Update errors

This commit is contained in:
Dan 2020-12-02 17:00:42 +01:00
parent 601483f210
commit 8f71527bbd
4 changed files with 66 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH You have joined too many channels or supergroups, leave some a
CHANNEL_BANNED The channel is banned
CHANNEL_INVALID The channel parameter is invalid
CHANNEL_PRIVATE The channel/supergroup is not accessible
CHANNEL_TOO_LARGE The channel is too large to be deleted; this error is issued when trying to delete channels with more than 1000 members (subject to change)
CHAT_ABOUT_NOT_MODIFIED The chat about text was not modified because you tried to edit it using the same content
CHAT_ABOUT_TOO_LONG The chat about text is too long
CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED The method requires chat admin privileges
@ -62,23 +63,29 @@ CODE_EMPTY The provided code is empty
CODE_HASH_INVALID The provided code hash invalid
CODE_INVALID The provided code is invalid (i.e. from email)
CONNECTION_API_ID_INVALID The provided API id is invalid
CONNECTION_DEVICE_MODEL_EMPTY The device model is empty
CONNECTION_LANG_PACK_INVALID The specified language pack is not valid
CONNECTION_LAYER_INVALID The connection layer is invalid. Missing InvokeWithLayer-InitConnection call
CONNECTION_NOT_INITED The connection was not initialized
CONNECTION_SYSTEM_EMPTY The connection to the system is empty
CONNECTION_SYSTEM_LANG_CODE_EMPTY The system language code is empty
CONTACT_ADD_MISSING Contact to add is missing
CONTACT_ID_INVALID The provided contact id is invalid
CONTACT_NAME_EMPTY The provided contact name is empty
CONTACT_REQ_MISSING Missing contact request
DATA_INVALID The encrypted data is invalid
DATA_JSON_INVALID The provided JSON data is invalid
DATA_TOO_LONG Data too long
DATE_EMPTY The date argument is empty
DC_ID_INVALID The dc_id parameter is invalid
DH_G_A_INVALID The g_a parameter invalid
DOCUMENT_INVALID The document is invalid
EMAIL_HASH_EXPIRED The email hash expired and cannot be used to verify it
EMAIL_INVALID The email provided is invalid
EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED_X Email unconfirmed, the length of the code must be {x}
EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED Email unconfirmed
EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED_X The provided email isn't confirmed, {x} is the length of the verification code that was just sent to the email
EMAIL_VERIFY_EXPIRED The verification email has expired
EMOTICON_EMPTY The emoticon parameter is empty
EMOTICON_INVALID The emoticon parameter is invalid
EMOTICON_STICKERPACK_MISSING The emoticon sticker pack you are trying to obtain is missing
@ -104,15 +111,20 @@ FILE_PART_SIZE_CHANGED The part size is different from the size of one of the pr
FILE_PART_SIZE_INVALID 512 KB cannot be evenly divided by part_size
FILE_PART_TOO_BIG The size limit (512 KB) for the content of the file part has been exceeded
FILE_PART_X_MISSING Part {x} of the file is missing from storage
FILE_REFERENCE_EMPTY The file reference is empty
FILE_REFERENCE_EXPIRED The file reference has expired and is no longer valid or it belongs to self-destructing media and cannot be resent
FILE_REFERENCE_INVALID The file reference is invalid
FILE_REFERENCE_EMPTY The file id contains an empty file reference, you must obtain a valid one by fetching the message from the origin context
FILE_REFERENCE_EXPIRED The file id contains an expired file reference, you must obtain a valid one by fetching the message from the origin context
FILE_REFERENCE_INVALID The file id contains an invalid file reference, you must obtain a valid one by fetching the message from the origin context
FILTER_ID_INVALID The specified filter ID is invalid
FIRSTNAME_INVALID The first name is invalid
FOLDER_ID_EMPTY The folder you tried to delete was already empty
FOLDER_ID_INVALID The folder id is invalid
FRESH_CHANGE_ADMINS_FORBIDDEN You can't change administrator settings in this chat because your session was logged-in recently
FROM_MESSAGE_BOT_DISABLED Bots can't use fromMessage min constructors
GAME_BOT_INVALID You cannot send that game with the current bot
GEO_POINT_INVALID Invalid geo point provided
GIF_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID GIF content-type invalid
GIF_ID_INVALID The provided gif/animation id is invalid
GRAPH_INVALID_RELOAD Invalid graph token provided, please reload the stats and provide the updated token
GRAPH_OUTDATED_RELOAD The graph data is outdated
GROUPED_MEDIA_INVALID The album contains invalid media
HASH_INVALID The provided hash is invalid
@ -162,8 +174,9 @@ OFFSET_INVALID The offset parameter is invalid
OFFSET_PEER_ID_INVALID The provided offset peer is invalid
OPTIONS_TOO_MUCH The poll options are too many
OPTION_INVALID The option specified is invalid and does not exist in the target poll
PACK_SHORT_NAME_INVALID Invalid sticker pack name. It must begin with a letter, can't contain consecutive underscores and must end in 'by_<bot username>'.
