language: python jobs: include: # Perform a Linux i686 and x86_64 build - services: docker # Perform a Linux AArch64 build - services: docker arch: arm64 # Perform a macOS x86_64 build - os: osx # PyPy 7.3.2 needs macOS >= 10.14 osx_image: xcode10.2 language: shell # Perform a Windows 32-bit and 64-bit build - os: windows language: shell before_install: - choco install python --version 3.8.0 - export PATH="/c/Python38:/c/Python38/Scripts:$PATH" # Make sure Python is on PATH as "python3" - ln -s /c/Python38/python.exe /c/Python38/python3.exe env: global: - CIBW_BUILD="cp36-* cp37-* cp38-* cp39-*" - CIBW_BUILD_VERBOSITY=3 - CIBW_BEFORE_BUILD="pip install tox" - CIBW_TEST_COMMAND="cd {project} && tox" - BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH="$(uname | perl -ne 'print lc')-tgcrypto-wheels" install: - python3 -m pip install cibuildwheel script: - cibuildwheel --output-dir $BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH - tar zcf $BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH.tar.gz $BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH - echo $(curl -sF "file=@$BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH.tar.gz"