463 lines
16 KiB
463 lines
16 KiB
"""Prettifiers for genshinstats api returns.
Fixes the huge problem of outdated field names in the api,
that were leftover from during development
import re
from datetime import datetime
character_icons = {
"PlayerGirl": "Traveler",
"PlayerBoy": "Traveler",
"Ambor": "Amber",
"Qin": "Jean",
"Hutao": "Hu Tao",
"Feiyan": "Yanfei",
"Kazuha": "Kadehara Kazuha",
"Sara": "Kujou Sara",
"Shougun": "Raiden Shogun",
"Tohma": "Thoma",
def _recognize_character_icon(url: str) -> str:
"""Recognizes a character's icon url and returns its name."""
exp = r"game_record/genshin/character_.*_(\w+)(?:@\dx)?.png"
match = re.search(exp, url)
if match is None:
raise ValueError(f"{url!r} is not a character icon or image url")
character = match.group(1)
return character_icons.get(character) or character
def prettify_stats(data):
s = data["stats"]
h = data["homes"][0] if data["homes"] else None
return {
"stats": {
"achievements": s["achievement_number"],
"active_days": s["active_day_number"],
"characters": s["avatar_number"],
"spiral_abyss": s["spiral_abyss"],
"anemoculi": s["anemoculus_number"],
"geoculi": s["geoculus_number"],
"electroculi": s["electroculus_number"],
"common_chests": s["common_chest_number"],
"exquisite_chests": s["exquisite_chest_number"],
"precious_chests": s["precious_chest_number"],
"luxurious_chests": s["luxurious_chest_number"],
"unlocked_waypoints": s["way_point_number"],
"unlocked_domains": s["domain_number"],
"characters": [
"name": i["name"],
"rarity": i["rarity"]
if i["rarity"] < 100
else i["rarity"] - 100, # aloy has 105 stars
"element": i["element"],
"level": i["level"],
"friendship": i["fetter"],
"icon": i["image"],
"id": i["id"],
for i in data["avatars"]
"teapot": {
# only unique data between realms are names and icons
"realms": [{"name": s["name"], "icon": s["icon"]} for s in data["homes"]],
"level": h["level"],
"comfort": h["comfort_num"],
"comfort_name": h["comfort_level_name"],
"comfort_icon": h["comfort_level_icon"],
"items": h["item_num"],
"visitors": h["visit_num"], # currently not in use
if h
else None,
"explorations": [
"name": i["name"],
"explored": round(i["exploration_percentage"] / 10, 1),
"type": i["type"],
"level": i["level"],
"icon": i["icon"],
"offerings": i["offerings"],
for i in data["world_explorations"]
def prettify_characters(data):
return [
"name": i["name"],
"rarity": i["rarity"] if i["rarity"] < 100 else i["rarity"] - 100, # aloy has 105 stars
"element": i["element"],
"level": i["level"],
"friendship": i["fetter"],
"constellation": sum(c["is_actived"] for c in i["constellations"]),
"icon": i["icon"],
"image": i["image"],
"id": i["id"],
"collab": i["rarity"] >= 100,
{"traveler_name": "Aether" if "Boy" in i["icon"] else "Lumine"}
if "Player" in i["icon"]
else {}
"weapon": {
"name": i["weapon"]["name"],
"rarity": i["weapon"]["rarity"],
"type": i["weapon"]["type_name"],
"level": i["weapon"]["level"],
"ascension": i["weapon"]["promote_level"],
"refinement": i["weapon"]["affix_level"],
"description": i["weapon"]["desc"],
"icon": i["weapon"]["icon"],
"id": i["weapon"]["id"],
"artifacts": [
"name": a["name"],
"pos_name": {
1: "flower",
2: "feather",
3: "hourglass",
4: "goblet",
5: "crown",
"full_pos_name": a["pos_name"],
"pos": a["pos"],
"rarity": a["rarity"],
"level": a["level"],
"set": {
"name": a["set"]["name"],
"effect_type": ["none", "single", "classic"][len(a["set"]["affixes"])],
"effects": [
"pieces": e["activation_number"],
"effect": e["effect"],
for e in a["set"]["affixes"]
"set_id": int(re.search(r"UI_RelicIcon_(\d+)_\d+", a["icon"]).group(1)), # type: ignore
"id": a["set"]["id"],
"icon": a["icon"],
"id": a["id"],
for a in i["reliquaries"]
"constellations": [
"name": c["name"],
"effect": c["effect"],
"is_activated": c["is_actived"],
"index": c["pos"],
"icon": c["icon"],
"id": c["id"],
for c in i["constellations"]
"outfits": [
{"name": c["name"], "icon": c["icon"], "id": c["id"]} for c in i["costumes"]
for i in data
def prettify_abyss(data):
fchars = lambda d: [
"value": a["value"],
