id message ABOUT_TOO_LONG The provided about/bio text is too long ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED The bot token has expired ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID The bot access token is invalid ADDRESS_INVALID The specified geopoint address is invalid. ADMINS_TOO_MUCH The chat has too many administrators ADMIN_ID_INVALID The specified admin ID is invalid ADMIN_RANK_EMOJI_NOT_ALLOWED Emoji are not allowed in custom administrator titles ADMIN_RANK_INVALID The custom administrator title is invalid or too long ADMIN_RIGHTS_EMPTY The chatAdminRights constructor passed in keyboardButtonRequestPeer.peer_type.user_admin_rights has no rights set (i.e. flags is 0). ALBUM_PHOTOS_TOO_MANY Too many photos were included in the album API_ID_INVALID The api_id/api_hash combination is invalid API_ID_PUBLISHED_FLOOD You are using an API key that is limited on the server side because it was published somewhere ARTICLE_TITLE_EMPTY The article title is empty AUDIO_CONTENT_URL_EMPTY The remote URL specified in the content field is empty AUDIO_TITLE_EMPTY The title attribute of the audio is empty AUTH_BYTES_INVALID The authorization bytes are invalid AUTH_TOKEN_ALREADY_ACCEPTED The authorization token was already used AUTH_TOKEN_EXCEPTION An error occurred while importing the auth token AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED The provided authorization token has expired and the updated QR-code must be re-scanned AUTH_TOKEN_INVALID An invalid authorization token was provided AUTH_TOKEN_INVALID2 An invalid authorization token was provided AUTH_TOKEN_INVALIDX The specified auth token is invalid AUTOARCHIVE_NOT_AVAILABLE This feature is not yet enabled for your account due to it not receiving too many private messages from strangers BANK_CARD_NUMBER_INVALID The credit card number is invalid BANNED_RIGHTS_INVALID You provided a set of restrictions that is invalid BASE_PORT_LOC_INVALID The base port location is invalid BIRTHDAY_INVALID The age should be less than 150 year old in Telegram BOOSTS_EMPTY Boosts empty BOOSTS_REQUIRED Boosts required BOOST_NOT_MODIFIED You're already [boosting]( the specified channel. BOOST_PEER_INVALID The specified `boost_peer` is invalid. BOTS_TOO_MUCH The chat has too many bots BOT_APP_INVALID The specified bot app is invalid. BOT_APP_SHORTNAME_INVALID The specified bot app short name is invalid. BOT_CHANNELS_NA Bots can't edit admin privileges BOT_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_INVALID The command description was empty, too long or had invalid characters BOT_COMMAND_INVALID The specified command is invalid BOT_DOMAIN_INVALID The domain used for the auth button does not match the one configured in @BotFather BOT_GAMES_DISABLED Bot games cannot be used in this type of chat BOT_GROUPS_BLOCKED This bot can't be added to groups BOT_INLINE_DISABLED The inline feature of the bot is disabled BOT_INVALID This is not a valid bot BOT_METHOD_INVALID The method can't be used by bots BOT_MISSING This method can only be run by a bot BOT_ONESIDE_NOT_AVAIL Bots can't pin messages for one side only in private chats BOT_PAYMENTS_DISABLED This method can only be run by a bot BOT_POLLS_DISABLED Sending polls by bots has been disabled BOT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT The bot did not answer to the callback query in time BOT_SCORE_NOT_MODIFIED The bot score was not modified BOT_WEBVIEW_DISABLED A webview cannot be opened in the specified conditions: emitted for example if `from_bot_menu` or `url` are set and `peer` is not the chat with the bot. BROADCAST_CALLS_DISABLED Broadcast calls disabled BROADCAST_ID_INVALID The channel is invalid BROADCAST_PUBLIC_VOTERS_FORBIDDEN Polls with public voters cannot be sent in channels BROADCAST_REQUIRED The request can only be used with a channel BUTTON_DATA_INVALID The button callback data is invalid or too large BUTTON_ID_INVALID The button_id parameter is invalid BUTTON_TEXT_INVALID The specified button text is invalid BUTTON_TYPE_INVALID The type of one of the buttons you provided is invalid BUTTON_URL_INVALID The button url is invalid BUTTON_USER_INVALID The user_id passed to inputKeyboardButtonUserProfile is invalid BUTTON_USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED The privacy settings of the user specified in a keyboard button do not allow creating such button CALL_ALREADY_ACCEPTED The call is already accepted