# Pyrogram - Telegram MTProto API Client Library for Python # Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Dan Tès # # This file is part of Pyrogram. # # Pyrogram is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Pyrogram is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Pyrogram. If not, see . import logging import math import mimetypes import os import re import shutil import tempfile import threading import time from configparser import ConfigParser from hashlib import sha256, md5 from importlib import import_module from pathlib import Path from signal import signal, SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGABRT from threading import Thread from typing import Union, List from pyrogram.api import functions, types from pyrogram.api.core import TLObject from pyrogram.client.handlers import DisconnectHandler from pyrogram.client.handlers.handler import Handler from pyrogram.client.methods.password.utils import compute_check from pyrogram.crypto import AES from pyrogram.errors import ( PhoneMigrate, NetworkMigrate, PhoneNumberInvalid, PhoneNumberUnoccupied, PhoneCodeInvalid, PhoneCodeHashEmpty, PhoneCodeExpired, PhoneCodeEmpty, SessionPasswordNeeded, PasswordHashInvalid, FloodWait, PeerIdInvalid, FirstnameInvalid, PhoneNumberBanned, VolumeLocNotFound, UserMigrate, ChannelPrivate, PhoneNumberOccupied, PasswordRecoveryNa, PasswordEmpty ) from pyrogram.session import Auth, Session from .ext import utils, Syncer, BaseClient, Dispatcher from .methods import Methods from .storage import Storage, FileStorage, MemoryStorage log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Client(Methods, BaseClient): """Pyrogram Client, the main means for interacting with Telegram. Parameters: session_name (``str``): Pass a string of your choice to give a name to the client session, e.g.: "*my_account*". This name will be used to save a file on disk that stores details needed to reconnect without asking again for credentials. Alternatively, if you don't want a file to be saved on disk, pass the special name "**:memory:**" to start an in-memory session that will be discarded as soon as you stop the Client. In order to reconnect again using a memory storage without having to login again, you can use :meth:`~pyrogram.Client.export_session_string` before stopping the client to get a session string you can pass here as argument. api_id (``int``, *optional*): The *api_id* part of your Telegram API Key, as integer. E.g.: 12345 This is an alternative way to pass it if you don't want to use the *config.ini* file. api_hash (``str``, *optional*): The *api_hash* part of your Telegram API Key, as string. E.g.: "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef". This is an alternative way to pass it if you don't want to use the *config.ini* file. app_version (``str``, *optional*): Application version. Defaults to "Pyrogram X.Y.Z" This is an alternative way to set it if you don't want to use the *config.ini* file. device_model (``str``, *optional*): Device model. Defaults to *platform.python_implementation() + " " + platform.python_version()* This is an alternative way to set it if you don't want to use the *config.ini* file. system_version (``str``, *optional*): Operating System version. Defaults to *platform.system() + " " + platform.release()* This is an alternative way to set it if you don't want to use the *config.ini* file. lang_code (``str``, *optional*): Code of the language used on the client, in ISO 639-1 standard. Defaults to "en". This is an alternative way to set it if you don't want to use the *config.ini* file. ipv6 (``bool``, *optional*): Pass True to connect to Telegram using IPv6. Defaults to False (IPv4). proxy (``dict``, *optional*): Your SOCKS5 Proxy settings as dict, e.g.: *dict(hostname="", port=1080, username="user", password="pass")*. *username* and *password* can be omitted if your proxy doesn't require authorization. This is an alternative way to setup a proxy if you don't want to use the *config.ini* file. test_mode (``bool``, *optional*): Enable or disable login to the test servers. Defaults to False. Only applicable for new sessions and will be ignored in case previously created sessions are loaded. bot_token (``str``, *optional*): Pass your Bot API token to create a bot session, e.g.: "123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11" Only applicable for new sessions. phone_number (``str`` | ``callable``, *optional*): Pass your phone number as string (with your Country Code prefix included) to avoid entering it manually. Or pass a callback function which accepts no arguments and must return the correct phone number as string (e.g., "391234567890"). Only applicable for new sessions. phone_code (``str`` | ``callable``, *optional*): Pass the phone code as string (for test numbers only) to avoid entering it manually. Or pass a callback function which accepts a single positional argument *(phone_number)* and must return the correct phone code as string (e.g., "12345"). Only applicable for new sessions. password (``str``, *optional*): Pass your Two-Step Verification password as string (if you have one) to avoid entering it manually. Or pass a callback function which accepts a single positional argument *(password_hint)* and must return the correct password as string (e.g., "password"). Only applicable for new sessions. recovery_code (``callable``, *optional*): Pass a callback function which accepts a single positional argument *(email_pattern)* and must return the correct password recovery code as string (e.g., "987654"). Only applicable for new sessions. force_sms (``str``, *optional*): Pass True to force Telegram sending the authorization code via SMS. Only applicable for new sessions. first_name (``str``, *optional*): Pass a First Name as string to avoid entering it manually. Or pass a callback function which accepts no arguments and must return the correct name as string (e.g., "Dan"). It will be used to automatically create a new Telegram account in case the phone number you passed is not registered yet. Only applicable for new sessions. last_name (``str``, *optional*): Same purpose as *first_name*; pass a Last Name to avoid entering it manually. It can be an empty string: "". Only applicable for new sessions. workers (``int``, *optional*): Thread pool size for handling incoming updates. Defaults to 4. workdir (``str``, *optional*): Define a custom working directory. The working directory is the location in your filesystem where Pyrogram will store your session files. Defaults to "." (current directory). config_file (``str``, *optional*): Path of the configuration file. Defaults to ./config.ini plugins (``dict``, *optional*): Your Smart Plugins settings as dict, e.g.: *dict(root="plugins")*. This is an alternative way to setup plugins if you don't want to use the *config.ini* file. no_updates (``bool``, *optional*): Pass True to completely disable incoming updates for the current session. When updates are disabled your client can't receive any new message. Useful for batch programs that don't need to deal with updates. Defaults to False (updates enabled and always received). takeout (``bool``, *optional*): Pass True to let the client use a takeout session instead of a normal one, implies *no_updates=True*. Useful for exporting your Telegram data. Methods invoked inside a takeout session (such as get_history, download_media, ...) are less prone to throw FloodWait exceptions. Only available for users, bots will ignore this parameter. Defaults to False (normal session). """ terms_of_service_displayed = False def __init__( self, session_name: Union[str, Storage], api_id: Union[int, str] = None, api_hash: str = None, app_version: str = None, device_model: str = None, system_version: str = None, lang_code: str = None, ipv6: bool = False, proxy: dict = None, test_mode: bool = False, bot_token: str = None, phone_number: str = None, phone_code: Union[str, callable] = None, password: str = None, recovery_code: callable = None, force_sms: bool = False, first_name: str = None, last_name: str = None, workers: int = BaseClient.WORKERS, workdir: str = BaseClient.WORKDIR, config_file: str = BaseClient.CONFIG_FILE, plugins: dict = None, no_updates: bool = None, takeout: bool = None ): super().__init__() self.session_name = session_name self.api_id = int(api_id) if api_id else None self.api_hash = api_hash self.app_version = app_version self.device_model = device_model self.system_version = system_version self.lang_code = lang_code self.ipv6 = ipv6 # TODO: Make code consistent, use underscore for private/protected fields self._proxy = proxy self.test_mode = test_mode self.bot_token = bot_token self.phone_number = phone_number self.phone_code = phone_code self.password = password self.recovery_code = recovery_code self.force_sms = force_sms self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name self.workers = workers self.workdir = Path(workdir) self.config_file = Path(config_file) self.plugins = plugins self.no_updates = no_updates self.takeout = takeout if isinstance(session_name, str): if session_name == ":memory:" or len(session_name) >= MemoryStorage.SESSION_STRING_SIZE: session_name = re.sub(r"[\n\s]+", "", session_name) self.storage = MemoryStorage(session_name) else: self.storage = FileStorage(session_name, self.workdir) elif isinstance(session_name, Storage): self.storage = session_name else: raise ValueError("Unknown storage engine") self.dispatcher = Dispatcher(self, workers) def __enter__(self): return self.start() def __exit__(self, *args): self.stop() @property def proxy(self): return self._proxy @proxy.setter def proxy(self, value): if value is None: self._proxy = None return if self._proxy is None: self._proxy = {} self._proxy["enabled"] = bool(value.get("enabled", True)) self._proxy.update(value) def start(self): """Start the Client. Raises: RPCError: In case of a Telegram RPC error. ConnectionError: In case you try to start an already started Client. """ if self.is_started: raise ConnectionError("Client has already been started") self.load_config() self.load_session() self.load_plugins() self.session = Session(self, self.storage.dc_id, self.storage.auth_key) self.session.start() self.is_started = True try: if self.storage.user_id is None: if self.bot_token is None: self.storage.is_bot = False self.authorize_user() else: self.storage.is_bot = True self.authorize_bot() if not self.storage.is_bot: if self.takeout: self.takeout_id = self.send(functions.account.InitTakeoutSession()).id log.warning("Takeout session {} initiated".format(self.takeout_id)) now = time.time() if