from io import BytesIO from os import sep from typing import Tuple, Union, Literal, Optional from pathlib import Path from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont class ImageUtil: """ :说明: `ImageUtil` > 图片处理工具类 > Author: HibiKier """ def __init__( self, width: int, height: int, paste_image_width: int = 0, paste_image_height: int = 0, color: Union[str, Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = None, image_mode: Literal[ "CMYK", "HSV", "LAB", "RGB", "RGBA", "RGBX", "YCbCr" ] = "RGBA", font_size: int = 10, background: Union[Optional[str], BytesIO, Path] = None, font: str = "sarasa-mono-sc-semibold.ttf", ratio: float = 1, is_alpha: bool = False, plain_text: Optional[str] = None, font_color: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None, ) -> None: """ :说明: `__init__` > 创建图片处理对象 :参数: * `width: int`: 图片宽度 * `height: int`: 图片高度 :可选参数: * `paste_image_width: int = 0`: 当图片做为背景图时,设置贴图的宽度,用于贴图自动换行 * `paste_image_height: int = 0`: 当图片做为背景图时,设置贴图的高度,用于贴图自动换行 * `color: Union[str, Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = None`: 生成图片的颜色 * `image_mode: Literal["CMYK", "HSV", "LAB", "RGB", "RGBA", "RGBX", "YCbCr"] = "RGBA"`: 图片类型 * `font_size: int = 10`: 字体大小 * `background: Union[Optional[str], BytesIO, Path] = None`: 背景图片路径 * `font: str = "sarasa-mono-sc-semibold.ttf"`: 字体路径 * `ratio: float = 1`: 图片缩放比例 * `is_alpha: bool = False`: 是否使用透明度 * `plain_text: Optional[str] = None`: 纯文本内容 * `font_color: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None`: 字体颜色 :错误: - `ValueError`: image_mode 不在范围内 """ self.width = width self.height = height self.paste_image_width = paste_image_width self.paste_image_height = paste_image_height self.current_width = 0 self.current_height = 0 self.font = ImageFont.truetype(f"resources{sep}font{sep}{font}", font_size) if image_mode not in ["CMYK", "HSV", "LAB", "RGB", "RGBA", "RGBX", "YCbCr"]: raise ValueError(f"image_mode: {image_mode}错误") if not color: color = (255, 255, 255) if not background: if plain_text: self.width = ( self.width if self.width > self.font.getsize(plain_text)[0] else self.font.getsize(plain_text)[1] ) self.height = ( self.height if self.height > self.font.getsize(plain_text)[1] else self.font.getsize(plain_text)[1] ) self.mark_image =, (self.width, self.height), color) self.mark_image.convert(image_mode) else: if not width and not height: self.mark_image = width, height = self.mark_image.size if ratio and ratio > 0 and ratio != 1: self.width = int(ratio * width) self.height = int(ratio * height) self.mark_image = self.mark_image.resize( (self.width, self.height), Image.ANTIALIAS ) else: self.width = width self.height = height else: self.mark_image = (self.width, self.height), Image.ANTIALIAS ) if is_alpha: array = self.mark_image.load() for i in range(width): for j in range(height): pos = array[i, j] # type: ignore is_edit = sum([1 for x in pos[0:3] if x > 240]) == 3 if is_edit: array[i, j] = (255, 255, 255, 0) # type: ignore self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.mark_image) self.size = self.width, self.height if plain_text: fill = font_color if font_color else (0, 0, 0) self.text((0, 0), plain_text, fill) def text( self, pos: Tuple[int, int], text: str, fill: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), center_type: Literal["center", "by_height", "by_width"] = None, ): """ :说明: `text` > 在图片上添加文本 :参数: * `pos: Tuple[int, int]`: 文本位置 * `text: str`: 文本内容 :可选参数: * `fill: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0)`: 文本颜色 * `center_type: Literal["center", "by_height", "by_width"] = None`: 文本居中方式 :错误: * `ValueError`: 当 `center_type` 不为 `center`, `by_height`, `by_width` 时 """ if center_type: if center_type not in ["center", "by_height", "by_width"]: raise ValueError( "center_type must be 'center', 'by_width' or 'by_height'" ) width, height = self.width, self.height text_widht, text_height = self.getsize(text) if center_type == "center": width = int((width - text_widht) / 2) height = int((height - text_height) / 2) elif center_type == "by_width": width = int((width - text_widht) / 2) height = pos[1] elif center_type == "by_height": height = int((height - text_height) / 