Go to file
2018-01-21 12:35:36 +01:00
compiler Update compiler 2018-01-21 12:35:36 +01:00
docs Update docs 2018-01-20 16:23:10 +01:00
pyrogram Update docstrings 2018-01-20 16:01:23 +01:00
.gitignore Ignore user's personal files 2017-12-05 12:48:55 +01:00
COPYING Initial commit 2017-12-05 12:09:33 +01:00
COPYING.lesser Initial commit 2017-12-05 12:09:33 +01:00
MANIFEST.in Fix no *.csv matching files 2017-12-17 14:38:18 +01:00
NOTICE Update copyright year 2018-01-01 13:24:07 +01:00
README.rst Update README.rst 2018-01-08 08:23:25 +01:00
setup.cfg Add setup_requires entry 2018-01-17 00:11:51 +01:00
setup.py Disable docs source generation on setup 2018-01-06 13:57:33 +01:00


Table of Contents

-   `Overview`_

    -   `Features`_

    -   `Requirements`_

-   `Getting Started`_
    -   `Installation`_
    -   `Configuration`_
    -   `Usage`_

-   `Documentation`_

-   `Contribution`_

-   `Feedback`_

-   `License`_


**Pyrogram** is a fully functional Telegram Client Library written from the ground up in Python.
It offers simple and complete access to the `Telegram Messenger API`_ and is designed for Python
developers keen on building custom Telegram applications.


-   **Easy to setup**: Pyrogram can be easily installed and upgraded using ``pip``, requires
    a minimal set of dependencies (which are also automatically managed) and very few lines
    of code to get started with.

-   **Easy to use**: Pyrogram provides idiomatic, developer-friendly, clean and readable
    Python code (either generated or hand-written) making the Telegram API simple to use.
-   **High level**: Pyrogram automatically handles all the low-level details of
    communication with the Telegram servers by implementing the
    `MTProto Mobile Protocol v2.0`_ and the mechanisms needed for establishing
    a reliable connection.
-   **Updated**: Pyrogram makes use of the latest Telegram API version, currently `Layer 74`_.
-   **Documented**: Pyrogram API public methods are documented and resemble the well
    established Telegram Bot API, thus offering a familiar look to Bot developers.

-   **Full API support**: Beside the simple, bot-like methods offered by the Pyrogram API,
    the library also provides a complete, low-level access to every single Telegram API method.


-   Python 3.3 or higher.

-   A Telegram API key.

Getting Started


-   You can easily install and upgrade the library using standard Python tools:

    .. code:: shell

        $ pip install --upgrade pyrogram


-   Create a new ``config.ini`` file at the root of your working directory, copy-paste
    the following and replace the **api_id** and **api_hash** values with `your own`_:

    .. code:: ini

        api_id = 12345
        api_hash = 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef


-   And here's how Pyrogram looks:

    .. code:: python

        from pyrogram import Client

        client = Client("example")

        client.send_message("me", "Hi there! I'm using Pyrogram")
        client.send_photo("me", "/home/dan/pic.jpg", "Nice photo!")

That's all you need for getting started with Pyrogram. For more detailed information,
please refer to the Documentation_.


- The entire Pyrogram's documentation resides at https://docs.pyrogram.ml.


**You are very welcome to contribute** by either submitting pull requests or
reporting issues/bugs as well as suggesting best practices, ideas, enhancements
on both code and documentation. Any help is appreciated!


Means for getting in touch:

-   `Telegram`_
-   `GitHub`_
-   `Email`_


-   Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Dan Tès <https://github.com/delivrance>

-   Licensed under the terms of the
    `GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)`_

.. _`Telegram Messenger API`: https://core.telegram.org/api#telegram-api

.. _`MTProto Mobile Protocol v2.0`: https://core.telegram.org/mtproto

.. _`Layer 74`: compiler/api/source/main_api.tl

.. _`your own`: https://github.com/pyrogram/pyrogram/wiki/Getting-Started#api-keys

.. _`Introduction`: https://github.com/pyrogram/pyrogram/wiki/Getting-Started

.. _`Telegram`: https://t.me/haskell

.. _`bot-like`: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#available-methods

.. _`GitHub`: https://github.com/pyrogram/pyrogram/issues

.. _`Email`: admin@pyrogram.ml

.. _`GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)`: COPYING.lesser

.. |header| raw:: html

    <h1 align="center">
        <a href="https://pyrogram.ml">
            <div><img src="https://pyrogram.ml/images/icon.png" alt="Pyrogram Icon"></div>
            <div><img src="https://pyrogram.ml/images/label.png" alt="Pyrogram Label"></div>

    <p align="center">
        <b>Telegram MTProto API Client Library for Python</b>
        <a href="https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pyrogram">
        <a href="https://docs.pyrogram.ml">
        <a href="https://t.me/PyrogramChat">
        <a href="compiler/api/source/main_api.tl">
            <img src="https://www.pyrogram.ml/images/scheme.svg"
                alt="Scheme Layer 74">
        <a href="https://core.telegram.org/mtproto">
            <img src="https://www.pyrogram.ml/images/mtproto.svg"
                alt="MTProto v2.0">

.. |logo| image:: https://pyrogram.ml/images/logo.png
    :target: https://pyrogram.ml
    :alt: Pyrogram

.. |description| replace:: **Telegram MTProto API Client Library for Python**

.. |scheme| image:: https://www.pyrogram.ml/images/scheme.svg
    :target: compiler/api/source/main_api.tl
    :alt: Scheme Layer 74

.. |mtproto| image:: https://www.pyrogram.ml/images/mtproto.svg
    :target: https://core.telegram.org/mtproto
    :alt: MTProto v2.0