# Pyrogram - Telegram MTProto API Client Library for Python # Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Dan Tès # # This file is part of Pyrogram. # # Pyrogram is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Pyrogram is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Pyrogram. If not, see . import base64 import json import logging import math import mimetypes import os import re import time from collections import namedtuple from configparser import ConfigParser from hashlib import sha256, md5 from signal import signal, SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGABRT from threading import Event from pyrogram.api import functions, types from pyrogram.api.core import Object from pyrogram.api.errors import ( PhoneMigrate, NetworkMigrate, PhoneNumberInvalid, PhoneNumberUnoccupied, PhoneCodeInvalid, PhoneCodeHashEmpty, PhoneCodeExpired, PhoneCodeEmpty, SessionPasswordNeeded, PasswordHashInvalid, FloodWait, PeerIdInvalid, FilePartMissing, ChatAdminRequired ) from pyrogram.api.types import ( User, Chat, Channel, PeerUser, PeerChat, PeerChannel, Dialog, Message, InputPeerEmpty, InputPeerSelf, InputPeerUser, InputPeerChat, InputPeerChannel ) from pyrogram.crypto import CTR from pyrogram.extensions import Markdown from pyrogram.session import Auth, Session log = logging.getLogger(__name__) Config = namedtuple("Config", ["api_id", "api_hash"]) class Client: """This class represents a Client, the main mean for interacting with Telegram. It exposes bot-like methods for an easy access to the API as well as a simple way to invoke every single Telegram API method available. Args: session_name (:obj:`str`): Name to uniquely identify an authorized session. It will be used to save the session to a file named ``.session``. test_mode (:obj:`bool`, optional): Enable or disable log-in to testing servers. Defaults to False. Only applicable for new sessions and will be ignored in case previously created sessions are loaded. """ INVITE_LINK_RE = re.compile(r"^(?:https?:\/\/)?t\.me\/joinchat\/(.+)$") DIALOGS_AT_ONCE = 100 def __init__(self, session_name: str, test_mode: bool = False): self.session_name = session_name self.test_mode = test_mode self.dc_id = None self.auth_key = None self.user_id = None self.rnd_id = None self.peers_by_id = {} self.peers_by_username = {} self.markdown = Markdown(self.peers_by_id) self.config = None self.session = None self.update_handler = None self.is_idle = Event() def start(self): """Use this method to start the Client after creating it. Requires no parameters.""" self.load_config() self.load_session(self.session_name) self.session = Session(self.dc_id, self.test_mode, self.auth_key, self.config.api_id) terms = self.session.start() if self.user_id is None: print("\n".join(terms.splitlines()), "\n") self.user_id = self.authorize() self.save_session() self.rnd_id = self.session.msg_id self.get_dialogs() self.session.update_handler = self.update_handler mimetypes.init() def stop(self): """Use this method to manually stop the Client. Requires no parameters. """ self.session.stop() def signal_handler(self, *args): self.stop() self.is_idle.set() def idle(self, stop_signals: tuple = (SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGABRT)): """Blocks the program execution until one of the signals are received, then gently stop the Client by closing the underlying connection. Args: stop_signals (:obj:`tuple`, optional): Iterable containing signals the signal handler will listen to. Defaults to (SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGABRT). """ for s in stop_signals: signal(s, self.signal_handler) self.is_idle.wait() # TODO: Better update handler def set_update_handler(self, callback: callable): """Use this method to set the update handler. Args: callback (:obj:`callable`): A callback function that accepts a single argument: the update object. """ self.update_handler = callback def send(self, data: Object): """Use this method to send :ref:`Raw Function ` queries. This method makes possible to manually call every single Telegram API method in a low-level manner. Available functions are listed in the :obj:`pyrogram.api.functions` package and may accept compound data types from :obj:`pyrogram.api.types` as well as bare types such as :obj:`int`, :obj:`str`, etc... Args: data (:obj:`Object`): The API Scheme function filled with proper arguments. