52 lines
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52 lines
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"""This example will show you how to send normal and inline keyboards.
You must log-in as a regular bot in order to send keyboards (use the token from @BotFather).
Any attempt in sending keyboards with a user account will be simply ignored by the server.
send_message() is used as example, but a keyboard can be sent with any other send_* methods,
like send_audio(), send_document(), send_location(), etc...
from pyrogram import Client, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton
# Create a client using your bot token
app = Client("123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11")
"haskell", # Edit this
"This is a ReplyKeyboardMarkup example",
["A", "B", "C", "D"], # First row
["E", "F", "G"], # Second row
["H", "I"], # Third row
["J"] # Fourth row
resize_keyboard=True # Make the keyboard smaller
"haskell", # Edit this
"This is a InlineKeyboardMarkup example",
[ # First row
# Generates a callback query when pressed
InlineKeyboardButton("Button", callback_data="data"),
# Opens a web URL
InlineKeyboardButton("URL", url="https://docs.pyrogram.ml"),
[ # Second row
# Opens the inline interface of a bot in another chat with a pre-defined query
InlineKeyboardButton("Choose chat", switch_inline_query="pyrogram"),
# Same as the button above, but the inline interface is opened in the current chat
InlineKeyboardButton("Inline here", switch_inline_query_current_chat="pyrogram"),