PACK_SHORT_NAME_INVALID Invalid sticker pack name. It must begin with a letter, can't contain consecutive underscores and must end in '_by_<bot username>'.
PACK_SHORT_NAME_OCCUPIED A sticker pack with this name already exists
PACK_TITLE_INVALID The sticker pack title is invalid
PARTICIPANTS_TOO_FEW The chat doesn't have enough participants
PARTICIPANT_VERSION_OUTDATED The other participant is using an outdated Telegram app version
PASSWORD_EMPTY The password provided is empty
@ -191,20 +204,24 @@ PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED The phone number is not yet being used
PHONE_PASSWORD_PROTECTED The phone is password protected
PHOTO_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID The photo content type is invalid
PHOTO_CONTENT_URL_EMPTY The photo content URL is empty
PHOTO_CROP_FILE_MISSING Photo crop file missing
PHOTO_CROP_SIZE_SMALL The photo is too small
PHOTO_EXT_INVALID The photo extension is invalid
PHOTO_FILE_MISSING Profile photo file missing
PHOTO_ID_INVALID The photo id is invalid
PHOTO_INVALID The photo is invalid
PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSIONS The photo dimensions are invalid
PHOTO_SAVE_FILE_INVALID The photo you tried to send cannot be saved by Telegram. A reason may be that it exceeds 10 MB. Try resizing it locally
PHOTO_THUMB_URL_EMPTY The photo thumb URL is empty
PHOTO_THUMB_URL_INVALID The photo thumb URL is invalid
PINNED_DIALOGS_TOO_MUCH Too many pinned dialogs
PIN_RESTRICTED You can't pin messages in private chats with other people
POLL_ANSWERS_INVALID The poll answers are invalid
POLL_OPTION_DUPLICATE A duplicate option was sent in the same poll
POLL_OPTION_INVALID A poll option used invalid data (the data may be too long)
POLL_QUESTION_INVALID The poll question is invalid
POLL_UNSUPPORTED This layer does not support polls in the invoked method
POLL_VOTE_REQUIRED Cast a vote in the poll before calling this method
PRIVACY_KEY_INVALID The privacy key is invalid
PRIVACY_TOO_LONG Your privacy exception list has exceeded the maximum capacity
PRIVACY_VALUE_INVALID The privacy value is invalid
@ -215,20 +232,25 @@ QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWERS_EMPTY The correct answers of the quiz are empty
QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWERS_TOO_MUCH The quiz contains too many correct answers
QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWER_INVALID The correct answers of the quiz are invalid
QUIZ_MULTIPLE_INVALID A quiz can't have multiple answers
RANDOM_ID_EMPTY The random ID is empty
RANDOM_ID_INVALID The provided random ID is invalid
RANDOM_LENGTH_INVALID The random length is invalid
RANGES_INVALID Invalid range provided
REACTION_EMPTY The reaction provided is empty
REACTION_INVALID Invalid reaction provided (only emoji are allowed)
REPLY_MARKUP_BUY_EMPTY Reply markup for buy button empty
REPLY_MARKUP_GAME_EMPTY The provided reply markup for the game is empty
REPLY_MARKUP_INVALID The provided reply markup is invalid
REPLY_MARKUP_TOO_LONG The reply markup is too long
RESULTS_TOO_MUCH The result contains too many items
RESULT_ID_DUPLICATE The result contains items with duplicated identifiers
RESULT_ID_INVALID The given result cannot be used to send the selection to the bot
RESULT_TYPE_INVALID The result type is invalid
REVOTE_NOT_ALLOWED You cannot change your vote
RSA_DECRYPT_FAILED Internal RSA decryption failed
SCHEDULE_BOT_NOT_ALLOWED Bots are not allowed to schedule messages
SCHEDULE_DATE_INVALID Invalid schedule date provided
SCHEDULE_DATE_TOO_LATE The date you tried to schedule is too far in the future (more than one year)
