1471 lines
61 KiB
1471 lines
61 KiB
import asyncio
import json
import math
import os
import random
import sqlite3
import threading
import time
import urllib
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Optional, Tuple, List
import numpy as np
from httpx import get
from wordcloud import WordCloud
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFilter, ImageFont
from pyrogram.types import Message
from ci import app
from defs.db import GetAward, MysSign, GetSignInfo, GetSignList, GetDaily, cacheDB, GetMysInfo, \
errorDB, GetCharacter, GetInfo, GetSpiralAbyssInfo, MybSign, get_spiral_abyss_info, get_calculate_info
from defs.event import ys_font
WEAPON_PATH = os.path.join("assets", 'weapon')
BG_PATH = os.path.join("assets", "bg")
CHAR_DONE_PATH = os.path.join("assets", 'char_done')
BG2_PATH = os.path.join("assets", "bg2")
CHAR_PATH = os.path.join("assets", "characters")
CHAR_IMG_PATH = os.path.join("assets", 'char_img')
CHAR_NAMECARD_PATH = os.path.join("assets", 'char_namecard')
REL_PATH = os.path.join("assets", "reliquaries")
avatar_json = {
"Albedo": "阿贝多",
"Ambor": "安柏",
"Barbara": "芭芭拉",
"Beidou": "北斗",
"Bennett": "班尼特",
"Chongyun": "重云",
"Diluc": "迪卢克",
"Diona": "迪奥娜",
"Eula": "优菈",
"Fischl": "菲谢尔",
"Ganyu": "甘雨",
"Hutao": "胡桃",
"Jean": "琴",
"Kazuha": "枫原万叶",
"Kaeya": "凯亚",
"Ayaka": "神里绫华",
"Keqing": "刻晴",
"Klee": "可莉",
"Lisa": "丽莎",
"Mona": "莫娜",
"Ningguang": "凝光",
"Noel": "诺艾尔",
"Qiqi": "七七",
"Razor": "雷泽",
"Rosaria": "罗莎莉亚",
"Sucrose": "砂糖",
"Tartaglia": "达达利亚",
"Venti": "温迪",
"Xiangling": "香菱",
"Xiao": "魈",
"Xingqiu": "行秋",
"Xinyan": "辛焱",
"Yanfei": "烟绯",
"Zhongli": "钟离",
"Yoimiya": "宵宫",
"Sayu": "早柚",
"Shogun": "雷电将军",
"Aloy": "埃洛伊",
"Sara": "九条裟罗",
"Kokomi": "珊瑚宫心海",
"Shenhe": "申鹤"
daily_im = '''
每日委托:{}/{} 奖励{}领取
month_im = '''
def genshin_font(size):
return ImageFont.truetype(f"assets{os.sep}fonts{os.sep}yuan_shen.ttf", size=size, encoding="utf-8")
def get_char_img_pic(url: str):
with open(os.path.join(CHAR_IMG_PATH, url.split(os.sep)[-1]), 'wb') as f:
async def award(uid):
data = await GetAward(uid)
nickname = data['data']['nickname']
day_stone = data['data']['day_data']['current_primogems']
day_mora = data['data']['day_data']['current_mora']
lastday_stone = data['data']['day_data']['last_primogems']
lastday_mora = data['data']['day_data']['last_mora']
month_stone = data['data']['month_data']['current_primogems']
month_mora = data['data']['month_data']['current_mora']
lastmonth_stone = data['data']['month_data']['last_primogems']
lastmonth_mora = data['data']['month_data']['last_mora']
group_str = ''
for i in data['data']['month_data']['group_by']:
group_str = group_str + \
i['action'] + ":" + str(i['num']) + \
"(" + str(i['percent']) + "%)" + '\n'
im = month_im.format(nickname, uid, day_stone, day_mora, lastday_stone, lastday_mora,
month_stone, month_mora, lastmonth_stone, lastmonth_mora, group_str)
return im
# 签到函数
async def sign(uid):
# 任务签到
sign_data = await MysSign(uid)
sign_info = await GetSignInfo(uid)
sign_info = sign_info['data']
sign_list = await GetSignList()
status = sign_data['message']
getitem = sign_list['data']['awards'][int(
sign_info['total_sign_day']) - 1]['name']
getnum = sign_list['data']['awards'][int(
sign_info['total_sign_day']) - 1]['cnt']
get_im = f"本次签到获得{getitem}x{getnum}"
if status == "OK" and sign_info['is_sign']:
mes_im = "签到成功"
mes_im = status
sign_missed = sign_info['sign_cnt_missed']
im = mes_im + "!" + "\n" + get_im + "\n" + f"本月漏签次数:{sign_missed}"
# 米游币
im += "\n<code>============</code>\n" + await MybSign(uid)
im = "签到失败,请检查Cookies是否失效。"
return im
# 统计状态函数
async def daily(mode="push", uid=None):
def seconds2hours(seconds: int) -> str:
m, s = divmod(int(seconds), 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
temp_list = []
conn = sqlite3.connect('ID_DATA.db')
c = conn.cursor()
if mode == "ask":
c_data = ([uid, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],)
cursor = c.execute(
"SELECT * FROM NewCookiesTable WHERE StatusA != ?", ("off",))
c_data = cursor.fetchall()
for row in c_data:
raw_data = await GetDaily(str(row[0]))
if raw_data["retcode"] != 0:
{"qid": row[2], "gid": row[3], "message": "你的推送状态有误;可能是uid绑定错误或没有在米游社打开“实时便筏”功能。"})
dailydata = raw_data["data"]
current_resin = dailydata['current_resin']
current_expedition_num = dailydata['current_expedition_num']
max_expedition_num = dailydata['max_expedition_num']
finished_expedition_num = 0
expedition_info: List[str] = []
for expedition in dailydata['expeditions']:
avatar: str = expedition['avatar_side_icon'][89:-4]
avatar_name: str = avatar_json[avatar]
except KeyError:
avatar_name: str = avatar
if expedition['status'] == 'Finished':
expedition_info.append(f"{avatar_name} 探索完成")
finished_expedition_num += 1
remained_timed: str = seconds2hours(
f"{avatar_name} 剩余时间{remained_timed}")
if current_resin >= row[6] or dailydata["max_home_coin"] - dailydata[
"current_home_coin"] <= 100 or finished_expedition_num > 0:
tip = ''
if current_resin >= row[6] != 0:
tip += "\n==============\n你的树脂快满了!"
if dailydata["max_home_coin"] - dailydata["current_home_coin"] <= 100:
tip += "\n==============\n你的洞天宝钱快满了!"
if finished_expedition_num > 0:
tip += "\n==============\n你有探索派遣完成了!"
