Dan 19ad70455f Update example
Delete the previous message in case of consecutive member joins and
send a new one containing the names of all the previous new members
2018-12-10 15:15:21 +01:00

46 lines
1.5 KiB

"""This is the Welcome Bot in @PyrogramChat.
It uses the Emoji module to easily add emojis in your text messages and Filters
to make it only work for specific messages in a specific chat.
from pyrogram import Client, Emoji, Filters
USER = "**{}**"
MESSAGE = "{} Welcome to [Pyrogram]('s group chat {{}}!".format(Emoji.SPARKLES)
app = Client("dan_prod")
enabled_groups ="PyrogramLounge")
last_welcomes = {}
@app.on_message(enabled_groups & Filters.new_chat_members)
def welcome(client, message):
chat_id =
# Get the previous welcome message and members, if any
previous_welcome, previous_members = last_welcomes.pop(chat_id, (None, []))
# Delete the previous message, if exists
if previous_welcome:
# Build the new members list by using their first_name. Also append the previous members, if any
new_members = [USER.format(i.first_name) for i in message.new_chat_members] + previous_members
# Build the welcome message by using an emoji and the list we created above
text = MESSAGE.format(", ".join(new_members))
# Actually send the welcome and save the new message and the new members list
last_welcomes[] = message.reply(text, disable_web_page_preview=True), new_members
def reset(client, message):
# Don't make the bot delete the previous welcome in case someone talks in the middle
last_welcomes.pop(, None) # Automatically start() and idle()