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ return self.session.send(data) def authorize(self): while True: phone_number = input("Enter phone number: ") while True: confirm = input("Is \"{}\" correct? (y/n): ".format(phone_number)) if confirm in ("y", "1"): break elif confirm in ("n", "2"): phone_number = input("Enter phone number: ") try: r = self.send( functions.auth.SendCode( phone_number, self.config.api_id, self.config.api_hash ) ) except (PhoneMigrate, NetworkMigrate) as e: self.session.stop() self.dc_id = e.x self.auth_key = Auth(self.dc_id, self.test_mode).create() self.session = Session(self.dc_id, self.test_mode, self.auth_key, self.config.api_id) self.session.start() r = self.send( functions.auth.SendCode( phone_number, self.config.api_id, self.config.api_hash ) ) break except PhoneNumberInvalid as e: print(e.MESSAGE) except FloodWait as e: print(e.MESSAGE.format(x=e.x)) time.sleep(e.x) except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) else: break phone_registered = r.phone_registered phone_code_hash = r.phone_code_hash while True: phone_code = input("Enter phone code: ") try: if phone_registered: r = self.send( functions.auth.SignIn( phone_number, phone_code_hash, phone_code ) ) else: try: self.send( functions.auth.SignIn( phone_number, phone_code_hash, phone_code ) ) except PhoneNumberUnoccupied: pass first_name = input("First name: ") last_name = input("Last name: ") r = self.send( functions.auth.SignUp( phone_number, phone_code_hash, phone_code, first_name, last_name ) ) except (PhoneCodeInvalid, PhoneCodeEmpty, PhoneCodeExpired, PhoneCodeHashEmpty) as e: print(e.MESSAGE) except SessionPasswordNeeded as e: print(e.MESSAGE) while True: try: r = self.send(functions.account.GetPassword()) print("Hint: {}".format(r.hint)) password = input("Enter password: ") # TODO: Use getpass password = r.current_salt + password.encode() + r.current_salt password_hash = sha256(password).digest() r = self.send(functions.auth.CheckPassword(password_hash)) except PasswordHashInvalid as e: print(e.MESSAGE) except FloodWait as e: print(e.MESSAGE.format(x=e.x)) time.sleep(e.x) except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) else: break break except FloodWait as e: print(e.MESSAGE.format(x=e.x)) time.sleep(e.x) except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) else: break return r.user.id def load_config(self): config = ConfigParser() config.read("config.ini") self.config = Config( int(config["pyrogram"]["api_id"]), config["pyrogram"]["api_hash"] ) def load_session(self, session_name): try: with open("{}.session".format(session_name)) as f: s = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: self.dc_id = 1 self.auth_key = Auth(self.dc_id, self.test_mode).create() else: self.dc_id = s["dc_id"] self.test_mode = s["test_mode"] self.auth_key = base64.b64decode("".join(s["auth_key"])) self.user_id = s["user_id"] def save_session(self): auth_key = base64.b64encode(self.auth_key).decode() auth_key = [auth_key[i: i + 43] for i in range(0, len(auth_key), 43)] with open("{}.session".format(self.session_name), "w") as f: json.dump( dict( dc_id=self.dc_id, test_mode=self.test_mode, auth_key=auth_key, user_id=self.user_id, ), f, indent=4 ) def get_dialogs(self): peers = [] def parse_dialogs(d) -> int: oldest_date = 1 << 32 for dialog in d.dialogs: # type: Dialog # Only search for Users, Chats and Channels if not isinstance(dialog.peer, (PeerUser, PeerChat, PeerChannel)): continue if isinstance(dialog.peer, PeerUser): peer_type = "user" peer_id = dialog.peer.user_id elif isinstance(dialog.peer, PeerChat): peer_type = "chat" peer_id = dialog.peer.chat_id elif isinstance(dialog.peer, PeerChannel): peer_type = "channel" peer_id = dialog.peer.channel_id else: continue for message in d.messages: # type: Message is_this = peer_id == message.from_id or dialog.peer == message.to_id if is_this: for entity in (d.users if peer_type == "user" else d.chats): # type: User or Chat or Channel if entity.id == peer_id: peers.append( dict( id=peer_id, access_hash=getattr(entity, "access_hash", None), type=peer_type, first_name=getattr(entity, "first_name", None), last_name=getattr(entity, "last_name", None), title=getattr(entity, "title", None), username=getattr(entity, "username", None), ) ) if message.date < oldest_date: oldest_date = message.date break break return oldest_date pinned_dialogs = self.send(functions.messages.GetPinnedDialogs()) parse_dialogs(pinned_dialogs) dialogs = self.send( functions.messages.GetDialogs( 0, 0, InputPeerEmpty(), self.DIALOGS_AT_ONCE, True ) ) offset_date = parse_dialogs(dialogs) log.info("Dialogs count: {}".format(len(peers))) while len(dialogs.dialogs) == self.DIALOGS_AT_ONCE: dialogs = self.send( functions.messages.GetDialogs( offset_date, 0, types.InputPeerEmpty(), self.DIALOGS_AT_ONCE, True ) ) offset_date = parse_dialogs(dialogs) log.info("Dialogs count: {}".format(len(peers))) for i in peers: peer_id = i["id"] peer_type = i["type"] peer_username = i["username"] peer_access_hash = i["access_hash"] if peer_type == "user": input_peer = InputPeerUser( peer_id, peer_access_hash ) elif peer_type == "chat": input_peer = InputPeerChat( peer_id ) elif peer_type == "channel": input_peer = InputPeerChannel( peer_id, peer_access_hash ) else: continue self.peers_by_id[peer_id] = input_peer if peer_username: peer_username = peer_username.lower() self.peers_by_username[peer_username] = input_peer def resolve_peer(self, chat_id: int or str): if chat_id in ("self", "me"): return InputPeerSelf() else: try: return ( self.peers_by_username[chat_id.lower().strip("@")] if isinstance(chat_id, str) else self.peers_by_id[chat_id] ) except KeyError: raise PeerIdInvalid def get_me(self): """A simple method for testing the user authorization. Requires no parameters. Returns: Full information about the user in form of a :obj:`UserFull ` object. