import contextlib import os import time from asyncio import create_subprocess_shell, subprocess, Lock from io import BytesIO from typing import Tuple, Dict, Union, Optional import aiofiles from bilibili_api import HEADERS from import Audio from import Video, VideoDownloadURLDataDetecter, VideoQuality from httpx import AsyncClient, Response, URL from pyrogram.enums import ParseMode from pyrogram.types import Message from defs.request import cache_dir from init import bot, logger, request from models.models.bilifav import BiliFav from import BiliFavAction FFMPEG_PATH = "ffmpeg" FFPROBE_PATH = "ffprobe" LOCK = Lock() EDIT_TEMP_SECONDS = 10.0 MESSAGE_MAP: Dict[int, float] = {} UPLOAD_MESSAGE_MAP: Dict[int, int] = {} CDN = [ "", "", "", "", "", ] class BilibiliDownloaderError(Exception): """Bilibili 下载器错误""" MSG = "Bilibili 下载器错误" def __init__(self, msg: str = None): self.MSG = msg or self.MSG class FileTooBig(BilibiliDownloaderError): """文件过大,超过2GB""" MSG = "文件过大,超过2GB" class FileNoSize(BilibiliDownloaderError): """文件大小未知""" MSG = "文件大小未知" class FFmpegError(BilibiliDownloaderError): """FFmpeg 转换失败""" MSG = "FFmpeg 转换失败" def should_edit(m: Message) -> bool: if in MESSAGE_MAP: last_time = MESSAGE_MAP[] if last_time + EDIT_TEMP_SECONDS < time.time(): return True else: return True return False def format_bytes(size: Union[int, float]) -> str: """格式化文件大小""" power = 1024 n = 0 power_labels = {0: "", 1: "K", 2: "M", 3: "G", 4: "T"} while size > power: size /= power n += 1 if n > 4: n = 4 return f"{round(size, 2)} {power_labels[n]}B" def format_seconds(seconds: Union[int, float]) -> str: """格式化秒数""" m, s = divmod(seconds, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) s = round(s, 2) text = "" if h > 0: text += f" {h} 小时" if m > 0: text += f" {m} 分钟" if s > 0: text += f" {s} 秒" return text.strip() async def safe_edit(m: Message, text: str): try: await m.edit_text(text) except Exception: pass async def fail_edit(m: Message, text: str): try: await m.edit_text(text) except Exception: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await m.reply(text, quote=True) async def execute(command: str) -> Tuple[str, int]: process = await create_subprocess_shell( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE ) stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() try: result = str(stdout.decode().strip()) + str(stderr.decode().strip()) except UnicodeDecodeError: result = str(stdout.decode("gbk").strip()) + str(stderr.decode("gbk").strip()) return result, process.returncode def safe_remove(path: str): if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) async def message_edit( length: int, total_downloaded: int, temp_downloaded: int, chunk_time: float, m: Message, t: str, ): speed = temp_downloaded / (chunk_time if chunk_time > 0 else 1) text = ( f"{t}进度\n\n" f"{format_bytes(total_downloaded)} / {format_bytes(length)} " f"({round(total_downloaded / length * 100.0, 2)}%)\n\n" f"传输区间速度:{format_bytes(speed)}/s\n" f"预计剩余时间:{format_seconds((length - total_downloaded) / speed)}" ) await safe_edit(m, text) async def download_url(url: str, out: str, m: Message, start: str): for i in CDN: if i: u = URL(url).host url = url.replace(u, i) async with AsyncClient(headers=HEADERS, timeout=60) as sess: head = await sess.head(url) if head.status_code != 200: if i == CDN[-1]: raise BilibiliDownloaderError("下载链接异常,请尝试重新下载") logger.warning(f"下载链接异常,使用 CDN {i} 失败,尝试使用其他 CDN") continue async with"GET", url) as resp:"Downloading {start}") resp: Response length = resp.headers.get("content-length") if not length: raise FileNoSize length = int(length) if length > 1.9 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024: raise