abs(now - self.storage.date) > Client.OFFLINE_SLEEP: self.get_initial_dialogs() self.get_contacts() else: self.send(functions.messages.GetPinnedDialogs(folder_id=0)) self.get_initial_dialogs_chunk() else: self.send(functions.updates.GetState()) except Exception as e: self.is_started = False self.session.stop() raise e for i in range(self.UPDATES_WORKERS): self.updates_workers_list.append( Thread( target=self.updates_worker, name="UpdatesWorker#{}".format(i + 1) ) ) self.updates_workers_list[-1].start() for i in range(self.DOWNLOAD_WORKERS): self.download_workers_list.append( Thread( target=self.download_worker, name="DownloadWorker#{}".format(i + 1) ) ) self.download_workers_list[-1].start() self.dispatcher.start() mimetypes.init() Syncer.add(self) return self def stop(self): """Stop the Client. Raises: ConnectionError: In case you try to stop an already stopped Client. """ if not self.is_started: raise ConnectionError("Client is already stopped") if self.takeout_id: self.send(functions.account.FinishTakeoutSession()) log.warning("Takeout session {} finished".format(self.takeout_id)) Syncer.remove(self) self.dispatcher.stop() for _ in range(self.DOWNLOAD_WORKERS): self.download_queue.put(None) for i in self.download_workers_list: i.join() self.download_workers_list.clear() for _ in range(self.UPDATES_WORKERS): self.updates_queue.put(None) for i in self.updates_workers_list: i.join() self.updates_workers_list.clear() for i in self.media_sessions.values(): i.stop() self.media_sessions.clear() self.is_started = False self.session.stop() return self def restart(self): """Restart the Client. Raises: ConnectionError: In case you try to restart a stopped Client. """ self.stop() self.start() def idle(self, stop_signals: tuple = (SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGABRT)): """Block the main script execution until a signal (e.g.: from CTRL+C) is received. Once the signal is received, the client will automatically stop and the main script will continue its execution. This is used after starting one or more clients and is useful for event-driven applications only, that are, applications which react upon incoming Telegram updates through handlers, rather than executing a set of methods sequentially. The way Pyrogram works, will keep your handlers in a pool of workers, which are executed concurrently outside the main script; calling idle() will ensure the client(s) will be kept alive by not letting the main script to end, until you decide to quit. Parameters: stop_signals (``tuple``, *optional*): Iterable containing signals the signal handler will listen to. Defaults to (SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGABRT). """ # TODO: Maybe make this method static and don't automatically stop def signal_handler(*args): self.is_idle = False for s in stop_signals: signal(s, signal_handler) self.is_idle = True while self.is_idle: time.sleep(1) self.stop() def run(self): """Start the Client and automatically idle the main script. This is a convenience method that literally just calls :meth:`~Client.start` and :meth:`~Client.idle`. It makes running a client less verbose, but is not suitable in case you want to run more than one client in a single main script, since :meth:`~Client.idle` will block. Raises: RPCError: In case of a Telegram RPC error. """ self.start() self.idle() def add_handler(self, handler: Handler, group: int = 0): """Register an update handler. You can register multiple handlers, but at most one handler within a group will be used for a single update. To handle the same update more than once, register your handler using a different group id (lower group id == higher priority). Parameters: handler (``Handler``): The handler to be registered. group (``int``, *optional*): The group identifier, defaults to 0. Returns: ``tuple``: A tuple consisting of (handler, group). """ if isinstance(handler, DisconnectHandler): self.disconnect_handler = handler.callback else: self.dispatcher.add_handler(handler, group) return handler, group def remove_handler(self, handler: Handler, group: int = 0): """Remove a previously-registered update handler. Make sure to provide the right group that the handler was added in. You can use the return value of the :meth:`~Client.add_handler` method, a tuple of (handler, group), and pass it directly. Parameters: handler (``Handler``): The handler to be removed. group (``int``, *optional*): The group identifier, defaults to 0. """ if isinstance(handler, DisconnectHandler): self.disconnect_handler = None else: self.dispatcher.remove_handler(handler, group) def stop_transmission(self): """Stop downloading or uploading a file. Must be called inside a progress callback function. """ raise Client.StopTransmission def authorize_bot(self): try: r = self.send( functions.auth.ImportBotAuthorization( flags=0, api_id=self.api_id, api_hash=self.api_hash, bot_auth_token=self.bot_token ) ) except UserMigrate as e: self.session.stop() self.storage.dc_id = e.x self.storage.auth_key = Auth(self, self.storage.dc_id).create() self.session = Session(self, self.storage.dc_id, self.storage.auth_key) self.session.start() self.authorize_bot() else: self.storage.user_id = r.user.id print("Logged in successfully as @{}".format(r.user.username)) def authorize_user(self): phone_number_invalid_raises = self.phone_number is not None phone_code_invalid_raises = self.phone_code is not None password_invalid_raises = self.password is not None first_name_invalid_raises = self.first_name is not None def default_phone_number_callback(): while True: phone_number = input("Enter phone number: ") confirm = input("Is \"{}\" correct? (y/n): ".format(phone_number)) if confirm in ("y", "1"): return phone_number elif confirm in ("n", "2"): continue while True: self.phone_number = ( default_phone_number_callback() if self.phone_number is None else str(self.phone_number()) if callable(self.phone_number) else str(self.phone_number) ) self.phone_number = self.phone_number.strip("+") try: r = self.send( functions.auth.SendCode( phone_number=self.phone_number, api_id=self.api_id, api_hash=self.api_hash, settings=types.CodeSettings() ) ) except (PhoneMigrate, NetworkMigrate) as e: self.session.stop() self.storage.dc_id = e.x self.storage.auth_key = Auth(self, self.storage.dc_id).create() self.session = Session(self, self.storage.dc_id, self.storage.auth_key) self.session.start() except (PhoneNumberInvalid, PhoneNumberBanned) as e: if phone_number_invalid_raises: raise else: print(e.MESSAGE) self.phone_number = None except FloodWait as e: if phone_number_invalid_raises: raise else: print(e.MESSAGE.format(x=e.x)) time.sleep(e.x) except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) raise else: break phone_registered = r.phone_registered phone_code_hash = r.phone_code_hash terms_of_service = r.terms_of_service if terms_of_service and not Client.terms_of_service_displayed: print("\n" + terms_of_service.text + "\n") Client.terms_of_service_displayed = True if self.force_sms: self.send( functions.auth.ResendCode( phone_number=self.phone_number, phone_code_hash=phone_code_hash ) ) while True: if not phone_registered: self.first_name = ( input("First name: ") if self.first_name is None else str(self.first_name()) if callable(self.first_name) else str(self.first_name) ) self.last_name = ( input("Last name: ") if self.last_name is None else str(self.last_name()) if callable(self.last_name) else str(self.last_name) ) self.phone_code = ( input("Enter phone code: ") if self.phone_code is None else str(self.phone_code(self.phone_number)) if callable(self.phone_code) else str(self.phone_code) ) try: if phone_registered: try: r = self.send( functions.auth.SignIn( phone_number=self.phone_number, phone_code_hash=phone_code_hash, phone_code=self.phone_code ) ) except PhoneNumberUnoccupied: log.warning("Phone number unregistered") phone_registered = False continue else: try: r = self.send( functions.auth.SignUp( phone_number=self.phone_number, phone_code_hash=phone_code_hash, phone_code=self.phone_code, first_name=self.first_name, last_name=self.last_name ) ) except PhoneNumberOccupied: log.warning("Phone number already registered") phone_registered = True continue except (PhoneCodeInvalid, PhoneCodeEmpty, PhoneCodeExpired, PhoneCodeHashEmpty) as e: if phone_code_invalid_raises: raise else: print(e.MESSAGE) self.phone_code = None except FirstnameInvalid as e: if first_name_invalid_raises: raise else: print(e.MESSAGE) self.first_name = None except SessionPasswordNeeded as e: print(e.MESSAGE) def default_password_callback(password_hint: str) -> str: print("Hint: {}".format(password_hint)) return input("Enter password (empty to recover): ") def default_recovery_callback(email_pattern: str) -> str: print("An e-mail containing the recovery code has been sent to {}".format(email_pattern)) return input("Enter password recovery code: ") while True: try: r = self.send(functions.account.GetPassword()) self.password = ( default_password_callback(r.hint) if self.password is None else str(self.password(r.hint) or "") if callable(self.password) else str(self.password) ) if self.password == "": r = self.send(functions.auth.RequestPasswordRecovery()) self.recovery_code = ( default_recovery_callback(r.email_pattern) if self.recovery_code is None else str(self.recovery_code(r.email_pattern)) if callable(self.recovery_code) else str(self.recovery_code) ) r = self.send( functions.auth.RecoverPassword( code=self.recovery_code ) ) else: r = self.send( functions.auth.CheckPassword( password=compute_check(r, self.password) ) ) except (PasswordEmpty, PasswordRecoveryNa, PasswordHashInvalid) as e: if password_invalid_raises: raise else: print(e.MESSAGE) self.password = None self.recovery_code = None except FloodWait as e: if password_invalid_raises: raise else: print(e.MESSAGE.format(x=e.x)) time.sleep(e.x) self.password = None self.recovery_code = None except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) raise else: break break except FloodWait as e: if phone_code_invalid_raises or first_name_invalid_raises: raise else: print(e.MESSAGE.format(x=e.x)) time.sleep(e.x) except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) raise else: break if terms_of_service: assert self.send( functions.help.AcceptTermsOfService( id=terms_of_service.id ) ) self.password = None self.storage.user_id = r.user.id print("Logged in successfully as {}".format(r.user.first_name)) def fetch_peers( self, peers: List[ Union[ types.User, types.Chat, types.ChatForbidden, types.Channel, types.ChannelForbidden ] ] ) -> bool: is_min = False parsed_peers = [] for peer in peers: