version: "2" services: redis: image: redis:6.2 container_name: bot_redis command: redis-server --appendonly yes volumes: - bot_redis_data:/data networks: - bot_net restart: always go-cqhttp: image: container_name: bot_cqhttp volumes: - "./bot:/data" networks: - bot_net restart: always nonebot: image: cscs181/qq-github-bot:latest # docker hub # image: # github image mirror # build: . # use "build" instead of "image" if you want to build the image yourself container_name: bot # volumes: # - "/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro" # - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" ports: - "$PORT:$PORT" # you can load config file by "env_file" env_file: - "./.env" environment: - ENVIRONMENT=prod - HOST=$HOST - PORT=$PORT - REDIS_HOST=bot_redis - REDIS_PORT=6379 networks: - bot_net links: - redis depends_on: - redis restart: always mem_limit: 1024M mem_reservation: 512M networks: bot_net: {} volumes: bot_redis_data: {}