max_resin = dailydata['max_resin']
rec_time = ''
# print(dailydata)
if current_resin < 160:
resin_recovery_time = seconds2hours(
next_resin_rec_time = seconds2hours(
8 * 60 - ((dailydata['max_resin'] - dailydata['current_resin']) * 8 * 60 - int(
rec_time = f' ({next_resin_rec_time}/{resin_recovery_time})'
finished_task_num = dailydata['finished_task_num']
total_task_num = dailydata['total_task_num']
is_extra_got = '已' if dailydata['is_extra_task_reward_received'] else '未'
resin_discount_num_limit = dailydata['resin_discount_num_limit']
used_resin_discount_num = resin_discount_num_limit - \
coin = f'{dailydata["current_home_coin"]}/{dailydata["max_home_coin"]}'
if dailydata["current_home_coin"] < dailydata["max_home_coin"]:
coin_rec_time = seconds2hours(int(dailydata["home_coin_recovery_time"]))
coin_add_speed = math.ceil((dailydata["max_home_coin"] - dailydata["current_home_coin"]) / (
int(dailydata["home_coin_recovery_time"]) / 60 / 60))
coin += f'({coin_rec_time} 约{coin_add_speed}/h)'
if dailydata["transformer"]["recovery_time"]["reached"]:
transformer_status = "可用"
transformer_time = dailydata["transformer"]["recovery_time"]
transformer_status = "还剩{}天{}小时{}分钟可用".format(
transformer_time["Day"], transformer_time["Hour"], transformer_time["Minute"])
expedition_data = "\n".join(expedition_info)
send_mes = daily_im.format(tip, current_resin, max_resin, rec_time, finished_task_num, total_task_num,
is_extra_got, used_resin_discount_num,
resin_discount_num_limit, coin, transformer_status,
finished_expedition_num, max_expedition_num, expedition_data)
{"qid": row[2], "gid": row[3], "message": send_mes})
return temp_list
def create_rounded_rectangle_mask(rectangle, radius):
solid_fill = (50, 50, 50, 255)
i = Image.new("RGBA", rectangle.size, (0, 0, 0, 0))
corner = Image.new('RGBA', (radius, radius), (0, 0, 0, 0))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(corner)
draw.pieslice((0, 0, radius * 2, radius * 2), 180, 270, fill=solid_fill)
mx, my = rectangle.size
i.paste(corner, (0, 0), corner)
i.paste(corner.rotate(90), (0, my - radius), corner.rotate(90))
i.paste(corner.rotate(180), (mx - radius, my - radius), corner.rotate(180))
i.paste(corner.rotate(270), (mx - radius, 0), corner.rotate(270))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(i)
draw.rectangle([(radius, 0), (mx - radius, my)], fill=solid_fill)
draw.rectangle([(0, radius), (mx, my - radius)], fill=solid_fill)
return i
def get_weapon_pic(url):
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, os.path.join(WEAPON_PATH, url.split('/')[-1]))
def get_char_pic(id, url):
urllib.request.urlretrieve(f'{url}', os.path.join(CHAR_PATH, f'{id}.png'))
def get_charimg_pic(url):
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, os.path.join(CHAR_IMG_PATH, url.split('/')[-1]))
def get_rel_pic(url):
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, os.path.join(REL_PATH, url.split('/')[-1]))
async def get_all_calculate_info(uid: str, char_id: List[str], ck: str, name: list):
tasks = []
for id_, name_ in zip(char_id, name):
tasks.append(get_calculate_info(uid, id_, ck, name_))
data = []
repos = await asyncio.wait(tasks)
for i in repos[0]:
return data
async def draw_char_pic(img: Image, char_data: dict, index: int, bg_color: Tuple[int, int, int],
text_color: Tuple[int, int, int], bg_detail_color: Tuple[int, int, int],
char_high_color: Tuple[int, int, int], char_talent_data: dict):
char_mingzuo = 0
for k in char_data['constellations']:
if k['is_actived']:
char_mingzuo += 1
if char_data['rarity'] == 5:
char_0 = Image.new("RGBA", (180, 90), char_high_color)
char_0 = Image.new("RGBA", (180, 90), bg_color)
char_0_raw = Image.open(os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "char_0.png"))
alpha = char_0_raw.getchannel('A')
char_2 = Image.new("RGBA", (180, 90), bg_detail_color)
char_2_raw = Image.open(os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "char_2.png"))
alpha = char_2_raw.getchannel('A')
char_3 = Image.new("RGBA", (180, 90), bg_detail_color)
char_3_raw = Image.open(os.path.join(TEXT_PATH, "char_3.png"))
alpha = char_3_raw.getchannel('A')
char_1_mask = Image.open(os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "char_1_mask.png"))
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(WEAPON_PATH, str(char_data['weapon']['icon'].split('/')[-1]))):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(CHAR_PATH, str(char_data['id']) + ".png")):
get_char_pic(char_data['id'], char_data['icon'])
char_img = Image.open(os.path.join(CHAR_PATH, str(char_data["id"]) + ".png")).resize((81, 81),
weapon_img = Image.open(
os.path.join(WEAPON_PATH, str(char_data['weapon']['icon'].split('/')[-1]))).resize((40, 40),
weapon_1_mask = char_1_mask.resize((40, 40), Image.ANTIALIAS)
char_0_temp = Image.new("RGBA", (180, 90))
char_0_temp.paste(char_img, (8, 5), char_1_mask)
char_0_temp.paste(weapon_img, (70, 45), weapon_1_mask)
char_0.paste(char_0_temp, (0, 0), char_0_temp)
char_0.paste(char_2, (0, 0), char_2)
# char_0.paste(char_3, (0, 0), char_3)
draw_text = ImageDraw.Draw(char_0)
for i in range(0, 2):
draw_text.text((106 + 23 * i, 17),
f'{str(char_talent_data["data"]["skill_list"][i]["level_current"])}', text_color,
genshin_font(15), anchor="mm")
if len(char_talent_data["data"]["skill_list"]) == 7 and char_data["name"] != "珊瑚宫心海":
draw_text.text((106 + 23 * 2, 17),
f'{str(char_talent_data["data"]["skill_list"][3]["level_current"])}', text_color,
genshin_font(15), anchor="mm")
draw_text.text((106 + 23 * 2, 17),
f'{str(char_talent_data["data"]["skill_list"][2]["level_current"])}', text_color,
genshin_font(15), anchor="mm")
draw_text.text((42, 77), "Lv.{}".format(str(char_data["level"])), text_color, genshin_font(16),
draw_text.text((162, 38), "{}命".format(char_mingzuo), text_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="rm")
draw_text.text((115, 57), 'Lv.{}'.format(str(char_data['weapon']['level'])), text_color,
genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