username = None phone_number = None if isinstance(peer, types.User): peer_id = peer.id access_hash = peer.access_hash username = peer.username phone_number = peer.phone if peer.bot: peer_type = "bot" else: peer_type = "user" if access_hash is None: is_min = True continue if username is not None: username = username.lower() elif isinstance(peer, (types.Chat, types.ChatForbidden)): peer_id = -peer.id access_hash = 0 peer_type = "group" elif isinstance(peer, (types.Channel, types.ChannelForbidden)): peer_id = int("-100" + str(peer.id)) access_hash = peer.access_hash username = getattr(peer, "username", None) if peer.broadcast: peer_type = "channel" else: peer_type = "supergroup" if access_hash is None: is_min = True continue if username is not None: username = username.lower() else: continue parsed_peers.append((peer_id, access_hash, peer_type, username, phone_number)) self.storage.update_peers(parsed_peers) return is_min def download_worker(self): name = threading.current_thread().name log.debug("{} started".format(name)) while True: packet = self.download_queue.get() if packet is None: break temp_file_path = "" final_file_path = "" try: data, directory, file_name, done, progress, progress_args, path = packet temp_file_path = self.get_file( media_type=data.media_type, dc_id=data.dc_id, document_id=data.document_id, access_hash=data.access_hash, thumb_size=data.thumb_size, peer_id=data.peer_id, volume_id=data.volume_id, local_id=data.local_id, file_size=data.file_size, is_big=data.is_big, progress=progress, progress_args=progress_args ) if temp_file_path: final_file_path = os.path.abspath(re.sub("\\\\", "/", os.path.join(directory, file_name))) os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) shutil.move(temp_file_path, final_file_path) except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) try: os.remove(temp_file_path) except OSError: pass else: # TODO: "" or None for faulty download, which is better? # os.path methods return "" in case something does not exist, I prefer this. # For now let's keep None path[0] = final_file_path or None finally: done.set() log.debug("{} stopped".format(name)) def updates_worker(self): name = threading.current_thread().name log.debug("{} started".format(name)) while True: updates = self.updates_queue.get() if updates is None: break try: if isinstance(updates, (types.Update, types.UpdatesCombined)): is_min = self.fetch_peers(updates.users) or self.fetch_peers(updates.chats) users = {u.id: u for u in updates.users} chats = {c.id: c for c in updates.chats} for update in updates.updates: channel_id = getattr( getattr( getattr( update, "message", None ), "to_id", None ), "channel_id", None ) or getattr(update, "channel_id", None) pts = getattr(update, "pts", None) pts_count = getattr(update, "pts_count", None) if isinstance(update, types.UpdateChannelTooLong): log.warning(update) if isinstance(update, types.UpdateNewChannelMessage) and is_min: message = update.message if not isinstance(message, types.MessageEmpty): try: diff = self.send( functions.updates.GetChannelDifference( channel=self.resolve_peer(int("-100" + str(channel_id))), filter=types.ChannelMessagesFilter( ranges=[types.MessageRange( min_id=update.message.id, max_id=update.message.id )] ), pts=pts - pts_count, limit=pts ) ) except ChannelPrivate: pass else: if not isinstance(diff, types.updates.ChannelDifferenceEmpty): users.update({u.id: u for u in diff.users}) chats.update({c.id: c for c in diff.chats}) self.dispatcher.updates_queue.put((update, users, chats)) elif isinstance(updates, (types.UpdateShortMessage, types.UpdateShortChatMessage)): diff = self.send( functions.updates.GetDifference( pts=updates.pts - updates.pts_count, date=updates.date, qts=-1 ) ) if diff.new_messages: self.dispatcher.updates_queue.put(( types.UpdateNewMessage( message=diff.new_messages[0], pts=updates.pts, pts_count=updates.pts_count ), {u.id: u for u in diff.users}, {c.id: c for c in diff.chats} )) else: self.dispatcher.updates_queue.put((diff.other_updates[0], {}, {})) elif isinstance(updates, types.UpdateShort): self.dispatcher.updates_queue.put((updates.update, {}, {})) elif isinstance(updates, types.UpdatesTooLong): log.warning(updates) except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) log.debug("{} stopped".format(name)) def send(self, data: TLObject, retries: int = Session.MAX_RETRIES, timeout: float = Session.WAIT_TIMEOUT): """Send raw Telegram queries. This method makes it possible to manually call every single Telegram API method in a low-level manner. Available functions are listed in the :obj:`functions ` package and may accept compound data types from :obj:`types ` as well as bare types such as ``int``, ``str``, etc... .. note:: This is a utility method intended to be used **only** when working with raw :obj:`functions ` (i.e: a Telegram API method you wish to use which is not available yet in the Client class as an easy-to-use method). Parameters: data (``RawFunction``): The API Schema function filled with proper arguments. retries (``int``): Number of retries. timeout (``float``): Timeout in seconds. Returns: ``RawType``: The raw type response generated by the query. Raises: RPCError: In case of a Telegram RPC error. """ if not self.is_started: raise ConnectionError("Client has not been started") if