"""This is the Welcome Bot in @PyrogramChat. It uses the Emoji module to easily add emojis in your text messages and Filters to make it only work for specific messages in a specific chat. """ from pyrogram import Client, Emoji, Filters TARGET = "PyrogramChat" # Target chat. Can also be a list of multiple chat ids/usernames MENTION = "[{}](tg://user?id={})" # User mention markup MESSAGE = "{} Welcome to [Pyrogram](https://docs.pyrogram.org/)'s group chat {}!" # Welcome message app = Client("my_account") # Filter in only new_chat_members updates generated in TARGET chat @app.on_message(Filters.chat(TARGET) & Filters.new_chat_members) def welcome(client, message): # Build the new members list (with mentions) by using their first_name new_members = [MENTION.format(i.first_name, i.id) for i in message.new_chat_members] # Build the welcome message by using an emoji and the list we built above text = MESSAGE.format(Emoji.SPARKLES, ", ".join(new_members)) # Send the welcome message, without the web page preview message.reply(text, disable_web_page_preview=True) app.run() # Automatically start() and idle()