""" PagerMaid module to handle sticker collection. """ from PIL import Image from os.path import exists from os import remove, sep from random import randint from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.errors import PeerIdInvalid, UsernameNotOccupied from pyrogram.types import User from pagermaid.single_utils import sqlite from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.utils import alias_command, client, Message, lang from collections import defaultdict import json git_source = "https://gitlab.com/Xtao-Labs/PagerMaid_Plugins/-/raw/v2/" positions = { "1": [297, 288], "2": [85, 368], "3": [127, 105], "4": [76, 325], "5": [256, 160], "6": [298, 22], } notifyStrArr = { "6": "踢人", } extensionConfig = {} max_number = len(positions) configFilePath = f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}config.json" configFileRemoteUrlKey = "eat.configFileRemoteUrl" async def eat_it(context, user, base, mask, photo, number, layer=0): mask_size = mask.size photo_size = photo.size if mask_size[0] < photo_size[0] and mask_size[1] < photo_size[1]: scale = photo_size[1] / mask_size[1] photo = photo.resize((int(photo_size[0] / scale), int(photo_size[1] / scale)), Image.LANCZOS) photo = photo.crop((0, 0, mask_size[0], mask_size[1])) mask1 = Image.new('RGBA', mask_size) mask1.paste(photo, mask=mask) numberPosition = positions[str(number)] isSwap = False # 处理头像,放到和背景同样大小画布的特定位置 try: isSwap = extensionConfig[str(number)]["isSwap"] except: pass if isSwap: photoBg = Image.new('RGBA', base.size) photoBg.paste(mask1, (numberPosition[0], numberPosition[1]), mask1) photoBg.paste(base, (0, 0), base) base = photoBg else: base.paste(mask1, (numberPosition[0], numberPosition[1]), mask1) # 增加判断是否有第二个头像孔 isContinue = len(numberPosition) > 2 and layer == 0 if isContinue: await client.download_media( user.photo.big_file_id, f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}" + str(user.id) + ".jpg", ) try: markImg = Image.open(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}" + str(user.id) + ".jpg") maskImg = Image.open(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}mask" + str(numberPosition[2]) + ".png") except: await context.edit(f"图片模版加载出错,请检查并更新配置:mask{str(numberPosition[2])}.png") return base base = await eat_it(context, user, base, maskImg, markImg, numberPosition[2], layer + 1) temp = base.size[0] if base.size[0] > base.size[1] else base.size[1] if temp != 512: scale = 512 / temp base = base.resize((int(base.size[0] * scale), int(base.size[1] * scale)), Image.LANCZOS) return base async def updateConfig(context): configFileRemoteUrl = sqlite.get(configFileRemoteUrlKey, "") if configFileRemoteUrl: if downloadFileFromUrl(configFileRemoteUrl, configFilePath) != 0: sqlite[configFileRemoteUrlKey] = configFileRemoteUrl return -1 else: return await loadConfigFile(context, True) return 0 async def downloadFileFromUrl(url, filepath): try: re = await client.get(url) with open(filepath, 'wb') as ms: ms.write(re.content) except: return -1 return 0 async def loadConfigFile(context, forceDownload=False): global positions, notifyStrArr, extensionConfig try: with open(configFilePath, 'r', encoding='utf8') as cf: # 读取已下载的配置文件 remoteConfigJson = json.load(cf) # positionsStr = json.dumps(positions) # positions = json.loads(positionsStr) # 读取配置文件中的positions positionsStr = json.dumps(remoteConfigJson["positions"]) data = json.loads(positionsStr) # 与预设positions合并 positions = mergeDict(positions, data) # 读取配置文件中的notifies data = json.loads(json.dumps(remoteConfigJson["notifies"])) # 与预设positions合并 notifyStrArr = mergeDict(notifyStrArr, data) # 读取配置文件中的extensionConfig try: data = json.loads(json.dumps(remoteConfigJson["extensionConfig"])) # 与预设extensionConfig合并 extensionConfig = mergeDict(extensionConfig, data) except: # 新增扩展配置,为了兼容旧的配置文件更新不出错,无视异常 pass # 读取配置文件中的needDownloadFileList data = json.loads(json.dumps(remoteConfigJson["needDownloadFileList"])) # 下载列表中的文件 for fileurl in data: try: fsplit = fileurl.split("/") filePath = f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}{fsplit[len(fsplit) - 1]}" if not exists(filePath) or forceDownload: await downloadFileFromUrl(fileurl, filePath) except: await context.edit(f"下载文件异常,url:{fileurl}") return -1 except: return -1 return 0 def mergeDict(d1, d2): dd = defaultdict(list) for d in (d1, d2): for key, value in d.items(): dd[key] = value return dict(dd) async def downloadFileByIds(ids, context): idsStr = f',{",".join(ids)},' try: with open(configFilePath, 'r', encoding='utf8') as cf: # 读取已下载的配置文件 remoteConfigJson = json.load(cf) data = json.loads(json.dumps(remoteConfigJson["needDownloadFileList"])) # 下载列表中的文件 sucSet = set() failSet = set() for fileurl in data: try: fsplit = fileurl.split("/") fileFullName = fsplit[len(fsplit) - 1] fileName = fileFullName.split(".")