""" PagerMaid Plugin to provide a dictionary lookup. """ from pagermaid.listener import listener from pagermaid.enums import Message from pagermaid.utils import pip_install, alias_command pip_install("PyDictionary") from PyDictionary import PyDictionary dictionary_data = PyDictionary() @listener(command="dictionary", parameters="<单词>", description="查询英语单词的意思") async def get_word_mean(message: Message): """ Look up a word in the dictionary. """ word = message.arguments if not word: return await message.edit(f"[dictionary] 使用方法:`,{alias_command('dictionary')} <单词>`") result = dictionary_data.meaning(word) output = f"Word : {word}\n\n" if result: try: for a, b in result.items(): output += f"{a}\n" for i in b: output += f"☞{i}\n" await message.edit(output) except Exception as e: await message.edit(f"[dictionary] 无法查询到单词的意思:{e}") else: await message.edit("[dictionary] 无法查询到单词的意思")