self.no_updates: data = functions.InvokeWithoutUpdates(query=data) if self.takeout_id: data = functions.InvokeWithTakeout(takeout_id=self.takeout_id, query=data) r = self.session.send(data, retries, timeout) self.fetch_peers(getattr(r, "users", [])) self.fetch_peers(getattr(r, "chats", [])) return r def load_config(self): parser = ConfigParser() parser.read(str(self.config_file)) if self.api_id and self.api_hash: pass else: if parser.has_section("pyrogram"): self.api_id = parser.getint("pyrogram", "api_id") self.api_hash = parser.get("pyrogram", "api_hash") else: raise AttributeError( "No API Key found. " "More info: https://docs.pyrogram.org/intro/setup#configuration" ) for option in ["app_version", "device_model", "system_version", "lang_code"]: if getattr(self, option): pass else: if parser.has_section("pyrogram"): setattr(self, option, parser.get( "pyrogram", option, fallback=getattr(Client, option.upper()) )) else: setattr(self, option, getattr(Client, option.upper())) if self._proxy: self._proxy["enabled"] = bool(self._proxy.get("enabled", True)) else: self._proxy = {} if parser.has_section("proxy"): self._proxy["enabled"] = parser.getboolean("proxy", "enabled", fallback=True) self._proxy["hostname"] = parser.get("proxy", "hostname") self._proxy["port"] = parser.getint("proxy", "port") self._proxy["username"] = parser.get("proxy", "username", fallback=None) or None self._proxy["password"] = parser.get("proxy", "password", fallback=None) or None if self.plugins: self.plugins = { "enabled": bool(self.plugins.get("enabled", True)), "root": self.plugins.get("root", None), "include": self.plugins.get("include", []), "exclude": self.plugins.get("exclude", []) } else: try: section = parser["plugins"] self.plugins = { "enabled": section.getboolean("enabled", True), "root": section.get("root", None), "include": section.get("include", []), "exclude": section.get("exclude", []) } include = self.plugins["include"] exclude = self.plugins["exclude"] if include: self.plugins["include"] = include.strip().split("\n") if exclude: self.plugins["exclude"] = exclude.strip().split("\n") except KeyError: self.plugins = None def load_session(self): self.storage.open() session_empty = any([ self.storage.test_mode is None, self.storage.auth_key is None, self.storage.user_id is None, self.storage.is_bot is None ]) if session_empty: self.storage.dc_id = 1 self.storage.date = 0 self.storage.test_mode = self.test_mode self.storage.auth_key = Auth(self, self.storage.dc_id).create() self.storage.user_id = None self.storage.is_bot = None def load_plugins(self): if self.plugins: plugins = self.plugins.copy() for option in ["include", "exclude"]: if plugins[option]: plugins[option] = [ (i.split()[0], i.split()[1:] or None) for i in self.plugins[option] ] else: return if plugins.get("enabled", False): root = plugins["root"] include = plugins["include"] exclude = plugins["exclude"] count = 0 if not include: for path in sorted(Path(root).rglob("*.py")): module_path = '.'.join(path.parent.parts + (path.stem,)) module = import_module(module_path) for name in vars(module).keys(): # noinspection PyBroadException try: handler, group = getattr(module, name) if isinstance(handler, Handler) and isinstance(group, int): self.add_handler(handler, group) log.info('[{}] [LOAD] {}("{}") in group {} from "{}"'.format( self.session_name, type(handler).__name__, name, group, module_path)) count += 1 except Exception: pass else: for path, handlers in include: module_path = root + "." + path warn_non_existent_functions = True try: module = import_module(module_path) except ImportError: log.warning('[{}] [LOAD] Ignoring non-existent module "{}"'.format( self.session_name, module_path)) continue if "__path__" in dir(module): log.warning('[{}] [LOAD] Ignoring namespace "{}"'.format( self.session_name, module_path)) continue if handlers is None: handlers = vars(module).keys() warn_non_existent_functions = False for name in handlers: # noinspection PyBroadException try: handler, group = getattr(module, name) if isinstance(handler, Handler) and isinstance(group, int): self.add_handler(handler, group) log.info('[{}] [LOAD] {}("{}") in group {} from "{}"'.format( self.session_name, type(handler).__name__, name, group, module_path)) count += 1 except Exception: if warn_non_existent_functions: log.warning('[{}] [LOAD] Ignoring non-existent function "{}" from "{}"'.format( self.session_name, name, module_path)) if exclude: for path, handlers in exclude: module_path = root + "." + path warn_non_existent_functions = True try: module = import_module(module_path) except ImportError: log.warning('[{}] [UNLOAD] Ignoring non-existent module "{}"'.format( self.session_name, module_path)) continue if "__path__" in dir(module): log.warning('[{}] [UNLOAD] Ignoring namespace "{}"'.format( self.session_name, module_path)) continue if handlers is None: handlers = vars(module).keys() warn_non_existent_functions = False for name in handlers: # noinspection PyBroadException try: handler, group = getattr(module, name) if isinstance(handler, Handler) and isinstance(group, int): self.remove_handler(handler, group) log.info('[{}] [UNLOAD] {}("{}") from group {} in "{}"'.format( self.session_name, type(handler).