2022-10-03 16:31:20 +08:00

129 lines
5.7 KiB

import os
import re
from io import BytesIO
from typing import List
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from pyrogram.types import InputMediaPhoto, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton, InputMediaDocument, \
InputMediaAnimation, Message
from init import request
class LofterItem:
def __init__(self, url, audio_link, title: str, origin_url, username, name, comment, tags):
self.url = url
self.audio_link = f"{audio_link}"
self.only_text = url is None
self.file = None
self.origin_url = origin_url
self.username = username
self.text = f"<b>Lofter Status Info</b>\n\n" \
f"<code>{title.strip()}</code>\n\n" \
f"✍️ <a href=\"https://{username}\">{name}</a>\n" \
f"{tags}\n" \
async def init(self):
if self.only_text:
file = await request.get(self.url, timeout=30)
file = BytesIO(file.content) = os.path.basename(self.url).split('?')[0]
self.file = file
async def reply_to(self, message: Message, static: bool = False):
if not self.file:
await self.init()
if static:
await message.reply_document(self.file, caption=self.text, quote=True,
reply_markup=lofter_link(self.url, self.origin_url, self.username))
elif self.only_text:
await message.reply_text(self.text, quote=True, disable_web_page_preview=True,
reply_markup=lofter_link(self.audio_link, self.origin_url, self.username))
await message.reply_animation(self.file, caption=self.text, quote=True,
reply_markup=lofter_link(self.url, self.origin_url, self.username))
await message.reply_photo(self.file, caption=self.text, quote=True,
reply_markup=lofter_link(self.url, self.origin_url, self.username))
async def export(self, static: bool = False, first: bool = False):
if not self.file:
await self.init()
if static:
return InputMediaDocument(self.file, caption=self.text if first else None)
return InputMediaAnimation(self.file, caption=self.text if first else None)
return InputMediaPhoto(self.file, caption=self.text if first else None)
async def input_media(img: List[LofterItem], static: bool = False):
return [(await img[ff].export(static, ff == 0)) for ff in range(len(img))]
async def get_loft(url: str) -> List[LofterItem]:
res = await request.get(url)
assert res.status_code == 200
username, avatar, name, bio, soup = parse_loft_user(url, res.text)
title = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "text"})[-1].getText().strip()
links = soup.findAll("a", {"class": "imgclasstag"})
audio_link = None
audio = soup.find("div", {"class": "img"})
if audio and audio.getText().strip():
title = f"分享音乐:{audio.getText().strip()}\n\n{title}" if title else f"分享音乐:{audio.getText().strip()}"
audio_link = re.findall(r"%26id%3D(.*?)%26", audio.findAll("div")[1].get("onclick"))[0]
comment = soup.findAll("h3", {"class": "nctitle"})
comment_text = "".join(f"{i.getText()} " for i in comment)
if "(" not in comment_text:
comment_text = ""
tags = soup.find("meta", {"name": "Keywords"}).get("content")
tags_text = "".join(f"#{i} " for i in tags.split(","))
return [LofterItem(i.get("bigimgsrc"), audio_link, title, url, username, name, comment_text, tags_text)
for i in links] if links else [
LofterItem(None, audio_link, title, url, username, name, comment_text, tags_text)]
def parse_loft_user(url: str, content: str):
username = urlparse(url).hostname.split(".")[0]
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "lxml")
user = soup.find("div", {"class": "selfinfo"})
avatar = user.find("img").get("src").split("?")[0]
name = user.find("h1").getText()
bio = user.find("div", {"class": "text"}).getText()
return username, avatar, name, bio, soup
async def get_loft_user(url: str):
res = await request.get(url)
assert res.status_code == 200
username, avatar, name, bio, soup = parse_loft_user(url, res.text)
status_link = None
for i in soup.findAll("a"):
url = i.get("href")
if url and "" in url:
status_link = url
text = f"<b>Lofter User Info</b>\n\n" \
f"Name: <code>{name}</code>\n" \
f"Username: <a href=\"https://{username}\">{username}</a>\n" \
f"Bio: <code{bio}</code>"
return text, avatar, username, status_link
def lofter_link(url, origin, username):
return InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Source", url=origin),
InlineKeyboardButton(text="Origin", url=url),
InlineKeyboardButton(text="Author", url=f"https://{username}")]]) if url \
else InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Source", url=origin),
InlineKeyboardButton(text="Author", url=f"https://{username}")]])
def lofter_user_link(username, status_link):
return InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Author", url=f"https://{username}"),
InlineKeyboardButton(text="Status", url=status_link)]]) if status_link else \
InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Author", url=f"https://{username}")]])