# Pyrogram - Telegram MTProto API Client Library for Python # Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Dan # # This file is part of Pyrogram. # # Pyrogram is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Pyrogram is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Pyrogram. If not, see . import asyncio import inspect import logging from collections import OrderedDict import pyrogram from pyrogram import utils from pyrogram.handlers import ( CallbackQueryHandler, MessageHandler, DeletedMessagesHandler, UserStatusHandler, RawUpdateHandler, InlineQueryHandler, PollHandler, ChosenInlineResultHandler, ChatMemberUpdatedHandler ) from pyrogram.raw.types import ( UpdateNewMessage, UpdateNewChannelMessage, UpdateNewScheduledMessage, UpdateEditMessage, UpdateEditChannelMessage, UpdateDeleteMessages, UpdateDeleteChannelMessages, UpdateBotCallbackQuery, UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery, UpdateUserStatus, UpdateBotInlineQuery, UpdateMessagePoll, UpdateBotInlineSend, UpdateChatParticipant, UpdateChannelParticipant ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Dispatcher: NEW_MESSAGE_UPDATES = ( UpdateNewMessage, UpdateNewChannelMessage, UpdateNewScheduledMessage ) EDIT_MESSAGE_UPDATES = ( UpdateEditMessage, UpdateEditChannelMessage, ) DELETE_MESSAGES_UPDATES = ( UpdateDeleteMessages, UpdateDeleteChannelMessages ) CALLBACK_QUERY_UPDATES = ( UpdateBotCallbackQuery, UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery ) CHAT_MEMBER_UPDATES = ( UpdateChatParticipant, UpdateChannelParticipant ) MESSAGE_UPDATES = NEW_MESSAGE_UPDATES + EDIT_MESSAGE_UPDATES def __init__(self, client: "pyrogram.Client"): self.client = client self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.handler_worker_tasks = [] self.locks_list = [] self.updates_queue = asyncio.Queue() self.groups = OrderedDict() async def message_parser(update, users, chats): return await pyrogram.types.Message._parse( self.client, update.message, users, chats, isinstance(update, UpdateNewScheduledMessage) ), MessageHandler async def deleted_messages_parser(update, users, chats): return utils.parse_deleted_messages(self.client, update), DeletedMessagesHandler async def callback_query_parser(update, users, chats): return await pyrogram.types.CallbackQuery._parse(self.client, update, users), CallbackQueryHandler async def user_status_parser(update, users, chats): return pyrogram.types.User._parse_user_status(self.client, update), UserStatusHandler async def inline_query_parser(update, users, chats): return pyrogram.types.InlineQuery._parse(self.client, update, users), InlineQueryHandler async def poll_parser(update, users, chats): return pyrogram.types.Poll._parse_update(self.client, update), PollHandler async def chosen_inline_result_parser(update, users, chats): return pyrogram.types.ChosenInlineResult._parse(self.client, update, users), ChosenInlineResultHandler async def chat_member_updated_parser(update, users, chats): return pyrogram.types.ChatMemberUpdated._parse(self.client, update, users, chats), ChatMemberUpdatedHandler self.update_parsers = { Dispatcher.MESSAGE_UPDATES: message_parser, Dispatcher.DELETE_MESSAGES_UPDATES: deleted_messages_parser, Dispatcher.CALLBACK_QUERY_UPDATES: callback_query_parser, (UpdateUserStatus,): user_status_parser, (UpdateBotInlineQuery,): inline_query_parser, (UpdateMessagePoll,): poll_parser, (UpdateBotInlineSend,): chosen_inline_result_parser, Dispatcher.CHAT_MEMBER_UPDATES: chat_member_updated_parser } self.update_parsers = {key: value for key_tuple, value in self.update_parsers.items() for key in key_tuple} async def start(self): if not self.client.no_updates: for i in range(self.client.workers): self.locks_list.append(asyncio.Lock()) self.handler_worker_tasks.append( self.loop.create_task(self.handler_worker(self.locks_list[-1])) ) log.info(f"Started {self.client.workers} HandlerTasks") async def stop(self): if not self.client.no_updates: for i in range(self.client.workers): self.updates_queue.put_nowait(None) for i in self.handler_worker_tasks: await i self.handler_worker_tasks.clear() self.groups.clear() log.info(f"Stopped {self.client.workers} HandlerTasks") def add_handler(self, handler, group: int): async def fn(): for lock in self.locks_list: await lock.acquire() try: if group not in self.groups: self.groups[group] = [] self.groups = OrderedDict(sorted(self.groups.items())) self.groups[group].append(handler) finally: for lock in self.locks_list: lock.release() self.loop.create_task(fn()) def remove_handler(self, handler, group: int): async def fn(): for lock in self.locks_list: await lock.acquire() try: if group not in self.groups: raise ValueError(f"Group {group} does not exist. Handler was not removed.") self.groups[group].remove(handler) finally: for lock in self.locks_list: lock.release() self.loop.create_task(fn()) async def handler_worker(self, lock): while True: packet = await self.updates_queue.get() if packet is None: break try: update, users, chats = packet parser = self.update_parsers.get(type(update), None) parsed_update, handler_type = ( await parser(update, users, chats) if parser is not None else (None, type(None)) ) async with lock: for group in self.groups.values(): for handler in group: args = None if isinstance(handler, handler_type): try: if await handler.check(self.client, parsed_update): args = (parsed_update,) except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) continue elif isinstance(handler, RawUpdateHandler): args = (update, users, chats) if args is None: continue try: if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(handler.callback): await handler.callback(self.client, *args) else: await self.loop.run_in_executor( self.client.handler_executor, handler.callback, self.client, *args ) except pyrogram.StopPropagation: raise except pyrogram.ContinuePropagation: continue except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) break except pyrogram.StopPropagation: pass except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True)