2) width = pos[0] pos = (width, height) self.draw.text(pos, text, fill=fill, font=self.font) def paste( self, img: Union["ImageUtil", Image.Image], pos: Tuple[int, int] = None, alpha: bool = False, center_type: Literal["center", "by_height", "by_width"] = None, ): """ :说明: `paste` > 在图片上添加图片 :参数: * `img: ImageUtil`: 图片对象 :可选参数: * `pos: Tuple[int, int] = None`: 图片位置 * `alpha: bool = False`: 是否使用透明度 * `center_type: Literal["center", "by_height", "by_width"] = None`: 图片居中方式 :错误: - `ValueError`: 当 `center_type` 不为 `center`, `by_height`, `by_width` 时 """ if center_type: if center_type not in ["center", "by_height", "by_width"]: raise ValueError( "center_type must be 'center', 'by_width' or 'by_height'" ) width, height = 0, 0 if not pos: pos = (0, 0) if center_type == "center": width = int((self.width - img.width) / 2) height = int((self.height - img.height) / 2) elif center_type == "by_width": width = int((self.width - img.width) / 2) height = pos[1] elif center_type == "by_height": width = pos[0] height = int((self.height - img.height) / 2) pos = (width, height) if isinstance(img, ImageUtil): img = img.mark_image if self.current_width == self.width: self.current_width = 0 self.current_height += self.paste_image_height if not pos: pos = (self.current_width, self.current_height) if alpha: try: self.mark_image.paste(img, pos, img) except ValueError: img = img.convert("RGBA") self.mark_image.paste(img, pos, img) else: self.mark_image.paste(img, pos) self.current_width += self.paste_image_width def getsize(self, msg: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ :说明: `getsize` > 获取文本大小 :参数: * `msg: str`: 文本内容 :返回: - `Tuple[int, int]`: 文本大小 """ return self.font.getsize(msg) def point(self, pos: Tuple[int, int], fill: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0)): """ :说明: `point` > 绘制单独的像素点 :参数: * `pos: Tuple[int, int]`: 像素点位置 :可选参数: * `fill: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0)`: 像素点颜色 """ self.draw.point(pos, fill=fill) def ellipse( self, pos: Tuple[int, int, int, int], fill: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None, outline: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None, width: int = 1, ): """ :说明: `ellipse` > 绘制描边 :参数: * `pos: Tuple[int, int, int, int]`: 坐标范围[x1, y1, x2, y2] :可选参数: * `fill: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None`: 填充颜色 * `outline: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None`: 描边颜色 * `width: int = 1`: 描边宽度 """ self.draw.ellipse(pos, fill, outline, width) def save(self, path: Union[str, Path]): """ :说明: `save` > 保存图片 :参数: * `path: Union[str, Path]`: 保存路径 """ if isinstance(path, Path): path = path.absolute() def convert( self, image_mode: Literal[ "CMYK", "HSV", "LAB", "RGB", "RGBA", "RGBX", "YCbCr" ] = "RGBA", ): """ :说明: `convert` > 转换图片类型 :可选参数: * `image_mode:Literal["CMYK", "HSV", "LAB", "RGB", "RGBA", "RGBX", "YCbCr"] = "RGBA"`: 转换后的图片类型 """ self.mark_image = self.mark_image.convert(image_mode) def circle(self): """ :说明: `circle` > 转换图片为圆形 """ self.convert("RGBA") r2 = min(self.width, self.height) if self.width != self.height: self.resize(width=r2, height=r2) r3 = int(r2 / 2) imb ="RGBA", (r3 * 2, r3 * 2), (255, 255, 255, 0)) pim_a = self.mark_image.load() # 像素的访问对象 pim_b = imb.load() r = float(r2 / 2) for i in range(r2): for j in range(r2): lx = abs(i - r) # 到圆心距离的横坐标 ly = abs(j - r) # 到圆心距离的纵坐标 length = (pow(lx, 2) + pow(ly, 2)) ** 0.5 # 三角函数 半径 if length < r3: pim_b[i - (r - r3), j - (r - r3)] = pim_a[i, j] # type: ignore self.mark_image = imb def resize(self, ratio: float = 0, width: int = 0, height: int = 0): """ :说明: `resize` > 图片缩放 :可选参数: * `ratio: float = 0`: 缩放比例 * `width: int = 0`: 缩放后的宽度 * `height: int = 0`: 缩放后的高度 :异常: - `Exception`: 缺少参数 """ if not width and not height and not ratio: raise Exception("缺少参数...") if not width and not height and ratio: width = int(self.width * ratio) height = int(self.height * ratio) self.mark_image = self.mark_image.resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS) self.width, self.height = self.mark_image.size self.size = self.width, self.height self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.mark_image)