import contextlib import os import re from io import BytesIO from typing import List from urllib.parse import urlparse from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from pyrogram.types import ( InputMediaPhoto, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton, InputMediaDocument, InputMediaAnimation, Message, ) from defs.glover import lofter_channel_username from import LofterPost as LofterPostModel from init import request class LofterItem: def __init__( self, url, audio_link, title: str, origin_url, username, name, comment, tags ): self.url = url self.audio_link = f"{audio_link}" self.only_text = url is None self.file = None self.origin_url = origin_url self.post_id = origin_url.split("/post/")[1].split("?")[0] self.username = username self.text = ( f"Lofter Status Info\n\n" f"{title.strip()}\n\n" f'✍️ {name}\n' f"{tags}\n" f"{comment}" ) async def check_exists(self): if await LofterPostModel.get_by_post_id(self.post_id): self.text += f'\n📄 此图集已被此频道收录' async def init(self): await self.check_exists() if self.only_text: return file = await request.get(self.url, timeout=30) file = BytesIO(file.content) = os.path.basename(self.url).split("?")[0] self.file = file async def reply_to(self, message: Message, static: bool = False): if not self.file: await self.init() if static: await message.reply_document( self.file, caption=self.text, quote=True, reply_markup=lofter_link(self.url, self.origin_url, self.username), ) elif self.only_text: await message.reply_text( self.text, quote=True, disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=lofter_link( self.audio_link, self.origin_url, self.username ), ) elif".gif"): await message.reply_animation( self.file, caption=self.text, quote=True, reply_markup=lofter_link(self.url, self.origin_url, self.username), ) else: await message.reply_photo( self.file, caption=self.text, quote=True, reply_markup=lofter_link(self.url, self.origin_url, self.username), ) async def export(self, static: bool = False, first: bool = False): if not self.file: await self.init() if static: return InputMediaDocument(self.file, caption=self.text if first else None) elif".gif"): return InputMediaAnimation(self.file, caption=self.text if first else None) else: return InputMediaPhoto(self.file, caption=self.text if first else None) async def input_media(img: List[LofterItem], static: bool = False): return [(await img[ff].export(static, ff == 0)) for ff in range(len(img))] async def get_loft(url: str) -> List[LofterItem]: res = await request.get(url) assert res.status_code == 200 username, avatar, name, bio, soup = parse_loft_user(url, res.text) try: title = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "text"})[-1].getText().strip() except IndexError: title = "" links = soup.findAll("a", {"class": "imgclasstag"}) audio_link = None audio = soup.find("div", {"class": "img"}) if audio and audio.getText().strip(): title = ( f"分享音乐:{audio.getText().strip()}\n\n{title}" if title else f"分享音乐:{audio.getText().strip()}" ) audio_link = re.findall( r"%26id%3D(.*?)%26", audio.findAll("div")[1].get("onclick") )[0] comment = soup.findAll("h3", {"class": "nctitle"}) comment_text = "".join(f"{i.getText()} " for i in comment) if "(" not in comment_text: comment_text = "" tags = soup.find("meta", {"name": "Keywords"}).get("content") tags_text = "".join(f"#{i} " for i in tags.split(",")) return ( [ LofterItem( i.get("bigimgsrc"), audio_link, title, url, username, name, comment_text, tags_text, ) for i in links ] if links else [ LofterItem( None, audio_link, title, url, username, name, comment_text, tags_text ) ] ) def parse_loft_user(url: str, content: str): username = urlparse(url).hostname.split(".")[0] soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "lxml") name, bio, avatar = "未知用户", "", None # noqa with contextlib.suppress(Exception): name = soup.find("title").getText().split("-")[-1].strip() with contextlib.suppress(Exception): bio = " - ".join( soup.find("meta", {"name": "Description"}).get("content").split(" - ")[1:] ) with contextlib.suppress(Exception): avatar = soup.find("link", {"rel": "shortcut icon"}).get("href").split("?")[0] if user := soup.find("div", {"class": "selfinfo"}): name = user.find("h1").getText() bio = user.find("div", {"class": "text"}).getText() return username, avatar, name, bio, soup if user := soup.find("div", {"class": "g-hdc box"}): name = user.find("h1").getText() bio = user.find("p", {"class": "cont"}).getText() return username, avatar, name, bio, soup return username, avatar, name, bio, soup async def get_loft_user(url: str): res = await request.get(url) assert res.status_code == 200 username, avatar, name, bio, soup = parse_loft_user(url, res.text) status_link = None for i in soup.findAll("a"): url = i.get("href") if url and "" in url: status_link = url break text = ( f"Lofter User Info\n\n" f"Name: {name}\n" f'Username: {username}\n' f"Bio: " ) return text, avatar, username, status_link def lofter_link(url, origin, username): return ( InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Source", url=origin), InlineKeyboardButton(text="Origin", url=url), InlineKeyboardButton( text="Author", url=f"https://{username}" ), ] ] ) if url else InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Source", url=origin), InlineKeyboardButton( text="Author", url=f"https://{username}" ), ] ] ) ) def lofter_user_link(username, status_link): return ( InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="Author", url=f"https://{username}" ), InlineKeyboardButton(text="Status", url=status_link), ] ] ) if status_link else InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="Author", url=f"https://{username}" ) ] ] ) )