SCHEDULE_STATUS_PRIVATE You cannot schedule a message until the person comes online if their privacy does not show this information
SCHEDULE_TOO_MUCH You cannot schedule more than 100 messages in this chat
@ -237,10 +259,16 @@ SECONDS_INVALID The seconds interval is invalid, for slow mode try with 0 (off),
SEND_MESSAGE_MEDIA_INVALID The message media is invalid
SEND_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID The message type is invalid
SESSION_TOO_FRESH_X You can't do this action because the current session was logged-in recently
SETTINGS_INVALID Invalid settings were provided
SHA256_HASH_INVALID The provided SHA256 hash is invalid
SHORTNAME_OCCUPY_FAILED An error occurred when trying to register the short-name used for the sticker pack. Try a different name
SLOWMODE_MULTI_MSGS_DISABLED Slowmode is enabled, you cannot forward multiple messages to this group
SMS_CODE_CREATE_FAILED An error occurred while creating the SMS code
SRP_ID_INVALID Invalid SRP ID provided
SRP_PASSWORD_CHANGED The password has changed
START_PARAM_EMPTY The start parameter is empty
START_PARAM_INVALID The start parameter is invalid
START_PARAM_TOO_LONG The start parameter is too long
STICKERSET_INVALID The requested sticker set is invalid
STICKERS_EMPTY The sticker provided is empty
STICKER_DOCUMENT_INVALID The sticker document is invalid
@ -253,6 +281,9 @@ STICKER_PNG_NOPNG Stickers must be png files but the provided image was not a pn
TAKEOUT_INVALID The takeout id is invalid
TAKEOUT_REQUIRED The method must be invoked inside a takeout session
TEMP_AUTH_KEY_EMPTY The temporary auth key provided is empty
THEME_FILE_INVALID Invalid theme file provided
THEME_FORMAT_INVALID Invalid theme format provided
THEME_INVALID Invalid theme provided
THEME_MIME_INVALID You cannot create this theme because the mime-type is invalid
TMP_PASSWORD_DISABLED The temporary password is disabled
TOKEN_INVALID The provided token is invalid
@ -292,8 +323,9 @@ WALLPAPER_INVALID The input wallpaper was not valid
WEBDOCUMENT_INVALID The web document is invalid
WEBDOCUMENT_MIME_INVALID The web document mime type is invalid
WEBDOCUMENT_SIZE_TOO_BIG The web document is too big
WEBDOCUMENT_URL_EMPTY The web document URL is empty
WEBDOCUMENT_URL_INVALID The web document URL is invalid
WEBPAGE_CURL_FAILED Telegram server could not fetch the provided URL
WEBPAGE_MEDIA_EMPTY The URL doesn't contain any valid media
YOU_BLOCKED_USER You blocked this user
YOU_BLOCKED_USER You blocked this user
1 id message
47 CHANNEL_BANNED The channel is banned
48 CHANNEL_INVALID The channel parameter is invalid
49 CHANNEL_PRIVATE The channel/supergroup is not accessible
50 CHANNEL_TOO_LARGE The channel is too large to be deleted; this error is issued when trying to delete channels with more than 1000 members (subject to change)
51 CHAT_ABOUT_NOT_MODIFIED The chat about text was not modified because you tried to edit it using the same content
52 CHAT_ABOUT_TOO_LONG The chat about text is too long
53 CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED The method requires chat admin privileges
63 CODE_HASH_INVALID The provided code hash invalid
64 CODE_INVALID The provided code is invalid (i.e. from email)
65 CONNECTION_API_ID_INVALID The provided API id is invalid
66 CONNECTION_APP_VERSION_EMPTY App version is empty
67 CONNECTION_DEVICE_MODEL_EMPTY The device model is empty
68 CONNECTION_LANG_PACK_INVALID The specified language pack is not valid
69 CONNECTION_LAYER_INVALID The connection layer is invalid. Missing InvokeWithLayer-InitConnection call
70 CONNECTION_NOT_INITED The connection was not initialized
71 CONNECTION_SYSTEM_EMPTY The connection to the system is empty
