import contextlib from asyncio import sleep from typing import Optional from pyrogram.errors import PeerIdInvalid from pyrogram.raw.functions.messages import GetStickerSet from pyrogram.raw.functions.stickers import CreateStickerSet from pyrogram.raw.types import ( InputStickerSetShortName, InputDocument, InputStickerSetItem, ) from pyrogram.raw.types.messages import StickerSet from pyrogram.file_id import FileId from pagermaid.listener import listener from import bot, sqlite from pagermaid.enums import Message from pagermaid.single_utils import safe_remove from pagermaid.utils import alias_command class CannotToStickerSetError(Exception): """ Occurs when program cannot change a message to a sticker set """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("无法将此消息转换为贴纸") class NoStickerSetNameError(Exception): """ Occurs when no username is provided """ def __init__(self, string: str = "请先设置用户名"): super().__init__(string) class StickerSetFullError(Exception): """ Occurs when the sticker set is full """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("贴纸包已满") async def get_pack(name: str): try: return await bot.invoke( GetStickerSet(stickerset=InputStickerSetShortName(short_name=name), hash=0) ) except Exception as e: # noqa raise NoStickerSetNameError("贴纸名名称错误或者不存在") from e class Sticker: message: Message sticker_set: str custom_sticker_set: bool emoji: str should_forward: Message is_animated: bool is_video: bool nums: int document: Optional[InputDocument] document_path: Optional[str] software: str = "PagerMaid-Pyro" def __init__( self, message: Message, sticker_set: str = "", emoji: str = "😀", should_forward: Message = None, ): self.message = message self.sticker_set = sticker_set self.custom_sticker_set = False self.load_custom_sticker_set() self.emoji = emoji self.should_forward = should_forward self.should_create = False self.is_animated = False self.is_video = False self.nums = 1 self.document = None self.document_path = None @staticmethod def get_custom_sticker_set(): return sqlite.get("sticker_set", None) @staticmethod def set_custom_sticker_get(name: str): sqlite["sticker_set"] = name @staticmethod def del_custom_sticker_set(): del sqlite["sticker_set"] def load_custom_sticker_set(self): if name := self.get_custom_sticker_set(): self.sticker_set = name self.custom_sticker_set = True async def generate_sticker_set(self, time: int = 1): self.nums = time if not self.sticker_set or time > 1: me = await bot.get_me() if not me.username: raise NoStickerSetNameError() self.sticker_set = f"{me.username}_{time}" if self.is_video: self.sticker_set += "_video" elif self.is_animated: self.sticker_set += "_animated" try: await self.check_pack_full() except NoStickerSetNameError: self.should_create = True except StickerSetFullError: await self.generate_sticker_set(time + 1) async def check_pack_full(self): pack: StickerSet = await get_pack(self.sticker_set) if pack.set.count == 120: raise StickerSetFullError() async def process_sticker(self): if not (self.should_forward and self.should_forward.sticker): raise CannotToStickerSetError() sticker_ = self.should_forward.sticker self.is_video = sticker_.is_video self.is_animated = sticker_.is_animated self.emoji = sticker_.emoji or self.emoji if self.is_video or self.is_animated: self.document_path = await self.download_file() file = FileId.decode(sticker_.file_id) self.document = InputDocument( id=file.media_id, access_hash=file.access_hash, file_reference=file.file_reference, ) async def download_file(self) -> str: return await async def upload_file(self): if not self.document_path: return with contextlib.suppress(Exception): msg = await bot.send_document( 429000, document=self.document_path, force_document=True ) file = FileId.decode(msg.document.file_id) self.document = InputDocument( id=file.media_id, access_hash=file.access_hash, file_reference=file.file_reference, ) safe_remove(self.document_path) async def create_sticker_set(self): me = await bot.get_me() title = f"@{me.username} 的私藏({self.nums})" if me.username else self.sticker_set if self.is_video: title += "(Video)" elif self.is_animated: title += "(Animated)" try: await bot.invoke( CreateStickerSet( user_id=await bot.resolve_peer((await bot.get_me()).id), title=title, short_name=self.sticker_set, stickers=[ InputStickerSetItem(document=self.document, emoji=self.emoji) ], animated=self.is_animated, videos=self.is_video, ) ) except Exception as e: raise NoStickerSetNameError("贴纸包名称非法,请换一个") from e async def add_to_sticker_set(self): async with bot.conversation(429000) as conv: await conv.ask("/start") await sleep(0.3) await conv.mark_as_read() await conv.ask("/cancel") await sleep(0.3) await conv.mark_as_read() await conv.ask("/addsticker") await sleep(0.3) await conv.mark_as_read() resp: Message = await conv.ask(self.sticker_set) await sleep(0.3) if resp.text == "Invalid set selected.": raise NoStickerSetNameError("这个贴纸包好像不属于你~") await conv.mark_as_read() if self.is_video or self.is_animated: await self.upload_file() else: await self.should_forward.forward("Stickers") resp: Message = await conv.get_response() await sleep(0.3) if not resp.text.startswith("Thanks!"): raise NoStickerSetNameError("这个贴纸包类型好像不匹配~") await conv.mark_as_read() await conv.ask(self.emoji) await sleep(0.3) await conv.mark_as_read() await conv.ask("/done") await sleep(0.3) await conv.mark_as_read() await conv.ask("/done") await sleep(0.3) await conv.mark_as_read() async def to_sticker_set(self): await self.generate_sticker_set() if not self.sticker_set: raise NoStickerSetNameError() if self.should_create: await self.upload_file() await self.create_sticker_set() else: await self.add_to_sticker_set() def mention(self): return f"[{self.sticker_set}]({self.sticker_set})" def get_config(self) -> str: pack = self.mention() if self.sticker_set else "无法保存,请设置用户名" return ( f"欢迎使用 sticker 插件\n\n" f"将自动保存到贴纸包:{pack}\n\n" f"使用命令 ,{alias_command('s')} 贴纸包名 自定义保存贴纸包\n" f"使用命令 ,{alias_command('s')} cancel 取消自定义保存贴纸包" ) @listener( command="s", parameters="[贴纸包名/cancel]", description="保存贴纸到自己的贴纸包", need_admin=True, ) async def sticker(message: Message): one_sticker = Sticker(message, should_forward=message.reply_to_message) if not message.reply_to_message: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await one_sticker.generate_sticker_set() if not message.arguments: return await message.edit(one_sticker.get_config()) elif len(message.parameter) == 1: if message.arguments == "cancel": if one_sticker.get_custom_sticker_set() is None: return await message.edit("还没有设置自定义保存贴纸包") one_sticker.del_custom_sticker_set() return await message.edit("移除自定义保存贴纸包成功") else: one_sticker.sticker_set = message.arguments try: await one_sticker.check_pack_full() except NoStickerSetNameError: pass except Exception as e: return await message.edit(f"设置自定义贴纸包失败:{e}") one_sticker.set_custom_sticker_get(message.arguments) return await message.edit("设置自定义保存贴纸包成功") else: return await message.edit("参数错误") try: await one_sticker.process_sticker() await one_sticker.to_sticker_set() except PeerIdInvalid: return await message.edit("请先私聊一次 @Stickers 机器人") except Exception as e: return await message.edit(f"收藏到贴纸包失败:{e}") await message.edit(f"收藏到贴纸包 {one_sticker.mention()} 成功")