CALL_ALREADY_DECLINED The call is already declined CALL_OCCUPY_FAILED The call failed because the user is already making another call. CALL_PEER_INVALID The provided call peer object is invalid CALL_PROTOCOL_FLAGS_INVALID Call protocol flags invalid CDN_METHOD_INVALID The method can't be used on CDN DCs CHANNELS_ADMIN_LOCATED_TOO_MUCH The user has reached the limit of public geogroups CHANNELS_ADMIN_PUBLIC_TOO_MUCH You are an administrator of too many public channels CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH You have joined too many channels or supergroups, leave some and try again CHANNEL_ADD_INVALID Internal error. CHANNEL_BANNED The channel is banned CHANNEL_FORUM_MISSING The channel forum is missing CHANNEL_ID_INVALID The specified supergroup ID is invalid. CHANNEL_INVALID The channel parameter is invalid CHANNEL_PARICIPANT_MISSING The current user is not in the channel CHANNEL_PRIVATE The channel/supergroup is not accessible CHANNEL_TOO_BIG The channel too big CHANNEL_TOO_LARGE The channel is too large CHARGE_ALREADY_REFUNDED The charge id was already used for a refund. CHARGE_NOT_FOUND The charge id was not found. CHATLISTS_TOO_MUCH You have too much chatlists on your account CHATLIST_EXCLUDE_INVALID The specified `exclude_peers` are invalid. CHAT_ABOUT_NOT_MODIFIED The chat about text was not modified because you tried to edit it using the same content CHAT_ABOUT_TOO_LONG The chat about text is too long CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED The method requires chat admin privileges CHAT_DISCUSSION_UNALLOWED The chat discussion is not allowed CHAT_FORWARDS_RESTRICTED The chat restricts forwarding content CHAT_ID_EMPTY The provided chat id is empty CHAT_ID_INVALID The chat id being used is invalid or not known yet. Make sure you see the chat before interacting with it CHAT_INVALID The chat is invalid CHAT_INVITE_PERMANENT The chat invite link is primary CHAT_LINK_EXISTS The action failed because the supergroup is linked to a channel CHAT_NOT_MODIFIED The chat settings (title, permissions, photo, etc..) were not modified because you tried to edit them using the same content CHAT_PUBLIC_REQUIRED You can only enable join requests in public groups. CHAT_RESTRICTED The chat is restricted and cannot be used CHAT_REVOKE_DATE_UNSUPPORTED `min_date` and `max_date` are not available for using with non-user peers CHAT_SEND_INLINE_FORBIDDEN You cannot use inline bots to send messages in this chat CHAT_TITLE_EMPTY The chat title is empty CHAT_TOO_BIG The chat is too big for this action CODE_EMPTY The provided code is empty CODE_HASH_INVALID The provided code hash invalid CODE_INVALID The provided code is invalid (i.e. from email) COLOR_INVALID The provided color is invalid CONNECTION_API_ID_INVALID The provided API id is invalid CONNECTION_APP_VERSION_EMPTY App version is empty CONNECTION_DEVICE_MODEL_EMPTY The device model is empty CONNECTION_LANG_PACK_INVALID The specified language pack is not valid CONNECTION_LAYER_INVALID The connection layer is invalid. Missing InvokeWithLayer-InitConnection call CONNECTION_NOT_INITED The connection was not initialized CONNECTION_SYSTEM_EMPTY The connection to the system is empty CONNECTION_SYSTEM_LANG_CODE_EMPTY The system language code is empty CONTACT_ADD_MISSING Contact to add is missing CONTACT_ID_INVALID The provided contact id is invalid CONTACT_MISSING The specified user is not a contact. CONTACT_NAME_EMPTY The provided contact name is empty CONTACT_REQ_MISSING Missing contact request CREATE_CALL_FAILED An error occurred while creating the call CURRENCY_TOTAL_AMOUNT_INVALID The total amount of all prices is invalid CUSTOM_REACTIONS_TOO_MANY Too many custom reactions were specified. DATA_INVALID The encrypted data is invalid DATA_JSON_INVALID The provided JSON data is invalid DATA_TOO_LONG Data too long DATE_EMPTY The date argument is empty DC_ID_INVALID The dc_id parameter is invalid DH_G_A_INVALID The g_a parameter invalid DOCUMENT_INVALID The document is invalid EMAIL_HASH_EXPIRED The email hash expired and cannot be used to verify it EMAIL_INVALID The email provided is invalid EMAIL_NOT_ALLOWED This email is not allowed EMAIL_NOT_SETUP In order to change the login email with emailVerifyPurposeLoginChange, an existing login email must already be set using emailVerifyPurposeLoginSetup. EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED Email unconfirmed EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED_X