import contextlib import os import pathlib import shutil from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.utils import pip_install, lang from pagermaid.enums import Message from import bot pip_install("yt-dlp", version="==2023.3.4", alias="yt_dlp") import yt_dlp ytdl_is_downloading = False def ytdl_download(url) -> dict: response = {"status": True, "error": "", "filepath": []} output = pathlib.Path("data/ytdl", "%(title).70s.%(ext)s").as_posix() ydl_opts = {"outtmpl": output, "restrictfilenames": False, "quiet": True} formats = [ "bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/bestvideo+bestaudio", "bestvideo[vcodec^=avc]+bestaudio[acodec^=mp4a]/best[vcodec^=avc]/best", None, ] if url.startswith("") or url.startswith( "" ): formats.insert(0, "bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]") for format_ in formats: ydl_opts["format"] = format_ try: with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[url]) response["status"] = True response["error"] = "" break except Exception as e: response["status"] = False response["error"] = str(e) if response["status"] is False: return response for i in os.listdir("data/ytdl"): p = pathlib.Path("data/ytdl", i) response["status"] = True response["filepath"].append(p) return response async def start_download(message: Message, url: str): global ytdl_is_downloading cid = executor = ThreadPoolExecutor() try: result = await bot.loop.run_in_executor(executor, ytdl_download, url) except Exception as e: result = {"status": False, "error": str(e)} if result["status"]: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): message: Message = await message.edit("文件上传中,请耐心等待。。。") for file in result["filepath"]: st_size = os.stat(file).st_size if st_size > 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 0.99: result["status"] = False result["error"] = "文件太大,无法发送" continue try: await bot.send_video( cid, video=file, supports_streaming=True, message_thread_id=message.message_thread_id, ) except Exception: try: await bot.send_document( cid, document=file, force_document=True, message_thread_id=message.message_thread_id, ) except Exception as e: result["status"] = False result["error"] = str(e) else: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await message.edit(f"下载/发送文件失败,发生错误:{result['error']}") ytdl_is_downloading = False with contextlib.suppress(Exception): shutil.rmtree("data/ytdl") if result["status"]: await message.safe_delete() @listener( command="ytdl", description="Upload Youtube video to telegram", parameters="[url]" ) async def ytdl(message: Message): global ytdl_is_downloading if not message.arguments: return await message.edit(lang("arg_error")) if ytdl_is_downloading: return await message.edit("有一个下载任务正在运行中,请不要重复使用命令。") ytdl_is_downloading = True with contextlib.suppress(Exception): shutil.rmtree("data/ytdl") url = message.arguments message: Message = await message.edit( "文件开始后台下载,下载速度取决于你的服务器。\n请不要删除此消息并且耐心等待!!!" ) bot.loop.create_task(start_download(message, url))