72 CONNECTION_SYSTEM_LANG_CODE_EMPTY The system language code is empty
73 CONTACT_ADD_MISSING Contact to add is missing
74 CONTACT_ID_INVALID The provided contact id is invalid
75 CONTACT_NAME_EMPTY The provided contact name is empty
76 CONTACT_REQ_MISSING Missing contact request
77 DATA_INVALID The encrypted data is invalid
78 DATA_JSON_INVALID The provided JSON data is invalid
79 DATA_TOO_LONG Data too long
80 DATE_EMPTY The date argument is empty
81 DC_ID_INVALID The dc_id parameter is invalid
82 DH_G_A_INVALID The g_a parameter invalid
83 DOCUMENT_INVALID The document is invalid
84 EMAIL_HASH_EXPIRED The email hash expired and cannot be used to verify it
85 EMAIL_INVALID The email provided is invalid
86 EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED_X EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED Email unconfirmed, the length of the code must be {x} Email unconfirmed
87 EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED_X The provided email isn't confirmed, {x} is the length of the verification code that was just sent to the email
88 EMAIL_VERIFY_EXPIRED The verification email has expired
89 EMOTICON_EMPTY The emoticon parameter is empty
90 EMOTICON_INVALID The emoticon parameter is invalid
91 EMOTICON_STICKERPACK_MISSING The emoticon sticker pack you are trying to obtain is missing
111 FILE_PART_SIZE_INVALID 512 KB cannot be evenly divided by part_size
112 FILE_PART_TOO_BIG The size limit (512 KB) for the content of the file part has been exceeded
113 FILE_PART_X_MISSING Part {x} of the file is missing from storage
114 FILE_REFERENCE_EMPTY The file reference is empty The file id contains an empty file reference, you must obtain a valid one by fetching the message from the origin context
115 FILE_REFERENCE_EXPIRED The file reference has expired and is no longer valid or it belongs to self-destructing media and cannot be resent The file id contains an expired file reference, you must obtain a valid one by fetching the message from the origin context
116 FILE_REFERENCE_INVALID The file reference is invalid The file id contains an invalid file reference, you must obtain a valid one by fetching the message from the origin context
117 FILTER_ID_INVALID The specified filter ID is invalid
118 FIRSTNAME_INVALID The first name is invalid
119 FOLDER_ID_EMPTY The folder you tried to delete was already empty
120 FOLDER_ID_INVALID The folder id is invalid
121 FRESH_CHANGE_ADMINS_FORBIDDEN You can't change administrator settings in this chat because your session was logged-in recently
122 FROM_MESSAGE_BOT_DISABLED Bots can't use fromMessage min constructors
123 GAME_BOT_INVALID You cannot send that game with the current bot
124 GEO_POINT_INVALID Invalid geo point provided
125 GIF_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID GIF content-type invalid
126 GIF_ID_INVALID The provided gif/animation id is invalid
127 GRAPH_INVALID_RELOAD Invalid graph token provided, please reload the stats and provide the updated token
128 GRAPH_OUTDATED_RELOAD The graph data is outdated
129 GROUPED_MEDIA_INVALID The album contains invalid media
130 HASH_INVALID The provided hash is invalid
174 OFFSET_PEER_ID_INVALID The provided offset peer is invalid
175 OPTIONS_TOO_MUCH The poll options are too many
176 OPTION_INVALID The option specified is invalid and does not exist in the target poll
177 PACK_SHORT_NAME_INVALID Invalid sticker pack name. It must begin with a letter, can't contain consecutive underscores and must end in 'by_<bot username>'. Invalid sticker pack name. It must begin with a letter, can't contain consecutive underscores and must end in '_by_<bot username>'.