The provided email isn't confirmed, {value} is the length of the verification code that was just sent to the email EMAIL_VERIFY_EXPIRED The verification email has expired EMOJI_INVALID The specified theme emoji is valid EMOJI_MARKUP_INVALID The specified `video_emoji_markup` was invalid. EMOJI_NOT_MODIFIED The theme wasn't changed EMOTICON_EMPTY The emoticon parameter is empty EMOTICON_INVALID The emoticon parameter is invalid EMOTICON_STICKERPACK_MISSING The emoticon sticker pack you are trying to obtain is missing ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_INVALID The special binding message (bind_auth_key_inner) contains invalid data ENCRYPTION_ALREADY_ACCEPTED The secret chat is already accepted ENCRYPTION_ALREADY_DECLINED The secret chat is already declined ENCRYPTION_DECLINED The secret chat was declined ENCRYPTION_ID_INVALID The provided secret chat id is invalid ENTITIES_TOO_LONG The entity provided contains data that is too long, or you passed too many entities to this message ENTITY_BOUNDS_INVALID The message entity bounds are invalid ENTITY_MENTION_USER_INVALID The mentioned entity is not an user ERROR_TEXT_EMPTY The provided error message is empty EXPIRE_DATE_INVALID The expiration date is invalid EXPIRE_FORBIDDEN Expire forbidden EXPORT_CARD_INVALID The provided card is invalid EXTENDED_MEDIA_AMOUNT_INVALID The maximum amount of `star_count` should be less than the `stars_paid_post_amount_max` [client configuration parameters](/api/config). EXTENDED_MEDIA_PEER_INVALID The specified chat type is invalid. EXTENDED_MEDIA_TYPE_INVALID The specified extended media type is unsupported. EXTERNAL_URL_INVALID The external media URL is invalid FIELD_NAME_EMPTY The field with the name FIELD_NAME is missing FIELD_NAME_INVALID The field with the name FIELD_NAME is invalid FILE_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID File content-type is invalid FILE_EMTPY An empty file was provided FILE_ID_INVALID The file id is invalid FILE_MIGRATE_X The file is in Data Center No. {value} FILE_PARTS_INVALID Invalid number of parts. FILE_PART_0_MISSING File part 0 missing FILE_PART_EMPTY The file part sent is empty FILE_PART_INVALID The file part number is invalid. FILE_PART_LENGTH_INVALID The length of a file part is invalid FILE_PART_SIZE_CHANGED The part size is different from the size of one of the previous parts in the same file FILE_PART_SIZE_INVALID The file part size is invalid FILE_PART_TOO_BIG The size limit for the content of the file part has been exceeded FILE_PART_X_MISSING Part {value} of the file is missing from storage FILE_REFERENCE_EMPTY The file id contains an empty file reference, you must obtain a valid one by fetching the message from the origin context FILE_REFERENCE_EXPIRED The file id contains an expired file reference, you must obtain a valid one by fetching the message from the origin context FILE_REFERENCE_INVALID The file id contains an invalid file reference, you must obtain a valid one by fetching the message from the origin context FILE_TITLE_EMPTY An empty file title was specified FILE_TOKEN_INVALID The specified file token is invalid. FILTER_ID_INVALID The specified filter ID is invalid FILTER_INCLUDE_EMPTY The filter include is empty FILTER_NOT_SUPPORTED The specified filter cannot be used in this context FILTER_TITLE_EMPTY The title field of the filter is empty FIRSTNAME_INVALID The first name is invalid FOLDER_ID_EMPTY The folder you tried to delete was already empty FOLDER_ID_INVALID The folder id is invalid FORM_ID_EXPIRED The specified id has expired. FORUM_ENABLED You can't execute the specified action because the group is a [forum](, disable forum functionality to continue. FRESH_CHANGE_ADMINS_FORBIDDEN You can't change administrator settings in this chat because your session was logged-in recently FROM_MESSAGE_BOT_DISABLED Bots can't use fromMessage min constructors FROM_PEER_INVALID The from peer value is invalid GAME_BOT_INVALID You cannot send that game with the current bot GENERAL_MODIFY_ICON_FORBIDDEN You can't modify the icon of the "General" topic. GEO_POINT_INVALID Invalid geo point provided GIFT_SLUG_EXPIRED The gift slug is expired GIFT_SLUG_INVALID The specified slug is invalid. GIF_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID GIF content-type invalid GIF_ID_INVALID The provided gif/animation id is invalid GRAPH_EXPIRED_RELOAD This graph has expired, please obtain a new graph