FileTooBig total_downloaded = 0 temp_downloaded = 0 MESSAGE_MAP[] = time.time() - EDIT_TEMP_SECONDS async with, "wb") as f: async for chunk in resp.aiter_bytes(1024): if not chunk: break chunk_len = len(chunk) total_downloaded += chunk_len temp_downloaded += chunk_len async with LOCK: _should_edit = should_edit(m) if _should_edit: now = time.time() chunk_time = now - MESSAGE_MAP[] MESSAGE_MAP[] = now if _should_edit: bot.loop.create_task( message_edit( length, total_downloaded, temp_downloaded, chunk_time, m, f"{start}下载", ) ) temp_downloaded = 0 await f.write(chunk) async def get_video_duration(path: str) -> float: """获取视频时长""" video_duration, code = await execute( f"{FFPROBE_PATH} -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries format=duration " f"-of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 {path}" ) if code != 0: raise FFmpegError("视频时长获取失败") return round(float(video_duration.split("[")[0].strip()), 2) async def get_video_height_width(path: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """获取视频高度和宽度""" result, code = await execute( f"{FFPROBE_PATH} -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=width,height " f"-of csv=s=x:p=0 {path}" ) if code != 0: raise FFmpegError("视频宽高度获取失败") video_width, video_height = result.split("[")[0].split("x") return int(video_height), int(video_width) async def take_screenshot(info: Dict) -> Optional[BytesIO]: """获取视频封面""" try: pic_get = (await request.get(info["pic"])).content pic = BytesIO(pic_get) = "screenshot.jpg" return pic except Exception: logger.exception("获取视频封面失败") return None def gen_audio_caption(a: Audio, info: Dict) -> str: intro = info.get("intro", "") if intro: text = f"{info['title']}\n\n{intro}\n\n{a.get_auid()}" if len(text) > 800: text = f"{info['title']}\n\n简介过长,无法显示\n\n{a.get_auid()}" else: text = ( f"{info['title']}\n\n{a.get_auid()}" ) return text async def audio_download( a: Audio, m: Message, push_id: int = None ) -> Optional[Message]: try: info = await a.get_info() download_url_data = await a.get_download_url() async with AsyncClient(headers=HEADERS, timeout=60) as client: r = await client.get(download_url_data["cdns"][0]) media = BytesIO(r.content) ext = download_url_data["cdns"][0].split("?")[0].split(".")[-1] if ext: = f"{info['title']}.{ext}" else: = f"{info['title']}.mp3" if info.get("cover"): r_ = await client.get(info.get("cover")) thumb = BytesIO(r_.content) else: thumb = None caption = gen_audio_caption(a, info) msg = await bot.send_audio( chat_id=push_id or, audio=media, caption=caption, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, reply_to_message_id=m.reply_to_message_id if not push_id else None, thumb=thumb, title=info.get("title"), duration=info.get("duration"), performer=info.get("author"), ) if info.get("id") and (not await BiliFavAction.get_by_id(info.get("id"))): audio_db = BiliFav( id=info.get("id", 0), bv_id=info.get("bvid").lower(), type=12, title=info.get("title", ""), cover=info.get("cover", ""), if push_id else 0,, timestamp=int(time.time()), ) await BiliFavAction.add_bili_fav(audio_db) except BilibiliDownloaderError as e: await fail_edit(m, e.MSG) return except Exception as e: logger.exception("Downloading audio failed") await fail_edit(m, f"下载/上传失败:{e}") return with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await m.delete() return msg async def go_download(v: Video, p_num: int, m: Message, task: bool = True): video_path = cache_dir / f"{v.get_aid()}_{p_num}.mp4" safe_remove(video_path) flv_temp_path = cache_dir / f"{v.get_aid()}_{p_num}_temp.flv" video_temp_path = cache_dir / f"{v.get_aid()}_{p_num}_video.m4s" audio_temp_path = cache_dir / f"{v.get_aid()}_{p_num}_audio.m4s" # 