178 PACK_SHORT_NAME_OCCUPIED A sticker pack with this name already exists
179 PACK_TITLE_INVALID The sticker pack title is invalid
180 PARTICIPANTS_TOO_FEW The chat doesn't have enough participants
181 PARTICIPANT_VERSION_OUTDATED The other participant is using an outdated Telegram app version
182 PASSWORD_EMPTY The password provided is empty
204 PHONE_PASSWORD_PROTECTED The phone is password protected
205 PHOTO_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID The photo content type is invalid
206 PHOTO_CONTENT_URL_EMPTY The photo content URL is empty
207 PHOTO_CROP_FILE_MISSING Photo crop file missing
208 PHOTO_CROP_SIZE_SMALL The photo is too small
209 PHOTO_EXT_INVALID The photo extension is invalid
210 PHOTO_FILE_MISSING Profile photo file missing
211 PHOTO_ID_INVALID The photo id is invalid
212 PHOTO_INVALID The photo is invalid
213 PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSIONS The photo dimensions are invalid
214 PHOTO_SAVE_FILE_INVALID The photo you tried to send cannot be saved by Telegram. A reason may be that it exceeds 10 MB. Try resizing it locally
215 PHOTO_THUMB_URL_EMPTY The photo thumb URL is empty
216 PHOTO_THUMB_URL_INVALID The photo thumb URL is invalid
217 PINNED_DIALOGS_TOO_MUCH Too many pinned dialogs
218 PIN_RESTRICTED You can't pin messages in private chats with other people
219 POLL_ANSWERS_INVALID The poll answers are invalid
220 POLL_OPTION_DUPLICATE A duplicate option was sent in the same poll
221 POLL_OPTION_INVALID A poll option used invalid data (the data may be too long)
222 POLL_QUESTION_INVALID The poll question is invalid
223 POLL_UNSUPPORTED This layer does not support polls in the invoked method
224 POLL_VOTE_REQUIRED Cast a vote in the poll before calling this method
225 PRIVACY_KEY_INVALID The privacy key is invalid
226 PRIVACY_TOO_LONG Your privacy exception list has exceeded the maximum capacity
227 PRIVACY_VALUE_INVALID The privacy value is invalid
232 QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWERS_TOO_MUCH The quiz contains too many correct answers
233 QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWER_INVALID The correct answers of the quiz are invalid
234 QUIZ_MULTIPLE_INVALID A quiz can't have multiple answers
235 RANDOM_ID_EMPTY The random ID is empty
236 RANDOM_ID_INVALID The provided random ID is invalid
237 RANDOM_LENGTH_INVALID The random length is invalid
238 RANGES_INVALID Invalid range provided
239 REACTION_EMPTY The reaction provided is empty
240 REACTION_INVALID Invalid reaction provided (only emoji are allowed)
241 REPLY_MARKUP_BUY_EMPTY Reply markup for buy button empty
242 REPLY_MARKUP_GAME_EMPTY The provided reply markup for the game is empty
243 REPLY_MARKUP_INVALID The provided reply markup is invalid
244 REPLY_MARKUP_TOO_LONG The reply markup is too long
245 RESULTS_TOO_MUCH The result contains too many items
246 RESULT_ID_DUPLICATE The result contains items with duplicated identifiers
247 RESULT_ID_EMPTY Result ID empty
248 RESULT_ID_INVALID The given result cannot be used to send the selection to the bot
249 RESULT_TYPE_INVALID The result type is invalid
250 REVOTE_NOT_ALLOWED You cannot change your vote
251 RSA_DECRYPT_FAILED Internal RSA decryption failed
252 SCHEDULE_BOT_NOT_ALLOWED Bots are not allowed to schedule messages
253 SCHEDULE_DATE_INVALID Invalid schedule date provided
254 SCHEDULE_DATE_TOO_LATE The date you tried to schedule is too far in the future (more than one year)
255 SCHEDULE_STATUS_PRIVATE You cannot schedule a message until the person comes online if their privacy does not show this information
256 SCHEDULE_TOO_MUCH You cannot schedule more than 100 messages in this chat
259 SEND_MESSAGE_MEDIA_INVALID The message media is invalid
260 SEND_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID The message type is invalid
261 SESSION_TOO_FRESH_X You can't do this action because the current session was logged-in recently
262 SETTINGS_INVALID Invalid settings were provided
263 SHA256_HASH_INVALID The provided SHA256 hash is invalid
264 SHORTNAME_OCCUPY_FAILED An error occurred when trying to register the short-name used for the sticker pack. Try a different name
265 SLOWMODE_MULTI_MSGS_DISABLED Slowmode is enabled, you cannot forward multiple messages to this group
266 SMS_CODE_CREATE_FAILED An error occurred while creating the SMS code
267 SRP_ID_INVALID Invalid SRP ID provided
268 SRP_PASSWORD_CHANGED The password has changed
269 START_PARAM_EMPTY The start parameter is empty
270 START_PARAM_INVALID The start parameter is invalid
271 START_PARAM_TOO_LONG The start parameter is too long
272 STICKERSET_INVALID The requested sticker set is invalid
273 STICKERS_EMPTY The sticker provided is empty
274 STICKER_DOCUMENT_INVALID The sticker document is invalid
281 TAKEOUT_INVALID The takeout id is invalid
282 TAKEOUT_REQUIRED The method must be invoked inside a takeout session
283 TEMP_AUTH_KEY_EMPTY The temporary auth key provided is empty
