mirror of
synced 2024-11-21 14:38:19 +00:00
136 lines
5.0 KiB
136 lines
5.0 KiB
# 生成测试文件
import json
from pprint import pprint
with open("../package/NeteaseCloudMusic/config.json", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
config = json.loads(f.read())
with open("template", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
template = f.read()
def pathToName(path):
if path[0] == "/":
path = path[1:]
return path.replace("/", "_")
tests = ""
# 不被支持的接口
exclude = ["/request/reference", "/avatar/upload", "/cloud", "/playlist/cover/update", "/voice/upload",
"/register/anonimous", "/verify/getQr"]
# 忽略一些接口的测试
ignore = ['/login/cellphone',
for apiPath, value in config.items():
apiName = pathToName(apiPath)
if (apiName + ".js") in exclude:
if apiPath in ignore:
apiExplain = value["explain"]
apiExample = []
for item in value["example"]:
content = (template.replace("{{apiName}}", apiName)
.replace("{{explain}}", apiExplain)
.replace("{{example}}", json.dumps(apiExample)))
if apiPath == "/song/order/update":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 401]")
elif apiPath == "/follow":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 400, -462]")
elif apiPath == "/user/record":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 400]")
elif apiPath == "/artist/sub":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 400, -462]")
elif apiPath == "/video/sub":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 408]")
elif apiPath == "/playlist/subscribe":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 408, 501]")
elif apiPath == "/playlist/track/add":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 404]")
elif apiPath == "/playlist/track/delete":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 400]")
elif apiPath == "/album/sub":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 401, 404]")
elif apiPath == "/artist/detail":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 400, -460]")
elif apiPath == "/recommend/songs/dislike":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 432]")
elif apiPath == "/user/cloud/del":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 404]")
elif apiPath == "/cloud/match":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 400]")
elif apiPath == "/send/song":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 401]")
elif apiPath == "/send/album":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 404]")
elif apiPath == "/msg/comments":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 400]")
elif apiPath == "/yunbei/rcmd/song":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 400]")
elif apiPath == "/vip/growthpoint":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 400, 1000]")
elif apiPath == "/vip/growthpoint/get":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 400, 1000]")
elif apiPath == "/artist/fans":
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 400, -460]")
elif apiPath == "/inner/version":
content = content.replace("assert (response[\"code\"] == 200 or response[\"data\"][\"code\"] == 200)",
"assert (response is not None)")
elif "musician" in apiPath:
content = content.replace(" == 200", " in [200, 400, 600, 10000, 500, 404]")
tests += content + "\n\n\n"
with open("../api_test.py", 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
tests = ("from pytest_html import extras\n"
"import json\n"
"import os\n"
"from pprint import pprint\n"
"import dotenv\n"
"from package.NeteaseCloudMusic import NeteaseCloudMusicApi, api_help, api_list\n"
"dotenv.load_dotenv() # 从.env文件中加载环境变量\n"
"netease_cloud_music_api = NeteaseCloudMusicApi() # 初始化API\n"
"netease_cloud_music_api.cookie = os.getenv('COOKIE') # 设置cookie\n"
"netease_cloud_music_api.DEBUG = True # 开启调试模式") + "\n\n\n" + tests