draw_text.text((115, 75), '{}精'.format(str(char_data['weapon']['affix_level'])), text_color,
genshin_font(16), anchor="lm")
if str(char_data["fetter"]) == "10" or str(char_data["name"]) == "旅行者":
draw_text.text((74, 19), "♥", text_color, genshin_font(14), anchor="mm")
draw_text.text((73, 18), '{}'.format(str(char_data['fetter'])), text_color, genshin_font(16),
char_crop = (75 + 190 * (index % 4), 900 + 100 * (index // 4))
img.paste(char_0, char_crop, char_0)
async def draw_pic(uid, message: Message, nickname="1", mode=2, role_level=None):
# 获取Cookies
data_def = GetCookies()
retcode = await data_def.get_useable_cookies(uid, mode)
if not retcode:
return retcode
use_cookies = data_def.useable_cookies
raw_data = data_def.raw_data
uid = data_def.uid
nickname = data_def.nickname if data_def.nickname else nickname
# 记录数据
raw_data = raw_data['data']
char_data = raw_data["avatars"]
char_ids = []
char_names = []
for i in char_data:
char_rawdata = GetCharacter(uid, char_ids, use_cookies)
char_datas = char_rawdata["data"]["avatars"]
# 确定角色占用行数
char_num = len(char_datas)
char_hang = 1 + (char_num - 1) // 4 if char_num > 8 else char_num
# 获取背景图片各项参数
based_w = 900
based_h = 970 + char_hang * 100 if char_num > 8 else 990 + char_hang * 110
image_def = CustomizeImage("", based_w, based_h)
bg_img = image_def.bg_img
bg_color = image_def.bg_color
text_color = image_def.text_color
# highlight_color = image_def.highlight_color
char_color = image_def.char_color
bg_detail_color = image_def.bg_detail_color
char_high_color = image_def.char_high_color
# 确定texture2D路径
panle1_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "panle_1.png")
panle3_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "panle_3.png")
avatar_bg_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "avatar_bg.png")
# 头像
avatar_fg_path = await get_tg_avatar(message)
all_mask_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "All_Mask.png")
# 转换遮罩的颜色、大小匹配,并paste上去
all_mask = Image.open(all_mask_path).resize(bg_img.size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
all_mask_img = Image.new("RGBA", (based_w, based_h), bg_color)
bg_img.paste(all_mask_img, (0, 0), all_mask)
# 操作图片
panle1 = Image.open(panle1_path)
panle3 = Image.open(panle3_path)
avatar_bg = Image.open(avatar_bg_path)
avatar_fg = Image.open(avatar_fg_path)
# 确定主体框架
avatar_bg_color = Image.new("RGBA", (316, 100), bg_color)
panle1_color = Image.new("RGBA", (900, 900), text_color)
bg_img.paste(panle1_color, (0, 0), panle1)
bg_img.paste(panle3, (0, char_hang * 100 + 880) if char_num > 8 else (0, char_hang * 110 + 900), panle3)
bg_img.paste(avatar_bg_color, (113, 98), avatar_bg)
bg_img.paste(avatar_fg, (114, 95), avatar_fg)
# 绘制基础信息文字
text_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(bg_img)
if role_level:
text_draw.text((140, 200), "冒险等级:" + f"{role_level}", text_color, genshin_font(20))
text_draw.text((220, 123), f"{nickname}", text_color, genshin_font(32))
text_draw.text((235, 163), 'UID ' + f"{uid}", text_color, genshin_font(14))
# 活跃天数/成就数量/深渊信息
text_draw.text((640, 94.8), str(raw_data['stats']['active_day_number']), text_color, genshin_font(26))
text_draw.text((640, 139.3), str(raw_data['stats']['achievement_number']), text_color, genshin_font(26))
text_draw.text((640, 183.9), raw_data['stats']['spiral_abyss'], text_color, genshin_font(26))
# 奇馈宝箱
text_draw.text((505, 375), str(raw_data['stats']['magic_chest_number']), text_color, genshin_font(24))
# 开启锚点和秘境数量
text_draw.text((505, 426), str(raw_data['stats']['way_point_number']), text_color, genshin_font(24))
text_draw.text((505, 477), str(raw_data['stats']['domain_number']), text_color, genshin_font(24))
# 已获角色
text_draw.text((505, 528), str(raw_data['stats']['avatar_number']), text_color, genshin_font(24))
# 宝箱
text_draw.text((245, 375), str(raw_data['stats']['common_chest_number']), text_color, genshin_font(24))
text_draw.text((245, 426), str(raw_data['stats']['exquisite_chest_number']), text_color, genshin_font(24))
text_draw.text((245, 477), str(raw_data['stats']['precious_chest_number']), text_color, genshin_font(24))
text_draw.text((245, 528), str(raw_data['stats']['luxurious_chest_number']), text_color, genshin_font(24))
UnderChasmsMaw = ChasmsMaw = mondstadt = liyue = dragonspine = inazuma = offering = dict()
for i in raw_data['world_explorations']:
if i["name"] == "蒙德":
mondstadt = i
elif i["name"] == "璃月":
liyue = i
elif i["name"] == "龙脊雪山":
dragonspine = i
elif i["name"] == "稻妻":
inazuma = i
elif i["name"] == "渊下宫":
offering = i
elif i["name"] == "璃月层岩巨渊":
ChasmsMaw = i
elif i["name"] == "璃月层岩巨渊·地下矿区":
UnderChasmsMaw = i
# 层岩巨渊
text_draw.text((477, 727), str(ChasmsMaw['exploration_percentage'] / 10) + '%', text_color,
text_draw.text((523, 753), str(UnderChasmsMaw['exploration_percentage'] / 10) + '%', text_color,
text_draw.text((500, 782), 'lv.' + str(UnderChasmsMaw['offerings'][0]['level']), text_color, genshin_font(22))
# 蒙德
text_draw.text((235, 600), str(mondstadt['exploration_percentage'] / 10) + '%', text_color,
text_draw.text((235, 630), 'lv.' + str(mondstadt['level']), text_color, genshin_font(22))
text_draw.text((258, 660), str(raw_data['stats']['anemoculus_number']), text_color, genshin_font(22))
# 璃月
text_draw.text((480, 597), str(liyue['exploration_percentage'] / 10) + '%', text_color,
text_draw.text((480, 627), 'lv.' + str(liyue['level']), text_color, genshin_font(22))
text_draw.text((503, 657), str(raw_data['stats']['geoculus_number']), text_color, genshin_font(22))
# 雪山
text_draw.text((238, 733), str(dragonspine['exploration_percentage'] / 10) + '%',
text_draw.text((238, 764), 'lv.' + str(dragonspine['level']), text_color, genshin_font(22))
# 稻妻
text_draw.text((750, 588), str(inazuma['exploration_percentage'] / 10) + '%', text_color,
text_draw.text((750, 616), 'lv.' + str(inazuma['level']), text_color, genshin_font(22))
text_draw.text((750, 644), 'lv.' + str(inazuma['offerings'][0]['level']), text_color,
