import asyncio import random import re import sqlite3 import traceback from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.types import Message from defs.db import deal_ck, selectDB, OpenPush, CheckDB, connectDB, deletecache from defs.event import generate_event from defs.mys2 import award, sign, daily, draw_pic, draw_wordcloud from ci import scheduler, app, admin_id from defs.redis_load import redis SUPERUSERS = [admin_id] async def mys2_msg(client: Client, message: Message): text = message.text.replace("米游社", "") userid = if '添加' in text: try: mes = text.replace('添加', '').strip() if not mes: return await message.reply_text("获取 Cookie 请参考:[link](" "#%E8%8E%B7%E5%8F%96%E7%B1%B3%E6%B8%B8%E7%A4%BEcookie)", quote=True) await deal_ck(mes, userid) await message.reply(f'添加Cookies成功!\n' f'Cookies属于个人重要信息,如果你是在不知情的情况下添加,' f'请马上修改米游社账户密码,保护个人隐私!\n' f'=============\n' f'如果需要【开启自动签到】和【开启推送】还需要使用命令 ' f'米游社绑定uid绑定你的uid。\n' f'例如:米游社绑定uid123456789。') except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await message.reply(f'校验失败!请输入正确的Cookies!获取 Cookie 请参考:' f'[link](' f'#%E8%8E%B7%E5%8F%96%E7%B1%B3%E6%B8%B8%E7%A4%BEcookie)', quote=True) elif '推送' in text: try: uid = await selectDB(userid, mode="uid") if '开启' in text: im = await OpenPush(int(uid[0]), userid, "on", "StatusA") await message.reply(im, quote=True) else: im = await OpenPush(int(uid[0]), userid, "off", "StatusA") await message.reply(im, quote=True) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await message.reply("未找到uid绑定记录。", quote=True) elif '自动签到' in text: try: uid = await selectDB(userid, mode="uid") if '开启' in text: im = await OpenPush(int(uid[0]), userid, "on", "StatusB") await message.reply(im, quote=True) else: im = await OpenPush(int(uid[0]), userid, "off", "StatusA") await message.reply(im, quote=True) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await message.reply("未找到uid绑定记录。", quote=True) async def mys2_qun_msg(client: Client, message: Message): text = message.text.replace("米游社", "") qid = at = message.reply_to_message if "自动签到" in text: try: if at and qid in SUPERUSERS: qid = elif at and qid not in SUPERUSERS: return await message.reply("你没有权限。") gid = uid = await selectDB(qid, mode="uid") if "开启" in text: im = await OpenPush(int(uid[0]),, str(gid), "StatusB") await message.reply(im, quote=True) elif "关闭" in text: im = await OpenPush(int(uid[0]),, "off", "StatusB") await message.reply(im) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await message.reply("未绑定uid信息!") elif "推送" in text: try: if at and qid in SUPERUSERS: qid = elif at and qid not in SUPERUSERS: return await message.reply("你没有权限。") gid = uid = await selectDB(qid, mode="uid") if "开启" in text: im = await OpenPush(int(uid[0]),, str(gid), "StatusA") await message.reply(im, quote=True) elif "关闭" in text: im = await OpenPush(int(uid[0]),, "off", "StatusA") await message.reply(im) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await message.reply("未绑定uid信息!") elif "每月统计" in text: try: uid = await selectDB(, mode="uid") uid = uid[0] im = await award(uid) await message.reply(im) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await message.reply('未找到绑定信息') elif "签到" in text: try: uid = await selectDB(, mode="uid") uid = uid[0] im = await sign(uid) await message.reply(im) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await message.reply('未找到绑定信息') elif "效验全部" in text: im = await CheckDB() await message.reply(im) elif "当前状态" in text: try: uid = await selectDB(, mode="uid") uid = uid[0] mes = await daily("ask", uid) im = mes[0]['message'] except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() im = "没有找到绑定信息。" await message.reply(im) elif "绑定uid" in text: uid = text.replace("绑定uid", "") # str await connectDB(, uid) await message.reply('绑定uid成功!') elif "绑定mys" in text: mys = text.replace("绑定mys", "") # str await connectDB(, None, mys) await message.reply('绑定米游社id成功!') elif "uid" in text: try: uid = re.findall(r"\d+", text)[0] # str except IndexError: return await