[0].replace("eat", "").replace("mask", "") if f',{fileName},' in idsStr: filePath = f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}{fileFullName}" if (await downloadFileFromUrl(fileurl, filePath)) == 0: sucSet.add(fileName) else: failSet.add(fileName) except: failSet.add(fileName) await context.edit(f"下载文件异常,url:{fileurl}") notifyStr = "更新模版完成" if len(sucSet) > 0: notifyStr = f'{notifyStr}\n成功模版如下:{",".join(sucSet)}' if len(failSet) > 0: notifyStr = f'{notifyStr}\n失败模版如下:{",".join(failSet)}' await context.edit(notifyStr) except: await context.edit("更新下载模版图片失败,请确认配置文件是否正确") @listener(is_plugin=True, outgoing=True, command=alias_command("eat"), description="生成一张 吃头像 图片\n" "可选:当第二个参数是数字时,读取预存的配置;\n\n" "当第二个参数是.开头时,头像旋转180°,并且判断r后面是数字则读取对应的配置生成\n\n" "当第二个参数是/开头时,在/后面加url则从url下载配置文件保存到本地,如果就一个/,则直接更新配置文件,删除则是/delete;或者/后面加模版id可以手动更新指定模版配置\n\n" "当第二个参数是-开头时,在-后面加上模版id,即可设置默认模版-eat直接使用该模版,删除默认模版是-eat -\n\n" "当第二个参数是!或者!开头时,列出当前可用模版", parameters=" [随意内容]") async def eat(client_: Client, context: Message): if len(context.parameter) > 2: await context.edit("出错了呜呜呜 ~ 无效的参数。") return diu_round = False from_user_id = context.from_user.id if context.from_user else context.sender_chat.id if context.reply_to_message: user = context.reply_to_message.from_user if not user: return await context.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('profile_e_no')}") else: if len(context.parameter) == 1: user = context.parameter[0] if user.isdigit(): user = int(user) else: user = await client_.get_me() if context.entities is not None: if context.entities[0].type == "text_mention": user = context.entities[0].user elif context.entities[0].type == "phone_number": user = int(context.parameter[0]) elif context.entities[0].type == "bot_command": user = await client_.get_me() else: return await context.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('arg_error')}") if not isinstance(user, User): try: user = await client_.get_users(user) except PeerIdInvalid: return await context.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('profile_e_nof')}") except UsernameNotOccupied: return await context.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('profile_e_nou')}") except OverflowError: return await context.edit(f"{lang('error_prefix')}{lang('profile_e_long')}") except Exception as exception: raise exception target_user_id = user.id photo = await client_.download_media( user.photo.big_file_id, f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}" + str(target_user_id) + ".jpg",) reply_to = context.reply_to_message.message_id if context.reply_to_message else None if exists(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}" + str(target_user_id) + ".jpg"): for num in range(1, max_number + 1): if not exists(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}eat" + str(num) + ".png"): re = await client.get(f"{git_source}eat/eat" + str(num) + ".png") with open(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}eat" + str(num) + ".png", "wb") as bg: bg.write(re.content) if not exists(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}mask" + str(num) + ".png"): re = await client.get(f"{git_source}eat/mask" + str(num) + ".png") with open(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}mask" + str(num) + ".png", "wb") as ms: ms.write(re.content) number = randint(1, max_number) try: p1 = 0 p2 = 0 if len(context.parameter) == 1: p1 = context.parameter[0] if p1[0] == ".": diu_round = True if len(p1) > 1: try: p2 = int("".join(p1[1:])) except: # 可能也有字母的参数 p2 = "".join(p1[1:]) elif p1[0] == "-": if len(p1) > 1: try: p2 = int("".join(p1[1:])) except: # 可能也有字母的参数 p2 = "".join(p1[1:]) if p2: sqlite["eat.default-config"] = p2 await context.edit(f"已经设置默认配置为:{p2}") else: del sqlite["eat.default-config"] await context.edit(f"已经清空默认配置") return