284 THEME_FILE_INVALID Invalid theme file provided
285 THEME_FORMAT_INVALID Invalid theme format provided
286 THEME_INVALID Invalid theme provided
287 THEME_MIME_INVALID You cannot create this theme because the mime-type is invalid
288 TMP_PASSWORD_DISABLED The temporary password is disabled
289 TOKEN_INVALID The provided token is invalid
323 WC_CONVERT_URL_INVALID WC convert URL invalid
324 WEBDOCUMENT_INVALID The web document is invalid
325 WEBDOCUMENT_MIME_INVALID The web document mime type is invalid
326 WEBDOCUMENT_SIZE_TOO_BIG The web document is too big
327 WEBDOCUMENT_URL_EMPTY The web document URL is empty
328 WEBDOCUMENT_URL_INVALID The web document URL is invalid
329 WEBPAGE_CURL_FAILED Telegram server could not fetch the provided URL
330 WEBPAGE_MEDIA_EMPTY The URL doesn't contain any valid media
331 YOU_BLOCKED_USER You blocked this user

View File

@ -2,18 +2,24 @@ id message
BROADCAST_FORBIDDEN The request can't be used in channels
CHANNEL_PUBLIC_GROUP_NA The channel/supergroup is not available
CHAT_ADMIN_INVITE_REQUIRED You don't have rights to invite other users
CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED The method requires chat admin privileges
CHAT_FORBIDDEN You cannot write in this chat
CHAT_SEND_GIFS_FORBIDDEN You can't send animations in this chat
CHAT_SEND_INLINE_FORBIDDEN You cannot use inline bots to send messages in this chat
CHAT_SEND_MEDIA_FORBIDDEN You can't send media messages in this chat
CHAT_SEND_POLL_FORBIDDEN You can't send polls in this chat
CHAT_SEND_STICKERS_FORBIDDEN You can't send stickers in this chat
CHAT_WRITE_FORBIDDEN You don't have rights to send messages in this chat
INLINE_BOT_REQUIRED The action must be performed through an inline bot callback
MESSAGE_AUTHOR_REQUIRED You are not the author of this message
MESSAGE_DELETE_FORBIDDEN You don't have rights to delete messages in this chat, most likely because you are not the author of them
POLL_VOTE_REQUIRED Cast a vote in the poll before calling this method
RIGHT_FORBIDDEN You don't have enough rights for this action, or you tried to set one or more admin rights that can't be applied to this kind of chat (channel or supergroup)
SENSITIVE_CHANGE_FORBIDDEN Your sensitive content settings can't be changed at this time
TAKEOUT_REQUIRED The method must be invoked inside a takeout session
USER_BOT_INVALID This method can only be called by a bot
USER_CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH One of the users you tried to add is already in too many channels/supergroups
USER_INVALID The provided user is invalid
USER_IS_BLOCKED The user is blocked
USER_NOT_MUTUAL_CONTACT The provided user is not a mutual contact
USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED The user's privacy settings is preventing you to perform this action

1 id message
2 BROADCAST_FORBIDDEN The request can't be used in channels
3 CHANNEL_PUBLIC_GROUP_NA The channel/supergroup is not available
4 CHAT_ADMIN_INVITE_REQUIRED You don't have rights to invite other users
5 CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED The method requires chat admin privileges
6 CHAT_FORBIDDEN You cannot write in this chat
7 CHAT_SEND_GIFS_FORBIDDEN You can't send animations in this chat
8 CHAT_SEND_INLINE_FORBIDDEN You cannot use inline bots to send messages in this chat
9 CHAT_SEND_MEDIA_FORBIDDEN You can't send media messages in this chat
10 CHAT_SEND_POLL_FORBIDDEN You can't send polls in this chat
11 CHAT_SEND_STICKERS_FORBIDDEN You can't send stickers in this chat
12 CHAT_WRITE_FORBIDDEN You don't have rights to send messages in this chat
13 INLINE_BOT_REQUIRED The action must be performed through an inline bot callback
14 MESSAGE_AUTHOR_REQUIRED You are not the author of this message
15 MESSAGE_DELETE_FORBIDDEN You don't have rights to delete messages in this chat, most likely because you are not the author of them
16 POLL_VOTE_REQUIRED Cast a vote in the poll before calling this method
17 RIGHT_FORBIDDEN You don't have enough rights for this action, or you tried to set one or more admin rights that can't be applied to this kind of chat (channel or supergroup)
18 SENSITIVE_CHANGE_FORBIDDEN Your sensitive content settings can't be changed at this time
19 TAKEOUT_REQUIRED The method must be invoked inside a takeout session
20 USER_BOT_INVALID This method can only be called by a bot
21 USER_CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH One of the users you tried to add is already in too many channels/supergroups
22 USER_INVALID The provided user is invalid
23 USER_IS_BLOCKED The user is blocked
24 USER_NOT_MUTUAL_CONTACT The provided user is not a mutual contact
25 USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED The user's privacy settings is preventing you to perform this action

View File

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
id message
AUTH_KEY_DUPLICATED The same authorization key (session file) was used in more than one place simultaneously. You must delete your session file and log in again with your phone number or bot token