message.reply("uid格式错误!") try: try: nickname = message.from_user.first_name nickname = nickname if len(nickname) < 10 else (nickname[:10] + "...") im = await draw_pic(uid, message, nickname=nickname, mode=2) if im.find(".") != -1: await message.reply_photo(im) else: await message.reply(im) except Exception as e: await message.reply("获取失败,有可能是数据状态有问题,\n{}\n请检查后台输出。".format(e)) traceback.print_exc() except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await message.reply("发生错误 {},请检查后台输出。".format(e)) elif "查询" in text: try: at = message.reply_to_message if at: qid = nickname = at.from_user.first_name uid = await selectDB(qid) else: nickname = message.from_user.first_name uid = await selectDB( nickname = nickname if len(nickname) < 10 else (nickname[:10] + "...") if uid: if "词云" in text: try: im = await draw_wordcloud(uid[0], message, uid[1]) if im.find(".jpg") != -1: await message.reply_photo(im) else: await message.reply(im) except Exception as e: await message.reply("获取失败,有可能是数据状态有问题,\n{}\n请检查后台输出。".format(e)) traceback.print_exc() else: try: bg = await draw_pic(uid[0], message, nickname=nickname, mode=uid[1]) if bg.find(".") != -1: await message.reply_photo(bg) else: await message.reply(bg) except Exception as e: await message.reply("获取失败,有可能是数据状态有问题,\n{}\n请检查后台输出。".format(e)) traceback.print_exc() else: await message.reply('未找到绑定记录!') except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await message.reply("发生错误 {},请检查后台输出。".format(e)) elif "mys" in text: try: try: uid = re.findall(r"\d+", text)[0] # str except IndexError: return await message.reply("米游社 id 格式错误!") nickname = message.from_user.first_name nickname = nickname if len(nickname) < 10 else (nickname[:10] + "...") try: im = await draw_pic(uid, message, nickname=nickname, mode=3) if im.find(".") != -1: await message.reply_photo(im) else: await message.reply(im) except Exception as e: await message.reply("获取失败,有可能是数据状态有问题,\n{}\n请检查后台输出。".format(e)) traceback.print_exc() except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await message.reply("发生错误 {},请检查后台输出。".format(e)) elif "全部重签" in text and in SUPERUSERS: try: await message.reply("已开始执行") await daily_sign() except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await message.reply("发生错误 {},请检查后台输出。".format(e)) # 每隔一小时检测树脂是否超过设定值 @scheduler.scheduled_job('interval', hours=1) async def push(): daily_data = await daily() if daily_data is not None: for i in daily_data: # 过滤重复推送 data = i['message'].split('==============') if len(data) > 2: text = "".join(data[1:-1]) data = redis.get("daily_" + str(i['qid'])) if data: if text == data.decode(): continue redis.set("daily_" + str(i['qid']), text) if i['gid'] == "on": await app.send_message(int(i['qid']), i['message']) else: await app.send_message(int(i['gid']), f"[NOTICE {i['qid']}](tg://user?id={i['qid']})" + "\n" + i['message']) else: pass # 每日零点半进行米游社签到 @scheduler.scheduled_job('cron', hour='0', minute="30") async def daily_sign(): conn = sqlite3.connect('ID_DATA.db') c = conn.cursor() cursor = c.execute( "SELECT * FROM NewCookiesTable WHERE StatusB != ?", ("off",)) c_data = cursor.fetchall() temp_list = [] for row in c_data: if row[4] == "on": try: im = await sign(str(row[0])) await app.send_message(int(row[2]), im) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() else: im = await sign(str(row[0])) message = f"[NOTICE {row[2]}](tg://user?id={row[2]})\n\n{im}" for i in temp_list: if row[4] == i["push_group"]: i["push_message"] = i["push_message"] + "\n" + message break else: temp_list.append({"push_group": row[4], "push_message": message}) await asyncio.sleep(6 + random.randint(0, 2)) for i in temp_list: try: await app.send_message(int(i["push_group"]), i["push_message"]) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await asyncio.sleep(3 + random.randint(0, 2)) @scheduler.scheduled_job('cron', hour='2') async def delete(): await generate_event() # 每日零点清空cookies使用缓存 @scheduler.scheduled_job('cron', hour='0') async def delete(): deletecache()