"name": _recognize_character_icon(a["avatar_icon"]),
"rarity": a["rarity"] if a["rarity"] < 100 else a["rarity"] - 100, # aloy has 105 stars
"icon": a["avatar_icon"],
"id": a["avatar_id"],
for a in d
todate = lambda x: datetime.fromtimestamp(int(x)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
totime = lambda x: datetime.fromtimestamp(int(x)).isoformat(" ")
return {
"season": data["schedule_id"],
"season_start_time": todate(data["start_time"]),
"season_end_time": todate(data["end_time"]),
"stats": {
"total_battles": data["total_battle_times"],
"total_wins": data["total_win_times"],
"max_floor": data["max_floor"],
"total_stars": data["total_star"],
"character_ranks": {
"most_played": fchars(data["reveal_rank"]),
"most_kills": fchars(data["defeat_rank"]),
"strongest_strike": fchars(data["damage_rank"]),
"most_damage_taken": fchars(data["take_damage_rank"]),
"most_bursts_used": fchars(data["normal_skill_rank"]),
"most_skills_used": fchars(data["energy_skill_rank"]),
"floors": [
"floor": f["index"],
"stars": f["star"],
"max_stars": f["max_star"],
"icon": f["icon"],
"chambers": [
"chamber": l["index"],
"stars": l["star"],
"max_stars": l["max_star"],
"has_halves": len(l["battles"]) == 2,
"battles": [
"half": b["index"],
"timestamp": totime(b["timestamp"]),
"characters": [
"name": _recognize_character_icon(c["icon"]),
"rarity": c["rarity"]
if c["rarity"] < 100
else c["rarity"] - 100, # aloy has 105 stars
"level": c["level"],
"icon": c["icon"],
"id": c["id"],
for c in b["avatars"]
for b in l["battles"]
for l in f["levels"]
for f in data["floors"]
def prettify_activities(data):
activities = {
k: v if v.get("exists_data") else {"records": []}
for activity in data["activities"]
for k, v in activity.items()
return {
"hyakunin": [
"id": r["challenge_id"],
"name": r["challenge_name"],
"difficulty": r["difficulty"],
"medal_icon": r["heraldry_icon"],
"score": r["max_score"],
"multiplier": r["score_multiple"],
"lineups": [
"characters": [
"name": _recognize_character_icon(c["icon"]),
"rarity": c["rarity"]
if c["rarity"] < 100
else c["rarity"] - 100, # aloy has 105 stars
"level": c["level"],
"icon": c["icon"],
"id": c["id"],
"trial": c["is_trail_avatar"],
for c in l["avatars"]
"skills": [
{"name": s["name"], "desc": s["desc"], "icon": s["icon"], "id": s["id"]}
for s in l["skills"]
for l in r["lineups"]
for r in activities["sumo"]["records"]
"labyrinth": None,
def prettify_notes(data):
return {
"resin": data["current_resin"],
"until_resin_limit": data["resin_recovery_time"],
"max_resin": data["max_resin"],
"total_commissions": data["total_task_num"],
"completed_commissions": data["finished_task_num"],
"claimed_commission_reward": data["is_extra_task_reward_received"],
"max_boss_discounts": data["resin_discount_num_limit"],
"remaining_boss_discounts": data["remain_resin_discount_num"],
"expeditions": [
"icon": exp["avatar_side_icon"],
"remaining_time": exp["remained_time"],
"status": exp["status"],
for exp in data["expeditions"]
"max_expeditions": data["max_expedition_num"],
"realm_currency": data["current_home_coin"],
"max_realm_currency": data["max_home_coin"],
"until_realm_currency_limit": data["home_coin_recovery_time"],
def prettify_game_accounts(data):
return [
"uid": int(a["game_uid"]),
"server": a["region_name"],
"level": a["level"],
"nickname": a["nickname"],
# idk what these are for:
"biz": a["game_biz"],
"is_chosen": a["is_chosen"],
"is_official": a["is_official"],
for a in data
def prettify_wish_history(data, banner_name=None):
return [
"type": i["item_type"],
"name": i["name"],
"rarity": int(i["rank_type"]),
"time": i["time"],
"id": int(i["id"]),
"banner": banner_name,
"banner_type": int(i["gacha_type"]),
"uid": int(i["uid"]),
for i in data
def prettify_gacha_items(data):
return [
"name": i["name"],
"type": i["item_type"],
"rarity": int(i["rank_type"]),
"id": 10000000 + int(i["item_id"]) - 1000
if len(i["item_id"]) == 4
else int(i["item_id"]),
for i in data
def prettify_banner_details(data):
per = lambda p: None if p == "0%" else float(p[:-1].replace(",", "."))