text_draw.text((773, 672), str(raw_data['stats']['electroculus_number']), text_color, genshin_font(22))
# 渊下宫
text_draw.text((750, 750), str(offering['exploration_percentage'] / 10) + '%', text_color,
# 家园
if len(raw_data['homes']):
text_draw.text((720, 375), 'lv.' + str(raw_data['homes'][0]['level']), text_color, genshin_font(24))
text_draw.text((720, 426), str(raw_data['homes'][0]['visit_num']), text_color, genshin_font(24))
text_draw.text((720, 477), str(raw_data['homes'][0]['item_num']), text_color, genshin_font(24))
text_draw.text((720, 528), str(raw_data['homes'][0]['comfort_num']), text_color, genshin_font(24))
text_draw.text((720, 375), "未开", text_color, genshin_font(24))
text_draw.text((720, 426), "未开", text_color, genshin_font(24))
text_draw.text((720, 477), "未开", text_color, genshin_font(24))
text_draw.text((720, 528), "未开", text_color, genshin_font(24))
# 确定texture2D路径
charpic_mask_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "charpic_mask.png")
weaponpic_mask_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "weaponpic_mask.png")
def get_text(star, step):
return os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "{}s_{}.png".format(str(star), str(step)))
charpic_mask = Image.open(charpic_mask_path)
weaponpic_mask = Image.open(weaponpic_mask_path)
s5s1 = Image.open(get_text(5, 1))
s5s2 = Image.open(get_text(5, 2))
s5s3 = Image.open(get_text(5, 3))
s5s4 = Image.open(get_text(5, 4))
s4s1 = Image.open(get_text(4, 1))
s4s2 = Image.open(get_text(4, 2))
s4s3 = Image.open(get_text(4, 3))
s4s4 = Image.open(get_text(4, 4))
s3s3 = Image.open(get_text(3, 3))
s2s3 = Image.open(get_text(2, 3))
s1s3 = Image.open(get_text(1, 3))
char_bg_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "char_bg.png")
char_fg_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "char_fg.png")
char_bg = Image.open(char_bg_path)
char_fg = Image.open(char_fg_path)
num = 0
for index, i in enumerate(char_datas):
if i['rarity'] > 5:
char_datas[index]['rarity'] = 3
char_datas.sort(key=lambda x: (-x['rarity'], -x['level'], -x['fetter']))
if char_num > 8:
talent_data = await get_all_calculate_info(uid, char_ids, use_cookies, char_names)
tasks = []
for index, i in enumerate(char_datas):
for j in talent_data:
if j["name"] == i['name']:
await asyncio.wait(tasks)
char_mingzuo = 0
for k in i['constellations']:
if k['is_actived']:
char_mingzuo += 1
char_name = i["name"]
char_id = i["id"]
char_level = i["level"]
char_fetter = i['fetter']
char_rarity = i['rarity']
char_weapon_star = i['weapon']['rarity']
char_weapon_jinglian = i['weapon']['affix_level']
char_weapon_icon = i['weapon']['icon']
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(WEAPON_PATH, str(char_weapon_icon.split('/')[-1]))):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(CHAR_PATH, str(i['id']) + ".png")):
get_char_pic(i['id'], i['icon'])
char = os.path.join(CHAR_PATH, str(char_id) + ".png")
weapon = os.path.join(WEAPON_PATH, str(char_weapon_icon.split('/')[-1]))
char_img = Image.open(char)
char_img = char_img.resize((100, 100), Image.ANTIALIAS)
weapon_img = Image.open(weapon)
weapon_img = weapon_img.resize((47, 47), Image.ANTIALIAS)
charpic = Image.new("RGBA", (125, 140))
if char_rarity == 5:
charpic.paste(s5s1, (0, 0), s5s1)
baseda = Image.new("RGBA", (100, 100))
cc = Image.composite(char_img, baseda, charpic_mask)
charpic.paste(cc, (6, 15), cc)
charpic.paste(s5s2, (0, 0), s5s2)
if char_weapon_star == 5:
charpic.paste(s5s3, (0, 0), s5s3)
elif char_weapon_star == 4:
charpic.paste(s4s3, (0, 0), s4s3)
elif char_weapon_star == 3:
charpic.paste(s3s3, (0, 0), s3s3)
elif char_weapon_star == 2:
charpic.paste(s2s3, (0, 0), s2s3)
elif char_weapon_star == 1:
charpic.paste(s1s3, (0, 0), s1s3)
basedb = Image.new("RGBA", (47, 47))
dd = Image.composite(weapon_img, basedb, weaponpic_mask)
charpic.paste(dd, (69, 62), dd)
charpic.paste(s5s4, (0, 0), s5s4)
charpic.paste(s4s1, (0, 0), s4s1)
baseda = Image.new("RGBA", (100, 100))
cc = Image.composite(char_img, baseda, charpic_mask)
charpic.paste(cc, (6, 15), cc)
charpic.paste(s4s2, (0, 0), s4s2)
if char_weapon_star == 5:
charpic.paste(s5s3, (0, 0), s5s3)
elif char_weapon_star == 4:
charpic.paste(s4s3, (0, 0), s4s3)
elif char_weapon_star == 3:
charpic.paste(s3s3, (0, 0), s3s3)
elif char_weapon_star == 2:
charpic.paste(s2s3, (0, 0), s2s3)
elif char_weapon_star == 1:
charpic.paste(s1s3, (0, 0), s1s3)
basedb = Image.new("RGBA", (47, 47))
dd = Image.composite(weapon_img, basedb, weaponpic_mask)
charpic.paste(dd, (69, 62), dd)
charpic.paste(s4s4, (0, 0), s4s4)
char_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(charpic)
char_draw.text((38, 106), f'Lv.{str(char_level)}', (21, 21, 21), genshin_font(18))
char_draw.text((104.5, 91.5), f'{str(char_weapon_jinglian)}', 'white', genshin_font(10))
char_draw.text((99, 19.5), f'{str(char_mingzuo)}', 'white', genshin_font(18))
if str(i["fetter"]) == "10" or str(char_name) == "旅行者":
char_draw.text((98, 42), "♥", (21, 21, 21), genshin_font(14))
char_draw.text((100, 41), f'{str(char_fetter)}', (21, 21, 21), genshin_font(16))
char_crop = (68 + 129 * (num % 6), 800 + 130 * (num // 6))
bg_img.paste(charpic, char_crop, charpic)
num = num + 1
charset_mask = Image.new("RGBA", (900, 130), char_color)
for i in char_datas:
char_mingzuo = 0
for k in i['constellations']:
if k['is_actived']:
char_mingzuo += 1
char_name = i["name"]
char_id = i["id"]
char_level = i["level"]
char_img_icon = i["image"]
char_weapon_star = i['weapon']['rarity']
char_weapon_level = i['weapon']['level']
char_weapon_jinglian = i['weapon']['affix_level']
char_weapon_icon = i['weapon']['icon']
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(WEAPON_PATH, str(char_weapon_icon.split('/')[-1]))):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(CHAR_IMG_PATH, str(char_img_icon.split('/')[-1]))):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(CHAR_PATH, str(i['id']) + ".png")):
get_char_pic(i['id'], i['icon'])
char = os.path.join(CHAR_PATH, str(char_id) + ".png")
