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synced 2024-11-16 11:42:15 +00:00
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105 lines
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import contextlib
from typing import List, Optional
from datetime import datetime
from pyrogram.enums import ChatType
from pyrogram.raw.functions.account import GetAuthorizations, ResetAuthorization
from pyrogram.raw.types import Authorization
from pagermaid.listener import listener
from pagermaid.single_utils import Message
from pagermaid.utils import alias_command
from pagermaid import bot
async def get_all_session() -> List[Authorization]:
data = await bot.invoke(GetAuthorizations())
return data.authorizations
async def filter_session(hash_start: str) -> Optional[Authorization]:
hash_start = int(hash_start)
if len(str(hash_start)) != 6 and hash_start != 0:
return None
except ValueError:
return None
return next((session for session in await get_all_session() if str(session.hash).startswith(str(hash_start))), None)
async def kick_session(session: Authorization) -> bool:
if session.hash != 0:
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
return await bot.invoke(ResetAuthorization(hash=session.hash))
return False
def format_timestamp(timestamp: int) -> str:
datetime_obj = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
return datetime_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
def format_session(session: Authorization, private: bool = True) -> str:
text = f"标识符:<code>{str(session.hash)[:6]}</code>\n" \
f"设备型号:<code>{session.device_model}</code>\n" \
f"设备平台:<code>{session.platform}</code>\n" \
f"系统版本:<code>{session.system_version}</code>\n" \
f"应用名称:<code>{session.app_name}</code>\n" \
f"应用版本:<code>{session.app_version}</code>\n" \
f"官方应用:<code>{'是' if session.official_app else '否'}</code>\n" \
f"登录时间:<code>{format_timestamp(session.date_created)}</code>\n" \
if private:
text += f"\nIP:<code>{session.ip}</code>\n" \
if session.hash != 0:
text += f"\n\n使用命令 <code>,{alias_command('session')} 注销 {str(session.hash)[:6]}</code> 可以注销此会话。"
return text
async def count_platform(private: bool = True) -> str:
sessions = await get_all_session()
if not sessions:
return "无任何在线设备?"
platform_count = {}
text = f"共有 {len(sessions)} 台设备在线,分别是:\n\n"
for session in sessions:
if session.platform in platform_count:
platform_count[session.platform] += 1
platform_count[session.platform] = 1
text += f"<code>{str(session.hash)[:6]}</code> - <code>{session.device_model}</code>"
if private:
text += f" - <code>{session.app_name}</code>"
text += f"\n"
text += "\n"
text += "\n".join(f"{platform}:{count} 台" for platform, count in platform_count.items())
return text
async def session_manage(message: Message):
if not message.arguments:
return await message.edit(await count_platform(private=message.chat.type in [ChatType.PRIVATE, ChatType.BOT]))
if len(message.parameter) != 2:
return await message.edit_text("请输入 `注销/查询 标识符` 来查询或注销会话")
if message.parameter[0] == "查询":
session = await filter_session(message.parameter[1])
if session:
return await message.edit(format_session(
private=message.chat.type in [ChatType.PRIVATE, ChatType.BOT]))
return await message.edit_text("请输入正确的标识符!")
if message.parameter[0] == "注销":
session = await filter_session(message.parameter[1])
if session:
success = await kick_session(session)
return await message.edit("注销成功!" if success else "注销失败!")
return await message.edit_text("请输入正确的标识符!")
return await message.edit_text("请输入 `注销/查询 标识符` 来查询或注销会话")