有 MP4 流 / FLV 流两种可能 try: # 获取视频下载链接 download_url_data = await v.get_download_url(p_num) # 解析视频下载信息 detector = VideoDownloadURLDataDetecter(data=download_url_data) streams = detector.detect_best_streams( video_max_quality=VideoQuality._1080P_60, # noqa ) if not streams: raise BilibiliDownloaderError("无法获取下载链接") if detector.check_flv_stream(): # FLV 流下载 await download_url(streams[0].url, flv_temp_path, m, "视频 FLV ") # 转换文件格式 _, result = await execute( f'{FFMPEG_PATH} -i "{flv_temp_path}" "{video_path}"' ) else: if len(streams) < 2: raise BilibiliDownloaderError("获取下载链接异常") # MP4 流下载 video_url = streams[0].url audio_url = streams[1].url await download_url(video_url, video_temp_path, m, "视频 m4s ") await download_url(audio_url, audio_temp_path, m, "音频 m4s ") # 混流"Merging video and audio") _, result = await execute( f'{FFMPEG_PATH} -i "{video_temp_path}" -i "{audio_temp_path}" ' f"-c:v copy -c:a copy -movflags +faststart " f'-y "{video_path}"' ) if result != 0: raise FFmpegError if task: bot.loop.create_task(go_upload(v, p_num, m)) except BilibiliDownloaderError as e: await fail_edit(m, e.MSG) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Downloading video failed") await fail_edit(m, f"下载失败:{e}") finally: # 删除临时文件 safe_remove(flv_temp_path) safe_remove(video_temp_path) safe_remove(audio_temp_path) async def go_upload_progress(current: int, total: int, m: Message): if current == 0: return async with LOCK: _should_edit = should_edit(m) if _should_edit: now = time.time() chunk_time = now - MESSAGE_MAP[] MESSAGE_MAP[] = now if _should_edit: t = UPLOAD_MESSAGE_MAP[] if in UPLOAD_MESSAGE_MAP else 0 UPLOAD_MESSAGE_MAP[] = current chunk = current - t chunk = chunk if chunk > 0 else 0 await message_edit(total, current, chunk, chunk_time, m, "上传") def gen_video_caption(v: Video, info: Dict) -> str: caption = ( f"{info['title']}\n\n{info['desc']}\n\n{v.get_bvid()}" ) if len(caption) > 800: caption = f"{info['title']}\n\n简介过长,无法显示\n\n{v.get_bvid()}" return caption async def go_upload( v: Video, p_num: int, m: Message, push_id: int = None ) -> Optional[Message]: video_path = cache_dir / f"{v.get_aid()}_{p_num}.mp4" if not video_path.exists(): await fail_edit(m, "视频文件不存在") return try: video_duration = await get_video_duration(video_path) video_height, video_width = await get_video_height_width(video_path) try: info = await v.get_info() video_jpg = await take_screenshot(info) caption = gen_video_caption(v, info) except Exception: info = None video_jpg = None caption = f"{v.get_bvid()}""Uploading {video_path}") msg = await bot.send_video( chat_id=push_id or, video=str(video_path), caption=caption, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, duration=int(video_duration), width=video_width, height=video_height, thumb=video_jpg, supports_streaming=True, progress=go_upload_progress, progress_args=(m,), reply_to_message_id=m.reply_to_message_id if not push_id else None, ) if ( (not await BiliFavAction.get_by_bv_id(v.get_bvid())) and info is not None and info.get("aid") ): video_db = BiliFav( id=info.get("aid", 0), bv_id=info.get("bvid").lower(), type=2, title=info.get("title", ""), cover=info.get("pic", ""), if push_id else 0,, timestamp=int(time.time()), ) await BiliFavAction.add_bili_fav(video_db)"Upload {video_path} success") except BilibiliDownloaderError as e: await fail_edit(m, e.MSG) return except Exception as e: logger.exception("Uploading video failed") await fail_edit(m, f"上传失败:{e}") return finally: safe_remove(video_path) if in MESSAGE_MAP: del MESSAGE_MAP[] if in UPLOAD_MESSAGE_MAP: del UPLOAD_MESSAGE_MAP[] with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await m.delete() return msg