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from os.path import exists
from ci import client
from PIL import Image, ImageMath
from io import BytesIO
import json
import os
import time
LABEL_URL = 'https://api-static.mihoyo.com/common/blackboard/ys_obc/v1/map/label/tree?app_sn=ys_obc'
POINT_LIST_URL = 'https://api-static.mihoyo.com/common/blackboard/ys_obc/v1/map/point/list?map_id=2&app_sn=ys_obc'
MAP_URL = "https://api-static.mihoyo.com/common/map_user/ys_obc/v1/map/info?map_id=2&app_sn=ys_obc&lang=zh-cn"
header = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36'
FILE_PATH = "assets"
MAP_PATH = os.path.join(FILE_PATH, "icon", "map_icon.jpg")
zoom = 0.5
resource_icon_offset = (-int(150 * 0.5 * zoom), -int(150 * zoom))
data = {
"all_resource_type": {
# 这个字典保存所有资源类型,
# "1": {
# "id": 1,
# "name": "传送点",
# "icon": "",
# "parent_id": 0,
# "depth": 1,
# "node_type": 1,
# "jump_type": 0,
# "jump_target_id": 0,
# "display_priority": 0,
# "children": []
# },
"can_query_type_list": {
# 这个字典保存所有可以查询的资源类型名称和ID这个字典只有名称和ID
# 上边字典里"depth": 2的类型才可以查询"depth": 1的是1级目录不能查询
# "七天神像":"2"
# "风神瞳":"5"
"all_resource_point_list": [
# 这个列表保存所有资源点的数据
# {
# "id": 2740,
# "label_id": 68,
# "x_pos": -1789,
# "y_pos": 2628,
# "author_name": "✟紫灵心✟",
# "ctime": "2020-10-29 10:41:21",
# "display_state": 1
# },
"date": "" # 记录上次更新"all_resource_point_list"的日期
async def download_icon(url):
# 下载图片返回Image对象
resp = await client.get(url=url)
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"获取图片数据失败,错误代码 {resp.status_code}")
icon = resp.content
return Image.open(BytesIO(icon))
async def download_json(url):
# 获取资源数据,返回 JSON
if url == POINT_LIST_URL:
if exists(f"assets{os.sep}data{os.sep}list.json"):
with open(f"assets{os.sep}data{os.sep}list.json", "rb") as f:
return json.loads(f.read())
resp = await client.get(url=url)
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"获取资源点数据失败,错误代码 {resp.status_code}")
return resp.json()
async def up_icon_image(sublist):
# 检查是否有图标,没有图标下载保存到本地
id = sublist["id"]
icon_path = os.path.join(FILE_PATH, "icon", f"{id}.png")
if not os.path.exists(icon_path):
icon_url = sublist["icon"]
icon = await download_icon(icon_url)
icon = icon.resize((150, 150))
box_alpha = Image.open(os.path.join(FILE_PATH, "icon", "box_alpha.png")).getchannel("A")
box = Image.open(os.path.join(FILE_PATH, "icon", "box.png"))
icon_alpha = icon.getchannel("A")
icon_alpha = ImageMath.eval("convert(a*b/256, 'L')", a=icon_alpha, b=box_alpha)
except ValueError:
# 米游社的图有时候会没有alpha导致报错这时候直接使用box_alpha当做alpha就行
icon_alpha = box_alpha
icon2 = Image.new("RGBA", (150, 150), "#00000000")
icon2.paste(icon, (0, -10))
bg = Image.new("RGBA", (150, 150), "#00000000")
bg.paste(icon2, mask=icon_alpha)
bg.paste(box, mask=box)
with open(icon_path, "wb") as icon_file:
async def up_label_and_point_list():
# 更新label列表和资源点列表
label_data = await download_json(LABEL_URL)
for label in label_data["data"]["tree"]:
data["all_resource_type"][str(label["id"])] = label
for sublist in label["children"]:
data["all_resource_type"][str(sublist["id"])] = sublist
data["can_query_type_list"][sublist["name"]] = str(sublist["id"])
await up_icon_image(sublist)
label["children"] = []
test = await download_json(POINT_LIST_URL)
data["all_resource_point_list"] = test["data"]["point_list"]
data["date"] = time.strftime("%d")
async def up_map():
# 更新地图文件 并按照资源点的范围自动裁切掉不需要的地方
# 裁切地图需要最新的资源点位置,所以要先调用 up_label_and_point_list 再更新地图
global CENTER
global MAP_ICON
map_info = await download_json(MAP_URL)
map_info = map_info["data"]["info"]["detail"]
map_info = json.loads(map_info)
map_url_list = map_info['slices'][0]
origin = map_info["origin"]
x_start = map_info['total_size'][1]
y_start = map_info['total_size'][1]
x_end = 0
y_end = 0
for resource_point in data["all_resource_point_list"]:
x_pos = resource_point["x_pos"] + origin[0]
y_pos = resource_point["y_pos"] + origin[1]
