# Pyrogram - Telegram MTProto API Client Library for Python # Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Dan Tès # # This file is part of Pyrogram. # # Pyrogram is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Pyrogram is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Pyrogram. If not, see . import os import re import shutil HOME = "compiler/api" DESTINATION = "pyrogram/api" notice_path = "NOTICE" SECTION_RE = re.compile(r"---(\w+)---") LAYER_RE = re.compile(r"//\sLAYER\s(\d+)") COMBINATOR_RE = re.compile(r"^([\w.]+)#([0-9a-f]+)\s(?:.*)=\s([\w<>.]+);$", re.MULTILINE) ARGS_RE = re.compile("[^{](\w+):([\w?!.<>]+)") FLAGS_RE = re.compile(r"flags\.(\d+)\?") FLAGS_RE_2 = re.compile(r"flags\.(\d+)\?([\w<>.]+)") core_types = ["int", "long", "int128", "int256", "double", "bytes", "string", "Bool"] class Combinator: def __init__(self, section: str, namespace: str, name: str, id: str, args: list, has_flags: bool, return_type: str): self.section = section self.namespace = namespace self.name = name self.id = id self.args = args self.has_flags = has_flags self.return_type = return_type def snek(s: str): # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1175208/elegant-python-function-to-convert-camelcase-to-snake-case s = re.sub(r"(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", s) return re.sub(r"([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", s).lower() def capit(s: str): return "".join([i[0].upper() + i[1:] for i in s.split("_")]) # # def caml(s: str): # r = snek(s).split("_") # return "".join([str(i.title()) for i in r]) def sort_args(args): """Put flags at the end""" args = args.copy() flags = [i for i in args if FLAGS_RE.match(i[1])] for i in flags: args.remove(i) return args + flags def start(): shutil.rmtree("{}/types".format(DESTINATION), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree("{}/functions".format(DESTINATION), ignore_errors=True) with open("{}/source/auth_key.tl".format(HOME)) as auth, \ open("{}/source/sys_msgs.tl".format(HOME)) as system, \ open("{}/source/main_api.tl".format(HOME)) as api: schema = (auth.read() + system.read() + api.read()).splitlines() with open("{}/template/class.txt".format(HOME)) as f: template = f.read() with open(notice_path) as f: notice = [] for line in f.readlines(): notice.append("# {}".format(line).strip()) notice = "\n".join(notice) total = len(schema) section = None layer = None namespaces = {"types": set(), "functions": set()} combinators = [] for i, line in enumerate(schema): # Check for section changer lines s = SECTION_RE.match(line) if s: section = s.group(1) continue # Save the layer version l = LAYER_RE.match(line) if l: layer = l.group(1) continue combinator = COMBINATOR_RE.match(line) if combinator: name, id, return_type = combinator.groups() namespace, name = name.split(".") if "." in name else ("", name) args = ARGS_RE.findall(line) # Check if combinator has flags for i in args: if FLAGS_RE.match(i[1]): has_flags = True break else: has_flags = False # Fix file and folder name collision if name == "updates": name = "update" # Fix arg name being "self" (reserved keyword) for i, item in enumerate(args): if item[0] == "self": args[i] = ("is_self", item[1]) if namespace: namespaces[section].add(namespace) combinators.append( Combinator( section, namespace, name, "0x{}".format(id.zfill(8)), args, has_flags, return_type ) ) for c in combinators: # type: Combinator path = "{}/{}/{}".format(DESTINATION, c.section, c.namespace) os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) init = "{}/__init__.py".format(path) if not os.path.exists(init): with open(init, "w") as f: f.write(notice + "\n\n") with open(init, "a") as f: f.write("from .{} import {}\n".format(snek(c.name), capit(c.name))) sorted_args = sort_args(c.args) arguments = ", " + ", ".join( ["{}{}".format( i[0], "=None" if FLAGS_RE.match(i[1]) else "" ) for i in sorted_args] ) if c.args else "" fields = "\n ".join( ["self.{0} = {0} # {1}".format(i[0], i[1]) for i in c.args] ) if c.args else "pass" docstring_args = [] for i, arg in enumerate(sorted_args): arg_name, arg_type = arg is_optional = arg_type.startswith("flags.") arg_type = arg_type.split("?")[-1] if arg_type in core_types: if "int" in arg_type or arg_type == "long": arg_type = ":obj:`int`" elif arg_type == "double": arg_type = ":obj:`float`" else: arg_type = ":obj:`{}`".format(arg_type.lower()) elif arg_type == "true": arg_type = ":obj:`bool`" else: if arg_type.startswith("Vector"): sub_type = arg_type.split("<")[1][:-1] if sub_type in core_types: if "int" in sub_type or sub_type == "long": arg_type = "List of :obj:`int`" elif sub_type == "double": arg_type = "List of :obj:`float`" else: arg_type = "List of :obj:`{}`".format(sub_type.lower()) else: arg_type = "List of :class:`pyrogram.api.types.{}`".format( ".".join( sub_type.split(".")[:-1] + [capit(sub_type.split(".")[-1])] ) ) else: arg_type = ":class:`pyrogram.api.types.{}`".format( ".".join( arg_type.split(".")[:-1] + [capit(arg_type.split(".")