weapon = os.path.join(WEAPON_PATH, str(char_weapon_icon.split('/')[-1]))
char_stand_img = os.path.join(CHAR_IMG_PATH, str(char_img_icon.split('/')[-1]))
char_stand_mask = Image.open(os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "stand_mask.png"))
# char_namecard_img = Image.open(os.path.join(CHAR_NAMECARD_PATH,str(i['icon'].split('_')[-1])))
# char_namecard_img = char_namecard_img.resize((591,81), Image.ANTIALIAS)
# char_namecard_img.putalpha(char_namecard_img.getchannel('A').point(lambda i: i*0.8 if i>0 else 0))
char_stand = Image.open(char_stand_img)
char_img = Image.open(char)
char_img = char_img.resize((100, 100), Image.ANTIALIAS)
weapon_img = Image.open(weapon)
weapon_img = weapon_img.resize((47, 47), Image.ANTIALIAS)
charpic = Image.new("RGBA", (900, 130))
charpic_temp = Image.new("RGBA", (900, 130))
charpic.paste(charset_mask, (0, 0), char_bg)
weapon_bg = Image.open(get_text(char_weapon_star, 3))
charpic_temp.paste(char_stand, (395, -99), char_stand_mask)
# charpic_temp.paste(char_namecard_img, (247, 24), char_namecard_img)
charpic.paste(weapon_bg, (72, 10), weapon_bg)
charpic_temp.paste(char_img, (81, 13), charpic_mask)
charpic_temp.paste(char_fg, (0, 0), char_fg)
charpic_temp.paste(weapon_img, (141, 72), weaponpic_mask)
# temp = Image.composite(weapon_img, basedb, weaponpic_mask)
charpic.paste(charpic_temp, (0, 0), charpic_temp)
for _, k in enumerate(i["reliquaries"]):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(REL_PATH, str(k["icon"].split('/')[-1]))):
rel = os.path.join(REL_PATH, str(k["icon"].split('/')[-1]))
rel_img = Image.open(rel).resize((43, 43), Image.ANTIALIAS)
rel_bg = Image.open(get_text(k["rarity"], 3))
if k["pos_name"] == "生之花":
charpic.paste(rel_bg, (287 + 55 * 0, -14), rel_bg)
charpic.paste(rel_img, (360 + 55 * 0, 49), rel_img)
elif k["pos_name"] == "死之羽":
charpic.paste(rel_bg, (287 + 55 * 1, -14), rel_bg)
charpic.paste(rel_img, (360 + 55 * 1, 49), rel_img)
elif k["pos_name"] == "时之沙":
charpic.paste(rel_bg, (287 + 55 * 2, -14), rel_bg)
charpic.paste(rel_img, (360 + 55 * 2, 49), rel_img)
elif k["pos_name"] == "空之杯":
charpic.paste(rel_bg, (287 + 55 * 3, -14), rel_bg)
charpic.paste(rel_img, (360 + 55 * 3, 49), rel_img)
elif k["pos_name"] == "理之冠":
charpic.paste(rel_bg, (287 + 55 * 4, -14), rel_bg)
charpic.paste(rel_img, (360 + 55 * 4, 49), rel_img)
char_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(charpic)
char_draw.text((188, 30), i["name"] + " " + f'Lv.{str(char_level)}', text_color, genshin_font(22))
char_draw.text((222, 87), f'{str(i["fetter"])}' if str(char_name) != "旅行者" else "10", text_color,
genshin_font(15), anchor="mm")
char_draw.text((255, 87), f'{str(char_mingzuo)}', text_color, genshin_font(15), anchor="mm")
char_draw.text((218, 67), f'{str(char_weapon_level)}级{str(char_weapon_jinglian)}精', text_color,
char_crop = (0, 900 + 110 * num)
num += 1
bg_img.paste(charpic, char_crop, charpic)
# 转换之后发送
bg_img = bg_img.convert('RGB')
bg_img = bg_img.convert('RGB')
bg_img.save(f"temp{os.sep}uid.jpg", format='JPEG', subsampling=0, quality=90)
if message.media:
os.remove(image_data) # noqa
return f"temp{os.sep}uid.jpg"
async def draw_wordcloud(uid, message: Message, mode=2):
while 1:
use_cookies = cacheDB(uid, mode - 1)
if use_cookies == '':
return "绑定记录不存在。"
elif use_cookies == "没有可以使用的Cookies!":
return "没有可以使用的Cookies!"
if mode == 3:
mys_data = await GetMysInfo(uid, use_cookies)
mysid_data = uid
for i in mys_data['data']['list']:
if i['game_id'] != 2:
uid = mys_data['data']['list'][0]['game_role_id']
nickname = mys_data['data']['list'][0]['nickname']
role_level = mys_data['data']['list'][0]['level']
raw_data = await GetInfo(uid, use_cookies)
raw_Abyss_data = await GetSpiralAbyssInfo(uid, use_cookies)
raw_Abyss_data = await GetSpiralAbyssInfo(uid, use_cookies)
raw_data = await GetInfo(uid, use_cookies)
if raw_data["retcode"] != 0:
if raw_data["retcode"] == 10001:
# return ("Cookie错误/过期,请重置Cookie")
errorDB(use_cookies, "error")
elif raw_data["retcode"] == 10101:
# return ("当前cookies已达到30人上限!")
errorDB(use_cookies, "limit30")
elif raw_data["retcode"] == 10102:
return "当前查询id已经设置了隐私,无法查询!"
return (
+ str(raw_data) + "\r\n出现这种情况可能的UID输入错误 or 不存在"
raw_Abyss_data = raw_Abyss_data['data']
raw_data = raw_data['data']
char_data = raw_data["avatars"]
char_num = len(raw_data["avatars"])
char_datas = []
def get_charid(start, end):
for i in range(start, end):
char_rawdata = GetCharacter(uid, [i], use_cookies)
if char_rawdata["retcode"] == -1:
thread_list = []
st = 8
for i in range(0, 8):
thread = threading.Thread(target=get_charid, args=(10000002 + i * st, 10000002 + (i + 1) * st))
for t in thread_list:
for t in thread_list:
weapons_datas = []
for i in char_datas:
l1_size = 2
l2_size = 4
l3_size = 6
l4_size = 7
l5_size = 10
word_str = {}
star4weapon = 0
star5weapon = 0
star5weaponcon = 0
star3weapon = 0
for i in weapons_datas:
if i['rarity'] == 5:
star5weapon += 1
star5weaponcon += i['affix_level']
elif i['rarity'] == 4:
star4weapon += 1
elif i['rarity'] == 3:
star4weapon += 1
g3d1 = 0
ly3c = 0
star5num = 0
star5numcon = 0
for i in char_datas:
if i["name"] in ['雷电将军', '温迪', '钟离', '枫原万叶']:
g3d1 += 1
if i["name"] in ['甘雨', '魈', '胡桃']:
ly3c += 1
if i['rarity'] == 5:
star5num += 1
if i['name'] != '旅行者':
star5numcon += 1 + i['actived_constellation_num']
if i["level"] >= 80:
if i['name'] == "迪卢克":
word_str["落魄了家人们"] = l3_size
if i['name'] == "刻晴":
word_str["斩尽牛杂"] = l3_size
if i['name'] == "旅行者":
word_str["旅行者真爱党"] = l3_size
if i['actived_constellation_num'] == 6:
if i['rarity'] == 5:
if i['name'] == "旅行者":
word_str["满命{}".format(i['name'])] = l1_size
if i['name'] == "魈":
word_str['魈深氪的救赎'] = l5_size
if i['name'] == "甘雨":
word_str['璃月自走归终机'] = l5_size
if i['name'] == "胡桃":
word_str['一波送走全送走'] = l5_size
word_str["满命{}".format(i['name'])] = l5_size
word_str["满命{}".format(i['name'])] = l2_size
game_time = time.mktime(time.strptime('20200915', '%Y%m%d'))
now_time = time.time()
total_s = now_time - game_time