FILEREF_UPGRADE_NEEDED The file reference has expired and you must use a refreshed one by obtaining the original media message
FRESH_CHANGE_ADMINS_FORBIDDEN You were just elected admin, you can't add or modify other admins yet
FRESH_CHANGE_PHONE_FORBIDDEN You can't change your phone number because your session was logged-in recently
FRESH_RESET_AUTHORISATION_FORBIDDEN You can't terminate other authorized sessions because the current was logged-in recently
PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID The phone number is invalid
PHONE_PASSWORD_FLOOD You have tried to log-in too many times
STICKERSET_INVALID The sticker set is invalid
STICKERSET_OWNER_ANONYMOUS This sticker set can't be used as the group's sticker set because it was created by one of its anonymous admins
STICKERSET_OWNER_ANONYMOUS This sticker set can't be used as the group's sticker set because it was created by one of its anonymous admins
USERPIC_UPLOAD_REQUIRED You must have a profile picture to publish your geolocation
USER_RESTRICTED You are limited/restricted. You can't perform this action
1 id message
2 AUTH_KEY_DUPLICATED The same authorization key (session file) was used in more than one place simultaneously. You must delete your session file and log in again with your phone number or bot token
3 FILEREF_UPGRADE_NEEDED The file reference has expired and you must use a refreshed one by obtaining the original media message
4 FRESH_CHANGE_ADMINS_FORBIDDEN You were just elected admin, you can't add or modify other admins yet
5 FRESH_CHANGE_PHONE_FORBIDDEN You can't change your phone number because your session was logged-in recently
6 FRESH_RESET_AUTHORISATION_FORBIDDEN You can't terminate other authorized sessions because the current was logged-in recently
7 PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID The phone number is invalid
8 PHONE_PASSWORD_FLOOD You have tried to log-in too many times
9 STICKERSET_INVALID The sticker set is invalid
10 STICKERSET_OWNER_ANONYMOUS This sticker set can't be used as the group's sticker set because it was created by one of its anonymous admins
11 USERPIC_UPLOAD_REQUIRED You must have a profile picture to publish your geolocation
12 USER_RESTRICTED You are limited/restricted. You can't perform this action

View File

@ -1,25 +1,42 @@
id message
API_CALL_ERROR API call error due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
AUTH_RESTART User authorization has restarted
CALL_OCCUPY_FAILED The call failed because the user is already making another call
CHAT_ID_GENERATE_FAILED Failure while generating the chat ID due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
CHAT_OCCUPY_LOC_FAILED An internal error occurred while creating the chat
CHAT_OCCUPY_USERNAME_FAILED Failure to occupy chat username due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
CHP_CALL_FAIL Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
ENCRYPTION_OCCUPY_ADMIN_FAILED Failed occupying memory for admin info due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
ENCRYPTION_OCCUPY_FAILED Internal server error while accepting secret chat
FOLDER_DEAC_AUTOFIX_ALL Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
GROUPED_ID_OCCUPY_FAILED Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
HISTORY_GET_FAILED The chat history couldn't be retrieved due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
IMAGE_ENGINE_DOWN Image engine down due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
INTERDC_X_CALL_ERROR An error occurred while Telegram was intercommunicating with DC{x}. Please try again later
INTERDC_X_CALL_RICH_ERROR A rich error occurred while Telegram was intercommunicating with DC{x}. Please try again later
MEMBER_FETCH_FAILED Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
MEMBER_NO_LOCATION Couldn't find the member's location due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
MEMBER_OCCUPY_PRIMARY_LOC_FAILED Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
MEMBER_OCCUPY_USERNAME_FAILED Failure to occupy member username due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
MSGID_DECREASE_RETRY Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
MSG_RANGE_UNSYNC Message range unsynchronized due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
MT_SEND_QUEUE_TOO_LONG The MTProto send queue has grown too much due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
NEED_CHAT_INVALID The provided chat is invalid
NEED_MEMBER_INVALID The provided member is invalid or does not exist
PARTICIPANT_CALL_FAILED Failure while making call due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_OUTDATED The persistent timestamp is outdated due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
POSTPONED_TIMEOUT Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
RANDOM_ID_DUPLICATE You provided a random ID that was already used
