if captcha_success.del_id(message.chat.id): await message.edit('已删除id ' + cid_ + ' 的验证记录') else: await message.edit('记录不存在') else: if message.parameter[0] == 'add': if message.parameter[1].isnumeric(): await message.edit('已将id ' + message.parameter[1] + ' 添加至白名单') captcha_success.add_id(int(message.parameter[1])) await client.unarchive_chats(chat_ids=int(message.parameter[1])) else: await message.edit('参数错误') elif message.parameter[0] == 'del': if message.parameter[1].isnumeric(): if captcha_success.del_id(int(message.parameter[1])): await message.edit('已删除id ' + message.parameter[1] + ' 的验证记录') else: await message.edit('记录不存在') else: await message.edit('参数错误') elif message.parameter[0] == 'wel': data["welcome"] = " ".join(message.parameter[1:]) sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data await message.edit('规则已更新') elif message.parameter[0] == 'wait': if message.parameter[1].isnumeric(): data["wait"] = int(message.parameter[1]) sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data await message.edit('等待时间已更新') else: await message.edit('错误:不是整数') elif message.parameter[0] == 'bl': data["blacklist"] = " ".join(message.parameter[1:]) sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data await message.edit('规则已更新') elif message.parameter[0] == 'check': if message.parameter[1].isnumeric(): if captcha_success.check_id(int(message.parameter[1])): await message.edit('id ' + message.parameter[1] + ' 已验证') else: await message.edit('id ' + message.parameter[1] + ' 未验证') else: await message.edit('未知用户/无效id')