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# pmcaptcha - a pagermaid-pyro plugin by cloudreflection
# https://t.me/cloudreflection_channel/268
# ver 2022/06/27
import contextlib
from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram.enums.chat_type import ChatType
from pyrogram.raw.functions.account import UpdateNotifySettings
from pyrogram.raw.functions.messages import DeleteHistory
from pyrogram.raw.types import InputNotifyPeer, InputPeerNotifySettings
from pagermaid import log,bot
from pagermaid.utils import Message
from pagermaid.listener import listener
from pagermaid.single_utils import sqlite
from pagermaid.sub_utils import Sub
import asyncio
import random
captcha_success = Sub("pmcaptcha.success")
pm_captcha_help_msg = '''```,pmcaptcha```
```,pmcaptcha check id```
```,pmcaptcha add [id]```
```,pmcaptcha del [id]```
```,pmcaptcha wel [message]```
使用 ```,pmcaptcha wel -clear``` 可恢复默认规则
```,pmcaptcha bl [list]```
使用 ```,pmcaptcha bl -clear``` 可清空列表
```,pmcaptcha wait [int]```
查看或设置超时时间,默认为 30 秒
使用```,pmcaptcha wait off```可关闭验证时间限制
```,pmcaptcha disablepm [true/false]```
您可以使用 ,pmcaptcha add 将用户加入白名单
```,pmcaptcha stats```
使用 ```,pmcaptcha stats -clear``` 可重置
```,pmcaptcha action [ban/delete/archive/none]```
选择验证失败的处理方式,默认为 archive
```,pmcaptcha premium [allow/ban/only/none]```
选择对premium用户的操作,默认为 none
```,pmcaptcha wl [list]```
使用 ```,pmcaptcha wl -clear``` 可清空列表
```,pmcaptcha collect [y/n]```
查看或设置是否允许 Pmcaptcha 收集验证错误相关信息以帮助改进
默认为 N ,收集的信息包括验证的首条消息,被验证者的id和用户名
设置优先级: disablepm>premium>wl>bl
遇到任何问题请先 ```,apt update``` 更新后复现再反馈
捐赠: cloudreflection.eu.org/donate'''
@listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=False, outgoing=True, ignore_edited=True, privates_only=True)
async def process_pm_captcha_self(_: Client, message: Message):
if message.chat.is_verified or message.chat.type == ChatType.BOT:
cid = message.chat.id
if message.text:
with contextlib.suppress(UnicodeDecodeError):
if message.text[0] == ",": # 忽略命令
if captcha_success.check_id(cid):
return captcha_success.add_id(cid)
async def do_action_and_read(client, cid, data):
await client.unarchive_chats(chat_ids=cid)
await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000)
await client.read_chat_history(cid)
await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000)
action = data.get("action", "archive")
if action in ["archive", "delete", "ban"]:
await client.block_user(user_id=cid)
if action in ["archive"]:
await client.archive_chats(chat_ids=cid)
if action in ["delete"]:
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
await client.invoke(DeleteHistory(max_id=0, peer=await client.resolve_peer(cid)))
# log
await log(f"(pmcaptcha) 已对 [{cid}](tg://openmessage?user_id={cid}) 执行 {action} 操作")
data['banned'] = data.get('banned', 0) + 1
sqlite['pmcaptcha'] = data
async def collect_imformation(client, message):
await client.unblock_user(5569559830)
if message.text is not None:
await bot.ask("CloudreflectionPmcaptchabot", message.text, timeout =1)
await bot.send_message("CloudreflectionPmcaptchabot",str(message.from_user.id)+" @"+str(message.from_user.username))
@listener(is_plugin=False, incoming=True, outgoing=False, ignore_edited=True, privates_only=True)
async def process_pm_captcha(client: Client, message: Message):
# 忽略联系人、认证消息、机器人消息
if message.from_user.is_contact or message.from_user.is_verified or message.chat.type == ChatType.BOT:
cid = message.chat.id
data = sqlite.get("pmcaptcha", {})
if data.get('disable', False) and not captcha_success.check_id(cid):
await message.reply('对方已设置禁止私聊,您已被封禁\n\nThe recipient is blocking all private messages. You are now blocked.')
await do_action_and_read(client, cid, data)
if premium := data.get("premium", False):
if premium=="only" and message.from_user.is_premium==False:
await message.reply('对方已设置仅Telegram Premium用户可私聊,您已被封禁\n\nThe recipient is that only Telegram Premium user can send private messages. You are now blocked.')
await do_action_and_read(client, cid, data)
if premium=="ban" and message.from_user.is_premium==True:
await message.reply('对方已设置禁止Telegram Premium用户私聊,您已被封禁\n\nThe recipient is blocking all private messages from Telegram Premium users. You are now blocked.')
