import contextlib from asyncio import sleep from typing import Optional from pyrogram.errors import PeerIdInvalid from pyrogram.raw.functions.messages import GetStickerSet from pyrogram.raw.functions.stickers import CreateStickerSet from pyrogram.raw.types import InputStickerSetShortName, InputDocument, InputStickerSetItem from pyrogram.raw.types.messages import StickerSet from pyrogram.file_id import FileId from pagermaid.listener import listener from import bot, sqlite from pagermaid.enums import Message from pagermaid.single_utils import safe_remove from pagermaid.utils import alias_command class CannotToStickerSetError(Exception): """ Occurs when program cannot change a message to a sticker set """ def __init__(self): super().__init__( "无法将此消息转换为贴纸" ) class NoStickerSetNameError(Exception): """ Occurs when no username is provided """ def __init__(self, string: str = "请先设置用户名"): super().__init__( string ) class StickerSetFullError(Exception): """ Occurs when the sticker set is full """ def __init__(self): super().__init__( "贴纸包已满" ) async def get_pack(name: str): try: return await bot.invoke(GetStickerSet( stickerset=InputStickerSetShortName(short_name=name), hash=0 )) except Exception as e: # noqa raise NoStickerSetNameError("贴纸名名称错误或者不存在") from e class Sticker: message: Message sticker_set: str custom_sticker_set: bool emoji: str should_forward: Message is_animated: bool is_video: bool nums: int document: Optional[InputDocument] document_path: Optional[str] software: str = "PagerMaid-Pyro" def __init__(self, message: Message, sticker_set: str = "", emoji: str = "😀", should_forward: Message = None): self.message = message self.sticker_set = sticker_set self.custom_sticker_set = False self.load_custom_sticker_set() self.emoji = emoji self.should_forward = should_forward self.should_create = False self.is_animated = False self.is_video = False self.nums = 1 self.document = None self.document_path = None @staticmethod def get_custom_sticker_set(): return sqlite.get("sticker_set", None) @staticmethod def set_custom_sticker_get(name: str): sqlite["sticker_set"] = name @staticmethod def del_custom_sticker_set(): del sqlite["sticker_set"] def load_custom_sticker_set(self): if name := self.get_custom_sticker_set(): self.sticker_set = name self.custom_sticker_set = True async def generate_sticker_set(self, time: int = 1): self.nums = time if not self.sticker_set or time > 1: me = await bot.get_me() if not me.username: raise NoStickerSetNameError() self.sticker_set = f"{me.username}_{time}" if self.is_video: self.sticker_set += "_video" elif self.is_animated: self.sticker_set += "_animated" try: await self.check_pack_full() except NoStickerSetNameError: self.should_create = True except StickerSetFullError: await self.generate_sticker_set(time + 1) async def check_pack_full(self): pack: StickerSet = await get_pack(self.sticker_set) if pack.set.count == 120: raise StickerSetFullError() async def process_sticker(self): if not (self.should_forward and self.should_forward.sticker): raise CannotToStickerSetError() sticker_ = self.should_forward.sticker self.is_video = sticker_.is_video self.is_animated = sticker_.is_animated self.emoji = sticker_.emoji or self.emoji if self.is_video or self.is_animated: self.document_path = await self.download_file() file = FileId.decode(sticker_.file_id) self.document = InputDocument( id=file.media_id, access_hash=file.access_hash, file_reference=file.file_reference, ) async def download_file(self) -> str: return await async def upload_file(self): if not self.document_path: return with contextlib.suppress(Exception): msg = await bot.send_document(429000, document=self.document_path, force_document=True) file = FileId.decode(msg.document.file_id) self.document = InputDocument( id=file.media_id, access_hash=file.access_hash, file_reference=file.file_reference, ) safe_remove(self.document_path) async def create_sticker_set(self): me = await bot.get_me() title = f"@{me.username} 的私藏({self.nums})" if me.username else self.sticker_set if self.is_video: title += "(Video)" elif self.is_animated: title += "(Animated)" try: await bot.invoke( CreateStickerSet( user_id=await bot.resolve_peer((await bot.get_me()).id), title=title, short_name=self.sticker_set, stickers=[ InputStickerSetItem( document=self.document, emoji=self.emoji ) ], animated=self.is_animated, videos=self.is_video, ) ) except Exception as e: raise NoStickerSetNameError("贴纸包名称非法,请换一个") from e async def add_to_sticker_set(self): async with bot.conversation(429000) as conv: await conv.ask("/start") await sleep(.3) await conv.mark_as_read() await conv.ask("/cancel") await sleep(.3) await conv.mark_as_read() await conv.ask("/addsticker") await sleep(.3) await conv.mark_as_read() resp: Message = await conv.ask(self.sticker_set) await sleep(.3) if resp.text == "Invalid set selected.": raise NoStickerSetNameError("这个贴纸包好像不属于你~") await conv.mark_as_read() if self.is_video or self.is_animated: await self.upload_file() else: await self.should_forward.forward("Stickers") resp: Message = await conv.get_response() await sleep(.3) if not resp.text.startswith("Thanks!"): raise NoStickerSetNameError("这个贴纸包类型好像不匹配~") await conv.mark_as_read() await conv.ask(self.emoji) await sleep(.3) await conv.mark_as_read() await conv.ask("/done") await sleep(.3) await conv.mark_as_read() await conv.ask("/done") await sleep(.3) await conv.mark_as_read() async def to_sticker_set(self): await self.generate_sticker_set() if not self.sticker_set: raise NoStickerSetNameError() if self.should_create: await self.upload_file() await self.create_sticker_set() else: await self.add_to_sticker_set() def mention(self): return f"[{self.sticker_set}]({self.sticker_set})" def get_config(self) -> str: pack = self.mention() if self.sticker_set else "无法保存,请设置用户名" return f"欢迎使用 sticker 插件\n\n" \ f"将自动保存到贴纸包:{pack}\n\n" \ f"使用命令 ,{alias_command('s')} 贴纸包名 自定义保存贴纸包\n" \ f"使用命令 ,{alias_command('s')} cancel 取消自定义保存贴纸包" @listener( command="s", parameters="<贴纸包名/cancel>", description="保存贴纸到自己的贴纸包", need_admin=True, ) async def sticker(message: Message): one_sticker = Sticker(message, should_forward=message.reply_to_message) if not message.reply_to_message: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await one_sticker.generate_sticker_set() if not message.arguments: return await message.edit(one_sticker.get_config()) elif len(message.parameter) == 1: if message.arguments == "cancel": if one_sticker.get_custom_sticker_set() is None: return await message.edit("还没有设置自定义保存贴纸包") one_sticker.del_custom_sticker_set() return await message.edit("移除自定义保存贴纸包成功") else: one_sticker.sticker_set = message.arguments try: await one_sticker.check_pack_full() except NoStickerSetNameError: pass except Exception as e: return await message.edit(f"设置自定义贴纸包失败:{e}") one_sticker.set_custom_sticker_get(message.arguments) return await message.edit("设置自定义保存贴纸包成功") else: return await message.edit("参数错误") try: await one_sticker.process_sticker() await one_sticker.to_sticker_set() except PeerIdInvalid: return await message.edit("请先私聊一次 @Stickers 机器人") except Exception as e: return await message.edit(f"收藏到贴纸包失败:{e}") await message.edit(f"收藏到贴纸包 {one_sticker.mention()} 成功")