token GRAPH_INVALID_RELOAD Invalid graph token provided, please reload the stats and provide the updated token GRAPH_OUTDATED_RELOAD The graph data is outdated GROUPCALL_ALREADY_DISCARDED The group call was already discarded GROUPCALL_FORBIDDEN The group call has already ended. GROUPCALL_INVALID The specified group call is invalid GROUPCALL_JOIN_MISSING You haven't joined this group call GROUPCALL_NOT_MODIFIED Group call settings weren't modified GROUPCALL_SSRC_DUPLICATE_MUCH Too many group call synchronization source duplicates GROUPED_MEDIA_INVALID The album contains invalid media GROUP_CALL_INVALID The group call is invalid HASH_INVALID The provided hash is invalid HIDE_REQUESTER_MISSING The join request was missing or was already handled IMAGE_PROCESS_FAILED The server failed to process your image IMPORT_FILE_INVALID The imported file is invalid IMPORT_FORMAT_UNRECOGNIZED The imported format is unrecognized IMPORT_ID_INVALID The import id is invalid IMPORT_TOKEN_INVALID The specified token is invalid. INLINE_RESULT_EXPIRED The inline bot query expired INPUT_CHATLIST_INVALID The specified folder is invalid. INPUT_CONSTRUCTOR_INVALID The provided constructor is invalid INPUT_FETCH_ERROR An error occurred while deserializing TL parameters INPUT_FETCH_FAIL Failed deserializing TL payload INPUT_FILTER_INVALID The filter is invalid for this query INPUT_LAYER_INVALID The provided layer is invalid INPUT_METHOD_INVALID The method invoked is invalid in the current schema INPUT_REQUEST_TOO_LONG The input request is too long INPUT_TEXT_EMPTY The specified text is empty INPUT_TEXT_TOO_LONG The specified text is too long. INPUT_USER_DEACTIVATED The target user has been deleted/deactivated INVITES_TOO_MUCH The maximum number of per-folder invites specified by the `chatlist_invites_limit_default`/`chatlist_invites_limit_premium` [client configuration parameters »](/api/config#chatlist-invites-limit-default) was reached. INVITE_FORBIDDEN_WITH_JOINAS If the user has anonymously joined a group call as a channel, they can't invite other users to the group call because that would cause deanonymization, because the invite would be sent using the original user ID, not the anonymized channel ID INVITE_HASH_EMPTY The invite hash is empty INVITE_HASH_EXPIRED The chat invite link is no longer valid INVITE_HASH_INVALID The invite link hash is invalid INVITE_REQUEST_SENT The request to join this chat or channel has been successfully sent INVITE_REVOKED_MISSING The action required a chat invite link to be revoked first INVITE_SLUG_EMPTY The invite slug is empty INVITE_SLUG_EXPIRED The invite slug is expired INVOICE_PAYLOAD_INVALID The specified invoice payload is invalid JOIN_AS_PEER_INVALID The specified peer cannot be used to join a group call LANG_CODE_INVALID The specified language code is invalid LANG_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTED The specified language code is not supported LANG_PACK_INVALID The provided language pack is invalid LASTNAME_INVALID The last name is invalid LIMIT_INVALID The limit parameter is invalid LINK_NOT_MODIFIED The chat link was not modified because you tried to link to the same target LOCATION_INVALID The file location is invalid MAX_DATE_INVALID The specified maximum date is invalid MAX_ID_INVALID The max_id parameter is invalid MAX_QTS_INVALID The provided QTS is invalid MD5_CHECKSUM_INVALID The file's checksum did not match the md5_checksum parameter MEDIA_CAPTION_TOO_LONG The media caption is too long MEDIA_EMPTY The media you tried to send is invalid MEDIA_FILE_INVALID The provided media file is invalid MEDIA_GROUPED_INVALID You tried to send media of different types in an album MEDIA_INVALID The media is invalid MEDIA_NEW_INVALID The new media to edit the message with is invalid MEDIA_PREV_INVALID The previous media cannot be edited with anything else MEDIA_TTL_INVALID The media ttl is invalid MEDIA_TYPE_INVALID The specified media type cannot be used in stories. MEDIA_VIDEO_STORY_MISSING The media does not have a photo or a video MEGAGROUP_GEO_REQUIRED This method can only be invoked on a geogroup. MEGAGROUP_ID_INVALID The supergroup is invalid MEGAGROUP_PREHISTORY_HIDDEN The action failed because the supergroup has the pre-history hidden MEGAGROUP_REQUIRED The request can only be used with a supergroup MESSAGE_EDIT_TIME_EXPIRED You can no longer edit this message because too much time has passed MESSAGE_EMPTY The message sent