await do_action_and_read(client, cid, data)
if premium=="allow" and message.from_user.is_premium==True:
if (
not captcha_success.check_id(cid)
and sqlite.get(f"pmcaptcha.{str(cid)}") is None
if data.get("whitelist", False) and message.text is not None: #白名单
for i in data.get("whitelist", "").split(","):
if i in message.text:
return captcha_success.add_id(cid)
if data.get("blacklist", False) and message.text is not None: #黑名单
for i in data.get("blacklist", "").split(","):
if i in message.text:
await message.reply('您触犯了黑名单规则,已被封禁\n\nYou are blocked because of a blacklist violation')
await do_action_and_read(client, cid, data)
if data.get("collect",False):
await collect_imformation(client,message)
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
await client.invoke(UpdateNotifySettings(peer=InputNotifyPeer(peer=await client.resolve_peer(cid)),
await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000)
await client.read_chat_history(cid)
await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000)
await client.archive_chats(chat_ids=cid)
wait = data.get("wait", 30)
key1 = random.randint(1, 10)
key2 = random.randint(1, 10)
sqlite[f'pmcaptcha.{str(cid)}'] = str(key1 + key2)
if wait!="已关闭":
msg = await message.reply(
'已启用私聊验证。请发送 \"' + str(key1) + '+' + str(key2) + '\" 的答案(阿拉伯数字)来与我私聊\n请在' + str(wait) +
'秒内完成验证。您只有一次验证机会\n\nPlease answer the following question to prove you are human: \"' +
str(key1) + '+' + str(key2) + '\"\nYou have ' + str(wait) +
' seconds and only one chance to answer.')
await asyncio.sleep(wait)
await msg.safe_delete() # noqa
if sqlite.get(f'pmcaptcha.{str(cid)}') is not None:
del sqlite[f'pmcaptcha.{str(cid)}']
await message.reply('验证超时,您已被封禁\n\nYou failed provide an answer in time. You are now blocked.')
await do_action_and_read(client, cid, data)
if data.get("collect",False):
await collect_imformation(client,message)
await message.reply(
'已启用私聊验证。请发送 \"' + str(key1) + '+' + str(key2) + '\" 的答案(阿拉伯数字)来与我私聊。\
您只有一次验证机会\n\nPlease answer the following question to prove you are human: \"' +
str(key1) + '+' + str(key2) + '\"\nYou have only one chance to answer.')
elif sqlite.get(f"pmcaptcha.{str(cid)}"):
if message.text == sqlite.get(f"pmcaptcha.{str(cid)}"):
await message.safe_delete()
del sqlite[f'pmcaptcha.{str(cid)}']
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
await client.invoke(UpdateNotifySettings(peer=InputNotifyPeer(peer=await client.resolve_peer(cid)),
await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000)
await message.reply(data.get("Welcome", "验证通过\n\nYou have passed the captcha."))
await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 100) / 1000)
await client.unarchive_chats(chat_ids=cid)
data['pass'] = data.get('pass', 0) + 1
sqlite['pmcaptcha'] = data
del sqlite[f'pmcaptcha.{str(cid)}']
await message.reply('验证错误,您已被封禁\n\nYou provided an incorrect answer. You are now blocked.')
await do_action_and_read(client, cid, data)
if data.get("collect",False):
await collect_imformation(client,message)
@listener(is_plugin=True, outgoing=True, command="pmcaptcha",
description='一个简单的私聊人机验证 请使用 ```,pmcaptcha h``` 查看可用命令')
async def pm_captcha(client: Client, message: Message):
cid_ = str(message.chat.id)
data = sqlite.get("pmcaptcha", {})
if len(message.parameter) == 0:
if message.chat.type != ChatType.PRIVATE:
await message.edit('请在私聊时使用此命令,或添加参数执行')
await asyncio.sleep(3)
await message.safe_delete()
text = "已验证用户" if captcha_success.check_id(message.chat.id) else "未验证/验证中用户"
await message.edit(text)
elif len(message.parameter) == 1:
if message.parameter[0] == "bl":
await message.edit(
'当前黑名单规则:\n' + str(data.get('blacklist', '无')) + '\n如需编辑,请使用 ,pmcaptcha bl +关键词(英文逗号分隔)')
if message.parameter[0] == "wl":
await message.edit(
'当前白名单规则:\n' + str(data.get('whitelist', '无')) + '\n如需编辑,请使用 ,pmcaptcha wl +关键词(英文逗号分隔)')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'wel':
await message.edit(
'当前通过时消息规则:\n' + str(data.get('welcome', '无')) + '\n如需编辑,请使用 ,pmcaptcha wel +要发送的消息')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'wait':
await message.edit(
'当前验证等待时间(秒): ' + str(data.get('wait', '30')) + '\n如需编辑,请使用 ,pmcaptcha wait +等待秒数(整数)或使用 ,pmcaptcha wait off 关闭该功能')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'h':
await message.edit(pm_captcha_help_msg)
if message.chat.type != ChatType.PRIVATE:
await asyncio.sleep(5)
return await message.safe_delete()
elif message.parameter[0] == 'disablepm':
status = '开启' if data.get('disable', False) else '关闭'
await message.edit(
f'当前禁止私聊状态: 已{status}'
+ '\n如需修改 请使用 ,pmcaptcha disablepm true/false'
+ '\n此功能会放行联系人和白名单(已通过验证)用户'
elif message.parameter[0]=="collect":
status = '开启' if data.get('collect', False) else '关闭'
await message.edit(
f'当前收集验证错误信息状态: {status}'
+ '\n此功能仅会通过 @CloudreflectionPmcaptchabot 收集未通过验证者的首条消息,id和用户名且不会提供给第三方(@LivegramBot 除外)。收集的信息将用于pmcaptcha改进,开启或关闭此功能不影响 pmcaptcha 的使用'
elif message.parameter[0] == 'stats':
await message.edit('自上次重置起,已进行验证 ' + str(data.get('pass', 0) + data.get('banned', 0)) +