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ return self.send( functions.users.GetFullUser( InputPeerSelf() ) ) def send_message(self, chat_id: int or str, text: str, disable_web_page_preview: bool = None, disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_msg_id: int = None): """Use this method to send text messages. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". text (:obj:`str`): Text of the message to be sent. disable_web_page_preview (:obj:`bool`, optional): Disables link previews for links in this message. disable_notification (:obj:`bool`, optional): Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. reply_to_msg_id (:obj:`bool`, optional): If the message is a reply, ID of the original message. Returns: On success, the sent Message is returned. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ return self.send( functions.messages.SendMessage( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), no_webpage=disable_web_page_preview or None, silent=disable_notification or None, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to_msg_id, random_id=self.rnd_id(), **self.markdown.parse(text) ) ) def forward_messages(self, chat_id: int or str, from_chat_id: int or str, message_ids: list, disable_notification: bool = None): """Use this method to forward messages of any kind. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". from_chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the chat where the original message was sent (or channel/supergroup username in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". message_ids (:obj:`list`): A list of Message identifiers in the chat specified in *from_chat_id*. disable_notification (:obj:`bool`, optional): Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. Returns: On success, the sent Message is returned. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ return self.send( functions.messages.ForwardMessages( to_peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), from_peer=self.resolve_peer(from_chat_id), id=message_ids, silent=disable_notification or None, random_id=[self.rnd_id() for _ in message_ids] ) ) def send_photo(self, chat_id: int or str, photo: str, caption: str = "", ttl_seconds: int = None, disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None): """Use this method to send photos. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". photo (:obj:`str`): Photo to send. Pass a file path as string to send a photo that exists on your local machine. caption (:obj:`bool`, optional): Photo caption, 0-200 characters. ttl_seconds (:obj:`int`, optional): Self-Destruct Timer. If you set a timer, the photo will self-destruct in :obj:`ttl_seconds` seconds after it was viewed. disable_notification (:obj:`bool`, optional): Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. reply_to_message_id (:obj:`int`, optional): If the message is a reply, ID of the original message. Returns: On success, the sent Message is returned. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ file = self.save_file(photo) while True: try: r = self.send( functions.messages.SendMedia( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), media=types.InputMediaUploadedPhoto( file=file, caption=caption, ttl_seconds=ttl_seconds ), silent=disable_notification or None, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to_message_id, random_id=self.rnd_id() ) ) except FilePartMissing as e: self.save_file(photo, file_id=file.id, file_part=e.x) else: return r def send_audio(self, chat_id: int or str, audio: str, caption: str = "", duration: int = 0, performer: str = None, title: str = None, disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None): """Use this method to send audio files. For sending voice messages, use the :obj:`send_voice` method instead. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". audio (:obj:`str`): Audio file to send. Pass a file path as string to send an audio file that exists on your local machine. caption (:obj:`str`, optional): Audio caption, 0-200 characters. duration (:obj:`int`, optional): Duration of the audio in seconds. performer (:obj:`str`, optional): Performer. title (:obj:`str`, optional): Track name. disable_notification (:obj:`bool`, optional): Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. reply_to_message_id (:obj:`int`, optional): If the message is a reply, ID of the original message. Returns: On success, the sent Message is returned. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ file = self.save_file(audio) while True: try: r = self.send( functions.messages.SendMedia( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), media=types.InputMediaUploadedDocument( mime_type=mimetypes.types_map.get("." + audio.split(".")