
139 lines
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2022-11-04 08:08:45 +00:00
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, cast, List
2022-11-04 08:08:45 +00:00
from pydantic import BaseModel
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlmodel.ext.asyncio.session import AsyncSession
from init import sqlite
from models.models.fragment import Fragment
2022-11-04 08:08:45 +00:00
TON_TO_USD_RATE = {"rate": 1.61}
class Price(BaseModel):
ton: int
def usd(self) -> float:
return self.ton * TON_TO_USD_RATE["rate"]
def text(self) -> str:
return f"{self.ton} TON ~ ${round(self.usd, 2)}"
class AuctionStatus(Enum):
Available = "Available"
OnAuction = "On auction"
Sold = "Sold"
Sale = "For sale"
ComingSoon = "Coming soon"
Unavailable = "Unavailable"
def text(self) -> str:
if self.value == "Available":
return "等待出价"
elif self.value == "On auction":
return "正在拍卖"
elif self.value == "Sold":
return "已售出"
elif self.value == "For sale":
return "正在出售"
elif self.value == "Coming soon":
return "即将拍卖"
elif self.value == "Unavailable":
return "暂时不会出售"
class UserName(BaseModel):
name: str
now_price: Optional[Price]
end_time: Optional[datetime]
purchaser: Optional[str]
status: AuctionStatus
def end_human_time(self) -> str:
diff = self.end_time -
args = []
if diff.days:
if diff.seconds // 3600:
args.append(f"{diff.seconds // 3600}")
if diff.seconds % 3600 // 60:
args.append(f"{diff.seconds % 3600 // 60}")
if diff.seconds % 60:
args.append(f"{diff.seconds % 60}")
return " ".join(args)
def strf_end_time(self) -> str:
return (self.end_time + timedelta(hours=8)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
def text(self) -> str:
text = f"用户名:@{}\n" \
if self.status == AuctionStatus.Available:
text += f"最低出价:{self.now_price.text}\n"
elif self.status == AuctionStatus.OnAuction:
text += f"目前最高出价:{self.now_price.text}\n" \
elif self.status == AuctionStatus.Sold:
text += f"售出价格:{self.now_price.text}\n" \
f"最终买家:<a href='{self.purchaser}'>{self.purchaser[:12]}...</a>\n" \
elif self.status == AuctionStatus.Sale:
text += f"售价:{self.now_price.text}\n" \
return text
class FragmentSubText(Enum):
Subscribe = "订阅"
Unsubscribe = "退订"
List = "订阅列表"
class FragmentSub:
async def subscribe(cid: int, username: str):
async with sqlite.Session() as session:
session = cast(AsyncSession, session)
data = Fragment(cid=cid, username=username)
await session.commit()
async def unsubscribe(data: Fragment):
async with sqlite.Session() as session:
session = cast(AsyncSession, session)
await session.delete(data)
await session.commit()
async def get_by_cid_and_username(cid: int, username: str) -> Optional[Fragment]:
async with sqlite.Session() as session:
session = cast(AsyncSession, session)
2022-11-27 06:20:18 +00:00
statement = select(Fragment).where(Fragment.cid == cid).where(Fragment.username == username)
results = await session.exec(statement)
return post[0] if (post := results.first()) else None
async def get_by_cid(cid: int) -> List[Fragment]:
async with sqlite.Session() as session:
session = cast(AsyncSession, session)
statement = select(Fragment).where(Fragment.cid == cid)
results = await session.exec(statement)
return [item[0] for item in results.all()]
async def get_all() -> List[Fragment]:
async with sqlite.Session() as session:
session = cast(AsyncSession, session)
statement = select(Fragment)
results = await session.exec(statement)
return [item[0] for item in results.all()]