is empty or contains invalid characters MESSAGE_IDS_EMPTY The requested message doesn't exist or you provided no message id MESSAGE_ID_INVALID The message id is invalid MESSAGE_NOT_MODIFIED The message was not modified because you tried to edit it using the same content MESSAGE_POLL_CLOSED You can't interact with a closed poll MESSAGE_TOO_LONG The message text is too long METHOD_INVALID The API method is invalid and cannot be used MIN_DATE_INVALID The specified minimum date is invalid MSG_ID_INVALID The message ID used in the peer was invalid MSG_TOO_OLD chat_read_mark_expire_period have passed since the message was sent, read receipts were deleted MSG_VOICE_MISSING The message does not contain a voice message MSG_WAIT_FAILED A waiting call returned an error MULTI_MEDIA_TOO_LONG The album/media group contains too many items NEW_SALT_INVALID The new salt is invalid NEW_SETTINGS_EMPTY No password is set on the current account, and no new password was specified in `new_settings` NEW_SETTINGS_INVALID The new settings are invalid NEXT_OFFSET_INVALID The next offset value is invalid NOGENERAL_HIDE_FORBIDDEN The hidden parameter is only valid for the General topic message_thread_id=1 OFFSET_INVALID The offset parameter is invalid OFFSET_PEER_ID_INVALID The provided offset peer is invalid OPTIONS_TOO_MUCH The poll options are too many OPTION_INVALID The option specified is invalid and does not exist in the target poll ORDER_INVALID The specified username order is invalid. PACK_SHORT_NAME_INVALID Invalid sticker pack name. It must begin with a letter, can't contain consecutive underscores and must end in '_by_'. PACK_SHORT_NAME_OCCUPIED A sticker pack with this name already exists PACK_TITLE_INVALID The sticker pack title is invalid PARTICIPANTS_TOO_FEW The chat doesn't have enough participants PARTICIPANT_ID_INVALID The specified participant ID is invalid PARTICIPANT_JOIN_MISSING Trying to enable a presentation, when the user hasn't joined the Video Chat with phone.joinGroupCall PARTICIPANT_VERSION_OUTDATED The other participant is using an outdated Telegram app version PASSWORD_EMPTY The password provided is empty PASSWORD_HASH_INVALID The two-step verification password is invalid PASSWORD_MISSING The account is missing the two-step verification password PASSWORD_RECOVERY_EXPIRED The recovery code has expired. PASSWORD_RECOVERY_NA The password recovery e-mail is not available PASSWORD_REQUIRED The two-step verification password is required for this method PASSWORD_TOO_FRESH_X The two-step verification password was added recently and you are required to wait {value} seconds PAYMENT_PROVIDER_INVALID The payment provider was not recognised or its token was invalid PEERS_LIST_EMPTY The specified list of peers is empty. PEER_FLOOD The method can't be used because your account is currently limited PEER_HISTORY_EMPTY Peer history empty PEER_ID_INVALID The peer id being used is invalid or not known yet. Make sure you meet the peer before interacting with it PEER_ID_NOT_SUPPORTED The provided peer id is not supported PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_EMPTY The pts argument is empty PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_INVALID The persistent timestamp is invalid PHONE_CODE_EMPTY The phone code is missing PHONE_CODE_EXPIRED The confirmation code has expired PHONE_CODE_HASH_EMPTY The phone code hash is missing PHONE_CODE_INVALID The confirmation code is invalid PHONE_HASH_EXPIRED An invalid or expired phone_code_hash was provided PHONE_NOT_OCCUPIED No user is associated to the specified phone number PHONE_NUMBER_APP_SIGNUP_FORBIDDEN You can't sign up using this app PHONE_NUMBER_BANNED The phone number is banned from Telegram and cannot be used PHONE_NUMBER_FLOOD This number has tried to login too many times PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID The phone number is invalid PHONE_NUMBER_OCCUPIED The phone number is already in use PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED The phone number is not yet being used PHONE_PASSWORD_PROTECTED The phone is password protected PHOTO_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID The photo content type is invalid PHOTO_CONTENT_URL_EMPTY The photo content URL is empty PHOTO_CROP_FILE_MISSING Photo crop file missing PHOTO_CROP_SIZE_SMALL The photo is too small PHOTO_EXT_INVALID The photo extension is invalid PHOTO_FILE_MISSING Profile photo file missing PHOTO_ID_INVALID