""" 自动回复Emoji插件 Author: SuperManito """ from pagermaid.dependence import sqlite from pagermaid.enums import Client, Message from pagermaid.services import bot from pagermaid.utils import lang, pip_install from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.utils.bot_utils import edit_delete, log pip_install("emoji") import emoji # 获取内容中的表情符号,并用|分割 def get_emoji(text): if emojiArr := emoji.distinct_emoji_list(text): delimiter = "|" return delimiter.join(emojiArr) else: return False @listener( is_plugin=False, outgoing=True, command="auto_send_reactions", description="\n自动回复Emoji插件", parameters="`\n自动回复Emoji插件,支持同时设置多个目标生效用户,目前仅支持回复用户在群组中发送的消息,默认在所有已加入的群组中生效\n" "\n**设置插件状态**:" "\n启用:`,auto_send_reactions enable`" "\n停用:`,auto_send_reactions disable`" "\n\n**设置目标生效用户**:" "\n添加:`,auto_send_reactions set <用户id/用户名> <表情内容>`" "\n移除:`,auto_send_reactions unset <用户id/用户名>`" "\n支持直接回复消息以进行快速设置,可以省略用户标识参数" "\n\n**设置生效群组黑名单**:" "\n添加:`,auto_send_reactions block <群组id/群组用户名>`" "\n移除:`,auto_send_reactions unblock <群组id/群组用户名>\n", ) async def AutoSendReactions(client: Client, message: Message): reply = message.reply_to_message # 启用插件 if message.parameter[0] == "enable": # for ID in ID_FROM_ARRAY : # # 检查来源频道/群组 # try: # channel = await bot.get_chat(ID) # except Exception as e: # errorMsg = f"第{e.__traceback__.tb_lineno}行:{e}" # await message.edit(f"出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无法识别的来源对话。\n\n{errorMsg}") # return if not sqlite.get("AutoSendReactions.Enable"): sqlite["AutoSendReactions.Enable"] = "yes" # 返回消息 await edit_delete(message, "✅ **已启用自动回复表情插件**") elif message.parameter[0] == "disable": if sqlite.get("AutoSendReactions.Enable"): del sqlite["AutoSendReactions.Enable"] # 返回消息 await edit_delete(message, "❌ **已停用自动回复表情插件**") elif message.parameter[0] in ["set", "unset"]: ## 设置插件 if message.parameter[0] == "set": if not reply and (len(message.parameter) == 3): target = message.parameter[1] content = message.parameter[2] try: # 获取用户信息 user_info = await bot.get_users(target) # 判断参数合法性 if not user_info: return await message.edit("❌ **目标用户不存在或参数有误**") if not content or not get_emoji(content): return await message.edit("❌ **Emoji参数不能为空或不合法**") user_name = ( f"{user_info.first_name} {user_info.last_name}" if user_info.last_name else user_info.first_name ) # 设置或更新 hasSetted = sqlite.get(f"AutoSendReactions.{target}") sqlite[f"AutoSendReactions.{target}"] = content await edit_delete( message, f"✅ 已{'更新' if hasSetted else '添加'}对 __{user_name}__ 的自动回复Emoji设置**", ) except Exception as e: await message.edit(f"❌ **在设置中遇到了一些错误** > {e}") await log(e) # 打印错误日志 elif reply and (len(message.parameter) == 2): from_user = reply.from_user target = from_user.id content = message.parameter[1] try: # 判断参数合法性 if not content or not get_emoji(content): return await message.edit("❌ **Emoji参数不能为空或不合法**") user_name = ( f"{from_user.first_name} {from_user.last_name}" if from_user.last_name else from_user.first_name ) # 设置或更新 hasSetted = sqlite.get(f"AutoSendReactions.{target}") sqlite[f"AutoSendReactions.{target}"] = content await edit_delete( message, f"✅ 已{'更新' if hasSetted else '添加'}对 __{user_name}__ 的自动回复Emoji设置", ) except Exception as e: await message.edit(f"❌ **在设置中遇到了一些错误** > {e}") await log(e) # 打印错误日志 else: return await message.