total_d = (((total_s) / 60) / 60) / 24
if math.floor(total_d) - 5 <= raw_data['stats']['active_day_number']:
word_str["开服玩家"] = l4_size
if g3d1 >= 4:
word_str["三神一帝"] = l3_size
if ly3c >= 3:
word_str["璃月3C"] = l3_size
if star5num >= 16:
word_str["五星众多"] = l3_size
if len(weapons_datas) - star4weapon <= 3:
word_str["武器基本四星"] = l3_size
if raw_data['stats']['achievement_number'] // (star5weaponcon + star5numcon) >= 23:
word_str["平民玩家"] = l2_size
elif raw_data['stats']['achievement_number'] // (star5weaponcon + star5numcon) <= 15:
word_str["氪金玩家"] = l3_size
except ZeroDivisionError:
# print("不存在五星武器")
word_str["平民玩家"] = l2_size
if raw_data['stats']['anemoculus_number'] + raw_data['stats']['geoculus_number'] + raw_data['stats'][
'electroculus_number'] == 378:
word_str["全神瞳"] = l2_size
if raw_data['world_explorations'][3]['exploration_percentage'] + raw_data['world_explorations'][2][
'exploration_percentage'] + raw_data['world_explorations'][1]['exploration_percentage'] + \
raw_data['world_explorations'][0]['exploration_percentage'] >= 3950:
word_str["全探索"] = l4_size
if raw_data['stats']['achievement_number'] >= 510:
word_str["全成就"] = l5_size
elif raw_data['stats']['achievement_number'] >= 490:
word_str["成就达人"] = l3_size
if raw_data['stats']['spiral_abyss'] == '12-3':
word_str["深境的探究者"] = l2_size
if len(raw_data['avatars']) >= 42:
word_str["全角色"] = l3_size
if raw_data['stats']['active_day_number'] <= 40:
word_str["刚入坑"] = l1_size
elif raw_data['stats']['active_day_number'] <= 100:
word_str["初心者"] = l2_size
elif raw_data['stats']['active_day_number'] <= 300:
word_str["老玩家"] = l2_size
if raw_data['stats']['active_day_number'] >= 365 and raw_data['stats']['magic_chest_number'] + raw_data['stats'][
'common_chest_number'] + raw_data['stats']['exquisite_chest_number'] + raw_data['stats'][
'precious_chest_number'] + raw_data['stats']['luxurious_chest_number'] <= 2500:
word_str["老咸鱼"] = l3_size
if raw_data['stats']['magic_chest_number'] >= 46:
word_str["迷失在黑夜里"] = l2_size
if raw_data['homes'][0]['comfort_num'] >= 25000:
word_str["团雀附体"] = l2_size
if raw_Abyss_data["reveal_rank"] != []:
if raw_Abyss_data['total_battle_times'] <= 12 and raw_Abyss_data['max_floor'] == '12-3':
word_str["PVP资格证"] = l4_size
if raw_Abyss_data["damage_rank"][0]["value"] >= 150000:
word_str["这一击,贯穿星辰"] = l4_size
bg_list = random.choice([x for x in os.listdir(BG_PATH)
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(BG_PATH, x))])
bg2_path = os.path.join(BG_PATH, bg_list)
based_w = 900
based_h = 1000
based_scale = '%.3f' % (based_w / based_h)
is_edit = False
if message.media:
is_edit = await message.download()
if is_edit:
bg_path_edit = is_edit
bg_path_edit = bg2_path
edit_bg = Image.open(bg_path_edit)
w, h = edit_bg.size
scale_f = '%.3f' % (w / h)
new_w = math.ceil(based_h * float(scale_f))
new_h = math.ceil(based_w / float(scale_f))
if scale_f > based_scale:
bg_img2 = edit_bg.resize((new_w, based_h), Image.ANTIALIAS)
bg_img2 = edit_bg.resize((based_w, new_h), Image.ANTIALIAS)
bg_img = bg_img2.crop((0, 0, based_w, based_h))
x, y = 50, 153
radius = 50
cropped_img = bg_img.crop((x, y, x + 800, y + 800))
blurred_img = cropped_img.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(5), ).convert("RGBA")
bg_img.paste(blurred_img, (x, y), create_rounded_rectangle_mask(cropped_img, radius))
panle = Image.open(os.path.join(BG2_PATH, 'wordcloud_0.png'))
mask = np.array(Image.open(os.path.join(BG2_PATH, 'wordcloudmask.png')))
wc = WordCloud(
font_path=os.path.join("assets", "fonts", "ZhuZiAWan-2.ttc"),
background_color="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)",
# color_func=multi_color_func
# color_func=similar_color_func
).generate_from_frequencies(word_str, max_font_size=100)
image_produce = wc.to_image()
bg_img.paste(panle, (0, 0), panle)
bg_img.paste(image_produce, (0, 0), image_produce)
bg_img = bg_img.convert('RGB')
text_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(bg_img)
text_draw.text((450, 105), 'UID ' + f"{uid}", (40, 136, 168), ys_font(26), anchor="mm")
bg_img.save(f"temp{os.sep}cx.jpg", format='JPEG', subsampling=0, quality=90)
if is_edit:
return f"temp{os.sep}cx.jpg"
class GetCookies:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.useable_cookies: Optional[str] = None
self.uid: Optional[str] = None
self.mode: Optional[int] = None
self.raw_abyss_data: Optional[json] = None
self.raw_data: Optional[json] = None
self.nickname: Optional[int] = None
self.schedule_type: Optional[str] = None
async def get_useable_cookies(self, uid: str, mode: int = 2, schedule_type: str = "1"):
self.uid = uid
self.schedule_type = schedule_type
while True:
self.useable_cookies = cacheDB(uid, mode - 1)
if self.useable_cookies == '':
return "绑定记录不存在。"
elif self.useable_cookies == "没有可以使用的Cookies!":
return "没有可以使用的Cookies!"
if mode == 3:
await self.get_mihoyo_bbs_data()
await self.get_uid_data()
msg = await self.check_cookies_useable()
if isinstance(msg, str):
return msg
elif isinstance(msg, bool):
if msg:
return True
async def get_mihoyo_bbs_data(self):
mys_data = await GetMysInfo(self.uid, self.useable_cookies)
for i in mys_data['data']['list']:
if i['game_id'] != 2:
self.uid = mys_data['data']['list'][0]['game_role_id']
self.nickname = mys_data['data']['list'][0]['nickname']
self.raw_data = await GetInfo(self.uid, self.useable_cookies)
self.raw_abyss_data = await get_spiral_abyss_info(self.uid, self.useable_cookies, self.schedule_type)
async def get_uid_data(self):
self.raw_abyss_data = await get_spiral_abyss_info(self.uid, self.useable_cookies, self.schedule_type)
self.raw_data = await GetInfo(self.uid, self.useable_cookies)
async def check_cookies_useable(self):
if self.raw_data:
if self.raw_data["retcode"] != 0:
if self.raw_data["retcode"] == 10001:
errorDB(self.useable_cookies, "error")
return False
elif self.raw_data["retcode"] == 10101:
errorDB(self.useable_cookies, "limit30")
return False
elif self.raw_data["retcode"] == 10102:
return "当前查询id已经设置了隐私,无法查询!"
