import contextlib import re from pyrogram import Client, filters, ContinuePropagation from pyrogram.enums import ChatMemberStatus from pyrogram.types import InlineQuery, InlineQueryResultArticle, InputTextMessageContent, InlineKeyboardMarkup, \ InlineKeyboardButton, Message from models.fragment import FragmentSubText, FragmentSub, AuctionStatus from defs.fragment import parse_fragment, NotAvailable, parse_sub from init import user_me, bot from scheduler import scheduler, add_delete_message_job QUERY_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^@\w[a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,32}$") @Client.on_message(filters.incoming & filters.command(["username", f"username@{user_me.username}"])) async def fragment_command(client: Client, message: Message): status = None user = None if len(message.command) <= 1: return await message.reply("没有找到要查询的用户名 ...") elif message.command[1] == "订阅列表": status = FragmentSubText.List elif len(message.command) > 2: if message.command[2] not in ["订阅", "退订"]: return await message.reply("只能查询一个用户名 ...") status = FragmentSubText(message.command[2]) if status and message.from_user: data = await client.get_chat_member(, if data.status not in [ChatMemberStatus.ADMINISTRATOR, ChatMemberStatus.OWNER]: rep = await message.reply("You are not an admin of this chat.") add_delete_message_job(rep) raise ContinuePropagation if status == FragmentSubText.List: text = await parse_sub(status, user, else: username = message.command[1] if not username.startswith("@"): username = f"@{username}" if not QUERY_PATTERN.match(username): return await message.reply("无效的用户名") username = username[1:] try: user = await parse_fragment(username) text = user.text except NotAvailable: text = "解析失败了 ... 请稍后再试" except Exception: text = "查询失败了 ... 请稍后再试" if status and user is not None: text = await parse_sub(status, user, await message.reply(text) @Client.on_inline_query() async def fragment_inline(_, inline_query: InlineQuery): username = inline_query.query if not username.startswith("@"): username = f"@{username}" if not QUERY_PATTERN.match(username): return await inline_query.answer( results=[], switch_pm_text="请输入 @username 来查询遗产", switch_pm_parameter="start", cache_time=0, ) username = username[1:] try: user = await parse_fragment(username) text = user.text except NotAvailable: text = f"用户名:@{username}\n" \ f"状态:暂未开放购买\n" except Exception: text = "" if not text: return await inline_query.answer( results=[], switch_pm_text="查询失败了 ~ 呜呜呜", switch_pm_parameter="start", cache_time=0, ) results = [ InlineQueryResultArticle( title=username, input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent(text), url=f"{username}", description="点击发送详情", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [InlineKeyboardButton( "Open", url=f"{username}" )] ] ) ), ] await inline_query.answer( results=results, switch_pm_text="查询成功", switch_pm_parameter="start", cache_time=0 ) @scheduler.scheduled_job("cron", hour="8", minute="1", id="fragment.sub") async def fragment_sub() -> None: data = await FragmentSub.get_all() if not data: return for item in data: with contextlib.suppress(NotAvailable, Exception): user = await parse_fragment(item.username) text = user.text if user.status in [AuctionStatus.Sold, AuctionStatus.Unavailable]: await FragmentSub.unsubscribe(item) await bot.send_message(item.cid, text)