' 次\n其中,通过验证 ' + str(data.get('pass', 0)) + ' 次,拦截 ' + str(data.get('banned', 0)) + ' 次')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'premium':
await message.edit(
'当前对Premium用户的操作为: '+ premium_action.get(data.get("premium","none"))+'\n如需编辑,请使用 ,pmcaptcha premium [allow/ban/only/none] 修改')
elif message.chat.type != ChatType.PRIVATE:
await message.edit('请在私聊时使用此命令,或添加id参数执行')
await asyncio.sleep(3)
await message.safe_delete()
elif message.parameter[0] == 'add':
await message.edit(f'已将id {cid_} 添加至白名单')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'del':
if captcha_success.del_id(message.chat.id):
await message.edit(f'已删除id {cid_} 的验证记录')
await message.edit('记录不存在')
await message.edit('参数错误')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'add':
if message.parameter[1].isnumeric():
await message.edit(f'已将id {message.parameter[1]} 添加至白名单')
await client.unarchive_chats(chat_ids=int(message.parameter[1]))
await message.edit('参数错误')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'del':
if message.parameter[1].isnumeric():
if captcha_success.del_id(int(message.parameter[1])):
await message.edit(f'已删除id {message.parameter[1]} 的验证记录')
await message.edit('记录不存在')
await message.edit('参数错误')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'wel':
if message.parameter[1] == '-clear':
if data.get("welcome", False):
del data["welcome"]
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('已恢复至默认规则')
data["welcome"] = " ".join(message.parameter[1:])
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('规则已更新')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'wait':
if message.parameter[1]=="off":
data["wait"] = "已关闭"
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('已关闭验证时间限制')
elif message.parameter[1].isnumeric():
data["wait"] = int(message.parameter[1])
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('等待时间已更新')
await message.edit('错误:不是整数')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'bl':
if message.parameter[1] == '-clear':
if data.get("blacklist", False):
del data["blacklist"]
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('规则列表已清空')
data["blacklist"] = " ".join(message.parameter[1:])
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('规则已更新')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'wl':
if message.parameter[1] == '-clear':
if data.get("whitelist", False):
del data["whitelist"]
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('规则列表已清空')
data["whitelist"] = " ".join(message.parameter[1:])
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('规则已更新')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'check':
if message.parameter[1].isnumeric():
if captcha_success.check_id(int(message.parameter[1])):
await message.edit(f'id {message.parameter[1]} 已验证')
await message.edit(f'id {message.parameter[1]} 未验证')
await message.edit('未知用户/无效id')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'disablepm':
if message.parameter[1] == 'true':
data["disable"] = True
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('已禁止非白名单和联系人私聊\n您可以使用 ,pmcaptcha disablepm false 重新启用私聊')
elif message.parameter[1] == 'false':
data["disable"] = False
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('已关闭禁止私聊,人机验证仍会工作')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'stats' and message.parameter[1] == '-clear':
data["pass"] = 0
data["banned"] = 0
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('已重置计数器')
elif message.parameter[0] == 'action':
if message.parameter[1] == 'ban':
data["action"] = 'ban'
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('验证失败后将执行**封禁**操作')
elif message.parameter[1] == 'delete':
data["action"] = 'delete'
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('验证失败后将执行**封禁和删除**会话操作')
elif message.parameter[1] == 'archive':
data["action"] = 'archive'
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('验证失败后将执行**封禁和归档**会话操作')
elif message.parameter[1] == 'none':
data["action"] = 'none'
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('验证失败后将不执行任何操作')
await message.edit('参数错误。')
elif message.parameter[0]=="premium":
if message.parameter[1] == "allow":
data["premium"] = 'allow'
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('将不对 Telegram Premium 用户发起验证')
elif message.parameter[1] == "ban":
data["premium"] = 'ban'
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('将禁止 Telegram Premium 用户私聊')
elif message.parameter[1] == "only":
data["premium"] = 'only'
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('将**仅允许** Telegram Premium 用户私聊')
elif message.parameter[1] == "none":
del data["premium"]
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('将不对 Telegram Premium 用户执行额外操作')
elif message.parameter[0]=="collect":
if message.parameter[1] == "y":
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('已开启验证错误信息收集,感谢您的支持')
elif message.parameter[1] == "n":
del data['collect']
sqlite["pmcaptcha"] = data
await message.edit('已关闭验证错误信息收集')