return (
+ str(self.raw_data) + "\r\n出现这种情况可能的UID输入错误 or 不存在"
return True
return "没有可以使用的Cookies!"
class CustomizeImage:
def __init__(self, image: str, based_w: int, based_h: int) -> None:
self.bg_img = self.get_image(image, based_w, based_h)
self.bg_color = self.get_bg_color(self.bg_img)
self.text_color = self.get_text_color(self.bg_color)
self.highlight_color = self.get_highlight_color(self.bg_color)
self.char_color = self.get_char_color(self.bg_color)
self.bg_detail_color = self.get_bg_detail_color(self.bg_color)
self.char_high_color = self.get_char_high_color(self.bg_color)
def get_image(self, image: str, based_w: int, based_h: int) -> Image:
# 获取背景图片
bg2_path = os.path.join(BG_PATH, random.choice([x for x in os.listdir(BG_PATH)
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(BG_PATH, x))]))
if image:
image_data = image.group(2)
edit_bg = Image.open(BytesIO(get(image_data).content))
edit_bg = Image.open(bg2_path)
# 确定图片的长宽
based_scale = '%.3f' % (based_w / based_h)
w, h = edit_bg.size
scale_f = '%.3f' % (w / h)
new_w = math.ceil(based_h * float(scale_f))
new_h = math.ceil(based_w / float(scale_f))
if scale_f > based_scale:
bg_img2 = edit_bg.resize((new_w, based_h), Image.ANTIALIAS)
bg_img2 = edit_bg.resize((based_w, new_h), Image.ANTIALIAS)
bg_img = bg_img2.crop((0, 0, based_w, based_h))
return bg_img
def get_bg_color(self, edit_bg: Image) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
# 获取背景主色
color = 8
q = edit_bg.quantize(colors=color, method=2)
bg_color = None
based_light = 195
temp = 9999
for i in range(0, color):
bg = tuple(q.getpalette()[i * 3:(i * 3) + 3])
light_value = bg[0] * 0.3 + bg[1] * 0.6 + bg[2] * 0.1
if abs(light_value - based_light) < temp:
bg_color = bg
temp = abs(light_value - based_light)
# if max(*bg) < 240 and min(*bg) > 20:
# bg_color = bg
return bg_color
def get_text_color(self, bg_color: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
# 通过背景主色(bg_color)确定文字主色
r = 125
if max(*bg_color) > 255 - r:
r *= -1
text_color = (math.floor(bg_color[0] + r if bg_color[0] + r <= 255 else 255),
math.floor(bg_color[1] + r if bg_color[1] + r <= 255 else 255),
math.floor(bg_color[2] + r if bg_color[2] + r <= 255 else 255))
return text_color
def get_char_color(self, bg_color: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
r = 140
if max(*bg_color) > 255 - r:
r *= -1
char_color = (math.floor(bg_color[0] + 5 if bg_color[0] + r <= 255 else 255),
math.floor(bg_color[1] + 5 if bg_color[1] + r <= 255 else 255),
math.floor(bg_color[2] + 5 if bg_color[2] + r <= 255 else 255))
return char_color
def get_char_high_color(self, bg_color: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
r = 140
d = 20
if max(*bg_color) > 255 - r:
r *= -1
char_color = (math.floor(bg_color[0] + d if bg_color[0] + r <= 255 else 255),
math.floor(bg_color[1] + d if bg_color[1] + r <= 255 else 255),
math.floor(bg_color[2] + d if bg_color[2] + r <= 255 else 255))
return char_color
def get_bg_detail_color(self, bg_color: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
r = 140
if max(*bg_color) > 255 - r:
r *= -1
bg_detail_color = (math.floor(bg_color[0] - 20 if bg_color[0] + r <= 255 else 255),
math.floor(bg_color[1] - 20 if bg_color[1] + r <= 255 else 255),
math.floor(bg_color[2] - 20 if bg_color[2] + r <= 255 else 255))
return bg_detail_color
def get_highlight_color(self, color: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
red_color = color[0]
green_color = color[1]
blue_color = color[2]
highlight_color = {}
highlight_color["red"] = red_color - 127 if red_color > 127 else 127
highlight_color["green"] = green_color - 127 if green_color > 127 else 127
highlight_color["blue"] = blue_color - 127 if blue_color > 127 else 127
max_color = max(highlight_color.values())
name = "red"
for _highlight_color in highlight_color:
if highlight_color[_highlight_color] == max_color:
name = str(_highlight_color)
if name == "red":
return red_color, highlight_color["green"], highlight_color["blue"]
elif name == "green":
return highlight_color["red"], green_color, highlight_color["blue"]
elif name == "blue":
return highlight_color["red"], highlight_color["green"], blue_color
return 0, 0, 0 # Error
async def draw_info_pic(uid: str, message: Message, image=None) -> str:
def seconds2hours(seconds: int) -> str:
m, s = divmod(int(seconds), 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
# 获取Cookies
data_def = GetCookies()
retcode = await data_def.get_useable_cookies(uid)
if not retcode:
return retcode
raw_data = data_def.raw_data
char_data = raw_data["data"]["avatars"]
# 获取数据
award_data = await GetAward(uid)
daily_data = await GetDaily(uid)
daily_data = daily_data["data"]
nickname = award_data['data']['nickname']
# 获取背景图片各项参数
based_w = 900
based_h = 1480
image_def = CustomizeImage(image, based_w, based_h)
bg_img = image_def.bg_img
bg_color = image_def.bg_color
text_color = image_def.text_color
highlight_color = image_def.highlight_color
char_color = image_def.char_color
# 确定texture2D路径
info1_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "info_1.png")
info2_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "info_2.png")
info3_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "info_3.png")
avatar_bg_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "avatar_bg.png")
avatar_fg_path = await get_tg_avatar(message)
all_mask_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "All_Mask.png")
# 转换遮罩的颜色、大小匹配,并paste上去
all_mask = Image.open(all_mask_path).resize(bg_img.size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
all_mask_img = Image.new("RGBA", (based_w, based_h), bg_color)
bg_img.paste(all_mask_img, (0, 0), all_mask)
# 操作图片
info1 = Image.open(info1_path)
info2 = Image.open(info2_path)
info3 = Image.open(info3_path)
avatar_bg = Image.open(avatar_bg_path)
avatar_fg = Image.open(avatar_fg_path)
avatar_bg_color = Image.new("RGBA", (316, 100), bg_color)
bg_img.paste(avatar_bg_color, (113, 98), avatar_bg)
bg_img.paste(avatar_fg, (114, 95), avatar_fg)
info1_color = Image.new("RGBA", (900, 1400), bg_color)
bg_img.paste(info1_color, (0, 0), info1)
info2_color = Image.new("RGBA", (900, 1400), text_color)
bg_img.paste(info2_color, (0, 0), info2)
bg_img.paste(info3, (0, 0), info3)
text_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(bg_img)
# 用户信息
text_draw.text((220, 137), f"{nickname}", text_color, genshin_font(32), anchor="lm")
text_draw.text((235, 170), 'UID ' + f"{uid}", text_color, genshin_font(14), anchor="lm")
