2022-11-04 08:08:45 +00:00
import contextlib
import re
from datetime import datetime
2022-11-04 15:54:19 +00:00
from typing import Optional
2022-11-04 08:08:45 +00:00
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from init import request
2022-11-04 15:54:19 +00:00
from models.fragment import AuctionStatus, UserName, TON_TO_USD_RATE, Price, FragmentSubText, FragmentSub
2022-11-04 08:08:45 +00:00
class NotAvailable(Exception):
async def get_fragment_html(username: str):
resp = await request.get(f"https://fragment.com/username/{username}", follow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == 200
return resp.text
except AssertionError as e:
raise AssertionError from e
except Exception as e:
raise NotAvailable from e
def refresh_rate(html: str) -> None:
pattern = re.compile(r'"tonRate":"(.+)"}}')
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
TON_TO_USD_RATE["rate"] = float(pattern.findall(html)[0])
def parse_user(username: str, html: str) -> UserName:
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
status = AuctionStatus(soup.find("span", {"class": "tm-section-header-status"}).getText())
if status == AuctionStatus.OnAuction and "Highest Bid" not in html:
status = AuctionStatus.Available
user = UserName(name=username, status=status)
if user.status == AuctionStatus.Available:
user.now_price = Price(ton=int(soup.find(
"div", {"class": "table-cell-value tm-value icon-before icon-ton"}
).getText().replace(",", "")))
2022-11-30 13:30:37 +00:00
elif user.status in [AuctionStatus.OnAuction, AuctionStatus.Sale]:
2022-11-04 08:08:45 +00:00
info = soup.find("div", {"class": "tm-section-box tm-section-bid-info"})
user.now_price = Price(ton=int(info.find(
"div", {"class": "table-cell-value tm-value icon-before icon-ton"}
).getText().replace(",", "")))
user.end_time = datetime.fromisoformat(soup.find("time", {"class": "tm-countdown-timer"})["datetime"])
elif user.status == AuctionStatus.Sold:
info = soup.find("div", {"class": "tm-section-box tm-section-bid-info"})
user.now_price = Price(ton=int(info.find(
"div", {"class": "table-cell-value tm-value icon-before icon-ton"}
).getText().replace(",", "")))
user.purchaser = info.find("a")["href"].split("/")[-1]
user.end_time = datetime.fromisoformat(info.find("time")["datetime"])
return user
except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
raise NotAvailable from e
async def search_fragment_html(username: str) -> str:
resp = await request.get(f"https://fragment.com/?query={username}", follow_redirects=False)
return resp.text
except Exception as e:
raise NotAvailable from e
def search_user(username: str, html: str) -> UserName:
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
user = soup.find_all("tr", {"class": "tm-row-selectable"})[0]
status = AuctionStatus(user.find("div", {"class": "table-cell-status-thin"}).getText())
return UserName(name=username, status=status)
except (AttributeError, ValueError, IndexError) as e:
raise NotAvailable from e
async def parse_fragment(username: str) -> UserName:
html = await get_fragment_html(username)
return parse_user(username, html)
except AssertionError:
html = await search_fragment_html(username)
return search_user(username, html)
2022-11-04 15:54:19 +00:00
async def parse_sub(status: FragmentSubText, user: Optional[UserName], cid: int) -> str:
if status == FragmentSubText.Subscribe:
if user.status == [AuctionStatus.Sold, AuctionStatus.Unavailable]:
return "用户名已被卖出或者已被注册,无法订阅"
if await FragmentSub.get_by_cid_and_username(cid, user.name):
return "已经订阅过了这个用户名"
await FragmentSub.subscribe(cid, user.name)
return "订阅成功"
elif status == FragmentSubText.Unsubscribe:
if data := (await FragmentSub.get_by_cid_and_username(cid, user.name)):
await FragmentSub.unsubscribe(data)
return "取消订阅成功"
return "当前没有订阅这个用户名"
elif status == FragmentSubText.List:
if data := (await FragmentSub.get_by_cid(cid)):
return "目前已订阅:\n\n" + "\n".join([f"{i+1}. @{d.username}" for i, d in enumerate(data)])
return "还没有订阅任何用户名"