Text Formatting =============== Pyrogram, just like `Telegram Bot API`_, supports basic Markdown formatting for messages; it uses the same syntax as Telegram Desktop's and is enabled by default. Beside bold, italic, and pre-formatted code, **Pyrogram does also support inline URLs and inline mentions of users**. Here is the complete syntax you can use when sending or editing messages: .. code:: **bold text** __italic text__ [inline URL](http://www.example.com/) [inline mention of a user](tg://user?id=123456789) `inline fixed-width code` ```block_language pre-formatted fixed-width code block ``` Code Snippets ------------- - Inline entities (bold, italic, ...): .. code-block:: python client.send_message( chat_id="me", text="**bold**, __italic__, [mention](tg://user?id=23122162), [url](https://pyrogram.ml), `code`" ) .. note:: Mentions are only guaranteed to work if you have already contacted the user. - Code blocks: .. code-block:: python client.send_message( chat_id="me", text=( # Code block language is optional "``` python\n" "for i in range(10):\n" " print(i)\n" "```" ) ) .. _Telegram Bot API: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#formatting-options