""" PagerMaid module for different ways to avoid users. """ # Plugin by fruitymelon from pagermaid import redis, log, redis_status from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.utils import alias_command @listener(is_plugin=True, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("denyu"), description="在某群中强制禁言某用户,需要删除他人消息权限,需要 redis。强制禁言全群请使用 `-deny`。", parameters=" 或直接回复用户并指定 ") async def denyu(context): """ Toggles denying of a user. """ if not redis_status(): await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ Redis 离线,无法运行。") return myself = await context.client.get_me() self_user_id = myself.id uid = None offset = 0 if len(context.parameter) != 2: reply_to_msg = await context.get_reply_message() if not reply_to_msg: await context.edit("在某群中强制禁言某用户,需要删除他人消息权限,需要 redis。用法:回复某条消息,格式为 `-denyu `") return try: uid = reply_to_msg.sender.id except AttributeError: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法读取用户 id") return offset = 1 else: uid = context.parameter[0] try: context.parameter[1 - offset] except IndexError: await context.edit("请指定参数 !") return if context.parameter[1 - offset] == "true": if context.chat_id == self_user_id: await context.edit("在?为什么要在收藏夹里面用?") return redis.set(f"denieduser.{context.chat_id}.{uid}", "true") await context.delete() await log(f"ChatID {context.chat_id} UserID {uid} 已被添加到自动拒绝对话列表中。") elif context.parameter[1 - offset] == "false": if context.chat_id == self_user_id: await context.edit("在?为什么要在收藏夹里面用?") return redis.delete(f"denieduser.{context.chat_id}.{uid}") await context.delete() await log(f"ChatID {context.chat_id} UserID {uid} 已从自动拒绝对话列表中移除。") elif context.parameter[1 - offset] == "status": if redis.get(f"denieduser.{context.chat_id}.{uid}"): await context.edit("emm...当前对话的该用户已存在于自动拒绝对话列表中。") else: await context.edit("emm...当前对话不存在于自动拒绝对话列表中。") else: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。只能为 ``。") @listener(incoming=True, ignore_edited=True) async def message_removal_user(context): """ Event handler to infinitely delete denied messages. """ if not redis_status(): return uid = context.sender_id if redis.get(f"denieduser.{context.chat_id}.{uid}"): # 避免和 -deny 冲突 if not redis.get(f"denied.chat_id.{context.chat_id}"): await context.delete()