Quick Start =========== The next few steps serve as a quick start for all new Pyrogrammers that want to get something done as fast as possible! Get Pyrogram Real Fast ---------------------- 1. Install Pyrogram with ``pip3 install -U pyrogram``. 2. Get your own Telegram API key from https://my.telegram.org/apps. 3. Open your best text editor and paste the following: .. code-block:: python from pyrogram import Client api_id = 12345 api_hash = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" with Client("my_account", api_id, api_hash) as app: app.send_message("me", "Greetings from **Pyrogram**!") 4. Replace *api_id* and *api_hash* values with your own. 5. Save the file as ``pyro.py``. 6. Run the script with ``python3 pyro.py`` 7. Follow the instructions on your terminal to login. 8. Watch Pyrogram send a message to yourself. 9. Join our `community `_. 10. Say, "hi!". Enjoy the API ------------- That was just a quick overview that barely scratched the surface! In the next few pages of the introduction, we'll take a much more in-depth look of what we have just done. Feeling eager? You can take a shortcut to `API Usage <../topics/usage.html>`_ and come back later to learn some more details.