REG_ID_GENERATE_FAILED The registration id failed to generate due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
RPC_CALL_FAIL Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
RPC_CONNECT_FAILED Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
RPC_MCGET_FAIL Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
SIGN_IN_FAILED Failure while signing in due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
STORAGE_CHECK_FAILED Server storage check failed due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
STORE_INVALID_SCALAR_TYPE Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
UNKNOWN_METHOD The method you tried to call cannot be called on non-CDN DCs
WORKER_BUSY_TOO_LONG_RETRY Server workers are too busy right now due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
UPLOAD_NO_VOLUME Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
VOLUME_LOC_NOT_FOUND Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
WORKER_BUSY_TOO_LONG_RETRY Server workers are too busy right now due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
WP_ID_GENERATE_FAILED Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
1 id message
2 API_CALL_ERROR API call error due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
3 AUTH_RESTART User authorization has restarted
4 CALL_OCCUPY_FAILED The call failed because the user is already making another call
5 CHAT_ID_GENERATE_FAILED Failure while generating the chat ID due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
6 CHAT_OCCUPY_LOC_FAILED An internal error occurred while creating the chat
7 CHAT_OCCUPY_USERNAME_FAILED Failure to occupy chat username due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
8 CHP_CALL_FAIL Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
9 ENCRYPTION_OCCUPY_ADMIN_FAILED Failed occupying memory for admin info due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
10 ENCRYPTION_OCCUPY_FAILED Internal server error while accepting secret chat
11 FOLDER_DEAC_AUTOFIX_ALL Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
12 GROUPED_ID_OCCUPY_FAILED Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
13 HISTORY_GET_FAILED The chat history couldn't be retrieved due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
14 IMAGE_ENGINE_DOWN Image engine down due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
15 INTERDC_X_CALL_ERROR An error occurred while Telegram was intercommunicating with DC{x}. Please try again later
16 INTERDC_X_CALL_RICH_ERROR A rich error occurred while Telegram was intercommunicating with DC{x}. Please try again later
17 MEMBER_FETCH_FAILED Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
18 MEMBER_NO_LOCATION Couldn't find the member's location due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
19 MEMBER_OCCUPY_PRIMARY_LOC_FAILED Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
20 MEMBER_OCCUPY_USERNAME_FAILED Failure to occupy member username due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
21 MSGID_DECREASE_RETRY Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
22 MSG_RANGE_UNSYNC Message range unsynchronized due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
23 MT_SEND_QUEUE_TOO_LONG The MTProto send queue has grown too much due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
24 NEED_CHAT_INVALID The provided chat is invalid
25 NEED_MEMBER_INVALID The provided member is invalid or does not exist
26 PARTICIPANT_CALL_FAILED Failure while making call due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
27 PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_OUTDATED The persistent timestamp is outdated due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
28 POSTPONED_TIMEOUT Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
30 RANDOM_ID_DUPLICATE You provided a random ID that was already used
31 REG_ID_GENERATE_FAILED The registration id failed to generate due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
32 RPC_CALL_FAIL Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
33 RPC_CONNECT_FAILED Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
34 RPC_MCGET_FAIL Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
35 SIGN_IN_FAILED Failure while signing in due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
36 STORAGE_CHECK_FAILED Server storage check failed due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
37 STORE_INVALID_SCALAR_TYPE Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
38 UNKNOWN_METHOD The method you tried to call cannot be called on non-CDN DCs
39 WORKER_BUSY_TOO_LONG_RETRY UPLOAD_NO_VOLUME Server workers are too busy right now due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
40 VOLUME_LOC_NOT_FOUND Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later
41 WORKER_BUSY_TOO_LONG_RETRY Server workers are too busy right now due to Telegram having internal problems. Please try again later
42 WP_ID_GENERATE_FAILED Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later