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import json
from os import sep
from os.path import exists
from pyrogram import Client, emoji
from pyrogram.types import Message, InlineQuery, CallbackQuery
from pyrogram import filters as Filters
from ci import me
from defs.guess_voice import get_chars
from plugins.enemies import enemies_msg
from plugins.gacha import gacha_msg
from plugins.guess_voice import guess_voice, process_guess
from plugins.mys2 import mys2_msg, mys2_qun_msg
from plugins.mihoyo import mihoyo_msg, mihoyo_qun_msg
from plugins.pokedex import pokedex_msg, strategy_msg
from plugins.start import welcome_command, ping_command, help_command, leave_command, help_callback, cancel_command
from plugins.almanac import almanac_msg
from plugins.challenge import tf_msg, wq_msg, zb_msg
from plugins.character import character_msg, mz_msg
from plugins.event import event_msg
from plugins.weapons import weapon_msg
from plugins.fortunate import fortunate_msg, set_fortunate_img
from plugins.foods import foods_msg
from plugins.artifacts import artifacts_msg
from plugins.artifact_rate import artifact_rate_msg
from plugins.query_resource_points import inquire_resource_points, inquire_resource_list
from plugins.char_adv import send_char_adv, send_weapon_adv
from plugins.mys import mys_msg, promote_command
from defs.inline_query_result_cached_media import InlineQueryResultCachedDocument
from defs.log import log
@Client.on_message(Filters.text & Filters.private)
async def process_private_msg(client: Client, message: Message):
msg_list = message.text.split(' ')
# 欢迎消息
if msg_list[0] == '/start':
await welcome_command(client, message)
# 帮助消息
if msg_list[0] == '/help':
await help_command(client, message)
# 延迟测试
if msg_list[0] == '/ping':
await ping_command(client, message)
if msg_list[0] == '/leave':
await leave_command(client, message)
# 清空状态
if msg_list[0] == '/cancel':
await cancel_command(client, message)
# 黄历
if '黄历' in message.text:
await almanac_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询原神黄历')
if '活动列表' in message.text:
await event_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询活动列表')
# 授权管理员
# if msg_list[0] == '/promote':
# await promote_command(client, message)
# 天赋
if '天赋' in message.text:
await tf_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询天赋副本')
# # 武器查询
if '武器资料' in message.text or '武器查询' in message.text:
await weapon_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询武器资料')
# 副本武器
if '武器' in message.text:
await wq_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询副本武器')
# 周本
if message.text == '周本':
await zb_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询周本')
# # 角色查询
if '角色资料' in message.text or '角色简介' in message.text or '角色查询' in message.text:
await character_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询角色资料')
if "图鉴" in message.text:
await pokedex_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询图鉴')
if "攻略" in message.text:
await strategy_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询攻略')
# # 原魔查询
if '原魔查询' in message.text:
await enemies_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询原魔资料')
# # 食物查询
if '食物查询' in message.text:
await foods_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询食物资料')
# # 命座查询
if '命座' in message.text:
await mz_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询角色命座')
# 设置运势
if '设置运势' in message.text:
await set_fortunate_img(client, message)
await log(client, message, '设置运势角色')
# 运势查询
if '运势' in message.text:
await fortunate_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询今日运势')
# 圣遗物查询
if '圣遗物查询' in message.text:
await artifacts_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询圣遗物详情')
# 圣遗物评分
if '圣遗物评分' in message.text:
await message.reply("图呢?\n*请将命令与截图一起发送", quote=True)
# 资源查询
if '哪里有' in message.text:
await inquire_resource_points(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询地图资源')
# 资源列表
if '资源列表' in message.text:
await inquire_resource_list(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询资源列表')
if '米游社' in message.text:
await mys2_msg(client, message)
if 'hoyolab' in message.text:
await mihoyo_msg(client, message)
for i in ["用什么", "能用啥", "怎么养"]:
if i in message.text:
await send_char_adv(client, message)
for i in ["能给谁", "给谁用", "要给谁", "谁能用"]:
if i in message.text:
await send_weapon_adv(client, message)
# 账号信息cookie 过期过快 不推荐启用)
# if '账号信息' in message.text or '用户信息' in message.text:
# await mys_msg(client, message)
@Client.on_message(Filters.text & Filters.group)
async def process_group_msg(client: Client, message: Message):
text = message.text
msg_list = text.split(' ')
# 帮助消息
if msg_list[0] == '/help' or msg_list[0] == f'/help@{me["result"]["username"]}':
await help_command(client, message)
# # 武器查询
if text.startswith('武器查询') or text.startswith('武器资料'):
await weapon_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询武器资料')
# 副本武器
if message.text == "武器":
await wq_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询副本武器')
