2022-09-01 16:28:48 +08:00

118 lines
4.5 KiB

from pyrogram.enums import ParseMode
from pagermaid.listener import listener
from pagermaid.enums import Client, Message
description="Duckduckgo 搜索",
async def duckduckgo(client: Client, message: Message):
text = message.arguments
if not text:
return await message.edit("请输入查询内容")
async with client.conversation("PagerMaid_Modify_bot") as conv:
answer: Message = await conv.ask(f"/duckduckgo {text}")
await conv.mark_as_read()
await message.edit(answer.text.html, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
async def caiyun_translate(client: Client, message: Message):
text = message.arguments
if not text:
return await message.edit("请输入查询内容")
async with client.conversation("PagerMaid_Modify_bot") as conv:
answer: Message = await conv.ask(f"/translate {text}")
await conv.mark_as_read()
await message.edit(answer.text)
description="使用彩云天气 api 查询国内实时天气。",
async def weather(client: Client, message: Message):
text = message.arguments
if not text:
return await message.edit("请输入正确的地址")
async with client.conversation("PagerMaid_Modify_bot") as conv:
answer: Message = await conv.ask(f"/weather_api {text}")
await conv.mark_as_read()
await message.edit(answer.text)
description="使用彩云天气 api 查询国内实时天气,但是显示图片。",
async def weather_pic(client: Client, message: Message):
text = message.arguments
if not text:
return await message.edit("请输入正确的地址")
async with client.conversation("PagerMaid_Modify_bot") as conv:
answer: Message = await conv.ask(f"/weather {text}")
await conv.mark_as_read()
await answer.copy(, reply_to_message_id=message.reply_to_message_id)
await message.safe_delete()
description="使用和风天气 api 查询国内实时天气,但是显示图片。",
async def weather_he(client: Client, message: Message):
text = message.arguments
if not text:
return await message.edit("请输入正确的地址")
async with client.conversation("PagerMaid_Modify_bot") as conv:
answer: Message = await conv.ask(f"/weather_he {text}")
await conv.mark_as_read()
await answer.copy(, reply_to_message_id=message.reply_to_message_id)
await message.safe_delete()
async def az_tts(client: Client, message: Message, mode: str):
text = message.arguments
if not text:
return await message.edit("请输入需要 tts 的内容")
async with client.conversation("PagerMaid_Modify_bot") as conv:
answer: Message = await conv.ask(f"/tts {text} {mode}")
await conv.mark_as_read()
await answer.copy(, reply_to_message_id=message.reply_to_message_id)
await message.safe_delete()
description="通过 Azure 文本到语音 基于字符串生成 简体男声 语音消息。",
async def az_tts_nan(client: Client, message: Message):
await az_tts(client, message, "")
description="通过 Azure 文本到语音 基于字符串生成 简体女声 语音消息。",
async def az_tts_nv(client: Client, message: Message):
await az_tts(client, message, "nv")
description="通过 Azure 文本到语音 基于字符串生成 繁体男声 语音消息。",
async def az_tts_tw(client: Client, message: Message):
await az_tts(client, message, "tw")
description="通过 Azure 文本到语音 基于字符串生成 简体新闻男声 语音消息。",
async def az_tts_ne(client: Client, message: Message):
await az_tts(client, message, "ne")
description="通过 Azure 文本到语音 基于字符串生成 英文男声 语音消息。",
async def az_tts_en(client: Client, message: Message):
await az_tts(client, message, "en")