Bound Methods ============= Some Pyrogram types define what are called bound methods. Bound methods are functions attached to a type which are accessed via an instance of that type. They make it even easier to call specific methods by automatically inferring some of the required arguments. .. code-block:: python from pyrogram import Client app = Client("my_account") @app.on_message() def hello(client, message) message.reply("hi") ----- .. currentmodule:: pyrogram.types Message ------- .. hlist:: :columns: 3 {message_hlist} .. toctree:: :hidden: {message_toctree} Chat ---- .. hlist:: :columns: 4 {chat_hlist} .. toctree:: :hidden: {chat_toctree} User ---- .. hlist:: :columns: 2 {user_hlist} .. toctree:: :hidden: {user_toctree} CallbackQuery ------------- .. hlist:: :columns: 3 {callback_query_hlist} .. toctree:: :hidden: {callback_query_toctree} InlineQuery ----------- .. hlist:: :columns: 2 {inline_query_hlist} .. toctree:: :hidden: {inline_query_toctree} PreCheckoutQuery ----------- .. hlist:: :columns: 2 {pre_checkout_query_hlist} .. toctree:: :hidden: {pre_checkout_query_toctree} ChatJoinRequest --------------- .. hlist:: :columns: 2 {chat_join_request_hlist} .. toctree:: :hidden: {chat_join_request_toctree} Story --------------- .. hlist:: :columns: 3 {story_hlist} .. toctree:: :hidden: {story_toctree} Folder --------------- .. hlist:: :columns: 2 {folder_hlist} .. toctree:: :hidden: {folder_toctree}