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('arg_error')}") elif message.parameter[0] == "unset": if not reply and (len(message.parameter) == 2): target = message.parameter[1] try: # 获取用户信息 user_info = await bot.get_users(target) # 判断参数合法性 if not user_info: return await message.edit("❌ **目标用户不存在或参数有误**") user_id = user_info.id user_name = ( f"{user_info.first_name} {user_info.last_name}" if user_info.last_name else user_info.first_name ) if hasSetted := sqlite.get(f"AutoSendReactions.{user_id}"): del sqlite[f"AutoSendReactions.{user_id}"] await edit_delete( message, f"✅ 对 __{user_name}__ 的自动回复Emoji设置已删除" ) else: await edit_delete( message, f"❌ 还没有对 __{user_name}__ 设置自动回复Emoji哦~" ) except Exception as e: await message.edit(f"❌ **在设置中遇到了一些错误** > {e}") await log(e) # 打印错误日志 elif reply and (len(message.parameter) == 1): from_user = reply.from_user target = from_user.id try: user_name = ( f"{from_user.first_name} {from_user.last_name}" if from_user.last_name else from_user.first_name ) if hasSetted := sqlite.get(f"AutoSendReactions.{target}"): del sqlite[f"AutoSendReactions.{target}"] await edit_delete( message, f"✅ 已删除对 __{user_name}__ 的自动回复Emoji设置" ) else: await edit_delete( message, f"❌ 还没有对 __{user_name}__ 设置自动回复Emoji哦~" ) except Exception as e: await message.edit(f"❌ **在设置中遇到了一些错误** > {e}") await log(e) # 打印错误日志 else: return await message.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('arg_error')}") else: return await message.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('arg_error')}") elif ( (message.parameter[0] == "block") or (message.parameter[0] == "unblock") and (len(message.parameter) == 2) ): group = message.parameter[1] group_info = await bot.get_chat(chat_id=group) if not group_info: return await message.edit("❌ **目标群组不存在或参数有误**") group_id = group_info.id group_name = group_info.title if message.parameter[0] == "block": if hasBlocked := sqlite.get(f"AutoSendReactionsBlock.{group_id}"): await edit_delete( message, f"❌ 已经将 __{group_name}__ 加入自动回复Emoji黑名单群组了哦~" ) else: sqlite[f"AutoSendReactionsBlock.{group_id}"] = "yes" await edit_delete(message, f"✅ 已将 __{group_name}__ 加入至自动回复Emoji黑名单群组") elif message.parameter[0] == "unblock": if hasBlocked := sqlite.get(f"AutoSendReactionsBlock.{group_id}"): del sqlite[f"AutoSendReactionsBlock.{group_id}"] await edit_delete(message, f"✅ 已将 __{group_name}__ 从自动回复Emoji黑名单群组中移除") else: await edit_delete( message, f"❌ 还没有将 __{group_name}__ 加入进自动回复Emoji群组黑名单哦~" ) else: return await message.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('arg_error')}") @listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=True, ignore_edited=True) async def AutoSendReactions(message: Message): from_user = "" try: # 判断是否启用了本插件 if not sqlite.get("AutoSendReactions.Enable"): return if "GROUP" not in str(message.chat.type): return # 判断是否在黑名单中 if sqlite.get(f"AutoSendReactionsBlock.{message.chat.id}"): return if not message.from_user: # 过滤匿名管理员 return from_user = message.from_user if not sqlite.get(f"AutoSendReactions.{from_user.id}"): return # 判断群组是否启用了表情回应功能 group_info = await bot.get_chat(chat_id=message.chat.id) if not group_info.available_reactions: return # 发送表情 emoji = sqlite.get(f"AutoSendReactions.{from_user.id}").split("|")[0] user_name = ( f"{from_user.first_name} {from_user.last_name}" if from_user.last_name else from_user.first_name ) try: await bot.send_reaction(message.chat.id, message.id, emoji) except Exception as e: errorMsg = f"❌ 自动回复Emoji失败({user_name} {emoji})> {e}" await log(errorMsg) return False # 打印日志 # text = message.text.markdown # await log(f"AutoSendReactions 监控到来自 {user_name} 的消息:{str(text)}") except Exception as e: errorMsg = f"❌ 第{e.__traceback__.tb_lineno}行:{e}" await log(errorMsg) return False ## ⬆️ 不懂勿动 ⬆️