[-1])] ) ) docstring_args.append( "{}: {}{}".format( arg_name, arg_type, " (optional)" if is_optional else "" ) ) if docstring_args: docstring_args = "Args:\n " + "\n ".join(docstring_args) else: docstring_args = "No parameters required." docstring_args = "Attributes:\n ID (:obj:`int`): ``{}``\n\n ".format(c.id) + docstring_args docstring_args += "\n\n Returns:\n " if c.return_type in core_types: if "int" in c.return_type or c.return_type == "long": return_type = ":obj:`int`" elif c.return_type == "double": return_type = ":obj:`float`" else: return_type = ":obj:`{}`".format(c.return_type.lower()) else: if c.return_type.startswith("Vector"): sub_type = c.return_type.split("<")[1][:-1] if sub_type in core_types: if "int" in sub_type or sub_type == "long": return_type = "List of :obj:`int`" elif sub_type == "double": return_type = "List of :obj:`float`" else: return_type = "List of :obj:`{}`".format(c.return_type.lower()) else: return_type = "List of :class:`pyrogram.api.types.{}`".format( ".".join( sub_type.split(".")[:-1] + [capit(sub_type.split(".")[-1])] ) ) else: return_type = ":class:`pyrogram.api.types.{}`".format( ".".join( c.return_type.split(".")[:-1] + [capit(c.return_type.split(".")[-1])] ) ) docstring_args += return_type if c.section == "functions": docstring_args += "\n\n Raises:\n :class:`pyrogram.Error`" if c.has_flags: write_flags = [] for i in c.args: flag = FLAGS_RE.match(i[1]) if flag: write_flags.append("flags |= (1 << {}) if self.{} is not None else 0".format(flag.group(1), i[0])) write_flags = "\n ".join([ "flags = 0", "\n ".join(write_flags), "b.write(Int(flags))" ]) else: write_flags = "# No flags" read_flags = "flags = Int.read(b)" if c.has_flags else "# No flags" write_types = read_types = "" for arg_name, arg_type in c.args: flag = FLAGS_RE_2.findall(arg_type) if flag: index, flag_type = flag[0] if flag_type == "true": read_types += "\n " read_types += "{} = True if flags & (1 << {}) else False".format(arg_name, index) elif flag_type in core_types: write_types += "\n " write_types += "if self.{} is not None:\n ".format(arg_name) write_types += "b.write({}(self.{}))\n ".format(flag_type.title(), arg_name) read_types += "\n " read_types += "{} = {}.read(b) if flags & (1 << {}) else None".format( arg_name, flag_type.title(), index ) elif "vector" in flag_type.lower(): sub_type = arg_type.split("<")[1][:-1] write_types += "\n " write_types += "if self.{} is not None:\n ".format(arg_name) write_types += "b.write(Vector(self.{}{}))\n ".format( arg_name, ", {}".format(sub_type.title()) if sub_type in core_types else "" ) read_types += "\n " read_types += "{} = Object.read(b{}) if flags & (1 << {}) else []\n ".format( arg_name, ", {}".format(sub_type.title()) if sub_type in core_types else "", index ) else: write_types += "\n " write_types += "if self.{} is not None:\n ".format(arg_name) write_types += "b.write(self.{}.write())\n ".format(arg_name) read_types += "\n " read_types += "{} = Object.read(b) if flags & (1 << {}) else None\n ".format( arg_name, index ) else: if arg_type in core_types: write_types += "\n " write_types += "b.write({}(self.{}))\n ".format(arg_type.title(), arg_name) read_types += "\n " read_types += "{} = {}.read(b)\n ".format(arg_name, arg_type.title()) elif "vector" in arg_type.lower(): sub_type = arg_type.split("<")[1][:-1] write_types += "\n " write_types += "b.write(Vector(self.{}{}))\n ".format( arg_name, ", {}".format(sub_type.title()) if sub_type in core_types else "" ) read_types += "\n " read_types += "{} = Object.read(b{})\n ".format( arg_name, ", {}".format(sub_type.title()) if sub_type in core_types else "" ) else: write_types += "\n " write_types += "b.write(self.{}.write())\n ".format(arg_name) read_types += "\n " read_types += "{} = Object.read(b)\n ".format(arg_name) with open("{}/{}.py".format(path, snek(c.name)), "w") as f: f.write( template.format( notice=notice, class_name=capit(c.name), docstring_args=docstring_args, object_id=c.id, arguments=arguments, fields=fields, read_flags=read_flags, read_types=read_types, write_flags=write_flags, write_types=write_types, return_arguments=", ".join([i[0] for i in sorted_args]) ) ) with open("{}/all.py".format(DESTINATION), "w") as f: f.write(notice + "\n\n") f.write("layer = {}\n\n".format(layer)) f.write("objects = {") for c in combinators: path = ".".join(filter(None, [c.section, c.namespace, capit(c.name)])) f.write("\n {}: \"{}\",".format(c.id, path)) f.write("\n 0xbc799737: \"core.BoolFalse\",") f.write("\n 0x997275b5: \"core.BoolTrue\",") f.write("\n 0x56730bcc: \"core.Null\",") f.write("\n 0x1cb5c415: \"core.Vector\",") f.write("\n 0x73f1f8dc: \"core.MsgContainer\",") f.write("\n 0xae500895: \"core.FutureSalts\",") f.write("\n 0x0949d9dc: \"core.FutureSalt\",") f.write("\n 0x3072cfa1: \"core.GzipPacked\",") f.write("\n 0x5bb8e511: \"core.Message\"") f.write("\n}\n") for k, v in namespaces.items(): with open("{}/{}/__init__.py".format(DESTINATION, k), "a") as f: f.write("from . import {}\n".format(", ".join([i for i in v])) if v else "") if "__main__" == __name__: HOME = "." DESTINATION = "../../pyrogram/api" notice_path = "../../NOTICE" start()