import pyrogram async def temp_fix( client: "pyrogram.Client", message: pyrogram.raw.base.Message, users: dict, chats: dict, topics: dict = None, is_scheduled: bool = False, replies: int = 1, business_connection_id: str = None, reply_to_message: "raw.base.Message" = None, ): parsed = await pyrogram.types.Message.old_parse( client, message, users, chats, topics, is_scheduled, replies, business_connection_id, reply_to_message, ) # noqa if ( isinstance(message, pyrogram.raw.types.Message) and message.reply_to and hasattr(message.reply_to, "forum_topic") and message.reply_to.forum_topic and not message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id ): parsed.reply_to_top_message_id = parsed.reply_to_message_id parsed.reply_to_message_id = None parsed.reply_to_message = None return parsed