[-1], "audio/mpeg"), file=file, caption=caption, attributes=[ types.DocumentAttributeAudio( duration=duration, performer=performer, title=title ), types.DocumentAttributeFilename(os.path.basename(audio)) ] ), silent=disable_notification or None, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to_message_id, random_id=self.rnd_id() ) ) except FilePartMissing as e: self.save_file(audio, file_id=file.id, file_part=e.x) else: return r def send_document(self, chat_id: int or str, document: str, caption: str = "", disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None): """Use this method to send general files. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". document (:obj:`str`): File to send. Pass a file path as string to send a file that exists on your local machine. caption (:obj:`str`, optional): Document caption, 0-200 characters. disable_notification (:obj:`bool`, optional): Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. reply_to_message_id (:obj:`int`, optional): If the message is a reply, ID of the original message. Returns: On success, the sent Message is returned. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ file = self.save_file(document) while True: try: r = self.send( functions.messages.SendMedia( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), media=types.InputMediaUploadedDocument( mime_type=mimetypes.types_map.get("." + document.split(".")[-1], "text/plain"), file=file, caption=caption, attributes=[ types.DocumentAttributeFilename(os.path.basename(document)) ] ), silent=disable_notification or None, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to_message_id, random_id=self.rnd_id() ) ) except FilePartMissing as e: self.save_file(document, file_id=file.id, file_part=e.x) else: return r def send_video(self, chat_id: int or str, video: str, duration: int = 0, width: int = 0, height: int = 0, caption: str = "", disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None): """Use this method to send video files. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". video (:obj:`str`): Video to send. Pass a file path as string to send a video that exists on your local machine. duration (:obj:`int`, optional): Duration of sent video in seconds. width (:obj:`int`, optional): Video width. height (:obj:`int`, optional): Video height. caption (:obj:`str`, optional): Video caption, 0-200 characters. disable_notification (:obj:`bool`, optional): Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. reply_to_message_id (:obj:`int`, optional): If the message is a reply, ID of the original message. Returns: On success, the sent Message is returned. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ file = self.save_file(video) while True: try: r = self.send( functions.messages.SendMedia( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), media=types.InputMediaUploadedDocument( mime_type=mimetypes.types_map[".mp4"], file=file, caption=caption, attributes=[ types.DocumentAttributeVideo( duration=duration, w=width, h=height ) ] ), silent=disable_notification or None, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to_message_id, random_id=self.rnd_id() ) ) except FilePartMissing as e: self.save_file(video, file_id=file.id, file_part=e.x) else: return r def send_voice(self, chat_id: int or str, voice: str, caption: str = "", duration: int = 0, disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None): """Use this method to send audio files. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". voice (:obj:`str`): Audio file to send. Pass a file path as string to send an audio file that exists on your local machine. caption (:obj:`str`, optional): Voice message caption, 0-200 characters. duration (:obj:`int`, optional): Duration of the voice message in seconds. disable_notification (:obj:`bool`, optional): Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. reply_to_message_id (:obj:`int`, optional): If the message is a reply, ID of the original message Returns: On success, the sent Message is returned. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ file = self.save_file(voice) while True: try: r = self.send( functions.messages.SendMedia( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), media=types.InputMediaUploadedDocument( mime_type=mimetypes.types_map.get("." + voice.split(".")[-1], "audio/mpeg"), file=file, caption=caption, attributes=[ types.DocumentAttributeAudio( voice=True, duration=duration ) ] ), silent=disable_notification or None, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to_message_id, random_id=self.rnd_id() ) ) except FilePartMissing as e: self.save_file(voice, file_id=file.id, file_part=e.x) else: return r def send_video_note(self, chat_id: int or str, video_note: str, duration: int = 0, length: int = 1, disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None): """Use this method to send video messages. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". video_note (:obj:`str`): Video note to send. Pass a file path as string to send a video note that exists on your local machine. duration (:obj:`int`, optional): Duration of sent video in seconds. length (:obj:`int`, optional): Video width and height. disable_notification (:obj:`bool`, optional): Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. reply_to_message_id (:obj:`int`, optional): If the message is a reply, ID of the original message Returns: On success, the sent Message is returned. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ file = self.save_file(video_note) while True: try: r = self.send( functions.messages.SendMedia( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), media=types.InputMediaUploadedDocument( mime_type=mimetypes.types_map[".mp4"], file=file, caption="", attributes=[ types.DocumentAttributeVideo( round_message=True, duration=duration, w=length, h=length ) ] ), silent=disable_notification or None, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to_message_id, random_id=self.rnd_id() ) ) except FilePartMissing as e: self.save_file(video_note, file_id=file.id, file_part=e.x) else: return r def send_location(self, chat_id: int or str, latitude: float, longitude: float, disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None): """Use this method to send points on the map. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". latitude (:obj:`float`): Latitude of the location. longitude (:obj:`float`): Longitude of the location. disable_notification (:obj:`bool`, optional): Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. reply_to_message_id (:obj:`int`, optional): If the message is a reply, ID of the original message Returns: On success, the sent Message is returned. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ return self.send( functions.messages.SendMedia( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), media=types.InputMediaGeoPoint( types.InputGeoPoint( latitude, longitude ) ), silent=disable_notification or None, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to_message_id, random_id=self.rnd_id() ) ) def send_venue(self, chat_id: int or str, latitude: float, longitude: float, title: str, address: str, foursquare_id: str = "", disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None): """Use this method to send information about a venue. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". latitude (:obj:`float`): Latitude of the venue. longitude (:obj:`float`): Longitude of the venue. title (:obj:`str`): Name of the venue. address (:obj:`str`): Address of the venue. foursquare_id (:obj:`str`, optional): Foursquare identifier of the venue. disable_notification (:obj:`bool`, optional): Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. reply_to_message_id (:obj:`int`, optional): If the message is a reply, ID of the original message Returns: On success, the sent Message is returned. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ return self.send( functions.messages.SendMedia( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), media=types.InputMediaVenue( geo_point=types.InputGeoPoint( lat=latitude, long=longitude ), title=title, address=address, provider="", venue_id=foursquare_id, venue_type="" ), silent=disable_notification or None, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to_message_id, random_id=self.rnd_id() ) ) def send_contact(self, chat_id: int or str, phone_number: str, first_name: str, last_name: str, disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None): """Use this method to send phone contacts. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". phone_number (:obj:`str`): Contact's phone number. first_name (:obj:`str`): Contact's first name. last_name (:obj:`str`): Contact's last name. disable_notification (:obj:`bool`, optional): Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. reply_to_message_id (:obj:`int`, optional): If the message is a reply, ID of the original message. Returns: On success, the sent Message is returned. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ return self.send( functions.messages.SendMedia( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), media=types.InputMediaContact( phone_number, first_name, last_name ), silent=disable_notification or None, reply_to_msg_id=reply_to_message_id, random_id=self.rnd_id() ) ) def send_chat_action(self, chat_id: int or str, action: callable, progress: int = 0): """Use this method when you need to tell the other party that something is happening on your side. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". action (:obj:`callable`): Type of action to broadcast. Choose one from the :class:`pyrogram.ChatAction` class, depending on what the user is about to receive. progress (:obj:`int`, optional): Progress of the upload process. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ return self.send( functions.messages.SetTyping( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), action=action(progress=progress) ) ) def get_user_profile_photos(self, user_id: int or str, offset: int = 0, limit: int = 100): """Use this method to get a list of profile pictures for a user. Args: user_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier of the target user. offset (:obj:`int`, optional): Sequential number of the first photo to be returned. By default, all photos are returned. limit (:obj:`int`, optional): Limits the number of photos to be retrieved. Values between 1—100 are accepted. Defaults to 100. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ return self.send( functions.photos.GetUserPhotos( user_id=self.resolve_peer(user_id), offset=offset, max_id=0, limit=limit ) ) def edit_message_text(self, chat_id: int or str, message_id: int, text: str, disable_web_page_preview: bool = None): """Use this method to edit text messages. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". message_id (:obj:`int`): Message identifier in the chat specified in chat_id. text (:obj:`str`): New text of the message. disable_web_page_preview (:obj:`bool`, optional): Disables link previews for links in this message. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ return self.send( functions.messages.EditMessage( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), id=message_id, no_webpage=disable_web_page_preview or None, **self.markdown.parse(text) ) ) def edit_message_caption(self, chat_id: int or str, message_id: int, caption: str): """Use this method to edit captions of messages. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". message_id (:obj:`int`): Message identifier in the chat specified in chat_id. caption (:obj:`str`): New caption of the message. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ return self.send( functions.messages.EditMessage( peer=self.resolve_peer(chat_id), id=message_id, message=caption ) ) def delete_messages(self, chat_id: int or str, message_ids: list, revoke: bool = None): """Use this method to delete messages, including service messages, with the following limitations: - A message can only be deleted if it was sent less than 48 hours ago. - Users can delete outgoing messages in groups and supergroups. - Users granted *can_post_messages* permissions can delete outgoing messages in channels. - If the user is an administrator of a group, it can delete any message there. - If the user has *can_delete_messages* permission in a supergroup or a channel, it can delete any message there. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). For your personal cloud storage (Saved Messages) you can simply use "me" or "self". message_ids (:obj:`list`): List of identifiers of the messages to delete. revoke (:obj:`bool`, optional): Deletes messages on both parts. This is only for private cloud chats and normal groups, messages on channels and supergroups are always revoked (i.e.: deleted for everyone). Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ peer = self.resolve_peer(chat_id) if isinstance(peer, types.InputPeerChannel): return self.send( functions.channels.DeleteMessages( channel=peer, id=message_ids ) ) else: # TODO: Maybe "revoke" is superfluous. # If I want to delete a message, chances are I want it to # be deleted even from the other side return self.send( functions.messages.DeleteMessages( id=message_ids, revoke=revoke or None ) ) # TODO: Remove redundant code def save_file(self, path: str, file_id: int = None, file_part: int = 0): part_size = 512 * 1024 file_size = os.path.getsize(path) file_total_parts = math.ceil(file_size / part_size) # is_big = True if file_size > 10 * 1024 * 1024 else False is_big = False # Treat all files as not-big to have the server check for the md5 sum is_missing_part = True if file_id is not None else False file_id = file_id or self.rnd_id() md5_sum = md5() if not is_big and not is_missing_part else None session = Session(self.dc_id, self.test_mode, self.auth_key, self.config.api_id) session.start() try: with open(path, "rb") as f: f.seek(part_size * file_part) while True: chunk = f.read(part_size) if not chunk: if not is_big: md5_sum = "".join([hex(i)[2:].zfill(2) for i in md5_sum.digest()]) break session.send( (functions.upload.SaveBigFilePart if is_big else functions.upload.SaveFilePart)( file_id=file_id, file_part=file_part, bytes=chunk, file_total_parts=file_total_parts ) ) if is_missing_part: return if not is_big: md5_sum.update(chunk) file_part += 1 except Exception as e: log.error(e) else: return (types.InputFileBig if is_big else types.InputFile)( id=file_id, parts=file_total_parts, name=os.path.basename(path), md5_checksum=md5_sum ) finally: session.stop() def get_file(self, dc_id: int, id: int = None, access_hash: int = None, volume_id: int = None, local_id: int = None, secret: int = None, version: int = 0): # TODO: Refine # TODO: Use proper file name and extension # TODO: Remove redundant code if dc_id != self.dc_id: exported_auth = self.send( functions.auth.ExportAuthorization( dc_id=dc_id ) ) session = Session( dc_id, self.test_mode, Auth(dc_id, self.test_mode).create(), self.config.api_id ) session.start() session.send( functions.auth.ImportAuthorization( id=exported_auth.id, bytes=exported_auth.bytes ) ) else: session = Session( dc_id, self.test_mode, self.auth_key, self.config.api_id ) session.start() if volume_id: # Photos are accessed by volume_id, local_id, secret location = types.InputFileLocation( volume_id=volume_id, local_id=local_id, secret=secret ) else: # Any other file can be more easily accessed by id and access_hash location = types.InputDocumentFileLocation( id=id, access_hash=access_hash, version=version ) limit = 512 * 1024 offset = 0 try: r = session.send( functions.upload.GetFile( location=location, offset=offset, limit=limit ) ) if isinstance(r, types.upload.File): with open("_".join([str(id), str(access_hash), str(version)]) + ".jpg", "wb") as f: while True: chunk = r.bytes if not chunk: break f.write(chunk) offset += limit r = session.send( functions.upload.GetFile( location=location, offset=offset, limit=limit ) ) if isinstance(r, types.upload.FileCdnRedirect): ctr = CTR(r.encryption_key, r.encryption_iv) cdn_session = Session( r.dc_id, self.test_mode, Auth(r.dc_id, self.test_mode).create(), self.config.api_id, is_cdn=True ) cdn_session.start() try: with open("_".join([str(id), str(access_hash), str(version)]) + ".jpg", "wb") as f: while True: r2 = cdn_session.send( functions.upload.GetCdnFile( location=location, file_token=r.file_token, offset=offset, limit=limit ) ) if isinstance(r2, types.upload.CdnFileReuploadNeeded): session.send( functions.upload.ReuploadCdnFile( file_token=r.file_token, request_token=r2.request_token ) ) continue elif isinstance(r2, types.upload.CdnFile): chunk = r2.bytes if not chunk: break # https://core.telegram.org/cdn#decrypting-files decrypted_chunk = ctr.decrypt(chunk, offset) # TODO: https://core.telegram.org/cdn#verifying-files # TODO: Save to temp file, flush each chunk, rename to full if everything is ok f.write(decrypted_chunk) offset += limit except Exception as e: log.error(e) finally: cdn_session.stop() except Exception as e: log.error(e) else: return True finally: session.stop() def join_chat(self, chat_id: str): """Use this method to join a group chat or channel. Args: chat_id (:obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat in form of *t.me/joinchat/* links or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ match = self.INVITE_LINK_RE.match(chat_id) if match: return self.send( functions.messages.ImportChatInvite( hash=match.group(1) ) ) else: resolved_peer = self.send( functions.contacts.ResolveUsername( username=chat_id.lower().strip("@") ) ) channel = InputPeerChannel( channel_id=resolved_peer.chats[0].id, access_hash=resolved_peer.chats[0].access_hash ) return self.send( functions.channels.JoinChannel( channel=channel ) ) def leave_chat(self, chat_id: int or str, delete: bool = False): """Use this method to leave a group chat or channel. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). delete (:obj:`bool`, optional): Deletes the group chat dialog after leaving (for simple group chats, not supergroups). Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` """ peer = self.resolve_peer(chat_id) if isinstance(peer, types.InputPeerChannel): return self.send( functions.channels.LeaveChannel( channel=self.resolve_peer(chat_id) ) ) elif isinstance(peer, types.InputPeerChat): r = self.send( functions.messages.DeleteChatUser( chat_id=peer.chat_id, user_id=types.InputPeerSelf() ) ) if delete: self.send( functions.messages.DeleteHistory( peer=peer, max_id=0 ) ) return r def export_chat_invite_link(self, chat_id: int or str, new: bool = False): """Use this method to export an invite link to a supergroup or a channel. The user must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights. Args: chat_id (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel/supergroup (in the format @username). new (:obj:`bool`): The previous link will be deactivated and a new link will be generated. This is also used to create the invite link in case it doesn't exist yet. Returns: On success, the exported invite link as string is returned. Raises: :class:`pyrogram.Error` Note: If the returned link is a new one it may take a while for it to be activated. """ peer = self.resolve_peer(chat_id) if isinstance(peer, types.InputPeerChat): if new: return self.send( functions.messages.ExportChatInvite( chat_id=peer.chat_id ) ).link else: chat_full = self.send( functions.messages.GetFullChat( chat_id=peer.chat_id ) ).full_chat # type: types.ChatFull if isinstance(chat_full.exported_invite, types.ChatInviteExported): return chat_full.exported_invite.link else: raise ChatAdminRequired elif isinstance(peer, types.InputPeerChannel): if new: return self.send( functions.channels.ExportInvite( channel=peer ) ).link else: channel_full = self.send( functions.channels.GetFullChannel( channel=peer ) ).full_chat # type: types.ChannelFull if isinstance(channel_full.exported_invite, types.ChatInviteExported): return channel_full.exported_invite.link else: raise ChatAdminRequired