# 本日原石/摩拉
text_draw.text((675, 148),
text_color, genshin_font(28), anchor="lm")
text_draw.text((675, 212),
text_color, genshin_font(28), anchor="lm")
# 本月/上月原石
text_draw.text((722, 287), f"{award_data['data']['month_data']['current_primogems']}", text_color, genshin_font(21),
text_draw.text((722, 323), f"{award_data['data']['month_data']['last_primogems']}", text_color, genshin_font(21),
# 本月/上月摩拉
text_draw.text((722, 359), f"{award_data['data']['month_data']['current_mora']}", text_color, genshin_font(21),
text_draw.text((722, 395), f"{award_data['data']['month_data']['last_mora']}", text_color, genshin_font(21),
# 收入比例
group_by = award_data['data']['month_data']['group_by']
group_by.sort(key=lambda x: (-x['action_id']))
for index, i in enumerate(group_by):
text_draw.text((681, 447 + index * 42), f"{str(i['num'])}({str(i['percent'])}%)", text_color, genshin_font(21),
# 基本四项
text_draw.text((390, 314), f"{daily_data['current_resin']}/{daily_data['max_resin']}", text_color, genshin_font(26),
text_draw.text((390, 408), f'{daily_data["current_home_coin"]}/{daily_data["max_home_coin"]}', text_color,
genshin_font(26), anchor="lm")
text_draw.text((390, 503), f"{daily_data['finished_task_num']}/{daily_data['total_task_num']}", text_color,
genshin_font(26), anchor="lm")
text_draw.text((390, 597),
f"{str(daily_data['resin_discount_num_limit'] - daily_data['remain_resin_discount_num'])}/{daily_data['resin_discount_num_limit']}",
text_color, genshin_font(26), anchor="lm")
# 参量质变仪
if daily_data['transformer']['recovery_time']['reached']:
transformer_status = "已处于可用状态"
text_draw.text((170, 707), f"{transformer_status}", highlight_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
transformer_time = daily_data['transformer']['recovery_time']
transformer_status = "还剩{}天{}小时{}分钟可用".format(transformer_time['Day'], transformer_time['Hour'],
text_draw.text((170, 707), f"{transformer_status}", text_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
# 树脂恢复时间计算
# 树脂恢复时间计算
if int(daily_data['resin_recovery_time']) <= 0:
text_draw.text((170, 331), f"已全部恢复", text_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
resin_recovery_time = seconds2hours(
next_resin_rec_time = seconds2hours(
8 * 60 - ((daily_data['max_resin'] - daily_data['current_resin']) * 8 * 60 - int(
text_draw.text((268, 305), f" {next_resin_rec_time}", text_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
text_draw.text((170, 331), f"预计 后全部恢复", text_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
text_draw.text((208, 331), f"{resin_recovery_time}", highlight_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
# 洞天宝钱时间计算
coin_rec_time = seconds2hours(int(daily_data["home_coin_recovery_time"]))
if int(daily_data["home_coin_recovery_time"]) <= 0:
text_draw.text((170, 425), f"已达到上限", text_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
coin_add_speed = math.ceil((daily_data["max_home_coin"] - daily_data["current_home_coin"]) / (
int(daily_data["home_coin_recovery_time"]) / 60 / 60))
text_draw.text((270, 399), f"约{coin_add_speed}/h", text_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
text_draw.text((170, 425), f"预计 后达到上限", text_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
text_draw.text((208, 425), f"{coin_rec_time}", highlight_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
if daily_data['is_extra_task_reward_received']:
daily_task_status = "「每日委托」奖励已领取"
daily_task_status = "「每日委托」奖励未领取"
# 详细信息
text_draw.text((170, 518), f"{daily_task_status}", text_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
text_draw.text((170, 614), f"本周剩余消耗减半次数", text_color, genshin_font(18), anchor="lm")
# 派遣图片准备
char_bg_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "char_bg.png")
char_bg = Image.open(char_bg_path)
charset_mask = Image.new("RGBA", (900, 130), char_color)
# 派遣
for index, i in enumerate(daily_data["expeditions"]):
for j in char_data:
if i["avatar_side_icon"].split("_")[-1] == j["image"].split("_")[-1]:
name = j["name"]
if not os.path.exists(
os.path.join(CHAR_IMG_PATH, f"UI_AvatarIcon_{i['avatar_side_icon'].split('_')[-1][:-4]}@2x.png")):
# char_stand_img = os.path.join(CHAR_IMG_PATH, f"UI_AvatarIcon_{i['avatar_side_icon'].split('_')[-1][:-4]}@2x.png")
# char_stand = Image.open(char_stand_img)
# char_stand_mask = Image.open(os.path.join(TEXT_PATH, "stand_mask.png"))
# charpic_temp = Image.new("RGBA", (900, 130))
# charpic_temp.paste(char_stand, (395, -99), char_stand_mask)
charpic = Image.new("RGBA", (900, 130))
char_icon = Image.open(BytesIO(get(i['avatar_side_icon']).content))
char_namecard_img = Image.open(os.path.join(CHAR_NAMECARD_PATH, str(name + ".png")))
char_namecard_img = char_namecard_img.resize((591, 81), Image.ANTIALIAS)
char_namecard_img.putalpha(char_namecard_img.getchannel('A').point(lambda i: i * 0.8 if i > 0 else 0))
char_icon_scale = char_icon.resize((140, 140), Image.ANTIALIAS)
charpic.paste(charset_mask, (0, 0), char_bg)
charpic.paste(char_icon_scale, (63, -26), char_icon_scale)
charpic.paste(char_namecard_img, (247, 24), char_namecard_img)
charpic_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(charpic)
if i['status'] == 'Finished':
charpic_draw.text((200, 65), f"探索完成", text_color, genshin_font(24), anchor="lm")
remained_timed: str = seconds2hours(i['remained_time'])
charpic_draw.text((200, 65), f"剩余时间 {remained_timed}", text_color, genshin_font(24), anchor="lm")
bg_img.paste(charpic, (-15, 848 + 115 * index), charpic)
end_pic = Image.open(os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "abyss_3.png"))
bg_img.paste(end_pic, (0, 1440), end_pic)
# 转换之后发送
bg_img = bg_img.convert('RGB')
bg_img.save(f"temp{os.sep}info.jpg", format='JPEG', subsampling=0, quality=90)
return f"temp{os.sep}info.jpg"
async def get_tg_avatar(message: Message) -> str:
avatar_fg_path = await app.get_profile_photos(message.from_user.id, limit=1)
if avatar_fg_path:
avatar_fg_path = await app.download_media(avatar_fg_path[0].file_id)
photo = Image.open(avatar_fg_path)
mask = Image.open(os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "avatar_mask.png"))
mask_size = mask.size
photo_size = photo.size
scale = photo_size[1] / mask_size[1]
photo = photo.resize((int(photo_size[0] / scale), int(photo_size[1] / scale)), Image.LANCZOS)
mask1 = Image.new("RGBA", mask.size)
mask1.paste(photo, mask=mask)
avatar_fg_path = f"temp{os.sep}avatar.png"
avatar_fg_path = os.path.join(BG2_PATH, "avatar_fg.png")
return avatar_fg_path