The photo id is invalid PHOTO_INVALID The photo is invalid PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSIONS The photo dimensions are invalid PHOTO_SAVE_FILE_INVALID The photo you tried to send cannot be saved by Telegram PHOTO_THUMB_URL_EMPTY The photo thumb URL is empty PHOTO_THUMB_URL_INVALID The photo thumb URL is invalid PINNED_DIALOGS_TOO_MUCH Too many pinned dialogs PIN_RESTRICTED You can't pin messages in private chats with other people PLATFORM_INVALID The provided platform is invalid. Allowed values are "android", "ios", "wp", "bb", "desktop", "web", "ubp", "other". POLL_ANSWERS_INVALID The poll answers are invalid POLL_ANSWER_INVALID One of the poll answers is not acceptable POLL_OPTION_DUPLICATE A duplicate option was sent in the same poll POLL_OPTION_INVALID A poll option used invalid data (the data may be too long) POLL_QUESTION_INVALID The poll question is invalid POLL_UNSUPPORTED This layer does not support polls in the invoked method POLL_VOTE_REQUIRED Cast a vote in the poll before calling this method PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED The method requires a premium user account PREMIUM_GIFTCODE_WAS_REFUNDED This gift code can't be redeemed because the giveaway organizer requested a refund PRIVACY_KEY_INVALID The privacy key is invalid PRIVACY_TOO_LONG Your privacy exception list has exceeded the maximum capacity PRIVACY_VALUE_INVALID The privacy value is invalid PUBLIC_BROADCAST_EXPECTED A public channel was expected, but something else was provided PUBLIC_KEY_REQUIRED A public key is required QUERY_ID_EMPTY The query ID is empty QUERY_ID_INVALID The callback query id is invalid QUERY_TOO_SHORT The query is too short QUIZ_ANSWER_MISSING You can forward a quiz while hiding the original author only after choosing an option in the quiz QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWERS_EMPTY The correct answers of the quiz are empty QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWERS_TOO_MUCH The quiz contains too many correct answers QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWER_INVALID The correct answers of the quiz are invalid QUIZ_MULTIPLE_INVALID A quiz can't have multiple answers QUOTE_TEXT_INVALID The quote text is invalid RANDOM_ID_EMPTY The random ID is empty RANDOM_ID_INVALID The provided random ID is invalid RANDOM_LENGTH_INVALID The random length is invalid RANGES_INVALID Invalid range provided REACTIONS_TOO_MANY Non-premium users, can set up only one reaction per message REACTION_EMPTY The reaction provided is empty REACTION_INVALID Invalid reaction provided (only valid emoji are allowed) REFLECTOR_NOT_AVAILABLE The call reflector is not available REPLY_MARKUP_BUY_EMPTY Reply markup for buy button empty REPLY_MARKUP_GAME_EMPTY The provided reply markup for the game is empty REPLY_MARKUP_INVALID The provided reply markup is invalid REPLY_MARKUP_TOO_LONG The reply markup is too long REPLY_MESSAGE_ID_INVALID The reply message id is invalid REPLY_TO_INVALID The specified `reply_to` field is invalid. REPLY_TO_USER_INVALID The replied-to user is invalid. RESET_REQUEST_MISSING No password reset is in progress RESULTS_TOO_MUCH The result contains too many items RESULT_ID_DUPLICATE The result contains items with duplicated identifiers RESULT_ID_EMPTY Result ID empty RESULT_ID_INVALID The given result cannot be used to send the selection to the bot RESULT_TYPE_INVALID The result type is invalid REVOTE_NOT_ALLOWED You cannot change your vote RIGHTS_NOT_MODIFIED The new admin rights are equal to the old rights, no change was made RSA_DECRYPT_FAILED Internal RSA decryption failed SAVED_DIALOGS_UNSUPPORTED You cannot use this method SCHEDULE_BOT_NOT_ALLOWED Bots are not allowed to schedule messages SCHEDULE_DATE_INVALID Invalid schedule date provided SCHEDULE_DATE_TOO_LATE The date you tried to schedule is too far in the future (more than one year) SCHEDULE_STATUS_PRIVATE You cannot schedule a message until the person comes online if their privacy does not show this information SCHEDULE_TOO_MUCH You tried to schedule too many messages in this chat SCORE_INVALID The specified game score is invalid SEARCH_QUERY_EMPTY The search query is empty SEARCH_WITH_LINK_NOT_SUPPORTED You cannot provide a search query and an invite link at the same time SECONDS_INVALID The seconds interval is invalid SEND_AS_PEER_INVALID You can't send messages as the specified peer SEND_MESSAGE_MEDIA_INVALID The message