# 黄历
if message.text == '原神黄历':
await almanac_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询原神黄历')
if message.text == '活动列表':
await event_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询活动列表')
# 天赋
if text[-2:] == '天赋':
await tf_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询天赋副本')
# 周本
if message.text == '周本':
await zb_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询周本')
# # 角色查询
if text.startswith('角色资料') or text.startswith('角色简介') or text.startswith('角色查询'):
await character_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询角色资料')
# 图鉴
if text.startswith("图鉴"):
await pokedex_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, "查询图鉴")
# 攻略
if text.startswith("攻略"):
await strategy_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, "查询攻略")
# # 原魔查询
if text.startswith('原魔查询'):
await enemies_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询原魔资料')
# # 食物查询
if text.startswith('食物查询'):
await foods_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询食物资料')
# # 命座查询
if text.startswith('命座'):
await mz_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询角色命座')
# 运势查询
if text.startswith('运势') or text.startswith('今日运势'):
await fortunate_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询今日运势')
# 设置运势
if text.startswith('设置运势'):
await set_fortunate_img(client, message)
await log(client, message, '设置运势角色')
# 圣遗物查询
if text.startswith('圣遗物查询'):
await artifacts_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询圣遗物详情')
# 圣遗物评分
if text.startswith('圣遗物评分'):
await message.reply("图呢?\n*请将命令与截图一起发送")
# 资源查询
if text.startswith('哪里有') or text.endswith('哪里有'):
await inquire_resource_points(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询地图资源')
# 资源列表(消息太长 过滤)
# if text.startswith('资源列表'):
# await inquire_resource_list(client, message)
# await log(client, message, '查询资源列表')
# 米游社功能
if text.startswith('米游社'):
await mys2_qun_msg(client, message)
if text.startswith('hoyolab'):
await mihoyo_qun_msg(client, message)
if text.startswith("猜语音"):
await guess_voice(client, message)
if text.startswith("抽卡"):
await gacha_msg(client, message)
# 建议
for i in ["用什么", "能用啥", "怎么养"]:
if i in message.text:
await send_char_adv(client, message)
for i in ["能给谁", "给谁用", "要给谁", "谁能用"]:
if i in message.text:
await send_weapon_adv(client, message)
# 处理猜语音游戏
await process_guess(client, message)
async def process_photo(client: Client, message: Message):
text = message.caption if message.caption else ""
message.text = text
if text.startswith('圣遗物评分'):
await artifact_rate_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '圣遗物评分')
if text.startswith('米游社'):
if message.chat.type == "supergroup":
await mys2_qun_msg(client, message)
if text.startswith('hoyolab'):
if message.chat.type == "supergroup":
await mihoyo_qun_msg(client, message)
@Client.on_message(Filters.document & Filters.group & ~Filters.edited)
async def process_document(client: Client, message: Message):
text = message.caption if message.caption else ""
message.text = text
if text.startswith('米游社'):
if message.document.mime_type in ["image/jpeg"]:
await mys2_qun_msg(client, message)
if text.startswith('hoyolab'):
if message.document.mime_type in ["image/jpeg"]:
await mihoyo_qun_msg(client, message)
if text.startswith('圣遗物评分'):
if message.document.mime_type in ["image/jpeg", "image/png"]:
await artifact_rate_msg(client, message)
await log(client, message, '查询圣遗物详情')
@Client.on_message(Filters.voice & Filters.private & ~Filters.edited)
async def process_audio(client: Client, message: Message):
await message.reply(f"{message.voice.file_id}", parse_mode='html')
async def send_self_intro(client: Client, message: Message):
# 发送欢迎消息
if message.new_chat_members[0].is_self:
await message.reply('感谢邀请小派蒙到本群!\n请使用 /help 查看咱已经学会的功能。', quote=True)
await log(client, message, '邀请入群')
async def callback_process(client: Client, query: CallbackQuery):
await help_callback(client, query)
voice_data = None
if exists(f"assets{sep}voice{sep}voice.json"):
with open(f"assets{sep}voice{sep}voice.json", "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
voice_data = json.load(f)
chara_count = len(get_chars(voice_data))
async def inline_process(client: Client, query: InlineQuery):
data = []
text = query.query.split()
nums = 0
if not voice_data:
data_ = voice_data
data__ = []
for index, value in enumerate(data_):
if len(text) == 0:
chara_name = value.split(" ")[0]
if chara_name in data__:
data.append(InlineQueryResultCachedDocument(value, file_id=data_[value], caption=value))
nums += 1
skip = False
for i in text:
if i not in value:
skip = True
if not skip:
data.append(InlineQueryResultCachedDocument(value, file_id=data_[value], caption=value))
nums += 1
if nums >= 30:
if nums == 0:
return await query.answer(
switch_pm_text=f'{emoji.CROSS_MARK} 字符串 "{" ".join(text)}" 没有搜索到任何结果',
await query.answer(data,
switch_pm_text=f'{emoji.KEY} 搜索了 {chara_count} 个角色的 {len(voice_data.keys())} 条语音',