x_start = min(x_start, x_pos)
y_start = min(y_start, y_pos)
x_end = max(x_end, x_pos)
y_end = max(y_end, y_pos)
x_start -= 200
y_start -= 200
x_end += 200
y_end += 200
CENTER = [origin[0] - x_start, origin[1] - y_start]
x = int(x_end - x_start)
y = int(y_end - y_start)
MAP_ICON = Image.new("RGB", (x, y))
x_offset = 0
for i in map_url_list:
map_url = i["url"]
map_icon = await download_icon(map_url)
(int(-x_start) + x_offset, int(-y_start)))
x_offset += map_icon.size[0]
async def init_point_list_and_map():
await up_label_and_point_list()
await up_map()
class Resource_map(object):
def __init__(self, resource_name):
self.resource_id = str(data["can_query_type_list"][resource_name])
# self.map_image = Image.open(MAP_PATH)
self.map_image = MAP_ICON.copy() # noqa
self.map_size = self.map_image.size
# 地图要要裁切的左上角和右下角坐标
# 这里初始化为地图的大小
self.x_start = self.map_size[0]
self.y_start = self.map_size[1]
self.x_end = 0
self.y_end = 0
self.resource_icon = Image.open(self.get_icon_path())
self.resource_icon = self.resource_icon.resize((int(150 * zoom), int(150 * zoom)))
self.resource_xy_list = self.get_resource_point_list()
def get_icon_path(self):
# 检查有没有图标,有返回正确图标,没有返回默认图标
icon_path = os.path.join(FILE_PATH, "icon", f"{self.resource_id}.png")
if os.path.exists(icon_path):
return icon_path
return os.path.join(FILE_PATH, "icon", "0.png")
def get_resource_point_list(self):
temp_list = []
for resource_point in data["all_resource_point_list"]:
if str(resource_point["label_id"]) == self.resource_id:
# 获取xy坐标然后加上中心点的坐标完成坐标转换
x = resource_point["x_pos"] + CENTER[0] # noqa
y = resource_point["y_pos"] + CENTER[1] # noqa
temp_list.append((int(x), int(y)))
return temp_list
def paste(self):
for x, y in self.resource_xy_list:
# 把资源图片贴到地图上
# 这时地图已经裁切过了,要以裁切后的地图左上角为中心再转换一次坐标
x -= self.x_start
y -= self.y_start
self.map_image.paste(self.resource_icon, (x + resource_icon_offset[0], y + resource_icon_offset[1]),
def crop(self):
# 把大地图裁切到只保留资源图标位置
for x, y in self.resource_xy_list:
# 找出4个方向最远的坐标用于后边裁切
self.x_start = min(x, self.x_start)
self.y_start = min(y, self.y_start)
self.x_end = max(x, self.x_end)
self.y_end = max(y, self.y_end)
# 先把4个方向扩展150像素防止把资源图标裁掉
self.x_start -= 150
self.y_start -= 150
self.x_end += 150
self.y_end += 150
# 如果图片裁切的太小会看不出资源的位置在哪检查图片裁切的长和宽看够不够1000不到1000的按1000裁切
if (self.x_end - self.x_start) < 1000:
center = int((self.x_end + self.x_start) / 2)
self.x_start = center - 500
self.x_end = center + 500
if (self.y_end - self.y_start) < 1000:
center = int((self.y_end + self.y_start) / 2)
self.y_start = center - 500
self.y_end = center + 500
self.map_image = self.map_image.crop((self.x_start, self.y_start, self.x_end, self.y_end))
def gen_jpg(self):
if not self.resource_xy_list:
return "没有这个资源的信息"
self.map_image.save(f'temp{os.sep}map.jpg', format='JPEG')
def get_resource_count(self):
return len(self.resource_xy_list)
async def get_resource_map_mes(name):
if data["date"] != time.strftime("%d"):
await init_point_list_and_map()
if not (name in data["can_query_type_list"]):
return f"没有 {name} 这种资源。\n发送 资源列表 查看所有资源名称"
map = Resource_map(name)
count = map.get_resource_count()
if not count:
return f"没有找到 {name} 资源的位置可能米游社wiki还没更新。"
mes = f"资源 {name} 的位置如图所示"
mes += f"\n\n{name} 一共找到 {count} 个位置点\n※ 数据来源于米游社wiki"
return mes
def get_resource_list_mes():
temp = {}
for id in data["all_resource_type"].keys():
# 先找1级目录
if data["all_resource_type"][id]["depth"] == 1:
temp[id] = []
for id in data["all_resource_type"].keys():
# 再找2级目录
if data["all_resource_type"][id]["depth"] == 2:
mes = "当前资源列表如下:\n"
for resource_type_id in temp.keys():
if resource_type_id in ["1", "12", "50", "51", "95", "131"]:
# 在游戏里能查到的数据这里就不列举了,不然消息太长了
mes += f"{data['all_resource_type'][resource_type_id]['name']}"
for resource_id in temp[resource_type_id]:
mes += f"{data['all_resource_type'][resource_id]['name']}"
mes += "\n"
return mes