Usage ===== Having your `project set up`_ and your account authorized_, it's time to play with the API. Let's start! High-level API -------------- The easiest and recommended way to interact with Telegram is via the high-level Pyrogram methods_ and types_, which are named after the `Telegram Bot API`_. Here's a simple example: .. code-block:: python from pyrogram import Client app = Client("my_account") app.start() print(app.get_me()) app.send_message("me", "Hi there! I'm using **Pyrogram**") app.send_location("me", 51.500729, -0.124583) app.stop() You can also use Pyrogram in a context manager with the ``with`` statement. The Client will automatically :meth:`start ` and :meth:`stop ` gracefully, even in case of unhandled exceptions in your code: .. code-block:: python from pyrogram import Client app = Client("my_account") with app: print(app.get_me()) app.send_message("me", "Hi there! I'm using **Pyrogram**") app.send_location("me", 51.500729, -0.124583) More examples on `GitHub `_. .. _project set up: Setup.html .. _authorized: Setup.html#user-authorization .. _Telegram Bot API: .. _methods: ../pyrogram/Client.html#messages .. _types: ../pyrogram/Types.html