fprobs = (
lambda l: [
"type": i["item_type"],
"name": i["item_name"],
"rarity": int(i["rank"]),
"is_up": bool(i["is_up"]),
"order_value": i["order_value"],
for i in l
if l
else []
fitems = (
lambda l: [
"type": i["item_type"],
"name": i["item_name"],
"element": {
"风": "Anemo",
"火": "Pyro",
"水": "Hydro",
"雷": "Electro",
"冰": "Cryo",
"岩": "Geo",
"?": "Dendro",
"": None,
"icon": i["item_img"],
for i in l
if l
else []
return {
"banner_type_name": {
100: "Novice Wishes",
200: "Permanent Wish",
301: "Character Event Wish",
302: "Weapon Event Wish",
"banner_type": int(data["gacha_type"]),
"banner": re.sub(r"<.*?>", "", data["title"]).strip(),
"title": data["title"],
"content": data["content"],
"date_range": data["date_range"],
"r5_up_prob": per(data["r5_up_prob"]), # probability for rate-up 5*
"r4_up_prob": per(data["r4_up_prob"]), # probability for rate-up 4*
"r5_prob": per(data["r5_prob"]), # probability for 5*
"r4_prob": per(data["r4_prob"]), # probability for 4*
"r3_prob": per(data["r3_prob"]), # probability for 3*
"r5_guarantee_prob": per(data["r5_baodi_prob"]), # probability for 5* incl. guarantee
"r4_guarantee_prob": per(data["r4_baodi_prob"]), # probability for 4* incl. guarantee
"r3_guarantee_prob": per(data["r3_baodi_prob"]), # probability for 3* incl. guarantee
"r5_up_items": fitems(
), # list of 5* rate-up items that you can get from banner
"r4_up_items": fitems(
), # list of 4* rate-up items that you can get from banner
"r5_items": fprobs(data["r5_prob_list"]), # list 5* of items that you can get from banner
"r4_items": fprobs(data["r4_prob_list"]), # list 4* of items that you can get from banner
"r3_items": fprobs(data["r3_prob_list"]), # list 3* of items that you can get from banner
"items": fprobs(
data["r5_prob_list"] + data["r4_prob_list"] + data["r3_prob_list"],
key=lambda x: x["order_value"],
def prettify_trans(data, reasons={}):
if data and "name" in data[0]:
# transaction item
return [
"time": i["time"],
"name": i["name"],
"rarity": int(i["rank"]),
"amount": int(i["add_num"]),
"reason": reasons.get(int(i["reason"]), ""),
"reason_id": int(i["reason"]),
"uid": int(i["uid"]),
"id": int(i["id"]),
for i in data
# transaction
return [
"time": i["time"],
"amount": int(i["add_num"]),
"reason": reasons.get(int(i["reason"]), ""),
"reason_id": int(i["reason"]),
"uid": int(i["uid"]),
"id": int(i["id"]),
for i in data