media is invalid SEND_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID The message type is invalid SESSION_TOO_FRESH_X You can't do this action because the current session was logged-in recently SETTINGS_INVALID Invalid settings were provided SHA256_HASH_INVALID The provided SHA256 hash is invalid SHORTNAME_OCCUPY_FAILED An error occurred when trying to register the short-name used for the sticker pack. Try a different name SHORT_NAME_INVALID The specified short name is invalid SHORT_NAME_OCCUPIED The specified short name is already in use SLOTS_EMPTY The specified slot list is empty. SLOWMODE_MULTI_MSGS_DISABLED Slowmode is enabled, you cannot forward multiple messages to this group SLUG_INVALID The specified invoice slug is invalid. SMS_CODE_CREATE_FAILED An error occurred while creating the SMS code SRP_ID_INVALID Invalid SRP ID provided SRP_PASSWORD_CHANGED The password has changed START_PARAM_EMPTY The start parameter is empty START_PARAM_INVALID The start parameter is invalid START_PARAM_TOO_LONG The start parameter is too long STICKERPACK_STICKERS_TOO_MUCH There are too many stickers in this stickerpack, you can't add any more STICKERSET_INVALID The requested sticker set is invalid STICKERSET_NOT_MODIFIED The sticker set is not modified STICKERS_EMPTY The sticker provided is empty STICKERS_TOO_MUCH Too many stickers in the set STICKER_DOCUMENT_INVALID The sticker document is invalid STICKER_EMOJI_INVALID The sticker emoji is invalid STICKER_FILE_INVALID The sticker file is invalid STICKER_GIF_DIMENSIONS The specified video sticker has invalid dimensions STICKER_ID_INVALID The provided sticker id is invalid STICKER_INVALID The provided sticker is invalid STICKER_MIME_INVALID Make sure to pass a valid image file for the right InputFile parameter STICKER_PNG_DIMENSIONS The sticker png dimensions are invalid STICKER_PNG_NOPNG Stickers must be png files but the provided image was not a png STICKER_TGS_NODOC You must send the animated sticker as a document STICKER_TGS_NOTGS A tgs sticker file was expected, but something else was provided STICKER_THUMB_PNG_NOPNG A png sticker thumbnail file was expected, but something else was provided STICKER_THUMB_TGS_NOTGS Incorrect stickerset TGS thumb file provided. STICKER_VIDEO_BIG The specified video sticker is too big STICKER_VIDEO_NODOC You must send the video sticker as a document STICKER_VIDEO_NOWEBM A webm video file was expected, but something else was provided STORAGE_KEY_REQUIRED A cloud storage key is required. STORIES_NEVER_CREATED You have never created any stories STORIES_TOO_MUCH Too many stories in the current account STORY_ID_EMPTY You specified no story IDs. STORY_ID_INVALID The specified story ID is invalid. STORY_NOT_MODIFIED The new story information you passed is equal to the previous story information, thus it wasn't modified. STORY_PERIOD_INVALID The story period is invalid STORY_SEND_FLOOD_MONTHLY_X You've hit the monthly story limit as specified by the [`stories_sent_monthly_limit_*` client configuration parameters]( wait for the specified number of seconds before posting a new story. STORY_SEND_FLOOD_WEEKLY_X You've hit the weekly story limit as specified by the [`stories_sent_weekly_limit_*` client configuration parameters]( wait for the specified number of seconds before posting a new story. SWITCH_PM_TEXT_EMPTY The switch_pm.text field was empty TAKEOUT_INVALID The takeout id is invalid TAKEOUT_REQUIRED The method must be invoked inside a takeout session TASK_ALREADY_EXISTS An email reset was already requested. TEMP_AUTH_KEY_ALREADY_BOUND The passed temporary key is already bound to another perm_auth_key_id TEMP_AUTH_KEY_EMPTY The temporary auth key provided is empty THEME_FILE_INVALID Invalid theme file provided THEME_FORMAT_INVALID Invalid theme format provided THEME_INVALID Invalid theme provided THEME_MIME_INVALID You cannot create this theme because the mime-type is invalid THEME_TITLE_INVALID The specified theme title is invalid TITLE_INVALID The specified stickerpack title is invalid TMP_PASSWORD_DISABLED The temporary password is disabled TMP_PASSWORD_INVALID The temporary password is invalid TOKEN_EMPTY The specified token is empty. TOKEN_INVALID The provided token is invalid TOKEN_SECRET_INVALID The specified token secret is invalid TOKEN_TYPE_INVALID The specified token type is invalid. TOPICS_EMPTY You specified no topic IDs. TOPIC_CLOSED The topic was closed TOPIC_CLOSE_SEPARATELY