elif p1[0] == "/": await context.edit(f"正在更新远程配置文件") if len(p1) > 1: # 获取参数中的url p2 = "".join(p1[1:]) if p2 == "delete": del sqlite[configFileRemoteUrlKey] await context.edit(f"已清空远程配置文件url") return if p2.startswith("http"): # 下载文件 if (await downloadFileFromUrl(p2, configFilePath)) != 0: await context.edit(f"下载配置文件异常,请确认url是否正确") return else: # 下载成功,加载配置文件 sqlite[configFileRemoteUrlKey] = p2 if await loadConfigFile(context, True) != 0: await context.edit(f"加载配置文件异常,请确认从远程下载的配置文件格式是否正确") return else: await context.edit(f"下载并加载配置文件成功") else: # 根据传入模版id更新模版配置,多个用","或者","隔开 # 判断redis是否有保存配置url splitStr = "," if "," in p2: splitStr = "," ids = p2.split(splitStr) if len(ids) > 0: # 下载文件 configFileRemoteUrl = sqlite.get(configFileRemoteUrlKey, "") if configFileRemoteUrl: if (await downloadFileFromUrl(configFileRemoteUrl, configFilePath)) != 0: await context.edit(f"下载配置文件异常,请确认url是否正确") return else: # 下载成功,更新对应配置 if await loadConfigFile(context) != 0: await context.edit(f"加载配置文件异常,请确认从远程下载的配置文件格式是否正确") return else: await downloadFileByIds(ids, context) else: await context.edit(f"你没有订阅远程配置文件,更新个🔨") else: # 没传url直接更新 if await updateConfig(context) != 0: await context.edit(f"更新配置文件异常,请确认是否订阅远程配置文件,或从远程下载的配置文件格式是否正确") return else: await context.edit(f"从远程更新配置文件成功") return elif p1[0] == "!" or p1[0] == "!": # 加载配置 if exists(configFilePath): if await loadConfigFile(context) != 0: await context.edit(f"加载配置文件异常,请确认从远程下载的配置文件格式是否正确") return txt = "" if len(positions) > 0: noShowList = [] for key in positions: txt = f"{txt},{key}" if len(positions[key]) > 2: noShowList.append(positions[key][2]) for key in noShowList: txt = txt.replace(f",{key}", "") if txt != "": txt = txt[1:] await context.edit(f"目前已有的模版列表如下:\n{txt}") return defaultConfig = sqlite.get("eat.default-config", "") if isinstance(p2, str): number = p2 elif isinstance(p2, int) and p2 > 0: number = int(p2) elif not diu_round and ((isinstance(p1, int) and int(p1) > 0) or isinstance(p1, str)): try: number = int(p1) except: number = p1 elif defaultConfig: try: defaultConfig = defaultConfig.decode() number = int(defaultConfig) except: number = str(defaultConfig) # 支持配置默认是倒立的头像 if number.startswith("."): diu_round = True number = number[1:] except: number = randint(1, max_number) # 加载配置 if exists(configFilePath): if await loadConfigFile(context) != 0: await context.edit(f"加载配置文件异常,请确认从远程下载的配置文件格式是否正确") return try: notifyStr = notifyStrArr[str(number)] except: notifyStr = "吃头像" await context.edit(f"正在生成 {notifyStr} 图片中 . . .") markImg = Image.open(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}" + str(target_user_id) + ".jpg") try: eatImg = Image.open(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}eat" + str(number) + ".png") maskImg = Image.open(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}mask" + str(number) + ".png") except: await context.edit(f"图片模版加载出错,请检查并更新配置:{str(number)}") return if diu_round: markImg = markImg.rotate(180) # 对图片进行旋转 try: number = str(number) except: pass result = await eat_it(context, user, eatImg, maskImg, markImg, number) result.save(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}eat.webp") try: remove(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}" + str(target_user_id) + ".jpg") remove(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}" + str(target_user_id) + ".png") remove(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}" + str(from_user_id) + ".jpg") remove(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}" + str(from_user_id) + ".png") remove(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}eat.webp") remove(photo) except: pass else: return await context.edit("此用户未设置头像或头像对您不可见。") if reply_to: try: await client_.send_document( context.chat.id, f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}eat.webp", reply_to_message_id=reply_to ) await context.safe_delete() except TypeError: await context.edit("此用户未设置头像或头像对您不可见。") except: await context.edit("此群组无法发送贴纸。") else: try: await client_.send_document( context.chat.id, f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}eat.webp", ) await context.safe_delete() except TypeError: await context.edit("此用户未设置头像或头像对您不可见。") except: await context.edit("此群组无法发送贴纸。") remove(f"plugins{sep}eat{sep}eat.webp") try: remove(photo) except: pass