__name__, name, group, module_path)) count -= 1 except Exception: if warn_non_existent_functions: log.warning('[{}] [UNLOAD] Ignoring non-existent function "{}" from "{}"'.format( self.session_name, name, module_path)) if count > 0: log.warning('[{}] Successfully loaded {} plugin{} from "{}"'.format( self.session_name, count, "s" if count > 1 else "", root)) else: log.warning('[{}] No plugin loaded from "{}"'.format( self.session_name, root)) def get_initial_dialogs_chunk(self, offset_date: int = 0): while True: try: r = self.send( functions.messages.GetDialogs( offset_date=offset_date, offset_id=0, offset_peer=types.InputPeerEmpty(), limit=self.DIALOGS_AT_ONCE, hash=0, exclude_pinned=True ) ) except FloodWait as e: log.warning("get_dialogs flood: waiting {} seconds".format(e.x)) time.sleep(e.x) else: log.info("Total peers: {}".format(self.storage.peers_count)) return r def get_initial_dialogs(self): self.send(functions.messages.GetPinnedDialogs(folder_id=0)) dialogs = self.get_initial_dialogs_chunk() offset_date = utils.get_offset_date(dialogs) while len(dialogs.dialogs) == self.DIALOGS_AT_ONCE: dialogs = self.get_initial_dialogs_chunk(offset_date) offset_date = utils.get_offset_date(dialogs) self.get_initial_dialogs_chunk() def resolve_peer(self, peer_id: Union[int, str]): """Get the InputPeer of a known peer id. Useful whenever an InputPeer type is required. .. note:: This is a utility method intended to be used **only** when working with raw :obj:`functions ` (i.e: a Telegram API method you wish to use which is not available yet in the Client class as an easy-to-use method). Parameters: peer_id (``int`` | ``str``): The peer id you want to extract the InputPeer from. Can be a direct id (int), a username (str) or a phone number (str). Returns: ``InputPeer``: On success, the resolved peer id is returned in form of an InputPeer object. Raises: RPCError: In case of a Telegram RPC error. KeyError: In case the peer doesn't exist in the internal database. """ try: return self.storage.get_peer_by_id(peer_id) except KeyError: if type(peer_id) is str: if peer_id in ("self", "me"): return types.InputPeerSelf() peer_id = re.sub(r"[@+\s]", "", peer_id.lower()) try: int(peer_id) except ValueError: try: return self.storage.get_peer_by_username(peer_id) except KeyError: self.send( functions.contacts.ResolveUsername( username=peer_id ) ) return self.storage.get_peer_by_username(peer_id) else: try: return self.storage.get_peer_by_phone_number(peer_id) except KeyError: raise PeerIdInvalid if peer_id > 0: self.fetch_peers( self.send( functions.users.GetUsers( id=[types.InputUser( user_id=peer_id, access_hash=0 )] ) ) ) else: if str(peer_id).startswith("-100"): self.send( functions.channels.GetChannels( id=[types.InputChannel( channel_id=int(str(peer_id)[4:]), access_hash=0 )] ) ) else: self.send( functions.messages.GetChats( id=[-peer_id] ) ) try: return self.storage.get_peer_by_id(peer_id) except KeyError: raise PeerIdInvalid def save_file( self, path: str, file_id: int = None, file_part: int = 0, progress: callable = None, progress_args: tuple = () ): """Upload a file onto Telegram servers, without actually sending the message to anyone. Useful whenever an InputFile type is required. .. note:: This is a utility method intended to be used **only** when working with raw :obj:`functions ` (i.e: a Telegram API method you wish to use which is not available yet in the Client class as an easy-to-use method). Parameters: path (``str``): The path of the file you want to upload that exists on your local machine. file_id (``int``, *optional*): In case a file part expired, pass the file_id and the file_part to retry uploading that specific chunk. file_part (``int``, *optional*): In case a file part expired, pass the file_id and the file_part to retry uploading that specific chunk. progress (``callable``, *optional*): Pass a callback function to view the upload progress. The function must take *(client, current, total, \*args)* as positional arguments (look at the section below for a detailed description). progress_args (``tuple``, *optional*): Extra custom arguments for the progress callback function. Useful, for example, if you want to pass a chat_id and a message_id in order to edit a message with the updated progress. Other Parameters: client (:obj:`Client`): The Client itself, useful when you want to call other API methods inside the callback function. current (``int``): The amount of bytes uploaded so far. total (``int``): The size of the file. *args (``tuple``, *optional*): Extra custom arguments as defined in the *progress_args* parameter. You can either keep *\*args* or add every single extra argument in your function signature. Returns: ``InputFile``: On success, the uploaded file is returned in form of an InputFile object. Raises: RPCError: In case of a Telegram RPC error. """ part_size = 512 * 1024 file_size = os.path.getsize(path) if file_size == 0: raise ValueError("File size equals to 0 B") if file_size > 1500 * 1024 * 1024: raise ValueError("Telegram doesn't support uploading files bigger than 1500 MiB") file_total_parts = int(math.ceil(file_size / part_size)) is_big = True if file_size > 10 * 1024 * 1024 else False is_missing_part = True if file_id is not None else False file_id = file_id or self.rnd_id() md5_sum = md5() if not is_big and not is_missing_part else None session = Session(self, self.storage.dc_id, self.storage.auth_key, is_media=True) session.start() try: with open(path, "rb") as f: f.seek(part_size * file_part) while True: chunk = f.read(part_size) if not chunk: if not is_big: md5_sum = "".join([hex(i)[2:].zfill(2) for i in md5_sum.digest()]) break for _ in range(3): if is_big: rpc = functions.upload.SaveBigFilePart( file_id=file_id, file_part=file_part, file_total_parts=file_total_parts, bytes=chunk ) else: rpc = functions.upload.SaveFilePart( file_id=file_id, file_part=file_part, bytes=chunk ) if session.send(rpc): break else: raise AssertionError("Telegram didn't accept chunk #{} of {}".format(file_part, path)) if is_missing_part: return if not is_big: md5_sum.update(chunk) file_part += 1 if progress: progress(self, min(file_part * part_size, file_size), file_size, *progress_args) except Client.StopTransmission: raise except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) else: if is_big: return types.InputFileBig( id=file_id, parts=file_total_parts, name=os.path.basename(path), ) else: return types.InputFile( id=file_id, parts=file_total_parts, name=os.path.basename(path), md5_checksum=md5_sum ) finally: session.stop() def get_file( self, media_type: int, dc_id: int, document_id: int, access_hash: int, thumb_size: str, peer_id: int, volume_id: int, local_id: int, file_size: int, is_big: bool, progress: callable, progress_args: tuple = () ) -> str: with self.media_sessions_lock: session = self.media_sessions.get(dc_id, None) if session is None: if dc_id != self.storage.dc_id: exported_auth = self.send( functions.auth.ExportAuthorization( dc_id=dc_id ) ) session = Session(self, dc_id, Auth(self, dc_id).create(), is_media=True) session.start() self.media_sessions[dc_id] = session session.send( functions.auth.ImportAuthorization( id=exported_auth.id, bytes=exported_auth.bytes ) ) else: session = Session(self, dc_id, self.storage.auth_key, is_media=True) session.start() self.media_sessions[dc_id] = session if media_type == 1: location = types.InputPeerPhotoFileLocation( peer=self.resolve_peer(peer_id), volume_id=volume_id, local_id=local_id, big=is_big or None ) elif media_type in (0, 2): location = types.InputPhotoFileLocation( id=document_id, access_hash=access_hash, file_reference=b"", thumb_size=thumb_size ) elif media_type == 14: location = types.InputDocumentFileLocation( id=document_id, access_hash=access_hash, file_reference=b"", thumb_size=thumb_size ) else: location = types.InputDocumentFileLocation( id=document_id, access_hash=access_hash, file_reference=b"", thumb_size="" ) limit = 1024 * 1024 offset = 0 file_name = "" try: r = session.send( functions.upload.GetFile( location=location, offset=offset, limit=limit ) ) if isinstance(r, types.upload.File): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wb", delete=False) as f: file_name = f.name while True: chunk = r.bytes if not chunk: break f.write(chunk) offset += limit if progress: progress( self, min(offset, file_size) if file_size != 0 else offset, file_size, *progress_args ) r = session.send( functions.upload.GetFile( location=location, offset=offset, limit=limit ) ) elif isinstance(r, types.upload.FileCdnRedirect): with self.media_sessions_lock: cdn_session = self.media_sessions.get(r.dc_id, None) if cdn_session is None: cdn_session = Session(self, r.dc_id, Auth(self, r.dc_id).create(), is_media=True, is_cdn=True) cdn_session.start() self.media_sessions[r.dc_id] = cdn_session try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wb", delete=False) as f: file_name = f.name while True: r2 = cdn_session.send( functions.upload.GetCdnFile( file_token=r.file_token, offset=offset, limit=limit ) ) if isinstance(r2, types.upload.CdnFileReuploadNeeded): try: session.send( functions.upload.ReuploadCdnFile( file_token=r.file_token, request_token=r2.request_token ) ) except VolumeLocNotFound: break else: continue chunk = r2.bytes # https://core.telegram.org/cdn#decrypting-files decrypted_chunk = AES.ctr256_decrypt( chunk, r.encryption_key, bytearray( r.encryption_iv[:-4] + (offset // 16).to_bytes(4, "big") ) ) hashes = session.send( functions.upload.GetCdnFileHashes( file_token=r.file_token, offset=offset ) ) # https://core.telegram.org/cdn#verifying-files for i, h in enumerate(hashes): cdn_chunk = decrypted_chunk[h.limit * i: h.limit * (i + 1)] assert h.hash == sha256(cdn_chunk).digest(), "Invalid CDN hash part {}".format(i) f.write(decrypted_chunk) offset += limit if progress: progress( self, min(offset, file_size) if file_size != 0 else offset, file_size, *progress_args ) if len(chunk) < limit: break except Exception as e: raise e except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, Client.StopTransmission): log.error(e, exc_info=True) try: os.remove(file_name) except OSError: pass return "" else: return file_name def guess_mime_type(self, filename: str): extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] return self.extensions_to_mime_types.get(extension) def guess_extension(self, mime_type: str): extensions = self.mime_types_to_extensions.get(mime_type) if extensions: return extensions.split(" ")[0] def export_session_string(self): """Export the current session as serialized string. Returns: ``str``: The session serialized into a printable, url-safe string. """ return self.storage.export_session_string()