The `close` flag cannot be provided together with any of the other flags. TOPIC_DELETED The topic was deleted TOPIC_HIDE_SEPARATELY The `hide` flag cannot be provided together with any of the other flags. TOPIC_ID_INVALID The provided topic ID is invalid TOPIC_NOT_MODIFIED The topic was not modified TOPIC_TITLE_EMPTY The specified topic title is empty. TO_LANG_INVALID The specified destination language is invalid TRANSCRIPTION_FAILED Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later to transcribe the audio. TTL_DAYS_INVALID The provided TTL days is invalid TTL_MEDIA_INVALID The media does not support self-destruction TTL_PERIOD_INVALID The provided TTL period is invalid TYPES_EMPTY The types parameter is empty TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_INVALID The type constructor is invalid UNKNOWN_ERROR Unknown error UNTIL_DATE_INVALID That date parameter is invalid URL_INVALID The URL provided is invalid USAGE_LIMIT_INVALID The usage limit is invalid USERNAMES_ACTIVE_TOO_MUCH The maximum number of active usernames was reached. USERNAME_INVALID The username is invalid USERNAME_NOT_MODIFIED The username was not modified because you tried to edit it using the same one USERNAME_NOT_OCCUPIED The username is not occupied by anyone USERNAME_OCCUPIED The username is already in use by someone else USERNAME_PURCHASE_AVAILABLE The username is available for purchase on USERPIC_UPLOAD_REQUIRED You are required to upload a profile picture for this action USERS_TOO_FEW Not enough users (to create a chat, for example) USERS_TOO_MUCH The maximum number of users has been exceeded (to create a chat, for example) USER_ADMIN_INVALID The action requires admin privileges. Probably you tried to edit admin privileges on someone you don't have rights to USER_ALREADY_INVITED You have already invited this user USER_ALREADY_PARTICIPANT The user is already a participant of this chat USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL You are limited from sending messages in supergroups/channels, check @SpamBot for details USER_BLOCKED The user is blocked USER_BOT Bots in channels can only be administrators, not members. USER_BOT_INVALID This method can only be used by a bot USER_BOT_REQUIRED The method can be used by bots only USER_CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH The user is already in too many channels or supergroups USER_CREATOR You can't leave this channel because you're its creator USER_ID_INVALID The user id being used is invalid or not known yet. Make sure you meet the user before interacting with it USER_INVALID The provided user is invalid USER_IS_BLOCKED The user blocked you USER_IS_BOT A bot cannot send messages to other bots or to itself USER_KICKED This user was kicked from this chat USER_NOT_MUTUAL_CONTACT The user is not a mutual contact USER_NOT_PARTICIPANT The user is not a member of this chat USER_PUBLIC_MISSING The accounts username is missing USER_VOLUME_INVALID The specified user volume is invalid VENUE_ID_INVALID The specified venue ID is invalid. VIDEO_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID The video content type is invalid (i.e.: not streamable) VIDEO_FILE_INVALID The video file is invalid VIDEO_TITLE_EMPTY The specified video title is empty VOICE_MESSAGES_FORBIDDEN Voice messages are restricted VOLUME_LOC_NOT_FOUND The volume location can't be found WALLPAPER_FILE_INVALID The provided file cannot be used as a wallpaper WALLPAPER_INVALID The input wallpaper was not valid WALLPAPER_MIME_INVALID The wallpaper mime type is invalid WALLPAPER_NOT_FOUND The specified wallpaper could not be found. WC_CONVERT_URL_INVALID WC convert URL invalid WEBDOCUMENT_INVALID The web document is invalid WEBDOCUMENT_MIME_INVALID The web document mime type is invalid WEBDOCUMENT_SIZE_TOO_BIG The web document is too big WEBDOCUMENT_URL_EMPTY The web document URL is empty WEBDOCUMENT_URL_INVALID The web document URL is invalid WEBPAGE_CURL_FAILED Telegram server could not fetch the provided URL WEBPAGE_MEDIA_EMPTY The URL doesn't contain any valid media WEBPAGE_NOT_FOUND Webpage not found WEBPAGE_URL_INVALID Webpage url invalid WEBPUSH_AUTH_INVALID The specified web push authentication secret is invalid WEBPUSH_KEY_INVALID The specified web push elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman public key is invalid WEBPUSH_TOKEN_INVALID The specified web push token is invalid YOU_BLOCKED_USER You blocked this user